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10025762 No.10025762 [Reply] [Original]

Despite the recent sad event, we should remember that Atiyah still is and always will remain one of the best mathematicians of the 20th century. Thank you, Atiyah, for the beautiful mathematics you've provided to us mere mortals!

>> No.10025764

Based Atiyah. I will forever remember your Commutative Algebra.

>> No.10025771

Yeah, his Commutative Algebra is often held(by myself too) as one of the most beautiful textbooks in mathematics. The man was a talented writer, which is not too common among mathematicians.

>> No.10025781

Please stop making threads about this. It's legit making me anxious. The two "papers" that were linked to here apparently were rejected by arxiv, and no wonder. They read like inane ramblings written by schizos, like our resident The Lord, or the average vixra paper.

>> No.10025786

You know, I actually switched to Lang after the reading the first chapter of Atiyah. Maybe I have to switch back considering how long it took me to understand why extending a ring homomorphism is supposed to be non trivial.

>> No.10025787

Everyone by now knows that the proofs contained in the papers are wrong. The point of this thread is to celebrate what he's done in the past, despite what happened today.

>> No.10025820

What happened today, lets talk about that instead.

How was the conference?

>> No.10025833

It went just like most people suspected it would go. People his age just don't prove big conjectures like that.

>> No.10025839


>> No.10025875

Serre is older than him and still killing. He is still publishing, comes to Bourbaki seminars, takes no notes and corrects the speakers. He even gave an excellent talk a few months ago (though not about his own work, as is the norm).

>> No.10025911

what, did somebody point out something wrong or ask a question that screwed his argument over?

why is everybody so sure it’s wrong aside from it looking wacky? only “authority” i’ve seen comments from is Motl who is not an authority and a douche

>> No.10025922

The proof just doesn't make any sense. The statements about the function F don't follow.

>> No.10025958

says who; i want to see somebody who has credentials corroborate this. post a link to your blog if you want me to trust you

>> No.10026000

from the reddit thread:
"He didn't use a single property of the Riemann zeta function (besides it being analytic). If this argument applied, it would show any non-zero analytic function would have no zeros outside the critical line."

>> No.10026004

hurr durr reddit is an authority on math

>> No.10026021

Serre is French. That's different.

>> No.10026022

>muh credentials
You're a retard.

>> No.10026028

>i have no argument

>> No.10026032

So you're not going to address the argument presented?

>> No.10026034

Just read it yourself. In particular from "Now take f = g = F in 2.6" onwards it's just gibberish.

>> No.10026205

>"Now take f = g = F in 2.6"
kek was that supposed to make me laugh ?

>> No.10026222

/r/math unironically has more authority on math than /sci/

>> No.10026548

>only “authority” i’ve seen comments from is Motl who is not an authority and a douche
He knows enough mathematics to know the proof is bull

>> No.10026754
File: 7 KB, 296x260, MICHAEL ATIYAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrote a poem for the old man, what do you think?

>> No.10026781

Mathoverflow >>>>>> /sci/ > /r/math

>> No.10026911

so you're going to blindly listen to an authority figure instead of trying to figure it out yourself?

>> No.10027314

when it comes to online communities YES
because mathoverflow has legit people there who do this for a living
not amphetamine snorting grad students

>> No.10027499

Where does mathstackexchange fit in that comparison?

>> No.10027536
File: 34 KB, 111x189, yukari_mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the FUCKING complex 6-sphere ATIYAH?

>> No.10027791

nlab>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mathoverflow >>>>>> /sci/ > /r/math

>> No.10027833

meh, name a single mathoverflow user who is qualified to take on atiyah

your big expert is who, cleo?

>> No.10027860
File: 132 KB, 300x536, 2018-05-19 13.29.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof doesn't include an example of arbitrary usage

>> No.10027914

No, /sci/ > all, because Atiyah posts on /sci/.

>> No.10027916

I like it.

>> No.10027920

I watched his entire lecture. Despite some rambling, what he said was pretty thought provoking, and there is some basis to a solution here. It will take some time to prove, however.

>> No.10027971

*undergrad students

pretty much anyone there if it's current day Atiyah