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10024304 No.10024304 [Reply] [Original]


unlocking more eggs increases the effects of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

Eggs are the main limitation in terms of genetic selection at the moment. Increasing eggs to arbitrary means you can "roll the dice" endlessly on character creation until you get something almost impossible naturally.

Think, top 1/100000 of potential babies every time.

The future normal genetic pipeline is

Selection -> Editing -> Implantation

This massively improves selection (editing is currently identity function)

Everyone who is bearish on genetics and saying how hard it is, is stupid beyond belief. To give an update on how we are currently 100% eugenic. PGD (implantation screening) is legal in USA and done worldwide. With just this improvement of endless eggs to test it reaches near arbitrary selection ability nearly on par with editing. Meaning even if you could do 100 crispr edits without a problem, selection would out perform it. This is settled already. Right now the limit of around 10 eggs is the biggest barrier, with arbitrary eggs there is literally nothing left in the way.

Selection is as good or better than editing (think rolling the dice over and over and over at character creation). We pure eugenics now.

>> No.10024310

How do you know what genes to select for?

>> No.10024319


Given the above the parents or society, whoever has power over the choice, will decide. It won't be for the same reason every time most likely or maybe it will be. We can't say.

>> No.10024328

are they gametes or just 'egg cells' with an exact copy of dna from the cell?

>> No.10024334

Not really important. I didn't even read the article :^). Important thing is advancing of eugenics and people understanding it's already completely ready. The counter-arguments about difficulty or it's too hard to ever do soon are dead.

>> No.10024340

My main point being that


etc all lead to similar results. There are multiple pathways and potential technologies that result in amazing eugenics

>> No.10024343

basically arbitrary selection is equivalent to arbitrary editing

If I can run this sentence through a simulation and "save" letters, then continue to randomize from those points. I can quickly re-create this sentence from pure random selection.

It likely wouldn't be as quick as editing, but the results are similar. People tend to assume eugenics relies on CRISPR or editing only.

Not realizing the already legal and widespread selection processes are fully eugenic and equivalent to editing (despite much more press for a crispr edit baby).

>> No.10024353

So therefore any boost selection, like creating endless eggs for one particular example, is a huge boost to eugenics.

>> No.10024496

>Selection is as good or better than editing
Only if the time to analyze each embryo is so very small that you can do thousands at a time. Unlikely.

>> No.10024549


>> No.10024585

I can think of one already that would give anyone superhuman endurance. Theres a single man with a single mutation that prevents lactic acid from building up in his tissues. He can run for days, literally, and never seize up. Theres a gene mutation that increases bone density by well over 50%, greatly enhancing resistance to fractures. Muscle can be tuned so that a man is always fairly muscular. The brain can be modified so that the myelin sheaths are further enhanced to speed up transmissions. The necessity of sleep can be nearly eliminated.

Theres so much that can be done.

>> No.10024602

this tech will allow gays to reproduce. what a time to be alive.

>> No.10024677
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Considering this technology would be accessible to most people who live in high HDI countries, what do you think will be the social, political and economic implications of increasing an IQ of a population by more than 18 points within a generation? Ashkenazim Jews have IQs between 110-115, so just imagine having a whole nation of people more smarter than kikes?

>> No.10024685

The result would be the high iq kids suiciding

>> No.10024701

Eventually the scales of nature would be tipped so hard that we wouldnt be able to resist slaughtering the non modified humans, or at the very least, sterilizing them all so their nigger like suffering can finally be brought to an end.

>> No.10024723

Uneconomical. Just one couple trying for a baby would deplete all the capacity of a lab, for unknown period of time.
With editing, you don't need thousands or 10s of thousands eggs for good result.

>> No.10024755

Well there's a thread that says that people with high iq's make shitty leaders. So if the entire population were all super geniuses we'd all die.

>> No.10024841

>geniuses are all retards
Yup checks out

>> No.10024974 [DELETED] 

Interesting enough, one of my political professors said recently that the reason political leadership in the west has been in the decline is partly because talented high IQ people arent going into politics like they did before but are pursuing other far more lucrative careers like Banking which promises more power and wealth to those who manage to reach the top echelons of the corporate world than politics.

>> No.10024986

Interesting enough, one of my political professors said recently that the reason political leadership in the west has been in the decline is partly because talented high IQ people arent going into politics like they did before but are pursuing other far more lucrative careers like Banking which promises more power and wealth to those who manage to reach the top echelons of the corporate world than politics. So now we have brainlet politicians who are easy to manipulate by higher IQ and more powerful capitalists.

>> No.10025020

Are there ppl who actually think anyone but a few elites is getting 170iq children? If they permitted this shit, it would be total chaos imo. Imagine weimar germany but the nazis are all gauss tier, the commies are von neumanns, etc

>> No.10025029

Inb4 some sam harris bullshit about how a generation of geniuses would all affirm milquetoast liberal utilitarian bullshit.
>Ted Kaczynski
>Bobby Fischer
>plato vs aristotle
Imagine thinking genius engenders consensus

>> No.10025047

I thought high IQ people often have somewhat of a disregard for wealth?

>> No.10025057

I think 130-145 is the sweet spot. Otherwise, we'd essentially just have a bunch of Chris Langans and Terry Tao's, who have such high intelligence that they begin to have the ability of rationalizing retarded things.

>> No.10025080

You mean when they start not making sense to the common person?

>> No.10025111

Not really. Without proper guidance, I think even in a world of people at their own ability, freakishly intelligent individuals tend to dedicate themselves to odd ideas which they've formulated purely on their own. Terry Tao, Einstein, Curie, Mendeleev, etc. all were given a relatively good environment early in their life, and ended up working on things in a way which benefited humanity. Chris Langan is a good example of what i think is sort of wasted potential. I personally haven't read the CTMU, but when reading shortened summaries and reviews it seems as if it's not too great. Even Ted Kaczynski is also sort of an example. He didn't have the best early childhood, and i don't think he enjoyed uni too much, which eventually lead to him becoming unnecessarily violent.

>> No.10025129

What are you even trying to say here?

>> No.10025138


I think at a certain IQ, some large quirks might arise which are neccassary for that high IQ.

>> No.10025144

Ted was the victim of a CIA program to drive someone violently insane, so with holding him what are the "unnecessary quirks" of the other people you listed?

>> No.10025180
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>> No.10025270

Chris Langan essentially becoming a shut in, Terry Tao developing a somewhat distorted view (quote: A reasonable amount of intelligence is certainly a necessary (though not sufficient) condition to be a reasonable mathematician. But an exceptional amount of intelligence has almost no bearing on whether one is an exceptional mathematician.), and Ted (The study was intense, but It's far fetched to call 200 hours of personal attacks so traumatic as to cause a bombing spree. In addition, it's not certain the study had any link to MKULTRA) becoming violent. This is a pretty small set of information to make any claim about the hyper intelligent demographic, but they seem "delicate" I guess.

>> No.10025438

genetic sequencing is dropping in price faster than compute power did at it's fastest advancement.

>> No.10025609

there's no need to sterilize them, just do the same technique on them, costs are bound to go down over time, doubly if you add all the new geniuses