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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 640x425, sunscorerota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10019754 No.10019754 [Reply] [Original]

>Provides light for everyone, allowing us to see
>Gives us 99% of our energy, directly or indirectly
>Allows plants to grow, and provides us with nutrition via the food chain
>Brings out cheerful days
>Keeps us warm
>Still looks out for us when it's facing the other side of the earth by using the moon to reflect its light
>Allows us to tell time
>Provides us with a steady gravitational orbit to live in
>Brought in Jupiter to protect us from asteroids
>So shy it'll blind you if you look at it.
>Provides us with some sweet natural phenomena (Aurora, Solar eclipses, etc.)
>Completely chill just hanging out in the middle of nowhere burning away merrily

Thank you based Sol. :)
Say something nice about the only reason you are alive.

>> No.10019788

Did you know the heliocentric model is sun worship?

>> No.10019802

Good. All sun worship is the right type of worship. At the end of the day, all religions are just the worship of a sun god.
Kryptonians had the right idea with Rao.

>> No.10019812

Thanks Sun :O

>> No.10019847

It is a necessary condition, but not sufficient.

>> No.10019854

What do you mean?

>> No.10019960
File: 63 KB, 450x294, eyeallseeingmoney450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All sun worship is the right type of worship.
>At the end of the day, all religions are just the worship of a sun god.
Correct, most are. Jesus is a representation of the sun. 12 disciples = 12 zodiacs, began ministry at age 30 and died at 33, sun enters each zodiac at 30 degrees and leaves at 33 degrees.

The whole "illuminati" thing is based on the "Illuminated ones", commonly associated with the dollar bill as the Eye of Horus, the Egyptian sun God, as the cornerstone of the pyramid. Horizon = Horus risen

>> No.10019971
File: 45 KB, 798x524, E4920723A[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masslets, when well they ever learn?

>> No.10019975

Shut up dumb christoid. Your """"lord"""" would not have existed without SOL. Chirstfags and the dumbass virgin mary can all burn inside SOL.

>> No.10020002
File: 69 KB, 964x679, 1291499-0A4C2C8F000005DC-922_964x679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And which of those overweight fatty stars support life, hmm? Absolutely none of them. Because they're so obese literally nothing wants to be alive around them.
My boi speaks the truth. Sol is by far the best thing in this universe, steady, unchanging for millions of years, supporting us, ever present in our daily lives. It never lets us down, never makes promises it doesn't keep, doesn't ask us to do anything for it at all, not like other "deities". It gives us energy and life whether we hate it or love it or whatever. Unlike virgin-tier gods.

>> No.10020008

I'm not religious dipshit. Why don't you join the Jesuits they worship the sun too?

>> No.10020012

I actually don't believe in the sun (as it's commonly taught in schools). It just doesn't make sense to me that a thing so big could exist so close to us and somehow keep 9 planets in a perfect orbit without just drawing them all into it.

It seems more likely to me that what we call "sun" is just some smaller planet burning very brightly due to some nuclear reaction inside it with a transparent silica exterior, or some sort of meteorological phenomenon caused by earth itself.

Most people think that this means I'm some sort of flat earther, but I'm not retarded, so no, I don't believe the earth is flat.

>> No.10020020

Then what is the earth orbiting around? What is the smaller planet orbiting around? Why aren't we just hurting through space in a straight line? Or, if you think that we are just stationary in space, how do we have seasons? How do we have years? Why is "the sun" (in your eyes, a small planet) so large in our sky compared to other celestial bodies, even larger than the moon, which is even closer than your small planet would be?

This is the problem with flat earthers (not saying you are one) and other people with ridiculous celestial conspiracies. Half of the things they say just doesn't correspond with what we see in the real world.

>> No.10020025

You'd be correct, the sun is about the same size as the moon.

It's electromagnetic, and has some kind of symbiotic relationship with the moon.

>Most people think that this means I'm some sort of flat earther, but I'm not retarded, so no, I don't believe the earth is flat.
If you're not retarded then you're a coward. The earth can be empirically measured using lasers to be flat. Gyroscopes prove the earth is not rotating.

Any "flat earther" that believes the dome model are retarded. Infinite plane is the only logical choice.

>> No.10020062

I don't know what the earth is orbiting around. For all I know, it's not orbiting anything, it may as well be "gliding" along with the other planets in space. Same thing for the smaller planet. Or maybe they're just temporarily orbiting each other until they fall too far into imbalance and collide/throw each other away (which would give the space agencies reason to not tell anyone about this - imagine what the world would be like if we all knew that at any moment we could be thrown into another planet to crash into it). Seasons are the result of geothermal phenomenon (deep sea volcanoes heating up water = currents = moving air around). If the sun is some sort of "glassy exterior" planet then it's not impossible for the light coming from it to be amplified and look bigger to us.

I know it might sound strange, but I find this to be more plausible than a huge flaming behemoth in the center of the milky way that's just so perfectly positioned that none of the 9 planets "falls" into it.

10020025 no (Y*u)s for shitposters, go away

>> No.10020066
File: 63 KB, 736x810, 5zgmjum2a7hz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or, if you think that we are just stationary in space, how do we have seasons?
Due to the sun's movement where it makes tighter circles around the "north" pole during the summer and much wider circles around the "rim" in the winter. This is what creates the sun's analemma.
>How do we have years?
Because we base "years" on the sun's movement.

>Why is "the sun" (in your eyes, a small planet) so large in our sky compared to other celestial bodies, even larger than the moon, which is even closer than your small planet would be?
Pic related, I don't believe the sun is a "planet", but does it really look that much different in size?

>> No.10020104
File: 48 KB, 950x491, constellations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz make it /sci/ related...
Those gibberish are copypasta from /x/


>12 disciples = 12 zodiacs
>sun enters each zodiac at 30 degrees and leaves at 33 degrees.
Also wrong with the modern zodiac.

>> No.10020105

Thank you, CIA. Very cool.

>> No.10020119

>Those gibberish are copypasta from /x/
False. My own research.
What about modern constellations? I'm talking about zodiacs which are much older.

And why's that?

>Also wrong with the modern zodiac.
I'm talking about ancient religions and the zodiacs, why do you keep bringing modern constellations into the discussion when they're completely irrelevant?

>> No.10020122
File: 77 KB, 533x661, Edwin Hubble - "wtf is this shit".jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poop-deck constellation
>Air-pump constellation

>> No.10020127

>I'm talking about ancient religions
Unrelated to /sci/

>> No.10020129

Can you please stop mr sol, I don't want to live like this anymore.

>> No.10020130

What makes you think I'm CIA?

>> No.10020135

>brings about destruction in 2 years

>> No.10020137

Nice dodge.

>> No.10020147

>*kills us all in 2.5 million years*

>> No.10020155

>Implying by that time humanity won't have wiped itself out already by then.
>And if not that, Implying that humanity won't have at least sent out seedships, if not colonized other planets/moons in the solar system.
Humanity's death will not be the fault of the Sun, i can absolutely guarantee that.

>> No.10020165
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, x720-Ru8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaneda plz get out...

>> No.10020211

You are glowing in the dark.

>> No.10020276

Yes, as a CIA agent, I want to spread misinformation regarding the sun and moon on 4chan.

The truth is the sun is 93 million miles away and made of helium and hydrogen fusing in a vacuum, even though gases expand in vacuums, the sheer amount of gravity overcomes this, despite them having the least mass out of all gases we know of. It is purely coincidence that the sun and moon appear the same size in the sky and eclipse each other perfectly, despite their vast differences in size and distance. This is what the CIA doesn't want you to know.

>> No.10020299

The bigger they are, the quicker they burn.

>> No.10020326

It's not like the moon has to be X miles away for it to make total eclipses. There's a fairly large range between too close and too far. We happened to arise in a time when the moon is neither too close nor too far.

>> No.10020329

Sorry can't worship it since it's not white. It's yellow like the chinks.
I'm from /pol/ okay?
I hope you guys understood

>> No.10020331

I think not!

>> No.10020361

It not only needs to be a certain amount of miles away, it needs to be a certain size and a certain orbit. And now you're adding that it needs to be at a certain point in time to witness.

Give me a break.

>> No.10020380

>reading comprehension
Not your strong suit eh?

>> No.10020428

Nice dodge coward.

>> No.10020432 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 960x934, Non+of+these+fagots+preise+princess+celestia+_5ffbac90a74d56fe5108748217ba9185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All sun worship is the right type of worship
U fkn know it

>> No.10020436

Sol is cute as fug, I want to hug it :3

>> No.10020460
File: 1.84 MB, 3096x1200, 75292759202443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck an anthropomorphic representation of Sol? Under the perceived risk of burning your dick/vagina off?

>> No.10020475

In truth it actually IS white. In space, it is seen as white.
It is only the earth's atmosphere scattering light and making it LOOK yellow/orange in sunsets/sunrises.
When it is high in the sky, it is scattered into blue, so the sky looks blue, but it still looks closer to white at that time.
People often colour scientific pictures taken from space of the sun to make it look more familiar as a yellow/orange.
Though the sun also actually peaks in showing green as its highest amount in the visual spectrum, rather than yellow.

>> No.10020479
File: 41 KB, 800x533, 34542123432221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add picture

>> No.10020488
File: 44 KB, 1600x1375, largest-star-in-the-universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020636

That's a pass on the crispy dick for me, otherwise yeah

>> No.10020966

Earth a qt

>> No.10021049

How is that thing not a black hole?

>> No.10021580
File: 7 KB, 207x207, images(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like the idea of waddeling next to thermal vents and hug random members of the community without being accused of rape and assault

Were is your sun god now.

Don't get me wrong I like the sun.

>> No.10022014

>He thinks that the end of the world with the sun being extinguished would be enough to stop retards from crying wolf over every little thing.
How dumb are you scrub? At least in the daylight other people can SEE retards being stupid, so they can't blame you.

>> No.10022362
File: 43 KB, 254x236, 1537494332921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the sun, fuck its kind. Daylight sucks.

>> No.10022640 [DELETED] 

>implying it wont just be the (((rich))) jews getting away while the common man is left to burn up

>> No.10022656

The Sun's only accepted name is the Sun. Everything else is science-fiction meme shit.

>> No.10022696

OP stop regurgitating shit from /pol/'s previous attempt from a few years ago to make solism a thing

Good luck living for more than 10 million years

>impyling we won't starlift all of the metals out of the sun and reduce its mass and thereby extending its lifespan

Yeah, she's pretty hot

>> No.10022904

If there was anything from nature that best deserved the worship of early humans, it would be the Sun.

>> No.10022996

>Mr. Sol's Wild Ride
The ride never ends, anon.

>> No.10023534

Pretty sure the OP was telling us to appreciate the sun, not worship it. Though like >>10022904
says, if anything in existence is worth worshiping, it's the sun.