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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10019158 No.10019158 [Reply] [Original]

Hey sci, what do you think is the route to build a perfect country. Or improving a country in every aspect you can think of. Need professional opinions

>> No.10019159
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Kill all commies.

>> No.10019161

As long as there are jews they will undermine you. It is their nature.

>> No.10019165

Who's paying you to shill on this site?

>> No.10019188


make an official government site where all actions by government employees are logged and public, with multiple-step authentication for citizens and the possibility to vote, maybe just for representatives at the start, but slowly phasing out representatives completely and letting the citizens vote for themselves, also with discussions and official information

>> No.10019192

It's what they say:

>> No.10019194
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Hating commies isn't /pol/, faggot.

>> No.10019206

it's literally politics, so /pol/, retard

>> No.10019210

Solution: Have AI controlled devices in everyone's head that can kill them at any moment. Then, set up a radical capitalist system with no social programs and no handouts, only pure capitalism. Then, have the AI have access to all of our information. If you are a capitalist, and you get out of hand with your monopoly, you are immediately peacefully euthanized, and the AI transfers your funds to your family and workers, so that then that money can be quickly reinvested. AI also euthanizes you if you hoard an unreasonable amount of money, and does the same transfer. This doesn't mean that it will kill you just for having a lot of money in the bank, it will kill you if it sees that despite having a lot of money in your accounts, none of it is getting out towards investing. This would be utopia.

>> No.10019252

I like this, but it would place massive selective pressure against egotism and for altruism, maybe that would be a good thing, or maybe it would evolve the species into a dead end.
Unless reproduction/genes are controlled too I guess.

>> No.10019273

If you have an AI that is good enough to analyse perfect ressource allocation, there is no reason why it should not govern the economy by itself.

>> No.10019284

Nah, hating commies is just buying into propaganda that your dumbass government made like 60 years ago.

>> No.10019286

You realize the majority of wealth of billionaires is in fact invested? They don't keep billions in their bank accounts just sitting there. They usually liquidate some stock if they want to purchase something expensive.

>> No.10019289

it is not propaganda, basically all anti-communist rhetoric is correct, I say it as someone who lived under the system in a former communist country

the system collapsed for a reason

>> No.10019291

Kill yourself.

>> No.10019294

The problem is that the label "communist" is used on anyone even slightly veering from Laissez Faire Capitalism.

>> No.10019304

No, that was 2007. Now, "Nazi" is used on anyone to the right of Stalin.

>> No.10019312

>online voting
what could go wrong?

Get rid of inheritance so earnings are merit based instead of based on who your parents are

>amnesty for illegals
>cuts taxes on the rich, shifts the tax burden to the middle class and borrows a shit ton of money, putting us into a debt spiral
>right wingers worship him somehow


the majority of billionaire wealth resides in assets not investments

>, I say it as someone who lived under the system in a former communist country
every time someone says this, they turn out to be lying

>> No.10019321

Then they won't die, duh. What kind of sub 60 IQ post is this jesus christ.

>> No.10019326

>every time someone says this, they turn out to be lying

Commies are so fucking brainwashed

>> No.10019339

>assets not investments
It's the same thing 95% of the time brainlet.

>> No.10019341

And the people of Eastern Europe who saw millions starve and their countires destroyed under communist rule? Do they only hate communism because of American propoganda from a few years ago?

People hate communism because they want to discuss and debate without fear of being attacked or seeing their books burned because you can not has education until all man has education. Communism is a crutch to keep the smart on the same level as the stupid, the hard working with the lazy and the rich with the poor, all under the thumb of a few manipulative control freaks.

And leftists are too stupid to be on /sci/, go back to /his/.

>> No.10019358

Thread reported, go be poltical somewhere else.

>> No.10019360

t. Never-been-tried brainlet.

>> No.10019361

>every time someone says this, they turn out to be lying
That is a good observation, on the internet anyone could lie. So as a true intellectual that you are, why not go to Cuba and talk to people who couldn't possibly be lying about living in a communist country. If you do this, this is what you will find:

Among the people that are not with the government (who are all rich from corruption), the only citizens with any semblance of prosperity (and here I'm talking at most lower middle class) are the people whose jobs operate in a capitalist manner. What I mean by that is that, for example, veterinarians can charge you for their services while professors can only be paid by the state and their wages are heavily regulated and mandated by big daddy government. Then you will find that not everyone can be a veterinarian, so basically 99.9% of the population is starving every day because they only get 30 bucks a month.

>> No.10020263

Maximum neoliberalsim

>> No.10020503


Perfect country:

small population (at least 500 000, max. 6-8 million)

beautiful nature and nature-friendliness

high iq

free education, government funded


>> No.10020611

Loaded question there /pol/ fag. First you need to properly define perfect and secondly consider that perhaps your concept of a country is antiquated and in need of disposal. Ai for the win.

>> No.10020619

so Finland??

>> No.10020707

Unironically you would have to make an Ethno state or use eugenics to make sure only high IQ individuals live in it.

>> No.10021503

Norway and Switzerland are also nice

>> No.10021507

A libertarian goverment.

>> No.10021540
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>> No.10021545
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>> No.10021548

Remove all borders

>> No.10021552

Wouldn't be "shitpost about rational egoism" the correct term?

>> No.10021557
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UN shills pls go

>> No.10021560

u free territory or revolutionary catalonia?

>> No.10021561

Probably east yurop/Balkans

>> No.10021562
File: 97 KB, 750x1020, ancap-waifu-5958de6255bca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically.

>> No.10021569

>Get rid of inheritance so earnings are merit based instead of based on who your parents are

Merit is highly heritable.