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File: 46 KB, 600x749, abyssrealdoll_16_5_2017_14_2_21_198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10017379 No.10017379 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: what's the best synthetic material to simulate human skin and touch that could be used in future sex robot models?

>> No.10017397

whats the best material to simulate huge boobs?

>> No.10017414

Fat transfer breast enlargement

>> No.10017435

as a calc 1 student, I frown upon this thread.

>> No.10017492
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It's a future trillion dollar market, you should be developing this postulate, not frowning upon it.

>> No.10017713

The right type of silicon should be cheap and good enough. We'll also need some kind of internal heating system. Any engineers here? You are welcome to jump in with suggestions.

>> No.10017986
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Me want that

>> No.10018439

>the absolute state of this board

>> No.10018450

grow skin in a lab
or take skin from an animal

>> No.10018469

Can't we deman for better content.
sage this shit

>> No.10018476

This is just teaching men to objectify women. As a feminist, I certainly hope future legislation is introduced to ban or at least hinder the sale of such demeaning products of a misogynistic nature.

>> No.10018487


>> No.10018529

Like it or not, this shit WILL appear as soon as the technology becomes available. Robotics and androids are still an interesting subject for discussion and a significant engineering challenge (significant enough that we probably wont live to see it) despite the puerile ends such technology will be used for.

>> No.10018542

I suggest we go for the Overlord approach and just farm women for their skin.

>> No.10018553

This thread smells of virginity.

>> No.10018562

As a man who woman would call creepy if I tried to get with them, why do people attack me for acknowledging that, due to my various mental conditions and ugly face, I would not be a good match for any woman in any circumstance? It seems to me like my actions are a net positive on the female gender.

>> No.10018584

I think the current skins like 'cyberskin' feel fine. The biggest problem seems to be that the orifices sometimes tear. I don't know how you could prevent that with current technology. If I were developing these things I would focus on getting the skin to sense touch and respond so they could interact with you.

>> No.10018892
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>I think the current skins like 'cyberskin' feel fine.
Cyberskin doesn't last long or so I heard due to its porous nature.
>If I were developing these things I would focus on getting the skin to sense touch and respond so they could interact with you.
Some of the new models have sensors, but I don't know any details.
There is also a problem of keeping the sexbot at body temperature. You would need hundreds of watt just for that, not counting energy for movement.

>> No.10019039

I'm an engi student, lmao, use small flexible synthetic pipes or "veins" to carry fluid from a heater somewhere in the robot's chest (or somewhere else that you don't wanna be pounding), run the pipes all throughout the robot's body in a loop, that way you can change the temperature relatively quickly as well. For example if you wanted to simulate a subject being unstimulated and then aroused.

I'm an computer engineering student tho so maybe there are thermodynamic flaws in that system that idk about, mech/civil engi's feel free to input.

>> No.10019068

You all need to think outside the box. Imitating skin is not only hard, it's not even that rewarding. If you're ready to make the leap and leave humans behind to be a gearfucker you can probably ditch perfect realism for otherworldly textures.
Look at this guy, he's not human, he's got a big ol gyroscope in his chest. Imagine all the cool acrobatics you could do with that?
Well instead of shitty dildo grade silicone that always feels less smooth than real skin no matter how much they tell you how good it is and is very prone to deterioration why not use textile coverings? They can be silky smooth and are both cheaper and easier to replace. You'll only ever need silicone for the holes

>> No.10019072
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Distilled water as a fluid would be good enough?

>> No.10019118

>In the future we'll be able to 3D print with multiple texture types. Strong carbon fiber for bone like sturdiness, silicone for fat/muscle of ass/pussy for <$100 of material.

>> No.10019212

Yeah even deionised water, any other more specialised fluid would probably be redundant cause you won't be heating the robot above 100 degrees C.

>> No.10019369

Also separate squirting system that can be filled with apple juice just before the coitus.

>> No.10019381

The problem with heating everything, is that with warm blooded creatures, it's a byproduct of energy production. Heating shit with a machine uses a good deal of energy. Not good for battery efficiency. Unless the robot is nuclear powered, maybe only certain areas could be heated. If the robot is nuclear powered though, you could cool it through a coolant circulation system that dissipates heat through the skin and other areas.

Alternatively, the robot could have a water circulatory system near surface skin areas and what not. It then intermittently hooks up to a hot water system and flushes cold water out and circulates in hot water. This would probably be the most feasible right now, using a faucet tap for the bot.

>> No.10019387

Ok, but let's ban casual sex, dildos, and let's also make adultery a federal crime with a prison sentence and loss of parental rights to the victimized spouse too.

I am 100% behind banning sex robots if what I mentioned is part of the bill with no room for false interpretation.

>> No.10019397

I mean you only need sexbot in the bedroom, so you can just run a cord through the robot's eye socket or something.

>> No.10019401
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On the other hand...

>> No.10019420

Why would woman spend money on sexbot, if she can just swipe right on tinder?

>> No.10019430

Fellow calculus student here (second semester, mind you) and I unanimously agree that this thread is a waste of human potential--God gave us such intelligence for the people of scientific and great mathematical inquiry, not the manufacturing of plastic breasts. Man has crafted great achievements like the mean value theorem or interative integrals, and his thread is not one of them!

>> No.10019539

This is applied math.
Blame yourself.

>> No.10019566
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This technology can't arrive soon enough!

>> No.10019578

Why a lifeless, cold contraption when we could have genetically engineered catgirls for domestic use?

>> No.10019694
File: 71 KB, 786x524, scarlett-johansson-robot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10019701

decent bait, 7/10

>> No.10019717

Why I have the feeling that android Chad would just make out with robot Stacy and once again we would be all alone after having built them.

>> No.10019728

>Why I have the feeling that microwave would just warm up my toaster and once again we would be all alone after having built them.

>> No.10019732

>We'll also need some kind of internal heating system

no you won't. if it has any decent amount of power running to it/through it for ambulation its going to generate plenty of waste heat on its own. you just need coolant and a pump to move everything around like this guy said >>10019039

>> No.10019739

actually now that i think about it, sexbots aren't going to be cold. they are in fact going to be uncannily warm due to all the electronics and actuators.

>> No.10019760

The best we have right now is silicone. That is what flesh lights are made of but research is being done on synthetic skin grown in the lab.

>> No.10020030
File: 22 KB, 632x461, Silicon water smart material.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could 3d print the silicone, and have holes in it connected together. This would be real.

>> No.10020044

I like how perhaps the most perverted topic on /sci/ right now is possibly attracting the most on-topic scientific discussion.

>> No.10020075

It's not a bad topic. Some guy from the site_that_shall_not_be_named is organazing a wiki to systemize all the current and emerging tech about anthropomorphic sexbots.

>> No.10020084

Pointless because there's going to be one single breakthrough that makes them legit then you won't need that site anymore

>> No.10020096
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I don't think one single breakthrough would be enough. You need one in computer science (at least some form of weak AI, fluid speech, etc.), material science (skin and bones) and robot locomotion at the bare minimum. I think it will be gradual.

>> No.10020097

We have everything for a very expensive one that feels unrealistic. So just one materials science breakthrough will do it.

>> No.10020120

a tethered version could be created today. if you separate the compute and power supply and only have a motion frame "avatar" that you skin with silicon, you could probably get something under 200 lbs that wouldn't crust your pelvis. maker her like 4' 11" to keep weight down and have the entire exterior skin peel away to be disposable. really nice skins would be expensive but i think "close enough" skins

>> No.10020128

*"close enough" skins could be made cheaply enough for them to be relatively disposable. replace every 4-6 months or so. the "brains" and power supply would just be a big PC tower in your house somewhere.

>> No.10020133
File: 61 KB, 900x500, fan_art__liara_mass_effects_by_hectorandres-d5cw6kr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you show schematically how would it look like in paint for a brainlet like me? I don't quite get it.

>> No.10020144

If unironically fuck that.

>> No.10020164
File: 16 KB, 940x554, close enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10020199
File: 55 KB, 746x884, rBVaEFmZWGeAcB9vAAGJFKL3sYA951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I get it now. But I don't think assigning her "brain" functions to dedicated pc would be neccesary, when we could just put smartphone in her head.
Although, I'm more interested in a motion frame "avatar". That's how they look like today.

>> No.10020225

>when we could just put smartphone
no. nowhere near enough compute to handle ambulation and sensing functions. plus it's extra weight and heat generation. you really have to keep weight down if you actually want this thing to have sex with you without killing you.

>> No.10020599

I really like the idea of a water system running through the bot because it has a lot of utility. in the vagina and anus it can be used to make it self-cleaning and in the mouth you can have salvia in case you want a bj or a k-kiss. she could even sweat and with several sub-loops in different areas you can add things to the coolant water depending on purpose (desinfectant for cleaning, flavoring for salvia, fragrances for sweat etc).

>> No.10020625

_ E
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>> No.10020782

I just imagined a gender rebellion where one of the genders just said "fuck it I've had enough of your shit" and enslaves the other. I feel like that could happen in some timeline

>> No.10021219


>> No.10021237

This looks better than my hand.

>> No.10021398

This is a power thing anon, but alas its literally the only power they have.

>> No.10021514

The real question is how you replicate perspiration and body odor. As a footfag I want a robot with sweaty soles that smell like cheese. As a diaperfag I want to wake up next to my sexbot and be turned on by the scent of a diaper that's been hugging a pussy all night.

>> No.10021541

Degenerate options would come later, I suppose. Maybe something similar to printer cartridges. Can't really find now, but 10 years ago some japanese movie theaters tried to replicate scents in movies, but it didn't go anywhere. Probably because most of them won't be very pleasant, especially in blockbusters.

>> No.10021873

Im gay.

>> No.10022011

That's why I said "a woman".

>> No.10022101

Fuck, this thing is scary.

>> No.10022129

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>> No.10023331

You'll die a virgin, while me and my artificial waifu will have endless happiness.

>> No.10023404
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>> No.10023682


>> No.10024952

At this short range, wireless n is fine

>> No.10025209

power is the biggest reason for a tether. once you have one, you might as well run everything through it.