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10016110 No.10016110 [Reply] [Original]

LADS, imagine how stupid you would have be to send people with no knowledge in science to the mo- oh...

>> No.10016117

Seems pretty smart to me, you wouldn't want to take your best engineers and put them on your experimental rocket and shoot them into deep space would you?

>> No.10016124

Weak bait.

Elon mentioned having "a dozen" people on the trip, obviously that's gonna include professional astronauts/SpaceX staff.

The Japanese guy basically confirmed this on Twitter.

>> No.10016146

His rocket is inefficient. His methods are outdated. The only conclusion?
He will be put out of business.


>> No.10016180

Fuck, did you photoshop that onions face on Elon or have the nosed ones already started sabotaging his meals with pure onions? Jesus. I liked that Elon came out as red pilled but I knew this would happen. No one in the public sphere lasts as red pilled because they immediately get unwillingly onions'd up.

>> No.10016193

lol shut the fuck up retard. the first prototype space vehicles were almost entirely automated, the russians abused this like fucking crazy for the first 10 years of the space race. the only reason manual controls (and windows) exist is because the american pilots insisted. that was with 1970's computer tech.

>> No.10016200

Musk even emphasized that the whole thing was very risky. Some part of me really wants to see Kim Kardashian go on the flight and impact the lunar surface at km/s. Private spaceflight is basically screwed after that though.

>> No.10016714

Its a fully automated rocket on a lunar free return trajectory. The passengers dont have to do anything.

>> No.10017327

Common citizens have no place in space. Period.
It's a place exclusively for scientists and iron willed test pilots demonstrating their nations' technological prowess in rocketry.
What he is doing is pissing on decades of tradition and we should not let him to.

>> No.10017337

>be astronaut
>work really hard and long to work at nasa expecting to go to the Moon and Mars
>no Moon, no Mars, just age, only age
>suddenly weirdo billionaire builds rocket for both and asks for crew to ride on it to the moon
>out of nowhere one's dream is fulfilled finally finally finally all those skills will be put to use in going where only few have gone before!
>rocket is automatic
>your sole purpose to be there is to clean passenger vomit

>> No.10017355

>finally get to be the first guy to step foot on mars
>they let a black female take the first step for progressiveness sake

>> No.10017362

>your place is taken by her because mandated by congress and written in law
>despite you paying for the whole trip

>> No.10017364

Nice bait

>> No.10017378

One of two thing is going to happen.

1. this shit will never get off the ground and nothing will happen

2. it will happen and its going to fail miserably and the last thing the black box on the spaceship will record is a japanese man saying "NANI!"? then a loud explosion

>> No.10017392

I'd worry more about the psychological issues they will meet.

Humans NEED Earth, need connection with nature, need open air, skies, etc.

Being so far away from home will be traumatizing for the unprepared.

Personally I'd never go even if they paid me we aren't made for this.

>> No.10018762

Oh shit dont even joke about that. Hope this overly progressive bullshit will die down by the time we get there.

>> No.10018890

It's a pretty smart move. If the rocket fails, that guy won't come back asking for a refund.

>> No.10018934
File: 1.11 MB, 998x998, 1532501653786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh nooooo we cant calculate the trajectory we are on so we can see if we collide with the Moon...
What ever can we do with the days we have to adjust the trajectory...
If only we had a pocket calculator with us....

>> No.10018959

If it just so happened that a black woman was best suited for the job would that upset you though? I don't give a fuck who gets there first as long as it happens. I think that will be a big moment of unity for all humans. If the race stuff doesn't die down by then I hope it's an Asian dude. I feel like nobody could be that upset about an Asian dude, and people would have a harder time politicizing it. I just don't want political bullshit to ruin that moment.

>> No.10018961

fuck off. He's rich and that gives him the right to do whatever he wants.

>> No.10018969
