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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 426 KB, 630x1190, reproducibility-graphic-online3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10015732 No.10015732 [Reply] [Original]

How do you expect me to believe in man made climate change when most scientists cannot even reproduce or verify other people's work?



Check and mate /sci/

>> No.10015744

People do not expect you to believe shit. Your opinion is irrelevant. Your existence as a life will never even be acknowledged by any entity that has any power what so ever.

>> No.10015748

Why are there so many cringey weirdos like this on /sci/?

>> No.10015754

Go cry in your mommy's lap. Only person that will ever think you are worth shit.

>> No.10015755


>> No.10015758
File: 125 KB, 876x540, AGW CO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe in Global Warming precisely because of the science (and reasoning).

>> No.10015759


Yep, brought up feces in both posts, it's a jew.

>> No.10015768


So sneaky of you.

>> No.10015774

I do believe the globe has been warming.

I do not believe the mainstream theory of CO2 emissions as the cause.

It is typical climate trends and well within expectations if you don't cherry pick chart data from only the past century.

I also expect the recent low levels of sunspots indicate this slight warming hump is peaking, we are 3-5 decades from a noticeable cooling trend.

>> No.10015781

power is nothing more than others sharing your delusions

>> No.10015782

Sorry I was just shitposting, didn't mean to trigger your "muh trump" disorder.

>> No.10015788

Fascinating stuff. Sounds like you are stupid and full of yourself.

>> No.10015800

>I don't believe in Global Warming precisely because of the science (and reasoning).
I don't believe you have any ability to analyze the science and reasoning accurately considering the image you posted shows Greenland temperatures with incorrect dates ("present" in climatology is defined as 1950, not 2000), and yet makes a claim about Earth's CO2 levels. Can you explain to me what the point of all this is?

>> No.10015806

>It is typical climate trends and well within expectations if you don't cherry pick chart data from only the past century.
Which "climate trends" are you referring to? Because it's clearly not typical. Also, the current warming rate is an order of magnitude faster than interglacial warming which is the fastest warming in at least the last 600,000 years.

>> No.10015809

>Scientific facts are delusions
Why exactly are you on this board?

>> No.10015813

>measure of a human's influence over other humans
>definitely quantifiable in any shape or form
shut your mouth

>> No.10015824

>cant no nuffin!!!11111
Why are you on this board?


>> No.10015834

original post I replied to
>Your existence as a life will never even be acknowledged by any entity that has any power what so ever.

are you trying to imply this poster was using the technical definition of the word 'power'?

>> No.10015840

I know it's very hard to read simple English, but where do you see a reference to power in

>Scientific facts are delusions

in response to your claim that

>power is nothing more than others sharing your delusions

>> No.10015843

>posters here will actually leave their basements to go cast a ballot
A bold gambit, Mr Putin

>> No.10015852

in that case, where do you see a mention of scientific facts in the statement
>power is nothing more than others sharing your delusions
unless you believe scientific facts bring about or imply political power, and I'd be happy to tell you why that's untrue in a proper argument

>> No.10015864

>in that case, where do you see a mention of scientific facts in the statement
>power is nothing more than others sharing your delusions
Which delusion do people who claim humans are causing global warming share?

>unless you believe scientific facts bring about or imply political power
No, that's what you claimed by your definition of power, not me. Stop projecting.

>> No.10015867

This is a pervasive issue across many disciplines of science, not simply climate science. There's no special reason here to accept other scientific theories in say, physics and chemistry, while rejecting evidenced theories in climatology on the basis of the replication issue. Let's discuss the particular facts and the reasons why those facts lead to a compelling conclusion that supersedes the others within climate science, shall we?
>evidence that doesn't lead to the conclusion you want it to
Your doubt is misplaced and certainly not justified by this misapplied piece of evidence. Ice cores are only so informative about historical climate cycles, and say very little about the modern warming trend, where the superior instrumental record provides more confidence in the data and a more robust data set to study and draw conclusions from. Multiple lines of evidence confirm the anthropogenic source of the warming trend; for instance, C-14/C-12 ratios in atmospheric CO2.
Well that's great and all, but solar activity, which is periodic and not increasing by much, does not correlate with the century long trend of warming in surface land and sea temperatures of the earth.
This is a very weak argument. Denialists seldom operate according to the facts and data, but seek to cast doubt in any manner possible, including misleading arguments, irrelevant arguments, and outright fabrication. It's disappointing that others are willing to gloss over these serious logical shortcomings and fallacies because they want the denialist conclusion so badly.

>> No.10015880

people see the world in a manner that suits them, or in a way which they can convince themselves is correct. This is their delusion. If they can convince others to wear this worldview, then they now have influence over them. This is political power. They can convince them using any of the ethos, pathos or logos. My original post was just a short little aphorism that wasn't in reference to any particular group or subject matter, I was just poking fun at his appeal to authority.

>> No.10015884
File: 124 KB, 840x975, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how the two large solar cycle are currently transposed? We heated up faster due to this overlap.

>> No.10015901

So where did this data come from, and how do we know it's accurate? There are serious issues with reliability for data reconstructed from proxies. Furthermore, what exactly am I looking at besides an orgy of distinct data plots mismashed together? Genuinely curious.

>> No.10015904
File: 29 KB, 649x477, radiative forcings since 1880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By how much though? If you actually do the math, the variability in the sun's output is a very very small fraction of the output and not significant over the time scale of observed global warming.

>> No.10015921

You have failed to prove that replication has not been used in climate science only that a replication crisis exists.

Think of it this way using an example that should be close to home in your belief system.

"Assault weapons are used in crimes"
"Therefore all assault weapons are used in crimes"

Spot the problem?

>> No.10015931

Thanks is why they take aggregates of many climate models that pass peer review to make protocols and accords.
Kinda like IQ.

>> No.10016037

It's the type of output. And the Earth gets energy from more than just the Sun.

Picture pac man, now calculate how much energy the Sun consumes from just passing through "empty space" at 1/1300th C. Zero point energy is real yes, probably warmer near the galactic core, no? The Suns long orbit around the galactic core has brought us to a warmer spot in the galaxy, again.

>> No.10016039

It came from 8 chan pol, lol

>> No.10016040

back to /pol/ with ye

>> No.10016046

OK, I can see you have no idea what you're talking about.