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10005625 No.10005625 [Reply] [Original]

So we know men are physiologically stronger than women on average (usually by 30-60%), but what studies are there regarding psychologically and just generally cognitive potential?

Men seem innately good with tools, for example.

Any research on this?

>> No.10005648
File: 454 KB, 1200x1600, 229D1291-E1E3-4AC2-8E7E-3921CCB3C929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a study not too long ago that compared IQ/Persoanlity between a couple thousand or so male and females.

From what I recall, men and woman and technically the same when it comes to their cognitive abilities. Woman tend to be more orderly and men tend to be more industrial

>> No.10005649

Can I ask?

Where the fuck do you get these pictures guys? Jesus Wept.

>> No.10005650

>From what I recall, men and woman and technically the same when it comes to their cognitive abilities. Woman tend to be more orderly and men tend to be more industrial

This sounds extremely and intentionally vague.

>> No.10005743

It's basically saying women are more detail and small task oriented and men are more about mass scale efficiency and labor

>> No.10005751

It's essentially impossible to determine because you can't remove the cultural aspect from an experiment without it being ridiculously unethical

>> No.10005772

Men and women have similar median IQ levels, but men have a flatter distribution, leading to over-representation at the two extremes of the spectrum (there are more male retards and geniuses than female)

>> No.10005777

>It's essentially impossible to determine because you caan't remove the cultural aspect from an experiment
Absolutely agree.
>without it being ridiculously unethical
Care to elaborate?

>> No.10005796

wow those two are absolutely disgusting

>> No.10005826

they're 15 and 14 respectively, I believe.

>> No.10005827

This is what a fathers broken dreams look like.

>> No.10005829
File: 122 KB, 552x621, Screenshot_2991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotly debated subject but just taking the weighted mean of the studies that have been done (only on adults/late teens) men have an advantage of... 2 IQ points. See pic related. Which is basically meaningless. It's far closer than say the black-white IQ gap in the US, which is an entire standard deviation (American whites 100, American blacks 85)

Men and women do have many differences.in psychology BEYOND IQ though. For example we know that male baby chimpanzees play with trucks, while females prefer plush dollies. So it seems like common sense (I haven't seen any studies on this but my knowledge of the subject is very elementary) that this carries over into humans. Girls just naturally prefer traditionally feminine things and boys prefer traditionally masculine things. It doesn't mean one is smarter than the other, we're just different in a way that complements the other.

>> No.10005839

you would have to raise an entire generation under conditions that completely separate them from society.

>> No.10005842

Sounds like a dumb thing you read if you got that conclusion.

Men/women have an IQ difference, a cognitive difference on an overall scale. Take the bellcurve for example, men have a lot of variety for our intelligence. From dumb as brick to smart as hell. Where as women aren't so much, they're right in the middle of the pack. Sure there's ocassional annecdotes, but that's that. Look at the list of scientists by gender. List of inventors by gender. List of mathematicians by gender. List of chess masters by gender. List of Go masters by gender. etc.

Cognitive potentials difference is certainly there. On average men's brain are ~10% larger than women, we can attribute that to just physical size ratio difference. There's no direct correlation between brain size/intelligence between different species but there's certainly one within one. Even across race, the brain size factor correlates with IQ, intelligence, etc.

>> No.10005843

>For example we know that male baby chimpanzees play with trucks, while females prefer plush dollies.
[citation needed]

>> No.10005844

"outlier" is the word you're looking for, not "anecdote"

>> No.10005849

No, I meant to use the word anecdotes. Frequent rebuttal to the argument is an anecdote. People are more emotional, so they resort more to personal experience rather than statistical outliers. Especially when it hits their core belief system.

>> No.10005855

id let them rim me

>> No.10005857

id let them suck me if i were their dad

>> No.10005858

I can't be bothered to find studies now, but the way it goes is that both sexes have similar cognitive abilities, but women tend to group around the center of the bell curve. The average is the same, but you'll see more male geniuses and more male psychopaths/other mental illnesses.

On average though, yeah, men tend to be better with spatial tasks (tool use, navigation, etc.) While women tend to be more socially-minded

>> No.10005859

>it would be illegal in my state to rape either one of those chicks
Our laws are so retarded

>> No.10005877
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>chimpanzees- females prefer intants, males rough-and-tumble play

>rhesus monkeys- males vastly prefer wheeled toys, females prefer plush toys

I should add that in the last study, the males tended to show a MUCH greater preference for masculine toys, whereas the girls were more likely to prefer girl toys, but they'd still play with masculine toys as well. So there was a preference for feminine toys, but it wasn't as significant as the male preference for masculine toys.

>> No.10005879

Even if they were 18 it still would be illegal for you to rape them.

>> No.10005889


>vervet monkeys- males prefer cars and trucks, females prefer dollies, both prefer picture books and stuffed dogs equally

There's also a ton of studies (e.g., Berenbaum and Hines, 1992; Campbell et al., 2000; Pasterski et al., 2005; Serbin et al., 2001) showing human male and female children preferring traditionally masculine and feminine toys respectively but you asked about the monkeys...

>> No.10005890

>commiefornian detected

>> No.10005961

God I wish that were me

>> No.10005968

and I bet you call yourself a liberal u fucking oppressor

>> No.10005976

I've seen research showing that the mean IQ is more/less the same, but that the variance in men is much greater. Meaning, women are more distributed around the mean, and with men, there are bot more geniuses and dumb motherfuckers.

>> No.10006006

Even if you could, they wouldn't develop the biological part properly (if you're implying raising some children in a very stripped-down environment). We thrive in the socially-complex.

>> No.10006010

This is widely known man

>> No.10006027



>> No.10006050


Women are exactly as capable with tools. They'd just need to practice using them like men do. It's not a difference in capability. It's a difference in interest.

>> No.10006051


Go read the Damore pamphlet. He cites a few sources for your claims.

>> No.10006452

>I bet
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.10006466

>Women are exactly as capable with tools.
There are numerous skills that would affect the aptitude of using tools and differ between males and females. A prominent example is that men tend to possess greater spacial awareness, which naturally would affect many different tools. Another example is strength, since many tools exist that require high levels of strength to use effectively.

>> No.10006476

Human females have no need to develop their intellect beyond basic social manipulation because it is a waste of their capital since they can get results with the commercialization and marketing of their sexual activity.

>> No.10006491

if there was some would be disinclined to say
regardless outliers are the way forward in discoveries
as well the cognitive potential would perhaps (according to a theory another anon posted that western europeans chose females based on looks and not on intelligence as much) be more present in western european concentrations which is probably why the only female fields medalist was iranian

>> No.10006493

as well in a hunter gatherer scenario the males to have spatial awareness very likely survived/proliferated more

>> No.10006494

By this logic any majority of tools that exist suited for a particular demographic would immediately make that demographic "better with tools".
What the anon you're replying to was getting at was that in general when the skills being used to operate the tools are just your brain and your coordination (there are plenty of tools like that) there's not really a skill gap on average between the genders.

>> No.10006502


natural selection made women submissive and men aggressive and more dominant.

>> No.10006506

From what ive heard woman are better at crunching data but men are better at actually applying the data.
Also woman have a much harder time at taking logical decisions because emotions get in the way.
ive read a study that pointed out that when you have a all female working pool, they are always more efficient when a man is the boss, because when its a woman in lead they automaticaly start undermining the female boss on a subconscious level because they see them as competition, even when there isnt a male around to fight for.
While men, who are notorious for "thinking with their dicks" work just as wel under a female boss as a male boss.

>> No.10006585
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I've seen multiple studies and the difference in IQ can be one way or another, but it's always insignificantly small. At 2-5 points difference IQ doesn't really matter that much and various environmental factors.

Men aren't really innately better than women. It's survivor bias, you only take in account intelligent man, ignoring all these retards who perform much worse than women. And this is the significant difference between women and man. Males have higher variability than women. This is responsible for over representation of males at extremes, both geniuses and idiots, while females are closer to average.

In general, any sex is not really worse. But females are statistically less likely to become a genius or an idiot.


>> No.10006632

what drives the low int variation in men?

>> No.10006641

>low int variation in men
What do you mean?

>> No.10006648

taking weighted mean hides differences in spread.
Supposedly, men have more spread, so both more potato men and genius men than potato women and genius women.

>> No.10006650

what drives the variation?
shouldn't low int variation kill itself off more readily?
why is male intelligence so much more variable compared to female?

>> No.10006670

Females need a social net for support during vulnerable periods like pregnancy and early motherhood. For this, it helps to be more like other people, ergo lower variance.

>> No.10006679
File: 94 KB, 932x653, sex-diff-violin-plot-of-tilt-Wai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-5 points is about the difference between Asians and whites, which is the usual explanation for why Asians commit half the crime and get into top schools at a rate 4-5 times greater.
Pic related - a small difference in the average and the spread can have large differences at the extreme.

>> No.10006684

Y Chromosome. Usually, for any given gene, both copies (one for each chromosome) determine the gene's contribution to the phenotype. Since there is no second X, whatever allele shows up on the single X, the man is stuck with (hemizygosity, ignoring aneuploidy). Same is true of whatever shows up on the Y, but all the coding genes there are for sex-characteristics. As a large number of genes on the X are related to intelligence, you would necessarily have greater variance in men (one X only) as opposed to women; this is inevitable

>> No.10006687

Nah, that's not it. If there's a biological reason driving the difference it's going to be due to the fact that there's a low bar to female reproduction - be fertile, whereas men need to be good at something, whether that's physical force or intelligence or sneakiness, if they want to get a kid they're going to have to work at it.
Women requiring community help to raise children probably influences there preference for 'social' and 'caring' occupations.

>> No.10006689

We don't really know. There might be some culture factor in it, but this variation appears in many animals too.
It might be related to the fact that males usually do the hunting and are dominating so they might get especially rewarded for being clever or unreasonable(likely to take the risk), I wonder if females have higher variation in species where they are the dominant sex.
Things like social net are too recent to have real impact on our genes.

I'm pretty sure their culture play major role in this. They are traditionally obedient and less egoistic.

>> No.10006789

I'm sure culture and environment has an impact - crime rates have varied a lot over the years, but the frequency that the order of black, hispanic, white, asian comes up in crime stats (or any other kinds of stats like school achievement, divorce, drug use, STDs) leads me to believe there's something more to it - and this occurs in different cultural contexts all around the world, among fresh immigrants and 3rd generation Americans.

>> No.10006803
File: 65 KB, 1167x630, iqgap maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like pic related? I've heard this but I've never seen the actual study that makes that claim so if anyone has it I'd like to see it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was true tho.

>> No.10006814

There is good reason to believe the East Asian IQ is more due to genetics than culture.


Don't get me wrong I'm not the "it's 100% all genetics and culture/parenting don't matter at all" but it does seem to be about 70-80% genetics and the culture/parenting is either reinforcing or padding the effects of the underlying genetics.

>> No.10006815

Brainlet confirmed

>> No.10006823
File: 646 KB, 1050x1050, 24q7mk1ooecx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The larger male variation exists in a bunch of traits, so I wouldn't be suprised if it were the same with iq
For example here is grip strength in quite a neat graph
Male variation is ~17 kg, female is ~10
Src https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/4vcxd0/almost_all_men_are_stronger_than_almost_all_women/

>> No.10006827

I wanted this here

>> No.10006838

Sticking chest forward to make tits look bigger.
Dear lordosis what went wrong?

>> No.10006857

I get that y'all are buttmad about something but If you can't back up your assertions with a citation you shouldn't be on /sci/. "Everyone knows" or "it is widely known" is not proof of anything except on /x/.

>> No.10006931

>Things like social net are too recent to have real impact on our genes.
Not true. If I became dictator tomorrow and demanded that everyone below average height be rounded up and executed I'd have a dramatic effect on the gene pool, increasing the concentration of 'tall' genes in the next generation.
Whilst it's not due to the social net exactly, child mortality has dropped massively in the last hundred years or so, from 1 in 3 by age 5 to less than 1%. Obviously this change has occurred most at the impoverished end of the spectrum. This combined with the decreases in fertility starting at the wealthier end has had a massive effect on society. There is good reason to think we are not 'genetically' smarter than we were 150 years ago, and that the Flynn effect has covered up massive dysgenic changes.

>> No.10006938

>Not true. If I became dictator tomorrow and demanded that everyone below average height be rounded up and executed I'd have a dramatic effect on the gene pool, increasing the concentration of 'tall' genes in the next generation.
Well, that's something way more aggressive and on completely different level than some social benefits and culture.

>> No.10006953

If you read the next paragraph you'll see that we've been culling large numbers of people for centuries, mostly based on social position, and then suddenly stopped during the 20th century. Hygiene, health care, benefits, contraception and university has radically altered who produces the next generation.

>> No.10006966
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open with sci-hub.tw
sample sizes are from usa and india which are both canonically white. it's possible india's 7119 students swayed the sample size compared to the 2,053,265 but not likely. it should be noted any sway would be due to nutrition (or lack thereof)

"The present study examines cognitive ability tilt across the last 35 years in 2,053,265 academically talented students in the U.S. (SAT, ACT, EXPLORE) and 7119 students in India (ASSET) who were in the top 5% of cognitive ability, populations that largely feed high level STEM and other occupations."

"sex differences in ability tilt were uncovered, favoring males for math > verbal and favoring females for verbal > math."

didn't account for genetics of the sample populations and therefore didn't include origin of students
pretty sure it's just a western european thing if it's ever this extreme in something that matters
>literal grade 8,9 test scores used and then high school exit tests in an already biased population (top 5% "cognitive ability" that goes to stem mostly)
interestingly enough, according to the grade 8 and 9 test scores the "Level of Ability" gap between charts actually seems to grow implying (if true in a way that matters) that adults get the variation more. there's a joke in this somewhere
also loling at this heavily biased and heavily arbitrary ability tilt bias which again doesn't account for ethnicity.
[math] Y(tilt)_{it} = \alpha_i + \beta_1(sex)_i + \beta_2(year)_i + \beta_3(sex)_i * (year)_{it} + \epsilon_{it} [/math]
they probs had a statistician go in and find a model with high difference.
and to top it off Johnathan Wai and his cabal are psychologists

tldr; can't fit this with my comment xD

gonna work on other things like the joke. i usually avoid threads like these anyway as they're pointless (pretty sure race mixing is the real killer here) and the outliers will always beast

>> No.10006997


>> No.10007008

Women have more stored fats and so survive longer in freezing conditions and under starvation.

>> No.10007013

Someone else also complained about my post why do you need to do the same?

>> No.10007021

You only need one person to give you the facts
It takes multiple to let you know just how many people think you're an idiot

>> No.10007024

>it is widely known that you are an idiot
[citation needed]

>> No.10007029

Are you feverish? Are you seeing spots? Do you need me to take you to a hospital? Why are you hallucinating sentences I never spoke?

>> No.10007035

I've been taking (you)s to keep my fever down thanks for the extra supply.

>> No.10007037

Alright, well I have to go to work, big guy. Watch some TV and have some of that soup I made you. You know what my cell number is, call me if you need anything.
Love you, tiger

>> No.10007043

That’s true for the average. However, men are up to one standard deviation smarter in spatial abilities than women.

>> No.10007049

IQ articles are usually extrapolated from school test scores.
Since not all people apply themselves in school it means it's all fake analysis and psuedoscience

>> No.10007053

Wow, thanks for clearing that up anon

>> No.10007061

>Men inventing basically everything doesn't mean shit to me.
Nature does not have to be fair.

>> No.10007070

So what I'm getting from this thread is men are slightly smarter on average, meaning it's generally meaningless. However men have more geniuses and idiots than women, whereas women tend to remain somewhere in the middle of the curve. Is this correct?

>> No.10007108

Test all cultures and compare the results for similarities.

>> No.10007120

13 year olds whores upload them themselves. Do you live in a cave?

>> No.10007137

Would genuinely bang the one on the left

>> No.10007181
File: 73 KB, 750x562, smug anime gril 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking proofs for widely known facts.
Found the white knight.

>> No.10007233

>Since not all people apply themselves in school it means it's all fake analysis and psuedoscience
Only literal retards would fail to apply themselves when presented with the SAT/ASVAB/ACT or a similar test of cognitive ability, because doing so would hinder the test-taker´s chances of success .

Some people may legitimately "pretend to be retarded" when writing such tests, but such an attitude reflects of a low intelligence to begin with, and as such the statistics remain fairly accurate in spite of these unfortunate people doing everything in their power to suppress their awareness of their own brainletism.

>> No.10007237

Sample size of 1 I didn't know that "widely known fact"

>> No.10007240

That's on you, not on the rest of humanity.

>> No.10007302

Talk with a woman in university and talk with a non alcoholic/drug abusing male in the lower class with, at best, high school education.

You will figuring out very fast, that even males in the lowest class are more capable of complex logical thinking and problem solving than any female ever entered a university.
Back then, governments were smarter, they realized the inferiority of the female gender and gave them no rights, like it should be.

>> No.10007327

>Things like social net are too recent to have real impact on our genes
Socialization is a recent human invention? What about pack animals like wolves and buffalo?

>> No.10007362

>what is animal experimentation
Just an example: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v7/n10/full/nn1325.html

>> No.10007381
File: 408 KB, 1043x627, brainvolumegender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are brainlets scientifically

>> No.10007383

I'm guessing you're misinterpreting the heritability metric. One important thing to consider is that environmental factors (parenting, wealth, education, nutrition, culture...) may themselves have a genetic origin.
This article by Flynn is a good read on that topic:

>> No.10007415

>(usually by 30-60%)
only that? damn

>> No.10007626

Even if that was correct, then what kind of boring-ass worthless life would that be?

>> No.10007656
File: 165 KB, 1123x1200, DUto_D3VQAAtcn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched a video about the lack of female professional video game players and the conclusion they drew is that cognitive differences are the result of the female BODY being unable to supply power to the brain for as long as a male body. In other words, females will always perform just as well as males when it comes to simple tests performed over a short amount of time, but they will start lagging behind in improvement over long periods of time because they cannot put the same amount of time into a task per day as a male can.

>> No.10007673
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Of course, but that doesn't change the fact that groups still, even after adjusting for environmental factors, differ in IQ generation to generation.

>Consider a hypothetical garden in which two crops of corn, crop A and crop B, were planted in poor soil. Let’s suppose that corn stocks from crop A were, on average, 5 inches taller than corn stocks from crop B. Now, imagine that the bad soil of the garden was replaced with good soil and, as a result, the height of both crops increased by an average of 6 inches. Because both crop’s height increased by the same amount, the 5-inch gap between crop A and crop B remains.
>What does this “Flynn Effect” in height tell us about the causes of the crop height gap? Nothing. This story is obviously fully consistent with the gap being entirely due to genes, the environment, or some combination of the two, even though crop B stocks of the “good soil generation” are taller than crop A stocks of the “poor quality soil generation”.
>The same logic can be applied to individual differences: that the environment can cause large IQ differences between people over generations tells us nothing about why people within a single generation differ in IQ.

>> No.10007724

Spatial intelligence is much better in males.

>> No.10008500

>basically woman can't ever be autistic

>> No.10008527

those girls are underage, this thread is being reported you fucking creep

>> No.10008532

What about female pilots who must stay alert and active for hours and hours?

>> No.10008535

this was a brainlet post, you fucking idiot. The other anon is stupid too, but jesus christ are you undiscerning and just not very thoughtful! bad trait if you work in STEM man

>> No.10008542

there's a huge difference in grey matter/white matter in males/females and this probably causes most of the psychological differences outside of hormonal and sex chromosome related things.

>> No.10008715

>being underage girl is now illegal
What a fag.