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10004939 No.10004939 [Reply] [Original]

Medical school and residency sound like suicide levels of hours and work. How do doctors/residents/students in /sci/ get through it?

>> No.10004943

they SELL their souls to THE DE3VIL to do it
789 do the math nerd

>> No.10004950

when you're 10 you study an hour a day
when you're 15 you study 2 hours a day
when you're 18 you study 4 hours a day
and when you join med school you study 6 hours a day

most people stop studying more than an hour a day at 15, those people don't get through med school

>> No.10004969

18 hour residency shifts. My friend told me to go to dental school instead

>> No.10005009

>and when you join med school you study 6 hours a day
This doesn't sound that bad to be honest. It's just 24+ hour shifts or whatever that scare me.

>> No.10005055

24s suck but 7 12s on and off is awesome.

>> No.10005063

Does this mean 7 12 hour shifts and 7 days off or just 7 12 hour shifts 7 12 hour "shifts" off? The latter means 4 hours of time that's not job or sleeping.

>> No.10005093

You work 12 on 12 off for seven days, then don't work for seven days. It's a common ICU and IM schedule.

>> No.10005102

There is this thing called money, and if you are able to get your hands on lots of it you can spend three days in Thailand fucking an army child sex slaves while drowning yourself (and them) in cocaine.

This is the thought going through the mind of your pediatrician while he is checking on your child.

>> No.10005190

lower your expectations for personal comfort
Have the machine inside of you

>> No.10005345

i dunno man, moment to moment it doesn't seem too bad, you're still under the supervision of an attending physician, a resident's life is basically ten minute consultations plus note taking, I dunno honestly it doesn't seem too bad for the overwhelming majority of specialities the overwhelming majority of cases in hospitals are not even really life threatening

the only ones who really have it bad are probably surgery residents but even they have a lot of downtime in between actual surgeries doing absolutely nothing

am I wrong? there are worse ways to spend 18 hours a day, people doing 12 hour shifts on offshore rigs or truckers driving for 18 hours straight to the point where they need to smoke meth just to stay awake have it way worse methinks

>> No.10005397

Good ol' fashion motivation.

By which I mean cocaine