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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10001475 No.10001475 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/
At risk of sounding like a completely illiterate animal I'm asking any of you for advice in how to learn math.
Any sites, resources, apps, etc.

You see the thing is that when i was a kid i just refused to learn that shit because of how it was shoved down my throat.

RN I'm about to enter college and i realized that i cannot bullshit my way through that as i did for high school.

I legitimately don't know anything besides the most basic arithmetic operations and i least need to have a grasp on what the fuck am i doing.

I can learn fast, that I'm sure of. But i need to know where to go to learn some mid to mildly advanced shit quickly.

Idk, algebra, calculus, trig, and all that stuff.

Pls help?

>> No.10001519

ill be nice and piss off the autists

>khan academy
>mit courseware
>/sci/ wikia page
>tutor at the math center at your uni
>show up to class, do hw, do end of chapter problems, stuy

>> No.10001546

I'll try khan academy, thanks.
I'll have to do this in sort of secret because reasons.

Once i have enough level to at least pass as a normal graduate I'll seek a tutor.

Thank you anon

>> No.10001665

what are you majoring in? You don't need a lot of math outside math, CS, physics, engineering (but you need some, so I think you're doing the right thing anyway)

>> No.10001731

I'm going for either economy or international trading

>> No.10001804

Pirate some student literature
Like download a calculus or algebra book or something gee i dunno

>> No.10001938
File: 52 KB, 650x550, DBC8EEB6-BB82-46A7-8386-DB846EE47454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promise me you work hard, ok?

Recommended books:

You can download math books for free at:

>> No.10002006

>learn math alone
This is genuinely much better than some teacher teacher or lecturer rambling at mach speed.

Unless you have someone who you can have regular private sessions with.

>> No.10002021
File: 55 KB, 338x514, AF02E27D-87BB-4B41-956B-FA1D8C09498D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image made me happy

>> No.10002122

KhanAcademy for the basics, Velleman's How to Prove It to learn how to do proofs, then subject-specific textbooks in whatever you're interested in (analysis / topology is good in general, I think).

If there are any mathematical methods that are needed for your course, they'll probably be taught along with it, so don't worry if you know it up to a high-school level but still can't do the mechanics of like triple integrals or something.

>> No.10002348
File: 23 KB, 544x529, 10277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see the thing is that when i was a kid i just refused to learn that shit because of how it was shoved down my throat

>> No.10002367

Study hard

>> No.10002415



*breaks down and sobs*

>> No.10002638

learn matrices/matrixes idk how its called in english

>> No.10002664

try pajeet academy

>> No.10002667

also use libgen

>> No.10002686

The fuck are those?

>> No.10002766

Anon, I...

>> No.10002897

Oh whatever dude, most people are honestly shit at math. Stop being embarrassed.

>> No.10002967
File: 11 KB, 400x203, 370573.image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are matrices

>> No.10002977
File: 23 KB, 1057x367, V1299vy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys in sort of a similar situation as OP. Just want to get smarter and shit. could you guys take a peek at my djvus and tell me if ive got everything i need/if i am missing something?

>> No.10003008

Yes, George Chrystal Elementary Algebra. Check it out.

>> No.10003042
File: 26 KB, 766x367, explorer_2018-09-14_15-41-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok that look better? i tried to order it in a way that is a bit more chronological towards enlightenment

>> No.10003048

**forgot to add but I've passed algebra and precalc college-wise. I left off at calculus though.

>> No.10003130

George Chrystal 'Elementary' Algebra Vol 1 and 2 aren't really elementary level. It's high level shit. You can learn a lot from those two volumes.

>> No.10003143

oh ok where would it go then?

>> No.10003150

That order is ok I guess, but I find focusing on a few books at a time refreshing.

>> No.10003159
File: 22 KB, 128x128, hahayes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright thanks for the help anon

>> No.10003523

I still have no idea what the fuck are those senpai :l

What are they used for?

>> No.10003537

Total brainlet here what would help me with basic math?

>> No.10003539


>> No.10003545

elementary school math textbooks

>> No.10003551

Where could i find them online?

>> No.10003711

Read the fucking thread

>> No.10004429

>What are they used for?
In your case, Econometrics. Dude, fucking learn those if you want to get into Economics.
Get a book on Linear Algebra and devour it if necessary.
You also want to excel in Statistics. You have to be as good as the statisticians.

>> No.10004769

Is that a real cappuccino with cat?

>> No.10005457


>> No.10005492

Don't they teach linear algebra in high school

>> No.10005886

Do you guys know any sites with both problems and solutions posted ? like I want to practice the problems but also get the solutions so I know that am right - I know khan academy is kind of like one, but like for other fields of math

>> No.10005904

Khan academy is good
check them out on youtube

be sure to visit your math tutorial center at your university. We'll help you out.

If you have a TA, be sure you meet with him or her during their office hours for extra help.

if you really want to learn, try doing all of the exercises yourself from your math textbook. you only really get better at math by doing the problems yourself. you will stuck but this is fine! ask for hints rather for solutions so that you get better

and stuff idk

>> No.10005930

I skipped it.
As i say i bullshitted everything up to know

>> No.10005937

You're gonna need to take calculus 1-3 or however the sequence is structured at your uni, probability, and some statistics related courses. Linear algebra isn't mandatory at the undergrad level, but I would recommend taking it if possible, it's extremely useful.

So yeah you're gonna want to have precalculus related subjects down before uni, or take a precalculus course your first semester.

t. economics major

>> No.10005940

da fuck r those gay characters inside the brackets? iz dey n-numbars or some shit? I hear ppl talk bout them but I dn no wht they for?

>> No.10007225

trying too hard