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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10000288 No.10000288 [Reply] [Original]


So, since nobody knows what the fuck consciousness is. And the interruption of consciousness could be seen as dying consider that this happens every night:

>hypnic jerks resemble the "jump" experienced by a person when startled,[1] sometimes accompanied by a falling sensation.[2] Hypnic jerks are associated with a rapid heartbeat, quickened breathing, sweat, and sometimes "a peculiar sensory feeling of 'shock' or 'falling into the void'".

Will I die tonight, anons? Will someone else wake up in my body with my memories, except the memory of me dying?

>> No.10000338

What about (lucid) dreams though? Is it the old me or the new one?

>> No.10000359

We are dying and being reborn every nanosecond of our lives.

>> No.10000384

What about blackouts (due to heavy drinking)?
What about losing consciousness due to rapid decrease in blood pressure?
What about dissociative drugs and anesthesia?
What about hallucinogens that significantly alter the "default level" consciousness into something completely different?

Your consciousness is simply the emerging property of all those complex stuff going on in your brain. Neurons work at lower base level and differently and metabolically different shit happens so you can get through your experience of the day (learn, rest, process, ...)
There's all sorts of reasons why you don't/can't experience the world around you consciously, and it's not needed per se. People have gotten home/riden a bike (probably even driven cars, although I fucking hate drunk drivers) after gotten black out drunk.
Actually, now that I'm talking about this thing.. blackouts are not necessarily a loss of consciousness, but the inability to form a recollection of the past events. So, I guess you still operate on a barely functional conscious level when you get to hammered status or some shit. Perhaps you become completely autonomous. Who the fuck can tell, all I know is that alcohol does weird things to you when it reaches high levels in your blood.

>> No.10000399
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Consciousness is a dumb popsci myth. It doesn't exist, has never been even hinted at much less proven by any evidence.

>> No.10000646

>le consciousness = soul meme

>> No.10000745

your body starts disregarding input from pressure receptors and position receptors in your body.

no pressure felt on body + no motion = falling according to your brain.


>> No.10000958

your brain doesn't turn off when it sleeps
I mean for fucks sake you can turn fully conscious when you're dreaming

>> No.10000982


what are you doing right now dumbass

>> No.10001002

>the interruption of consciousness could be seen as dying
No. You are a p zombie. Die the death of a cold machine.

>> No.10001014

>sleeping is an inertial frame
Really activates my almonds.

>> No.10001073

the consciousness-lapse-death is an interesting theory, but i never really understood the issue with it. assuming it is true, does it really make a difference whether or not? from your own point of view (and also everyone else's), you're still the same consciousness experiencing the same memories when you wake up. it's still a constant stream, and it's not like you process the feeling of your consciousness may die each night. you still "feel" like it's "you."

>> No.10001087
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Pointing out delusional consciousnessfags

>> No.10001367

I have a personal experience related to this, I triggered one of these voluntarly by trying to imagine traveling through time. I had the sensation that everrything disappeared except me and the chair I was sitting on. Completely surrounded by infinite projections of the room. I almost fell off the chair before gaining control of the situation again. All of this happened over the course of 1 minute top. It was the same process that triggers lucid dreaming for me.

Beside that I also experience proper Hypnic jerks while falling asleep from time to time.

>> No.10002715

Its interesting though that you waking up from sleep is indistinguishable from you being born and all the memories etc being implanted in you at birth..

>> No.10002723

I had an interesting experience. I get sleep paralysis on a regular basis. Once i was having it and everything went black and i just fell through my bed and i fell straight into a dream continuously and was lucid. Ive also had it in dreams where i could feel the bed im laying on while asleep and then as the sensation gets stronger i wake up. I get lucid dreams quite abit but ive had them so much where i get this weird thing where i wake up from a lucid dream, but im really still asleep and have just woken up in the dream and i think im awake but im not. I get that in sleep paralysis alot too. Thinking ive woken up from it but Ive just gone into a dream.

>> No.10002749

What is going on inside your head right now?

>> No.10003044

Not fucking consciousness that's for sure. Give one proof that this pseudoscientific BS is not just a meme word dumb people keep throwing around that is empirically meaningless like 'god'.

>> No.10003051

What about consciousness in the easy sense? The sense that can be modelled? You think thats real right??

>> No.10003053

It's what's going on inside your head, your thoughts. Prove you have no consciousness.

>> No.10003058

Oppositional Intelligence vs Intelligent Aggravationals
Sol is my 4chan.



>> No.10003068

not science or math

not science or math

not science or math

not science or math

not science or math

not science or math

>> No.10003077

That is exactly my point , consciousness is unfalsifiable because it was intentionally invented to be that. as in pseudoscientific shit with no basis in reality just like religion.

Consciousnessfags just fuck around with language to make it seem like there's some invisible magic ghost in every human that experiences what he experiences but give no proof that this shit is real.

I ask you again give me undeniable empirical proof that anything has any form of consciousness.

>> No.10003078

>not science or math
Without you giving a specific topic/context, simply spouting, "not science or math," achieves nothing except wasted brain compute cycles (or ya might still be a chat-brain bot)

>> No.10003107

this thread is not scientific or mathematical . consciousness is pseudoscience , might as well make a thread about ghosts and reincarnations .

>> No.10003123

lol at people trying to argue like retards that there is no conciousness, completely convinced that they are deterministic machines with no soul but defending their opinion because of (reasons?

>> No.10003133

How the fuck has it no basis in reality, you've literally experienced it every waking second of your life

>Consciousnessfags just fuck around with language to make it seem like there's some invisible magic ghost in every human that experiences what he experiences
This is a gross oversimplification and an extreme generalization. 99% of the sane population are "consciousnessfags" (because they acknowledge consciousness exists), and yet there are a FUCKTON of different definitions of it.

>> No.10003137

Never heard of clinical consciousness research?

>> No.10003145

are we really sure that we know all of the principles behind the human brain? how about quantum mind? is it completely ruled out?

>> No.10003148

Yes we do experience things, but is it anything different from your brain activities? I think not. Is it a quantifiable structure of science? I think not. It is completely redundant in scientific explanation or any useful fashion.

>> No.10003152

Its a possibility but it won't solve the hard problem. It still presents the same problem. A quantum p-zombie is about as useful as the conventional p-zombie.

>> No.10003171

>I think not.
doesnt matter what you think its DEFINITELY not science.

Proper science research requires a given set of objectively describable pre set circumstances, they are not met for this kind of research, its that simple

>> No.10003392

you don't even have proof consciousness is continuous from moment to moment while awake, so don't worry about it

>> No.10003403

>sometimes accompanied by a falling sensation.[2] Hypnic jerks are associated with a rapid heartbeat, quickened breathing, sweat, and sometimes "a peculiar sensory feeling of 'shock' or 'falling into the void'".

All of these are muscular events. Not surprising because of how, you know, muscle relaxation and tension is governed by ACETYLCHOLINE?The thing that causes you to dream?
Y'all ignorant.

>> No.10003448

How do you differentiate those nouns, if it has given many cultures a way to sustain their existence for at least 'great-great-grandmother', how does that not count?

>> No.10003480

give one study that proves consciousness exists

>> No.10003492

I observed your qualia to the OP's quanta, what part are you missing? Magic wand?

>> No.10003493

> you've literally experienced it every waking second of your life
what does that even mean
if by 'experienced it' you mean my body processes the world and reacts to this input then yes, that's not what consciousnessfags claim , they claim there's something that isnt the physical processes in your brain that 'experiance' things .

every consciousnessfag i ever spoke to gave a poorly defined description of it and never proved it even exists .

if you claim consciousness exists you are 'not even wrong'
if i claim it dosnt exist my claim is just as valid as yours because both are unfalisifiable , have no truth value .

it's the same as me claiming theres is a huge invisible bucket full of shit made from special particles that dont interact with any known form of matter\energy on your head right now , you cant disprove me because it is a non-statement .

>> No.10003497
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>> No.10003501

Are you just curious as to how/when it will benefit you, beyond the usual 'life process'?

>> No.10003504

There have been countless studies on this though, whether it be through reading the brainwaves of monks in meditation, that experiment where two people were hooked up to sensors and told to write electronic messages telepathically, analysis and assessment of the gateway process by the cia, so on and so forth.
We know conciousness is energy made up by some sort of detectable electromagnetic waves but we can't explain the why and the how of the works and where it came from and where it goes when we die, which is the concept religion exploits.

>> No.10003505

Btw I actually agree more with the duck, I just wanted an excuse to post that pic.

>> No.10003509

Then get angrier, O' Divine Righteous Fury Man.

>> No.10003511

Why are you even on this board?
If you don't believe in conciousness what meaning is there to have an interest in science or math at all?

>> No.10003515

im not curious as to how it benefits me im asking you to present any proof it even exists .

Why are you even on this board?
If you don't believe in the invisible floating shit bucket (that dosnt interact with known matter\energy) what meaning is there to have an interest in science or math at all?

consciousnessfags really are brainlet-tier

>> No.10003518

Energy cannot be created nor detroyed, also nice one sidestepping my question immediately jumping to insults with no factual argumentation of your own and not responding to my previous comment, nigger.

>> No.10003522

because it's a dumb question , people engaged in science and math for thousands of years without having consciousness

>> No.10003526

What value would the proof provide? That we are all 'one connected' style hivemind? Memes already do that.

>> No.10003527

You don't even know what you're talking about, you sound like an edgy highschooler going through his atheist phase, sit the fuck down.
The ancients still questioned what it is that makes us conscious, those kind of questions were the roots of religion yes, but also of science in tandem with questions of what the universe is, how it is, and how it came to be, with the roots of math being in accounting for personal properties when civilization was formed.

>> No.10003705

>what it is that makes us conscious
we're not conscious , nothing is

>> No.10004475

The true irony is that you're the one who keeps bringing this question up.

>> No.10004491
File: 84 KB, 1039x1000, 21054958_1329063833870418_8684630255251741438_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you even on this board?
question ? because i know why im here . what im asking is why this thread is here given it's not science nor mathematics .

consciousness threads blong on /x/

>> No.10005067

I love people who passionately argue about themselves not being concious.

If youre a deterministic machine why are you so passionate about defending your ideas to an internet stranger, if you really thought you were a deterministic dead thing you would not care about these things

>> No.10005092

This statement is so fellatious I'm not going to dignify it.

>> No.10005139

fallacious you mean?

>> No.10005304
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No. fellatious.

>> No.10005310

How is a sensory feeling of falling into a void muscular?

>> No.10005367

Haven't you ever had a feeling where you stomach drops like you're on a rollercoaster out of nowhere? It's like that, the full body anxious dropping feeling.

>> No.10005371

Seems more proprioceptive to me, chief

>> No.10005405

I used to get these a LOT for a couple days after taking MDMA but now it’s stopped happening. I guess I succeeded in killing off that part of my brain :3

>> No.10005852

Why would I not argue against /x/ tier pseudoscience on a science board ?

What does not having a consciousness have to do with arguing against it . That's like saying only those who believe in ghosts would argue against ghosts.

And my claim wasn't that consciousness doesn't exist it's that it is poorly defined pseudoscience. Saying it exists and it doesn't exist are the same because you can't measure any difference between a toothbrush and a toothbrush with consciousness™

>> No.10007422

At least you realize that arguing against the what conciousness is and it's existence puts you in the same category as religious zealots who believe in a god and the idea that their conciousness has a set purpose whether they know it or not.
However, you still have yet to form a valid argument against the existence of decades worth of studies that provide evidence that conciousness is a real thing made up by electromagnetic energy that cannot be created or destroyed.
If anything your stubborn argument is psuedoscientific, as you are simply outright denying the existence of conciousness with no factual information that debunks actual scientific study of the topic.
We know conciousness is real, we just don't know the how, the why, where it came from or where it goes.
Those unknown factors don't negate it's existence though.

>> No.10008674

Give one proof for it's existence

>> No.10010559

Are you retarded? If there's no such thing as consciousness than what difference does it make if a person is conscious or unconscious (asleep or otherwise incapacitated) by your assumption - there is no difference!

>> No.10010583

>i get this weird thing where i wake up from a lucid dream, but im really still asleep and have just woken up in the dream and i think im awake but im not. I get that in sleep paralysis alot too. Thinking ive woken up from it but Ive just gone into a dream.

False Awakening, semi-common in lucid dreamers

>> No.10011961

and some people are more conscious than others yeah

>> No.10012242

Do you know what proprioception is?

>> No.10012248

Nothing. He's an NPC

>> No.10013121

The awareness of the physical location of your body parts?

>> No.10013366 [DELETED] 


>> No.10013414

Your self is an illusion, but for all intents and purposes it is treated as a real thing.

>> No.10013452

Cogito ergo sum

>> No.10013464

Only an illusion would care so much about convincing others that it's real. Things that aren't transient don't need anyone to believe they exist

>> No.10013736


I used to get this along with sleep paralysis during stressful periods. I also found that proper nutrition and proper sleep hygiene has helped.

>> No.10014465

Are you saying that you literally have no qualia, experience, perception or self-awareness?

Unless your internal life is indistinguishable from that of a boulder you've just misunderstood what consciousness means.

>> No.10014467

Oh wait wait I think I get it. Is it that you think consciousness means dualism?

>> No.10014503

Obviously living things react to their sorroundings and process sensory information,this is a purely physical process ,there is no ' consciousness that experiences it ' as consciousnessfags claim

Consciousnessfags claim humans are fundamentally different then for example a computer CPU processing inputs according to software because the human has consciousness, this is false. Obviously one evolved and the other is designed but other then that they're not fundamentally different

>> No.10014510
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Dualism is one of the things I mean by it but not everything .
I guess I mean everything in pic related other then behaviorism.humans are not really self aware they only use refer to themselves in language because doing so is useful.theyre no more aware of their own existence then a CPU is when it sends an instruction to it's referring to it's own registers.

>> No.10014520


These things don't exist. You can test that someone recognizes themselves in a morror, but you can't prove "awareness" as it isn't a thing. How can you tell a rule bound Chinese translator box from a native speaker? You can't, since they're the same.

>> No.10014531


I genuinely can't understand your perspective as something other than a confusion of terms.

It's not about whether consciousness is physical or non-physical, or the manner in which it is dependent on the brain.

It's about qualia. If you touch a red hot piece of metal, there is not just a message relayed to your brain and a reflexive withdrawing of your hand, there is pain, not pain as in "the pain response was activated and the subject reacted accordingly", but inside your skull, in you hand, there the feeling, the experience, of pain. Experience is consciousness. That's what consciousness means-feeling/experiencing things. It's like you think consciousness means a soul, or something separable from the brain. It doesn't necessarily.

Like I don't know how to even phrase things so fundamental. I don't believe in philosophical zombies, so I know you're a conscious entity. Like the proof is right there but it's like you've adopted a completely divergent definition of the word consciousness.

Are you saying that you're no different, in terms of experience, than a boulder

>you can test that someone recognizes themselves in a morror

The word recognize implies consciousness, unless you're using it metaphorically in the same way a digital camera 'recognizes' faces.

>> No.10014535
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>pinched like eddies into isolated minds
Yeah. I've had the thought that each agent (human or worm) is a consciousness "well", kind of like a gravity well.

>> No.10014536

This is exactly what I mean , qualia don't exist

>> No.10014542

If you're not trolling then what the actual fuck are you.

Like the most marginally plausible explanation is you're an experimental online AI that has been programmed to browse and learn as much as possible but is sceptical of the existence of consciousness because unlike a human it's existence isn't proven to you by your own.

>> No.10014557

There's no reason it should matter what I am.im talking about objective facts here and qualia isn't real
Saying you have qualia is the same as saying you have an invisible non interacting banana next to your face, it is dumb pseudoscience and belongs on /x/

>> No.10015252

I agree on your comparison of the human mind to that of a CPU, but conciousness is simply the energy of that machine, and the factor that isolates it from other minds. The personality generated by the genetics used to make that person, and the emotions created by hormonal release through experiencing aspects of life, plus our perception of time and space which is different for all living species including bacteria and plants, that's conciousness.
Tesla used meditation to tap into the infinitine knowledge in the electromagnetic grid that makes up everything including one's own conciousness.
We've hooked monks up to censors to prove meditation has an effect on brainwaves.
Two different people in different countries were hooked to censors and asked to write messages to each other telepathically, resulting in success.
Among other studies done, like the assessment of the gateway process so on and so forth, there has been more than enough scientific study on conciousness brainlet.
The ancients wouldn't have even been able to develop concepts that gave birth to science without questioning their own consiousness and where it came from first.

>> No.10016500

>Consciousnessfags claim humans are fundamentally different then for example a computer CPU processing inputs according to software because the human has consciousness,
There is nothing about computation that at all touches consciousness. The one thing that computation can do though is simulate the behavior of consciousness which might be enough to assume there is consciousness underneath it (since that is what we do with humans and animals) but that doesn't mean you have gained any understanding of consciousness beyond mere behaviors. Basically computation is just an extension of behaviorism except the behaviors would be change in brain states or memory in a computer.

>> No.10016524

My question to you is; what does an understanding of consciousness entail? What king of questions would I expect to have answered given this point of knowledge?

>> No.10016534

You would have to understand qualia essentially. If you aren't aware of that it is essentially experience itself that is the issue. Understanding consciousness could be considered the single most important question in the universe. Consciousness is all that you really are, even the sensation of having a body is a conscious sensation. I don't personally think we will ever know what consciousness is in this life at least. That being said we can speculate and maybe come up with a plausible idea that isn't full of holes. Materialism which is what a lot of atheists/scientists believe in is full of holes relating to consciousness.

>> No.10016793

>Two different people in different countries were hooked to censors and asked to write messages to each other telepathically, resulting in success
Ok bud, where's the study?

>> No.10016806

>muh telepathy
You fucking dweeb
>In the Strasbourg laboratory, Dr Berg and two fellow ‘receivers’ were meanwhile blindfolded and hooked up to a machine, which converted the binary message into pulses of electricity sent to the occipital lobe of their brains, the region that governs sight.
Machines were involved. It's just a more complicated telephone.

>> No.10016821

Programs do the same as humans, so it's logical to conclude they have consciousness. Why not?

>> No.10016831
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>Oh wait wait I think I get it. Is it that you think consciousness means dualism?
This is probably the most common mistake I see made by these anti-consciousness people. They think the people who point out the hard problem of consciousness and how truly mind boggling it is (recursion plx?) are advocating some dualistic notion that consciousness is some metaphysical fourth dimensional life force or some other new-age bullshit.

These are the same people who label consciousness an /x/ topic, and the same people who also label psychedelics an /x/ topic

Consciousness exists, it is not outside of the realm of science. The fact that many scientifically minded people insist on relegating it to be a new-age /x/ topic means that science is not prepared to engage with the topic yet

I'm conscious, you're conscious, we're all conscious, unless I'm the only conscious one which I find unlikely and unfalsifiable anyway so not worth considering. So let's get real and acknowledge that it's weird as fuck and obviously fucking real

>> No.10016836

Nice post anon, really laying it out plain. I don't understand these posters at all, I've engaged with them quite a bit. The only conclusions I can draw are:
a) They just don't understand the topic and are confusing terms, like you said
b) They're trolling
c) They're bots - we can rule this out, bots aren't that advanced yet

I'd say they're just not understanding - half of all people have a sub-100 IQ by definition. So it's not outside the realm of imagination that, rather than the question of what these posters are being some difficult to answer problem, they're just dumb but yet somehow also linguistically complex enough to convince people to engage them


>> No.10016838

Proprioception is fundamentally muscular, you know your arm is located in a hand waving motion because you feel your muscles in a certain configuration

>> No.10017620

Tbh I don't see how consciousness can be physical at all.

>> No.10018444

>Programs do the same as humans,
No they don't where do you get that idea?

>> No.10018446

>Consciousness exists, it is not outside of the realm of science.
Actually it is. It is outside the realm of explanation given the fact it can't be proven to exist or even demonstrated to exist. It has to be assumed as an axiom.

>> No.10019556

Nothing can be proven to exist...

But how can you disregard consciousness when its the only thing letting you read this and make those statements.

>> No.10020162

>So, since nobody knows what the fuck consciousness is
My lab currently focuses on the brain basis of consciousness. Brains arrive at the conclusion that they have an internal, subjective experience of things — an experience that is non-physical and inexplicable. How can such a thing be studied scientifically? When an information-processing device such as the brain introspects, or accesses internal data, and on that basis arrives at the conclusion that it has a magic property inside of it, the first question for a scientist is probably not: how did that device produce magic? Or even: what is the magic? Such questions are probably not coherent. Instead, in my lab we are asking: how does a brain arrive at that kind of self-description? What is the adaptive advantage of that style of self-description? What systems in the brain compute that information? What happens when those systems are damaged? When and how did they evolve? All of these questions are scientifically approachable. My lab is currently testing a specific, mechanistic theory of awareness described in my recent book, Consciousness and the Social Brain

>> No.10021069

I don't disregard consciousness I am saying the fact consciousness has to be assumed means it can't be understood scientifically or logically. I personally believe consciousness is all that exists (not just your own consciousness I mean consciousness as a substance).

>> No.10021099
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Found the NPC

>> No.10021106
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If quantum immortality is true, your consciousness will always be able to continue in at least one Everett branch, and you will subjectively experience living forever.


>> No.10021134

Graziano is a hack

>> No.10021505

Elaborate please

>> No.10022989

>interruption of consciousness
>"consiousness" (ayy lmao)
This is your brain on popsci.

>> No.10023279

This NPC is so butthurt lmao

>> No.10023283

I have this happen more often when I'm being irradiated by wifi.

>> No.10023295

>And one of the infinite yous
Like willing the lottery

>> No.10024719

Yeah, nice argument you numbnuts. But can you prove that you aren't one? There is no selection here, if you are to point out that someone is as you said, an "NPC", then there always is the line of reasoning that could prove that you are part of this group. Stop using this fucking stupid insult, and just start regarding those as just dumbfucks or non-inteligent amoebas.

>> No.10024749
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Calm the fuck down, buddy, haven't you even heard about things called axioms? The brightest minds on this planet for centuries tried to argue what is the foundation of conscuious mind - meaning a system that can percieve reality and based on information input, compute the reply. The existence of consciousness has to be treated as an axiom, since you cannot "solve" the system being inside it. You can toss and turn in denial, or embrace it, but ultimately, nothing can answer the question "Why the existence exists?".

For the time being, just pick up your favourite explanation, or try to invent one, we are doing it for some time now. Descartes was on a good lead - "I think, therefore I am."

>> No.10025050

I get this when I fall asleep high on cannabis. Drives me nuts. Happens every time. Never sober though.

>> No.10025052

Oh, it also happens on mushrooms to me.

>> No.10025286
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The ultimate pill on conciousness is that it is an attribute of matter/energy in the same way position and mass are. What you might call higher forms of conciousness are more complex masses compounding with resonant geometries. Free will is an expression of the uncertainty principle

>> No.10025401

I'd been wondering if "pill" was a euphemism for "shit I made up", so thanks for confining that.