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10000080 No.10000080 [Reply] [Original]

Why did technological progress slow down so much in the last decade or so? In 2008 it was fully expected that by now we'll be driving in autonomous cars, have widespread delivery drones, personalised 3D printing, and spend most of our time in some sort of VR or AR.

>> No.10000084


>> No.10000086
File: 17 KB, 400x239, 400px-Empl2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op dates himself as being too young for employment in 2008

>> No.10000102

I was 20 in 2008. I don't live in the US though.

>> No.10000106

Affirmative action for non-whites.
Where whites puhed the final frontier, affirmative action people can barel not get fired before even getting the job, let alone invent anything but a new microaggression.

>> No.10000110

2008 was the year moot added /pol/ to 4chan

>> No.10000118

Clearly moot hates Obama z

>> No.10000127

It hasn't you spastics.

>> No.10000130

Try YT, IG, Twitter, SC or 4chan on a 10 year old phone.

>> No.10000147

I wonder myself. With all the technology progression in construction industry flats still flats still cost shit loads of money. :/

>> No.10000155

The cost is in the intrinsic value of the real estate aka location location location. The actual structures are cheaper than ever

>> No.10000162

Moore's Law is bullshit as are all charts that lead something into infinity.

>> No.10000519

technology has been siphoned off into government blacker than black projects since 2001. the US department of defence is the biggest employer in the world. they can't all be polishing belt buckles, flying drones and killing arab babies.

>> No.10000556


>> No.10000558

It’s that cursed falling rate of profit.

>> No.10000561

Moore's law is slowing down.

>> No.10000583

>Why did technological progress slow down so much in the last decade or so?
Asked everyone at age 30, regardless of when they were born.

>In 1998 it was fully expected that by 2008 everyone would be telecommuting, taking classes online leading all babies to be super-intelligent, attaining world peace as everyone is interconnected via the Internet, and spending most of their time in some sort of cyberspace.

> we'll be driving in autonomous cars,
We have teslas, which are more like cruise control with some steering at highway speeds. Google's autonomous car is still in testing.

> have widespread delivery drones,
Not economically viable. It's cheaper with a truck.

>personalised 3D printing,
It's here. Just.... go buy one. They're like $200.

> and spend most of our time in some sort of VR
It's here. Just.... go buy one. Those people certainly exist.

>or AR.
They're working on it. The tech demos are pretty neat, but until it's CHEAPER to use AR than give employees a tablet or a sheet of paper it's not going to be "wide-spread".

>> No.10000600

>Why did technological progress slow down so much in the last decade or so?

It didn't you aren't looking at the right areas.

>In 2008 it was fully expected that by now we'll be driving in autonomous cars

We have that right now but it is too expensive for the average consumer.

>have widespread delivery drones

Companies have to figure out the logistics of that but drones are commercially so wide spread that you can get your 5 year old kid one at Best Buy right now.

>personalised 3D printing,

Exist and commercially accessible, if it wasn't people wouldn't be shitting their pants at the thought of printing your own gun. Also Germany, China and US companies are utilizing it right now for printing auto/computer parts. Companies in France are using it for confectionery and fashion.

>and spend most of our time in some sort of VR or AR.

VR and AR exist right now, wired, wireless and phone. But there is no killer app to sell to the masses thus adoption rate is low.

Why does this thread exist?

>> No.10000608

omg, he hacked too much time!

I'm in the goddamn Viking age.

>> No.10000610

I'm a cop.
From the future.
I need your help.


>> No.10001332



>> No.10001780
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Radio = technological progress.
Television = technological progress.
Computers = technological progress.
Video games = technological progress.
People distracted by radio time sinks.
People distracted by television time sinks.
People distracted by computer time sinks.
People distracted by video game time sinks.
Do the math.
Do the knowledge.
Do the doing.
Or don't.
Perhaps there's untold hours going into each of these (and more) and not as many hours going into inventing and improvement and advancements and progress and increasing epistemological sophistications and optimising and testing.
Albeit said technologies have made said activities (including learning) more efficient and more effective.
You get my drift.

>> No.10001789
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It may get more difficult and finely nuanced each technological "level".
Also there's effects on effects on IQ (etc) shown by studies. Some have 10% effect, some have 0.0001% effect. If you gathered all of these studies and added up their effect on intelligence (and what ever else in terms of technological progress) you should see a cumulative 50-99.9% but you'd probably see around 3000% effect.

>> No.10001790


It's profitable to consume, so our best and brightest are given the task of making us consume more. Sure, you can make a better product, but you can also advertise it better, or buy out the competition, or lobby to get a monopoly.

In the short term, it's better to have the populace do nonsense jobs than physics. However, everything I say might just be BS and more consumers means more demand for science and development to provide a new novelty for the market.

>> No.10001801

Your god died in 2010. You no longer have a stream of original thoughts. You are composed entirely of fragments of memories. You have no future, lest a new source can replace where your god left. Theres been no new source. Theres probably no other source.

>> No.10001810

At this point it seems more hopeful that you could figure to adapt and latch onto a new source than wait for a new source to not only appear, but also adapt to your system. Do you understand?

>> No.10001813
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>It's profitable to consume, so our best and brightest are given the task of making us consume more.
No, lol.
The BESTANDBRIGHTEST are telling the "best and brightest" that we're kind of off track andor could be better on a better track. Then the BESTANDBRIGHTEST are getting shut down by the "best and brightest".

Just wait till black sites transcend through the barrow scale and have a creation metaeconomy rather than a consumption economy.
Until then you're just eating fiddlesticks rather than playing the game properly, let alone making them.
Perhaps you're somewhat correct though.

>> No.10001817
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>Just wait till
Better yet: work towards

>> No.10001819

The overall accumulation of technological achievements is still rising in exponential curve.

The problem is that people and technological advances move further away from each other year by year.

To understand certain things you have to spend more time learning about it than it was some decades ago.

It may be ,anon, you just started falling behind from everyone,don't you think so?

P.S. This shit you see in sci-fi films usually are ineffective irl.

>> No.10001846

Supply and demand, retard

>> No.10002074

>Why did technological progress slow down so much in the last decade or so?

technological progress is spurred on by investment, and that's either military investment, or commercial investment.

Most all progress right now is computers, making better hardware or software.

There *IS* progress, but it's not that much, and it's all focused towards computer shit.

Hardware is butting up against the physical limits of nonelectrical devices (the death of moors law), and software is dying because corporations refuse to spend the money on hiring quality programmers, because the beancounters and CEO's don't know the difference between quality, and shit.

Coupled with that, most funding isn't towards advancement anymore, but is more towards maximum wealth extraction per business interaction.

>> No.10002200

>nonelectrical devices


>> No.10002215


First of all people made the same complaints in 2008 and they weren't true then. Even when it comes to nuclear power (widely purported to be defunct), major advances have been made but they're kept secret for use in the new Columbia class submarines and fusion research.

For 2008-2018, your claims are totally unfounded. In the past ten years we've gotten:

>(almost) nationwide Precision Train Control aka computerized RR cab signalling, while not necessarily a herculean effort it is a direct technological improvement that occurred within that time
>chip and pin credit cards
>RFID enabled ID cards
>autonomous lawn mowers
>usable VR goggles
>gas-electric automobiles (the Chevrolet Volt and Spark)
>cheap quadcopters, and the ability to make a business off RC planes in general (the FAA's national drone registry is part of this)
>affordable 3d printing, enough where Home Depot sells printers
>semi-autonomous cars aka improved cruise control
>cop bodycams
>police drones

And these are just within consumer devices. Over the next ten years we'll see the FAA completely rebuild our ATC system and the military rebuild their NC3 systems. Everything is becoming connected, even if you don't see it.


That's because you're an idiot who is trying to rent, if you live in an area where the market actually justifies multi-unit complexes housing is always going to be expensive. Meanwhile you can go out to suburban Fresno or Palmdale and get a 4bd3ba house for under $300k.

>> No.10002235
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Competition with China might spark a little more innovation. Hell, a war (a real one) would do wonders for those of us who don't end up as casualties.

I'm starting to feel like a Metal Gear Solid villain.

>> No.10002239 [DELETED] 

Sniveling morons thought Moore's law was real and would continue indefinitely.

>> No.10002244


>> No.10002254

Culture of entertainment killed technological progress.
Why would the average retard want technological progress? They have enough fun with Netflix, smartphones, Steam and other brainlet garbage.

>> No.10002402


If that were true technological innovation would have stopped at 1935 when the film reel was introduced. The idea of streaming live video into your house via an antenna, or even using computers to communicate wouldn't exist. Touchtone dialing would have never happened so all phones would still be rotary.

>> No.10002420

you’re literally a retarded nigger

>> No.10002445

Every entertainment technology previous to streaming video was flawed from a consumer POV. Going to the cinema required physical effort to leave your house and watch a movie along with 40 noisy strangers. Television allowed you to watch audiovisual media on your house, but you can't choose what you want to see. Video recording like VHS, CD and all that stuff allowed you to watch the things you want at home, but you still needed to go to a blockbuster to get some tapes.
Current entertainment tech has peaked, the consumer just needs to pay 2 bucks to get access to a huge catalog of video delivered at instant speed through the internet.

>> No.10002454

Actual progress aside we did hit a very real physical limitation with computers recently. Transistor gates can’t get any smaller due to electron physics. New technology is needed for any major advances in processing power as far as I know.

>> No.10002458

>New technology is needed for any major advances in processing power as far as I know.

I could think of some that would be easy to implement, but I'm not giving it away for free.

because THAT would be stupid.

>> No.10002485
File: 60 KB, 600x600, letsgoboyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alot of impressive progress is being made but it's not as easy to comprehend for the masses so it's not as noticeable.

>> No.10002486

such as?

>> No.10002490

Pity no humans would be around do enjoy those advancements in technology.

>> No.10002492

Quantom computing, crispr, machine learning etc.

>> No.10002506

Delivery drones crash from a mild breeze.

>> No.10002530


Politics, ethics and a failing educational system.

Also old and rich companies buying away each form of successor so they can continue lazily leeching money with their old stuff.

>> No.10002533


Quantum computing currently is more hype than neural networks. They're on a good way though.

>> No.10002876

because it got harder to continue with Moore's Law due to physical limitations

>> No.10002908

>Why did technological progress slow down so much in the last decade or so? In 2008 it was fully expected that by now we'll be driving in autonomous cars, have widespread delivery drones, personalised 3D printing, and spend most of our time in some sort of VR or AR.
My whole generation is still a little salty over the lack of hover cars and jet packs by 2001.

>> No.10002931

>Hell, a war (a real one) would do wonders for those of us who don't end up as casualties.
Not unless you figure out how to neutralize nukes.

>> No.10002993

Its about to pick back up again.

>> No.10003007

>hover cars and jet packs
We could have done both, theyre just too impractical. In both cases youd get a chaotic air traffic mess.

>> No.10003010

That's why AI needs to advance to manage this air traffic clusterfuck. Same as what is needed for drones to be more practical.

>> No.10003032

As much as i hate to admit it, this is turning out to be true. Smartscreens, video streaming and social media have all collaborated to create a society even aldous huxley couldnt have imagined.

Make fun of the banksy "sheeple" memes all you want. Theyre right.
Were becoming worse than the generation raised on TV. All entertainment all the time. We like to think the internet makes us "free" and "open minded" but thanks to search algorithms we're all stuck in our bubbles forever and as a result we are the most polarized western society has EVER been since the fucking French Revolution. Except theres no revolution. Theres no change. Were just fucking sitting on our asses and clicking.

>> No.10003072

>personalised 3D printing
the problem with 3d printing is not technological progress, it's that pop culture has made it into a fantasy where it could provide a lot of things that are literally impossible with known physics.

The toher things yeah, theyll get here eventually

>> No.10003076

Actually people work way more hours today than before mass media. You think you waste a lot of time now but before people used to like, go walking in the park, or take a whole year off, nowadays were taught that playing videogames for 1 hour is like being a loser lifewaster but thats just because were raised with slave mentality.

Also, we have an excess demand of labor, most poor people in the world aren't unskilled they are not workers at all, there isnt enough work to go around. The problem is our society model

>> No.10003081

im an architect, basically this:

If you take human dignity out of the equation there is no housing crisis. The problem is that all the jobs are concentrated in the cities and social housings are usually constructed far, so only people who are at the brink of desperation go there, but these people arent usually the ones that have jobs.

It's a super complex issue and some people aren't convinced that it will ever be solved under a free market economy.

>> No.10003082

You gotta be 18 to post here

>> No.10003087

-Human intelligence and drive is decreasing
-Economic and political aspects that foster mediocrity and incrementalism
-No need, and often negative incentive. Interests not wanting to destroy their existing markets. Governments not putting research in the public view.
-Capitalism, monopolies / market engineering, pseudo-competition.
-Near zero investment into basic science.

Most people just get every day to be a cog in the machine, or at the behest of investors. And that's where they stay, cause that's where the funding is. Therefore their efforts are spent towards maximizing profit generation from existing methods.

>> No.10003111

yes, you probably arent since you dont know how life works. I hope your parents saved for college because youre clearly not going in cuase of your grades

>> No.10003112

>Therefore their efforts are spent towards maximizing profit generation from existing methods.
It's like the roman empire, they invented hydro power but didnt really need it cause they had a lot of slaves.

Nowadays its the same, why would the people who hoard most power, the one percenters invest their huge resources into researching things that will help all mankind? with the current state of society they have access to a luxurious lifestyle.

>> No.10003119



>> No.10003265
File: 31 KB, 638x585, Moore's law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did technological progress slow down so much in the last decade or so?
Diminishing marginal returns

>> No.10004042

Fuck off you nitwit. My parents refused to pay for college. I paid my own way and moved out right after high school. It's not like we're above each other though since we're both posting on fucking 4chan you idiot.