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File: 446 KB, 1698x1131, backwoods_panels_1_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8731481 No.8731481 [Reply] [Original]

Why are low IQ especially liberal people so obsessed with solar?

Do they get fucking obsessed with it and crying about how we need more when they don't understand how it works?

Like the storage problem, the fact costs are still not good, and that it would be a tragic economic mistake to force a switch before it's economical?

I never once see any solar libtards obsessed with green energy talk about the storage problems or reliability problems.

>> No.8731494

>Muh nuclear

Go move to f*cking Chernobil you damn moron.

>> No.8731508

>Muh Chernobyl

At least spell it right you colossal faggot.

>> No.8731520

Homophobic much? Go die in a radiation you disgusting /pol/tard.

>> No.8731522

>hurr Chernobyl
The damn reds were warned whilst it was being built that the design was unsafe.

>> No.8731527

Hey man, nothing wrong wit being gay. Just don't be a faggot.

>> No.8731560

Nuclear energy is actually not that cheap if the circumstances to build the plant aren't perfect, and the main reason they got build is because they are great to produce weaponized uranium en masse and/or to gain energy independence.

>> No.8731564
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>being this new

>> No.8731568

You can't put a price on being independent of terrorist states.

>> No.8731586

>the main reason they got build is because they are great to produce weaponized uranium en masse
Are you retarded?
>put fuel rods in reactor
>get weapons grade uranium out
That's not how it works, brainlet.

>> No.8731590

It's cute, it's easy, it feels natural and environmental, despite its horrid inefficiency.

We all know nuclear is the way to go.

>> No.8731593

Because the idea is nice.

Shitlibs aren't intelligent enough to look at statistics on average energy output and reliability, thus coming to such conclusions.

It's similar to all the women donating to Org's that give aid to nignogs so that they feel better about themselves, without realizing that it doesn't really change a niggers mindset in the long run.

>> No.8731594

>OP starts thread about solar, not even mentioning the word "nuclear"
>everyone proceeds to talk about nuclear energy
am I missing something?

>> No.8731602

>am I missing something?

Yes the first post itt.

>> No.8731659

These sorts of threads always end up talking about nuclear energy.

But really though, solar, wind, and other similar types of energy production are terrible for base load. Nuclear is the way to go.

>> No.8731665

France is the only country I know of that generates almost all of her electricity with nuclear energy and it isn't exactly working perfectly. The plants are only at ~75% load most of the times because they need to have some reserved for peak demand. This results in the energy being not cheaper than most other forms of generating electricity. In addition to that, France has a big problem with its nuclear waste that still has no real solution. Furthermore, all those plants are using huge amounts of water to cool which is resulting in a water shortage in some regions during summer. And finally of course they are bearing the risk of having a nuclear meltdown in one of their plants. So overall this is getting a strong "muh" from me.

>> No.8731670

they don't understand how that PV solar is energy negative

>> No.8731671

Gas turbines > nuclear

>> No.8731678

>France has a big problem with its nuclear waste that still has no real solution.
They can fit the entirety of all their waste in a single room.
How is that a "big problem"?

>> No.8731680

Why are nuclear and solar fanbois fight so much?

They are merely tools and have their uses.

Solar fucks up the environment due to mining and manufacturing. Nuclear fucks up the environment due to mining, manufacturing, and waste. Solar kills a shit load of people due to job accidents. Nuclear makes entire areas of the globe uninhabitable to humans (though nature doesn't seem to care about radiation).

I'm not sure which would be worse a solar panel mineral refinement/production plant disaster in my area or a nuclear disaster. The later would give me lots of time to gtfo while the former wouldn't even have public service announcements.

Meanwhile, I use lots of solar panels in lots of various ways. I've yet to use nuclear power for anything. I don't think RTGs would be allowed for home use would they? All I need is for Cleetus next door to crack open his RTG for fuck all reason.

I wonder if the manufacturing of solar panels and their use outweighs the amount of resources and money spent on installing and repairing transmission lines for power plants to homes.

With my life style and ultra low power needs, solar makes more sense. However, batteries don't make sense at all since they'd never pay themselves off in 15 years.

I think I'll stick to DIY wind turbines from junkyard scrap to supplement my energy needs instead.

>> No.8731685

>How is that a "big problem"?

No one wants to have that room in their backyard.

>> No.8731706

>> Why are low IQ obsessed with solar
Do you have any evidence for this assertion?
Do you have any evidence for that assertion?
This study found that solar is not energy negative and that energy returned is ~8.6-9.2 times that invested

>> No.8731708


The only reason other places haven't moved to nuclear is fear of it and lobbying from other energy industries. France isn't like the United States in that they don't have an enormous coal and shale industry constantly sticking their ass everywhere.

We need to commit to nuclear and more importantly put more R&D money towards moving to nuclear fusion which will be the big breakthrough of this century.

>> No.8731724

OP here

I love solar but don't understand the obsession. I still think we need a lot more breakthroughs before it makes sense to really sink a huge amount into manufacturing it

>> No.8732118

Because your mother cant fit her waist into a single room.

>> No.8732183

are you retarded?
he is correct, that is the primary reason why nuclear power was ever even a thing

>> No.8732211

Really? You can't realize why people would be interested in an energy source that's nigh-infinite with massive potential for decentralization?

>b-b-but l-libruls
Oh, I see. You're a /pol/tard. Your IQ isn't as high as you think it is


>> No.8732223

>libtard tears
>hates GMOS, nuclear and fossil fuels
You are hated globally, how do you know OP is /pol/ ?

>> No.8732224

stop being such a bigot. we accept engineers here

>> No.8732225

>Solar kills a shit load of people due to job accidents.
Eh? Can you give an example?

>> No.8732232

Time to go back to your kiddie table.

>> No.8732236

Who said anything about GMOs, nuclear or fossil fuels you collossal /pol/ mongoloid?

>> No.8732240

>SJWtard trying to order /sci/tizens around like it's tumblr
cute. let me know when you get to a 3 digit IQ

>> No.8732245

Who are you quoting /pol/tard?

>> No.8732249

meme arrows are new to you SJWtard?

>> No.8732254

>being this new

>> No.8732258

back to >>>/r/eddit pedophile SJWtard. Stop shitting in every thread you see.

>> No.8732264

Don't you have some trigglypuff pictures to spam you stupid greek faggot?

>> No.8732267


>> No.8732272

You seem to love sucking /pol/s giant cock so much that you just sperg their memes around. Now do the whole /sci/ a a favor and kill yourself you dumb mouthbreathing SJWtard

>> No.8732292

Looks like I hit a nerve huh

>> No.8732298

>I speak on behalf of /sci/
No you don't stupid greek faggot.

>> No.8732321

ssshhh...keep sucking /pol/s giant cock please. and get back to where you belong >>>/pol/

>> No.8732324

Out of curiousity, what about other forms of renewable energy? How viable are Wind, Tidal, Geothermal, or Hydroelectric considering these issues with solar?

>> No.8732329

>Everybody who disagrees with me has low IQ

>> No.8732333


>> No.8732348


>> No.8732369

Wipe the cum off your teeth darling

>> No.8732382

The sun is the most renewable source of energy there is, and forgetting about it for now won't encourage anyone to perfect it. I don't think anyone actually thinks it can meet 100% of our energy needs right now, but promoting it can only help.

>> No.8732383
File: 45 KB, 917x556, NextBigGraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally people falling off the roof and dying. No joke. It is for installation, repair, and cleaning.

Also, F•U•C•K coal.

>> No.8732387
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is too rational for this board. Can a mod ban this faggot?

>> No.8732394
File: 14 KB, 626x390, Zcq8WcE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8732400


Typhoon Nina in 1975 washed out the Shimantan Dam (Henan Province, China) and 171,000 people perished

>> No.8732427

Uh, haven't you heard about that fusion reactor in the sky?

>> No.8732447

>Oh, I see. You're a /pol/tard. Your IQ isn't as high as you think it is

I fully support solar, nuclear, wind, etc. Why do you think the left is any better on it than the right? Both are shit. California removed like 99% of possible solar energy locations because of "turtles". They are all fucking retarded.

I just mean why do leftists obsess over solar but never mention any of the true problems with solar and pretend just putting up lots of panels is good

>> No.8732467

Just to reiterate to the low IQ libtards crying muh pol

There are two opposite areas in the energy space. One is Demand and the other is Supply.

If you only think about supply, aka muh solar. You are retarded. The supply of solar is not deterministic and not 24/7. While Solar can help sometimes during peak hours, it's really a fucking shitty source of energy without storage or warping Demand to match it's supply. Not to mention the problems of grid.

I'm just saying, why do low IQ libtards drone on about solar so much without ever researching or knowing a vague fucking clue about it's problems

The big problem is that leftists and libtards pretend to be the science and intelligent party when they are utterly fucking clueless.

>> No.8732480

No, Fuck you /pol/tards. Fuck you Saudi Aramco. Fuck you CNPC. Fuck you Exxon. Fuck you BP. Fuck you Lukoil. Fuck you Petrobras. Fuck you Pemex. Fuck you IOC and fuck you all the /pol/tarded oil corporations out there. Solar will win over fossil fuels and thats that !!!

>> No.8732510

sure that's why half the houses on my estate have panels now

>> No.8732522

>deaths per TWh

I'm gonna include this into my first cyberpunk campaign somehow.

>> No.8732526

You mean the plant that kept producing power for 10 years after turning into a death zone where nothing can survive?

>> No.8732527

Solar cost is going downhill this last years though. It's even cost-efficient now.

>> No.8732529

Gas reseves < uranium/thorium reserves

>> No.8732547

>nuclear turns areas into wastelands
It really doesn't. How many serious accidents have there been? 3? Only one of which was deadly, but the soviet union had a habit of getting people killed due to incompetence. And for what it's worth, the wastelands are for the most part entirely habitable. Nature doesn't give a shit because nature doesn't conduct cancer incidence probability studies.
>the correct path is always in the middle
>In a choice between fucking a kid and fucking an adult woman the correct moral position is fucking a pubescent girl
Solar has its uses in various applications - namely, off the grid, low power with storage capability - but it can never power our civilization. Unless you're talking solar power satellites, which are not even close to the same ballpark

>> No.8732553

we can make CH4 pretty easily fampai.

>> No.8732567
File: 2.25 MB, 4031x2662, NREL-PV-eff-3-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually only high IQ overlords are obsessed with solar

> they know its a hype
> they know research is easy as balls (literally mix shit up and measure j-v-curves under LED illumination)
> they know they can just pull shit out of their ass, make nice publications and recieve that taxpayer $$ because research will continue for another 20+ years
> they know they can work in safe countries (germany, china, UAE) doing research and easily jump fields
> visiting fellow hype scientists in nice places (uk, finland, germany...) for tax payer $$

Yeah who's the brainlet now? Literally pick any point in pic related and call yourself a scientist.

>> No.8732574

Without using some other energy source? Unless you meant methane production as a way to store solar, which would make sense - but in that case, wouldn't hydrogen be a better? And even then it would be way less efficient than using nuclear, while being in no way friendlier to the environment.

>> No.8732663

>Without using some other energy source?
humans have been collecting and using biogas for well over a century.

>but in that case, wouldn't hydrogen be a better?

storage and transport is easier

>it would be way less efficient
ah, but its not. combined cycle heating and power is extremely efficient, especially for residential applications in conjunction with solar. GT's turn on and off very rapidly and respond well to loads. you will never be able to get a nuclear plant close enough to a group of homes to make nuclear CCHP viable, even if the idea wasn't entirely in the conceptual stage. europe makes great use of the CCHP gas turbine concept.

don't get me wrong. nuclear is good. but i see it used in industrial applications with big steady electrical loads with little need for conventional heating.

>> No.8732716

Hi /pol/tarded ExxonMobil shill

>> No.8732746
File: 918 KB, 2048x1365, horses in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear turns areas into wastelands

That wasn't said.

>Nuclear makes entire areas of the globe uninhabitable to humans (though nature doesn't seem to care about radiation).

Means that everything looks fine, minus humans.

The rest of the post seems as convoluted as the first part. I think you were reading something else when you read >>8731680

>> No.8732774

Tell me, if Chernobyl was so bad, why did they keep running the other 3 reactors at the same plant until 2005?

The accident was in 1986, and the last reactor wasn't shutdown until 2005, meaning that's 19 years of operation in a supposed "uninhabitable wasteland".

>> No.8732785

What about CSP?? seems to be the way.

>> No.8732799

Why did everyone leave?


Still not said.

>> No.8732800

because its a free handout from the sun and all brainlets want something for nothing.

>> No.8732808

>shilling against solar power because it might impede big business' ability to continue gouging people for centralized energy
fuck off.

>> No.8732851

open your damn eyes