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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 197 KB, 1600x900, Bee-movie-disneyscreencaps_com-3470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8488717 No.8488717 [Reply] [Original]

I think this is the appropriate place to ask, but just how might human society both look and evolve if we were more like ant colonies? Primarily if we were all workers and did work for a queen. I think bee colonies function much in the same way too if I am not mistaken. How different would our species be?

>> No.8488726

you can make people do that if youre powerful enough, im sure there are plenty of historical examples of not necesarily entire countries but groups of people who lived this way and the reality is it really just depends on a lot of different factors with a fair amount of randomness thrown in. if the people are happy then generally it will be successful.

>> No.8488733

Implying that households are not ant colonies made by the worker husband and sons to support the queen wife and daughters.

That is how it used to be before. Supporting women was hell. Good thing first wave feminists were dumb and fought to lose their privileged status lol.

>> No.8488739

Is this because females are nature's default sex?

>> No.8488749

They probably are to be quite honest. Males probably evolved out of the female need of protection. We couldn't have females protecting the queen because every female is a potential queen, therefore eventually we developed the worker human, also known as male.

Life sure is suffering when you evolved to be a servant but good thing that worker brains improved while queen brains devolved to the point that our queens thought that being queen was bad and that being a worker was better.

In like 1000 years we will evolve a third gender that will be worker-workers to support our queen-workers (females). They will be beings with no emotion or desire that will do menial tasks for their queens, while us males (workers) keep evolving intelligence.

At one point we will be completely distinct. The worker-workers will be the new preferred 'male' as they are more subservient (maybe they already appeared and are cucks/male feminists).

Us traditional males will probably have to rape so we may evolve larger cocks and stronger bodies.

>> No.8488757

So how come some males want to be females? I know some who actually wish they could become pregnant and I do not mean the male pregnancy fetish scene.

>> No.8488766
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Or the third-sex (ftfy) will be like that species in Star Trek Enterprise. Males and females will just treat them like shit.

>> No.8488767

Because it is good to be the queen. It is fair to say that queen-workers have it better than workers.

Maybe females do not get a full time servant like back then but now many males pay for gifts to women. To the point that women even have a second income of dinners, drinks and furniture that workers get them.

It makes sense to want to be privileged. I too want to be privileged but we can't really change.

>> No.8488775
File: 206 KB, 394x560, DoctorMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Us traditional males will probably have to rape so we may evolve larger cocks and stronger bodies.
Please refrain from posting your sexual fantasies in this thread. T.hanks.
> cuck
Nobody cares about your projected fetishes.

>we can't really change.
One can change their societal gender through the use of hormones and surgeries. As a Doctor, I can confirm this.

>> No.8488781

>It makes sense to want to be privileged. I too want to be privileged but we can't really change.

How is carrying a baby for nine months a privilege? A male can impregnate as many females as he wants, whereas a woman becomes pregnant and stops ovulating immediately. Purely number-wise men have an advantageous reproductive strategy.

>> No.8488783

I will ignore your first comment.

About traditional transition, sure. But it is not the same. If I transition who will be my worker? No one, I will be ugly as fuck. Like Caitlyn Jenner. She is ugly. She looks manufactured. Males can sense the fakeness of a fake queen and no one wants a fake queen.

Life is suffering.

>> No.8488790

Queen ants also just pop out babies. That is what gives them their privilege.

Nowadays pregnancy is used to cuckify men. A woman gets pregnant and then her """employer""" has to just to give her money for free. That is a privilege. She sits down to pop out babies and society starts supporting her.

The same goes for child support. The government being a direct cuck for random women.

I am waiting for women to get a little dumber so that they start claiming paid leave is sexist. Progress only happens when queens want it, really.

>> No.8488792
File: 22 KB, 211x420, caitlyn_jenner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I will be ugly as fuck. Like Caitlyn Jenner. She is ugly.
I am detecting that you have too high standards when it comes to women. Do you often have a hard time seeking a "good looking" woman (cis or trans)?

>> No.8488793

That's probably wrong. In birds, for example, the chromosome that determines sex is the female one.

>> No.8488796

> cuck
Please refrain from projecting your sexual fetishes in this thread. T.hanks.

>> No.8488797

If anything I have low standards. My girlfriend is average at best.

I am just saying Cait looks weird. She still keeps some of her maleness. She looks like a weird blend, not a full queen.

>> No.8488799

Nice to know you're not in the gene pool

>> No.8488802

You are obviously just settling for an "average looking" woman because you feel that you do not meet your high standards for a "beautiful" woman. Your view of how Caitlyn Jenner looks is enough evidence for me to conclude that you have high standards in terms of women's appearance.

>> No.8488805

See >>8488796

>> No.8488807

Are you saying Caitlyn is beautiful? I would say cute but not hot, so she is not beautiful because beautiful=cute+hot

And I am not settling for average. I met her on a videogame and she just happened to be average. I wasn't picking her out based on hotness.

>> No.8488809

You have more babies with men biologically. They have to have the children or an abortion to have another child. That's not an advantage, a pregnancy is making the women less able. Without getting into your opinions of social programs, women are less at an advantage because they get pregnant, and have a limited number of eggs.

>> No.8488812


>> No.8488814

The reason that different sexes evolved is to avoid a certain specific kind of conflict that is unique to hermaphrodites.

In hermaphrodites all individuals are behaviorally male. They still have sexual competition, though-- everyone wants to impregnate as much as possible. Sperm are cheap. However, you want to avoid being impregnated for as long as you can, so that you're still on the market to impregnate more partners.

So sex for them is literally a competition. Check this shit out:

The often get injured, they sometimes even get killed. They often are so fanatical about avoiding being inseminated, that they have no proper vagina, sperm is usually inserted directly into their bloodstream.

Hermaphroditic reproduction is really bad for the fitness of a species.

THIS is why we have separate sexes.

>> No.8488815

> Are you saying Caitlyn is beautiful?
It is not my place to say who is and isn't beautiful, but I know there are men out there who find Miss Jenner attractive.

>> No.8488816
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1422984275896558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice madpost.

>> No.8488818

Why are you mad for being called a cuck? are you a racist patriarchical bigot botnet?

>> No.8488819

How is saying that "female is the default sex" is an incorrect statement pro-cuck?

>> No.8488823

Why are you projecting your sexual fetishes? No1cars.

>> No.8488824

He's a cuck for different reasons.

>> No.8488826

Tripfag, stop responding. He's obviously goading you on because you're an easily trolled tripfag.

>> No.8488827

It is obviously not a sexual advantage but a societal one.

Women get favors, privileges, for being pregnant. They get support from the government-cuck, their husband-cuck and their employer-cuck. It is some triple cuck action there.

In normal times women usually get at most 1 cuck at a time to support her. Women get pregnant to elevate their status and who knows, if she wins the 50/50 she may get a son who will in in a couple of years act as her 4th cuck, doing minor favors for her at the age of 10 and then even fully supporting her after age 18.

>> No.8488832
File: 112 KB, 827x467, CUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE6jy78tV78

>> No.8488833

Botnet is a self proclaimed cuck lmao

>> No.8488836

The guy responding to him is actually the one getting trolled. This is due to the frequency of his replies which shows that Dr. Botnet is correct in that the guy's autism is flaring up. This is a very clever tactic which originated on Tinychan.

>> No.8488837

>s-stop calling me a cuck !!!!
just kidding bro. you don't even have a girlfriend to cuck you

>> No.8488838

I was talking about science because this is /sci/
feel free to go back to /pol/

>> No.8488840

You seem to be trying too hard.

>> No.8488844

>i-im not even mad actually I trole u D':
who are you trying to fool?

>> No.8488845

Nom nom nom, feed me more madposts.

>> No.8488847

You seem to be in denial.

>> No.8488848
File: 970 KB, 2505x1863, Il_tempio_di_Hatshepsut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God son, you have an agenda don't you?

I think the best example could be Hatshepsut.


>> No.8488849

ssshhh, quiet down with slamming your keyboard.

>> No.8488851

Your autism is flaring up. Autistic meltdowns are common of people who suffer from this disorder. As a Doctor, I can confirm this.

>> No.8488860
File: 359 KB, 658x483, britney-spears-xfactor[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to came up with something smart
>Autistic meltdowns are common of people who suffer from this disorder
oh god...

>> No.8488876

Humans are a cursed species. We need to evolve a lot more before we'll ever have real progress, interplanetary civilization etc.

The basic problem is this. Men are programmed to be women's slaves. Women are programmed to find their own happiness.

Men are most happy when they have a woman who they're confident likes them most of all (or, at the very least, has no other choices than him).

Women are most happy when their needs are met by someone else. In the old days, that usually meant having a man around.

Back when this arrangement pretty much guaranteed that they'd have children, it worked great. The men who could keep a woman happy were the men who had the best, most adaptive traits, and women could settle down, be free of stress, and focus most of their energy on raising up a litter.

But now, things have changed. We have birth control, we have advanced reasoning and morality that says has made us critical of systems that limit someone's options by accident of birth. We have the ability to (try to) work against our most ancient programs.

And it's turning into a disaster. The smartest, most capable women are not having children. I mean, anyone can have children! But smart women can work hard and maybe become a partner at a law firm! At the same time, we're subsidizing the most irresponsible, non-future-time-oriented people to have more.

Children are a liability-- children will ruin your life. No matter how rich you are, you have to take a LOT of time out to raise them. Unless your life is already ruined, you have no job and no marketable skills, and nothing but unemployed time on your hands, in which case it'll get you a nice government check.

I'm not saying it's a good thing that humans are locked in to their fates, I don't think that a girl who wants to be a doctor should be denied that, and I don't think we should let the proles starve.

But we are not evolved enough as a species for all the options available.

>> No.8488879

It appears I riled you up a little bit.

>> No.8488888

fixed your smashed keyboard? You shouldn't get so angry all the time

>> No.8488891

Holy hell can you assholes shut the fuck up?

BTW nice digits... but you're still an asshole

>> No.8488894

we're fighting peacefully. fuck off

>> No.8489074
File: 135 KB, 480x270, upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
