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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8169122 No.8169122 [Reply] [Original]

>doing exercises from a textbook
>trying to do one of them
>get stuck
>decide to not give in
>keep working at it for about two hours
>the answer was probably simple to input (since it's a well defined textbook problem)
>my IQ is in doubt
>Oh my God, how can I think of myself as having a high IQ if I can't get this!?
>Finally give in
>look at answer online
>Almost identical to one of my earlier attempts
>doesn't work on my computer
>see another slightly different answer (different value representing null)
>if it wasn't for the value I was using for null (the book didn't say what to use and there are multiple interpretations, I now know, and Scheme seems to recognise nil as a primitive but thinks it's a variable) I would've gotten the answer before hand.

REEEEE How DARE this book make me think my IQ isn't well above average?

Is anyone else like me?

>> No.8169128

Being egotistical dosnt mean you have high IQ, it just means you like to stroke your own dick to shit others might find slightly or marginally challenging

Youre literally the embodiment of an "intellectual chad" (ei "Im smurt ur dum, me do problems hur dur) and if you have to question how you think then ye you're not as smart as you want to be.

Improve, if you only focus on how good you are gl on improving yourself you literal evolutionary self cuck

>> No.8169130

Only when reading literature
> read the text
> usually pick up what's actually going on in the book
> often spaced out
> can't pick up themes or subtext

>> No.8169133
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>Solving a problem by trial and error
>Not understanding underlying concept

Ever think of picking up a trade?

>> No.8169135

How am I not surprised.

Get your pathetic circlejerk to >>>/r9k/

>> No.8169149

Caring this much about IQ almost certainly guarantees that yours is not very high.

>> No.8169153 [DELETED] 

>giving up after only two hours
What is this, some babby shit like Calc I?

>> No.8169157

t. Brainlet
Plenty of 130+ guys like myself (done with official tests) have imposter complexes.

>> No.8169168 [DELETED] 


Fuck off. This board is for science and math discussion.

>> No.8169263

What a brainlet. IQ means nothing if you score 140-.

What a waste of human being.

>> No.8169268

ssshhh...keep your head down you small IQ brainlets

>> No.8169270

What a brainlet.


>> No.8169281

yes. every day i wake up, i fear that your IQ has dropped by another 20%.
given enough time, i fear you will become worse than a frog-poster - a radical progressive

>> No.8169286

more like i'm constantly certain that my IQ isn't good enough