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5588176 No.5588176 [Reply] [Original]

In relativity space-time is a 4-dimensional manifold. When we define motion on that manifold and allow for motion in the time dimension we can take the derivative to measure change, i.e. velocity. Velocity on the space-time manifold cannot be measured as change in time anymore since time is just another degree of freedom in which we allow movement. The dynamics do thus happen in a a meta-time and adding that meta-time results in a 5-dimensional manifold. Repeating the process inductively ad infinitum adds an infinite number of hierarchically organized time dimensions. The pseudo-riemannian structure is naturally extended.

Why has nobody considered this before and why do we misleadingly work with relativity in only 4 dimensions?

>> No.5588186

Time is not a spatial dimension.

>> No.5588196

Why not? We can treat it like one for example when straightening the flow of a vector field. The difference between time-like and spatial dimensions is nothing but a sign in the metric signature.

>> No.5588203

you are confined to a section with finite dimension because of the equations of motion eliminating most degrees of freedom.

>> No.5588236

>Velocity on the space-time manifold cannot be measured as change in time anymore

Yes it can.

>> No.5588320

Universe isn't 4 dimensional or something faggot. Stop watching pop-sci shows and media monkeys.

>> No.5588351


What is the Minkowski metric, Alex?

>> No.5588360

considering tangent vectors (even in an euclidean 3-space) does not magically create an additional time dimension into existence

>> No.5588367

Oh look, its one of these faggots who dont believe in dimensions! Lets laugh at him!

>> No.5588370

When accounting for meta-time and higher time dimensions the equations of motion can look very different from what you might expect.

Time itself is subject to movement in the infinite dimensional time-space manifold. Movement in time must happen with respect to meta-time because with respect to time the derivative will be constant and doesn't allow for change in velocity.

The dimensions of string thoery are spatial and their number is finite. An infinite number of time dimensions is what I propose.

>> No.5588376

> that one guy samefagging 'muh dimensions'
ssshhh...only dreams now kid...

>> No.5588378

A vector field generates a flow, thus naturally making time a new dimension.

>> No.5588379

i thought it was bcuz of all de fish and planktons

>> No.5588382

>with respect to time the derivative will be constant and doesn't allow for change in velocity.


>> No.5588383

rather a 1-dimensional submanifold of the whole thing than an additional one

>> No.5588397

The flow can be used to construct the n+1 dimensional product manifold MxR

>> No.5588449

yes, and ?

>> No.5588453

And ... we can repeat to add infinite time dimensions.

>> No.5588454

>Why has nobody considered this before

Because it's wrong, obviously. You understand that, right?

>> No.5588456

Why is it wrong? It might lead to a unified theory. Consider how the state space of quantum mechanics is infinite dimensional as well.

>> No.5588461

unless you specify some pseudo-riemannian structure on that MxR, nothing happens, you keep adding useless dimensions for the hell of it

>> No.5588469

>Why is it wrong?

All of it is wrong.

>Velocity on the space-time manifold cannot be measured as change in time anymore

is wrong.

>The dynamics do thus happen in a a meta-time and adding that meta-time results in a 5-dimensional manifold

is nonsense.

>> No.5588482

What structure do you want me to define? My unified theory is not yet completed.

>All of it is wrong.
>is wrong.
>is nonsense.

>> No.5588486

>how do I into burden of proof
"Why is it wrong" would be much easier to answer if you would try to tell us why it is correct.

>> No.5588503

ITT: we add real dimensions to things

>> No.5588534

No. In elementary terms, a vector is just a magnitude and a direction. It doesn't mean anything is flowing.

>> No.5588537

Fuck off, high school retard. Obviously you don't know shit about differential geometry.

>> No.5588557

If you think you can explain a proper formal definition of vectors to someone who thinks a vector means something is flowing, be my guest.

>> No.5588561

Didn't you say it was wrong? Science is all about disproving theories, "falsifiable". My theory is consistent and generalizes general relativity with a possible extension to quantum mechanics.

String theory does the same only with spatial dimensions.


>> No.5588570

you can consider the cotangent bundle of a 3 dimensional riemannian manifold foliated over time with its natural symplectic structure, I think that's what happens here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADM_formalism
It is not my area of expertise.

>> No.5588574


"wrong" = a false statement
"nonsense" = an incoherent statement

If you don't give your reasoning, nobody can say where your reasoning is flawed. "2+2=5" "No it doesn't." "Why not?"

>> No.5588577

a (pseudo-)metric would help

>> No.5588579

If you really think explaining his reasoning would change the fact that "2+2=5" is false, you are fucking retarded. Math doesn't give a shit about your reasoning, if the result is wrong.

>> No.5588582

>Why has nobody considered this before

Clearly it's because you easily noticed something that everybody else in the world missed and will revolutionize all of science. That's far more likely than you being the one who misunderstands something.

>> No.5588588

>If you really think explaining his reasoning would change the fact that "2+2=5" is false, you are fucking retarded.

What. Who... why... what are you talking about?

>> No.5588594

I'm talking to you, pseudo-intellectual high school retard.

You said
>"2+2=5" "No it doesn't." "Why not?"
If you knew a minimum of math, you'd know how to answer the "Why not?" Same goes for OP's "theory".

>> No.5588604

Thanks, interesting.

>a false statement
Why is it false?
>an incoherent statement
Why is it incoherent?

I can define whatever pseudo-metric I want. Let's say for the sake of simplicity we extend the Minkovski metric to a (-1,...,-1,+1,+1,+1) metric.

>> No.5588608

>Why is it false?
Because it's not true.
>Why is it incoherent?
Because it conveys no meaning.

>> No.5588612

that would then give different field equations, once you define a new stress energy tensor

>> No.5588619


I think you misunderstood me and now are just trolling.

OP has concluded that 2+2=5. Since this is wrong, there must be some flaw in his reasoning. One could explain why 2+2=4 from first principles, but that would almost certainly be needlessly complicated and confusing compared to correcting a simple misunderstanding.

>> No.5588623

I stand by my statement. A flow does not mean anything is flowing.

0/10, kindergarten-level trolling

>> No.5588636
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>> No.5588642
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>A flow does not mean anything is flowing.

>> No.5588651

a vector field (it has to be a field) gives, on each co-ordinate patch, an ODE which can be solved locally and then the solutions can be patched together. Locally, dy/dt (t,x) = v(y(t,x)), with y(0,x) = x.

>> No.5588686

and now finally I know what flows are!

>> No.5589120

We're always moving at c in the 4d space

>> No.5589172
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