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15512316 No.15512316 [Reply] [Original]

19th century Siberian midwifery edition

Previous: >>15475353

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15512326
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>tfw you will never hold as much respect and sway over a Siberian village like a Moscow-trained doctor in the late 1800s

>> No.15512340

why are only weirdos in the geriatric field?

>> No.15512361

if you stare into the delirium and dementia, they stare back at you

>> No.15512573

thoughts on concierge medicine?

>> No.15513163

Fuck is that?

>> No.15513459

another mind numbing ER shift tomorrow
i hate them, it's so braindead. I learn next to nothing from it

>> No.15513480

just be the only doctor of a certain specialty in a rural county, and you'll have infinite respect and sway.

>> No.15513513

quick and dirty on ABGs? I think I get it, but still have a difficult time interpreting Davenport diagrams when it's mixed disorders.

>> No.15513528

>but still have a difficult time interpreting Davenport diagrams when it's mixed disorders.
that nerdy shit has been worthless to me, i've never used it
basics like O2, CO2, electrolytes, lactate, glucose, hgb has been enough in my experience
also you know what it is from the history usually or the PMH, ABG is rarely diagnostic in itself unless it's one of the above basic stuff.
Monitoring is good, but usually they have arteriel caths and that;s in the ICU
ICU nerds can have fun with that
ICU nerds treating monitors and labs will never not amuse me

>> No.15513580
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Any idea (diagnostics) how to tell if it's ibd or ass cancer? I've been shitting blood (visible and confirmed by stool sample I've given for giardasis) with stool for like 2 weeks already, have bouts of insane nausea (with occasional vomiting with blood), low grade fever and attacks of crippling fatigue that make it hard to even hold a phone or stand/sit still

>> No.15513735

go to an ass doctor

>> No.15513764

Great idea, asshole

>> No.15513991

thanks doc

>> No.15514389


>> No.15514409


>> No.15514661
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will taking antihistamines while sick slow my recovery? I've got no headache but I have super bad snot, coughing from post nasal drip, throat pain from coughing and I can't sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. What can I take to make myself not want to die? I literally went into my local doctor and he was a chink that couldn't speak english, was coughing and offered meds that barely alleviated the symptoms. Is everything that can make me feel better illegal because people abused it? ibuprofen, panadol, pseudoephedrine, durotuss, some gay antihistamine - it does fucking nothing man, I hate this and want to sleep

>> No.15514754

Have you tried asking your physician?

>> No.15515245

he is a chink who gave me hayfever meds
he is beyond useless
I don't have access to basic healthcare and I wake up at 3 am every night coughing up green shit unable to open one eye.

He prescribed me fexofenadine because my eyes look red.

>> No.15515298

Don’t care anyway lol

>> No.15515322
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Im a dental student studying for the CBSE right now. Im doing this as part of the application process to Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, which is highly competitive so I need to get a good score.

I take the exam in February. Is this enough time considering I'm just starting now?

Any tips from medfags that have taken Step 1? Right now doing BaB with the lightyear anki deck and annotating first aid along the way.

>> No.15515349

That's more than enough time. It might be wise to set aside the month or two before the exam to full-time studying if you can pull it.

>> No.15515750

do you work for free

>> No.15516128

>doesnt practice lid hygiene
shiggy diggy.

>> No.15516753

I'm a bored nerd who stumbled upon the Wikipedia page about gene enhancers and I can't understand how they achieve their purpose
I understand the process and steps, but I don't understand why bending the DNA strand to bring the enhancer close to a promoter makes it more likely for RNA polymerase to attach to the promoter. I don't see how that changes anything in terms of transcription likelihood. Can anyone here explain?

>> No.15516908

Does the appearance of a ulcus durum signify that serological tests (primarily TPHA) will start being positive now during primary syphillis? Or is a PCR/microscopy of the chancre fluid still necessary until secondary syphillis?

>> No.15517952

Enhancer attracts RNA polymerase/TF. Enhancer close to promotor -> RNA polymerase goes to promotor. Transscription.

>> No.15518032

So the RNA polymerase just detaches off the enhancer and sometimes ends up on the promoter through sheer chance, basically forming an increased gradient around the promoter? That seems incredibly ineffective to me, why not just find a way to bridge the gap and make the RNA polymerase go over it directly?
I want to go deeper down this rabbit hole, because several things in this process are still puzzling me. Do you know of any source that explores this in depth?

>> No.15518177

Favorite medical instrument?

>> No.15518206

Anyone doing a PhD while working? How are you managing it?

>> No.15518611

explores how enhancers work? look into something called liquid-liquid phase separation. nucleic acid binding proteins and NAs assemble into transient structures that are constantly changing. one enhancer can act on several promoters in a network. it is epigenetic level regulation that is relatively poorly understood. But to answer, why you need enhancers, TFs bind very specific sequences and sequences for different transcription factors can be adjacent to each other, how a specific TF/which ones get loaded to a promoter probably involves enhancers.

in other news, i got accepted to med school today, any tips?

>> No.15518726

does anyone here have an answer for >>15515770
Why do doctors murder so many babies?
Do they enjoy it?

>> No.15519523

Can someone explain to me why reducing afterload worsens hocm? I've been having trouble understanding

>> No.15519540

>application process to Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
hotdamn nigga, good luck to you
how long is that whole degree going to take you?

>> No.15519550

Langenbeck, i always play with it like the skeleton knife in csgo when i get bored during a surgery

>> No.15519583

>lightyear anki deck

no one uses this anymore. its all anking now

NBME exams 25-31 are same format as the CBSE (4 blocks of 50 questions, short stems), you should take a few. the topics tend to repeat. you can buy them off the step 1 website or just do an offine pdf though you'll have to subtract a couple points off your score

>> No.15519703

Sufficient afterload "stabilizes" the left ventircular outflow tract during systole, like a "counter pressure" to the increased LV pressure that keeps it from collapsing/obstructing itself, reduce the afterload and the LV contracts against a lower resistance and is more likely to collapse during systole

>> No.15519864


>> No.15519942

Specific physiology can be hard to come by when search engines are just oversaturated with a million results that don't go in depth at all, check out deranged physiology if you run into dead ends, it's a bit jumbeld but it usually covers the basic physiology pretty well

>> No.15520062

lightyear is supposedly directly made off of BaB though that’s why I was considering it. Anking that much better? And wdym subtract points off my score if I use a pdf. Why?

>> No.15520068

Thanks man. It’s
>4 year dental school
>6 year med school/residency integrated
>1-2 years optional fellowship
As of now I want to do head and neck cancer surgery so that would imply a fellowship but who knows how I will feel years from now about doing that

>> No.15520342

phoropter though slit lamp comes in a close 2nd.

>> No.15520648

>Anking that much better?

its significantly more updated. latest version also runs on the cloud, so real-time updates and fixes are made. it's also tagged to multiple resources including BnB, as well as Sketchy, First Aid, Bootcamp, etc. the Step 2 deck in Anking also includes a lot of step 1 vignette style diagnosis cards that are very helpful

the online ($60) nmbes give a slightly scaled score based on difficulty of the form. even just a few questions out of 200 makes a big difference

one thing thats big now on step/cbse thats not really in anki is "communications" questions. that requires practice, which uworld is good for

>> No.15520856
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Ascites or fat?

>> No.15520873

I want to poison myself but I only want to use mild poisons
Any suggestions?
One thing I'd like to poison myself with is Saponins

>> No.15520874

Btw by poison I mean I want to experience unpleasant and unusual symptoms due to poisoning but inflict no lasting damage to myself besides perhaps increasing my susceptibility to certain poisons or having bio-accumulation in my body
Basically I want to feel things I've never felt before

>> No.15520877

22lr into the chest and work up to 50bmg. it'll hurt but you'll live.

>> No.15520879

These are bullets not poisons

>> No.15521096

bullets are made out of lead which is a poison. just trust me, bro.

>> No.15521114

Start by a good caffeine overdose

>> No.15521241

>head and neck cancer surgery
I've assisted in some neck dissections, very interesting but damn does that departement schedule long OR times

>> No.15521520
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why is it that I can punch walls and hard stuff in general with my right hand without feeling much pain but when I do it with my left it's 100 times worse and I get easily bruised? Do I just need to keep doing it to get calluses on my knucles or is there something wrong with my hand? (right handed btw)

>> No.15521633

Thanks bro. Appreciate the advice. Will use anking.
That’s awesome. Was it in a med school rotation?

>> No.15521799

Non dominant hand being weaker ig
So? It's flat when laying on back and standing
Speaking of cancer surgeries, are there any that can relapse? I'm opposed to chemo, but fine with getting cut and might have one

>> No.15522162

I'm a second year moving onto 3rd year. For preclinicals, I imagine a lot of people will be recommending anki with the anking deck and 3rd party resources like boards and beyond, pathoma, and sketchy. This seems to work for most people, but I wasn't a fan of spending a bunch of money for gay micro cartoons. I got through preclinicals and step 1 by reading robbins and cotran and various physiology books my school provided. I would also use wiki a ton for quick facts and even some help with physiology. My point is, use the first block of med school to see what works for you. People will criticize you for deviating from the norm, but it doesn't matter if it works.

>> No.15522191

The geri attendings and fellows during my rotation were great.

>> No.15522268

>decide to trim my toe nails
>squat down and trim my toe nails in a squatting position for ~1minute
>go to stand back up
>sudden shooting back in my lower back
>stop, wonder wtf, then go back to moving into an upright posture
>literally cant straighten up a bent-over posture without sudden bursts intense lower back pain
>brace myself against a nearby post
>gradually force myself to stand upright by leaning and pushing against the post
>feel like i'm about to pass out, not sure if head rush from being bent over or the intense pain
>stagger over to my bed and lay down
>only feel vague pain laying down as long as i dont move
>one of my thighs feels warm
>with slight movements i feel pain again

im skinny and in my 20s wtf did i just do to my body. my entire lower back feels like its in an 'oh shit' mode

>> No.15522282

You need to go to a chiropractor. They'll set things straight.

>> No.15522289
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>> No.15522926

nerve pinched in lumbar/sacral region. it's over.

>> No.15523014
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Twisted my big toe performing limbo while wearing flip flops. Big hematoma and can't walk on it.
Should I get an X ray or give it a couple days?

>> No.15523304

Fucking wrong, abg is an excellent modality in the "why the fuck is this comatose patient comatose" patient.

>> No.15523306

Haha, your dick is infected.

>> No.15523309

Portable US, of course

>> No.15523315

You should kill yourself for real, instead of wasting physicians time with your attention whoring. I prescribe a shotgun blast to the head.

>> No.15523317

Muscle spasm causing lower back pain. Don't go to a fucking doctor for this, take paracetamol and ibuprofen, move regularly and get on with your fucking life.

>> No.15523318

Don't ask for medic advice here, fucktard.

>> No.15523501

How do hormones relate to body/blood pH?
Particularly related to the menstrual cycle and the luteul phase?

What are ways in which body pH can be altered?
Is the pH body theory bullshit?

>> No.15523510

Prehaps I should rephrase, how does it relate to vaginal PH?
What are the mechanisms that causes the changes in vaginal PH?

>> No.15523522

how do you find papers/books besides sci-hub and libgen? my uni has shitty access to most journals

>> No.15523772

thanks doc
does this happen because i need to have a stronger core? or more flexibility? im tall and have tight hamstrings, cant touch my toes etc

>> No.15525489
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Is this infected or healing normally?

>> No.15525598

You gonna die boy

>> No.15525611

Its fine. Wash it off and try to let it breath and dry off for awhile if you can.

>> No.15526107

Does only cancer cause severe physical weakness/fatigue that isn't relieved/entirely relived by rest and immense pain that get worse at night?

>> No.15526624

Get sterile compresses and saline from a pharmacy, twice a day, rinse the wound with saline and dab it with the compresses to remove debris and puss. The wound isn't badly infected or anything but keeping it clean and removing the debris will help with the healing process.

If you're tall and skinny, it's likely your joint dynamics aren't ideal to begin with, if you want to prevent compounding aches and pains you should get on a small strength training and stretching routine to improve your back and core strength as well as your overall mobility, 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week would serve you well in the long run, just look up something on youtube, bodyweight stuff is perfectly fine for that purpose.

>> No.15526643

Rub some dirt in there and go to sleep, you'll be fine.

>> No.15528022

What if I did deadlifts but with baby weight? Like the bar plus 10-25 pounds on each side? Is that good for this purpose? And what bodyweight exercises even work the lumbar muscles? Roman chair?

>> No.15528305
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how do you do, fellow researches? I was looking around the ski- Dermatology database and from what I found is that skin is held in one piece thanks to collagen fibers which are only 300nm long. thus the mystery: would applying a collagen rich gen be enough to heal a cut? just pour that shit into a wound, squeeze both sides together and voila! skin glue! does this exist and why if not. for practical reasons let's ignore the epidermis and focus on dermis and Fat.

>> No.15528985

You can just do bodyweight exercises like lying back extensions, bodyweight squats, lying legraises, if you want to do weight training that's fine too but you have to adapt your form to your height/proportions and put an extra focus on keeping it correct, just Deadlifts will probably not be enough, you should also do something to specifically exercise your spinal erectors like good mornings as well as squats and stretches. In general, chances are your postural habits aren't ideal and since you're the tall skinny type you might get to notice the results of that earlier than others, so best get on an exercise regiment to compensate for that and try to keep your posture in check (not slouching over on a desk, not looking down on your phone etc.)

>> No.15530030

How do I work up motivation to study? I think about all the stuff I need to study for the next couple of tests, national tests, and then I don't study at all instead. Should I just get a meth prescription?

>> No.15530622

You summon a demon to take over your body for a few hours so you can do all the studying you need to do.

And yeah the invocation ritual is snorting amphetamine salts.

>> No.15530670
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If acetaminophen is a COX blocker, why doesn't it cause peptic ulcer like the other NSAIDs?

>> No.15530750

it is a weak inhibitor compared to others

>> No.15530901

affirmative action just ended. what does this mean for the medical field?

captcha: dtgaay

>> No.15530905

Would anything really change? Can't admissions just say they like a nigger's 'personality' more from their personal statement and interview?

>> No.15530918

They can, but people inside would get wind of that, and if that ever makes it into an email or a slack message, you are legally speaking down bad
You'll always have people using their personal bias to decide which candidate they like, but making it not official policy will eliminate most of it

>> No.15530933

i hope asians sue the shit out of ivy league universities now
get your bags

>> No.15530935

it's already a weak cox blocker, and it preferentially blocks cox-2, which is not associated with gastric mucosa

>> No.15530975

Not much, general healthcare is way too important to ignore across the board. Covid basically reminded the country of that. So you will still have programs related to it. But it might put a noticeable chill on female admission rates.

Coming off the heels of the student debt crisis for college though, it's clear that there are interest in de-emphasizing college or reforming it to prevent the $1.7 trillion debt from growing. Plus with continued A.I. integration in medical field and other areas none of this may not fundamentally matter.

Still believe the whole controversy with AA in the medical field is more or less a grift. We all know it's about money and not merit. There are more academically rigorous medical programs in Europe and East Asia but neither pay their graduating doctors as well as the US. Which is key here.

>> No.15530987

Med student who wants to be a heart surgeon. Any thoughts? Am I going to regret it?

>> No.15531014

are you asian?

>> No.15531161

it is a weak cox-2 blocker wich is asociated with ulcers(look up celecoxib wich is a selective cox2 blocker) don't know what the other fag was talking about; paracetamol doesn t cause ulcers or reye's disease for that matter because it's action is at the cns/brain level and very very very little at the perifery that s why it s a shit antiinflamatory drug; in fact it's not even clasified as an AINS annymore for that reason; but it is a great antipyretic and analgezic but nit antiinflamatory
Read lippincott niggers but 5th edition at most don't buy the latest one since it has a trillion pages; best book on planet earth and I've memorised it like an absolut sperg worth it.

>> No.15531358

any recommendation for a good handbook of psychology for a noob when it comes to psychology?
>EMT in the making but would need some expertise in psychology

>> No.15531362

p.s. i have separet psychiatry book for the pathologies

>> No.15531380

Psychology is a lot of woo. Just let people talk, avoid getting into arguments, and a secret third thing to have a solid sentence with three big items
Trust me on this. I'm bigly an expert

>> No.15531541

neuro here i have a question
why cant you take a proper history

>> No.15531554

>hello is it neuro, uuughhh the patient is dizzy
>dizzy how? how's the BP, is it vertigo or unsteadiness or lightheadedness? did you check electrolytes

>hello neuro uuggghh the patient is altered lmao
>are they delirious? is it aphasia? can you be more specific. what's their GCS

>> No.15531573

unreliable historians

>> No.15531588

in my experience as a neuro resident only we are consistently good at obtaining a proper detailed chronological history

everyone else is winging it and just looking at labs

>> No.15531668
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>still not sure what I want to do
>mfw my preceptors ask me what my future plans are

>> No.15531716


>> No.15531746
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What specialisation do I need for an GF like this?

>> No.15531874


>> No.15531877
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Am I experiencing testicular torsion? What do I do?!
>Had quick pain in my right nut earlier today but it wasn't too bad and went away instantly.
>Just sitting at computer just now
>All of a sudden right nut hurts REALLY fucking bad
>Hurts so bad I feel like I'm really going to throw up
>Lasts on a couple seconds
>Am okay at the moment
My right nut does feel a little bit more swollen than my left but not by a lot, and as said it doesn't hurt anymore.
It's 9PM. Do I wait and see if it does it again or what? I don't want to go to the emergency room if it isn't really a thing.
My nuts are on the line and everybody's asleep, please forgive me if this is off-topic.

>> No.15531934

Plastic surgery

>> No.15532135
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Still haven't submitted AMCAS and probably won't until July 1. Am I fucked medbros? Gunning for top MSTPs/MD-PhD programs with a 3.8/521 but weird/meh ECs and a military discharge. Also what would happen if I drink Trizol?

>> No.15532154

endocringeology with fellowship in tranny medicine

>> No.15532179
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So since affirmative action based on race is out of the picture, how will universities keep their medical cohorts "diverse"?

I, for one, suggest more autists in medicine.

>> No.15532226

>I, for one, suggest more autists in medicine.
How would someone check for this? Someone doing poorly in their interviews lol?

>> No.15532255


>> No.15532271

See normies can fake shit interviews. It needs to be something bullet proof.

I suggest a social media and chan audit. A complex equation favouring pepes, wojaks and /pol/ buzzwords and disfavouring selfies, large number of events attended (esp. normie parties) and online virtue signaling.

Also since women can't be autistic, they'd be excluded from admissions.

>> No.15532743
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>Oopsie, couldn't breast feed you when you were a 2 week old newborn, because reasons!/mother
What fucking reasons could there even be??? Lemme guess fucking postpartum? Fucking women.

>> No.15532843

my mistake asked in the wrong place thanks for the advice anyway

>> No.15532871

after beating cancer i have been inspired to become a doctor
problem is i am in my mid twenties
is it too late for me to pursue a career?

>> No.15533228

>>15532135 is me and I'm 30 lolers. Never too late. Do you want to be 45 and not be a doctor?

>> No.15533240

yknow, that helped me make my decision
Thank you.

>> No.15533298

I would KILL for these stats. Good job, anon. Don't know why you're being neurotic about being 'fucked'.

>> No.15533794

You aren't fucked with those stats, i'm this anon >>15518611, over 30, finished phd, goin md. Drinking Trizol will fuck you up, think about what happens to cells when you throw it on. I know someone who lost an eye from phenol..

>>15533228 It ain't too late

>> No.15533820

Gib Potassium competitive acid blockers (PCABs) NOW!
Wonder if these are preferable to PPI's...for those of us who have these issues.

>> No.15534216

Ty frens, was mostly concerned about the late submission date. No more self-sabotage and finishing this shit today inshallah.

Also if they didn't want me to drink Trizol why did they make it look like pink lemonade?

>> No.15534223

It's endearing that u think of pink lemonade, i think of sizzurp. I wanna put that trizol in my sprite

>> No.15534351
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say, are nasal swabs mandatory for detecting staphylococcus aureus? I may or may not need a mandatory one for a job offer that I would rather skip because I sure as hell don't trust politicians when they say that swabs can't serve as vaccines, especially since my mother is dying from terminal cancer 2 years after "le jaberino I did the thingerino yass!". and then there's the whole glass fibers breaking off and getting stuck in order to provide eternal itchiness and pain.

>> No.15534543

Fucking baby murdering freaks. Fuck all of you

>> No.15534547

If you ask for consent first, sweetheart

>> No.15535050

i have a vehemently pro-life, hard-right christian classmate who secretly got an abortion after she was dumped, lol

>> No.15535064

But your oath?

>> No.15535123
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are there any good video series on neck dissection technique?
Doesn't matter if old or new. (As a side note, the Tegos tapes in neurosurgery were interesting and informative on operative technique despite being crazy old)

t. differentfag

>> No.15535315

Does this make sense?

>> No.15535359
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Most retarded thing I've seen today. And I'm definitely not watching the whole thing.

The body has the opposite problem, and it's a major cause of death. We evolved in an environment where cholesterol was very valuable, and relatively scarce. So your body does a great job of conserving it and keeping it in circulation, but there's not that many mechanisms for getting read of excess cholesterol.

And the two leading causes of death happen to be heart disease and stroke.
If you want to live longer, do exercise and eat healthy instead of watching crackpot TED talks. Only thing that works, and people just won't do it no matter how many times it's said. There's no secret.

>> No.15535405


>> No.15536369

charity is not in the declaration of geneva

>> No.15536816

i have been on the primal diet for a week now and haven't felt any stool moves, am i dangerously constipated?

>> No.15536848

Drink water eat fiber you'll be fine.

>> No.15536952

>exercise and eat healthy
This is awful advice because it's so vague. Everyone can see the basic trends but the specifics for optimizing long-term health evade us.

>> No.15536981

The specifics turn out to not matter much. The single most effective intervention far above all is any form of exercise several times a week, and a balanced diet.
If you need more details, see a nutritionist

>> No.15538345

When is bloody stool indicative of cancer?

>> No.15538524

Hi anons, I'm here looking for advice (sorry).
>Anxiety prone, 23yo, underweight
>10mg of Adderall today
>10mg propranolol three days ago (I've read something about unopposed alpha agonism, but unlikely since the half-life is short and that was for overdose cocaine patients in a ER setting)
>Short (less than one second) sharp pain on the chest, center but slightly left biased
>Started during the comedown
>Seemed to be triggered/lessened by posture but can't tell because of their short duration
>Could be malnourished (end of semester, I rarely cook decent meals)
Is it muscular? Something to do with bronquiodilation? Posture (I studied the whole 4 hours sitting on my bed)? Electrolytes?

>> No.15538527

Happened around 6-7 times in the span of an hour or so btw

>> No.15538568

stop taking drugs, drink water when thirsty, and eat when hungry. take a multivitamin if you want.

>> No.15538576

But it was a /med/ical doctor the one who prescribed me the Adderall and the propranolol in the first place. If I start complaining about chest pains he might get scared and just cease the prescription.

>> No.15538648

What's the purpose of the beta blocker?

>> No.15538982

Physical anxiety/panic attacks, but that I used to have a script for years ago. In fact it was the first time using them since 2020 or so (had an important presentation). I was always scared of them so never really took them as prescribed.

>> No.15539014

What the fuck just happened today. I'm a peds resident, 2nd year. I'm on peds neuro rotation and the attending I am with cares soooooo fucking much about the papers it's unbelievable. Other residents called me today telling me I didn't give the patient some god know what the fuck document to sign and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I told them why didn't they do it then instead of me and why do they complain about such shitty things, especially when the document that needed signing had to be given when the patient is leaving the hospital. I told them to not call me anymore for such things. Fuck them, fuck neuro peds, fuck all the kiss ass residents.

Imagine this. They had some accreditation stuff to do and the people that came to verify the hospital were coming and the attending made us look through all the older charts (starting from 2022 and fix them). Suddenly, the cared about their fucking papers.

>> No.15539331

I once stumbled upon an official/government US website wlth information on specific poisoning treatment - there were pdfs available with a fuckton of studies on toxicity of - for example - copper as well as pdfs with clinical guidelines for treatment of CO poisoning with a ready-to-print sheet for patient
does anyone know that website?

>> No.15539334

ok got it

>> No.15539392

I'd like to know about this one too. All I know about regarding toxicology is Toxbase but it's paid and costs a fuckton.

>> No.15539527

I'm not a doctor, so I feel qualified to answer.
It sounds like it could be the precordial catch meme. If it lasts less than a second, you don't have any other symptom, and it's not triggered by anything in particular like exercise or anxiety, by exclusion that's probably just a small glitch.

If you feel the classic radiating chest pain that extends to your arms/back/legs/whatever and it lasts more than a single second, that would be when you reach for your phone.

>> No.15539554
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>Activation of the second messenger pathway leads to increased levels of CaMKII and PKAII
>[...] these signals recruit additional receptors into the post-synaptic membrane

Here's a stupid question: Can't we directly target the second messengers to get rid of GABA_a tolerance effects?
What if I magically throw Targeted Protein Degraders at CaMKII, is it that simple to block/reverse EtOH, BZD tolerance?

There must be some reason that we always target receptors instead of messenger proteins, but I don't get it.
We have the tools, why don't we poke at internal pathways?
(Derek Lowe says it's totally real and protein degraders should be practical any time now)

>> No.15540193
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Why do I pace around my room, bite or click my nails and rock back and forth?

>> No.15540196

Drug development slow and tedious. They do touch upon pre and post synaptic receptors and alike (no idea about centers of tolerance tho) as seen with aripiprazole (shit, but still) and future schizo drugs, but really as of now I doubt it will be as easy as target receptor to block de/senitization without it causing some horrid shit or finding specific bit responsible for process
Anyone? Blood varied from dark, maroon to bright red; abdominal pain prior, during and after trip to toilet

>> No.15540197

Adhd if boredom, autismo if you can't into emotions and do it as anxiety relief

>> No.15540202

Allow me to answer without pathologising

Its a habit youve tought yourself.

>> No.15540208


You know the body has an army to fight infection right?

Apply antibiotic cream. Normal strength. Normal amount.

>> No.15540215

Small chance of the collagen protein transporting infection bacteria etc into the wound and proving source of food.

Best case scenario its a small enough wound so you havent just basically poured beef skin powder into your own wound to fill it like a sandbag. Then your body just noms the protien instead of treating it as a foreign body. Which it might just do due to the proteins on the outside of the cellstructure being from a different animal.

>> No.15540511

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.15540795

Shit ton of distrophies/ALS and the rest are traumas and epileptics. Not a bad spec but I can't wait to go back to general peds.

>> No.15541085
File: 50 KB, 1000x1000, virgin box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the new resident brings this with him to morning rounds
what are your immediate thoughts?

>> No.15541143

>be assisting on surgery
>prepare patient, call for surgeon
>he comes in drunk as hell per usual
>quickly performs a top notch sectoral mastectomy
>runs away leaves patient to be closed up by me
>nurse goes: "he's so drunk how is he going to get home safely driving under influence"
>mfw no face

>> No.15541154

high five and try to be friends with the coolest fellow in kindergarten

>> No.15541254

"Borrow" a pen. I was working with a junior resident once that had a ton of those amazing G2 pilot pens with 0.5 tip diameter. Amazing pens. Still won't dish out cash on them, I'll stick to my shitty BICs that nobody will steal.

>> No.15541653

Why do doctors turn their noses up at foot surgeons but not hand surgeons?

>> No.15542063

the nurse and him are fucking.

>> No.15542195

nah that nurse is pushing high 60s he fucks other nurses

>> No.15542426

Has anyone here gone into a family medicine or primary care-focused internal medicine residency? What are the things I should consider about it, good and bad? When I started med school I had the delusion that I wanted to do cardiothoracic surgery, but over the past few months I've been thinking that I'd just like to become a rural doctor.

>> No.15542948

>rural doctor
I'm a rural doctor and I regret it because most of my patients are racist to me. Don't do it unless you're huwhite.

>> No.15543161

Peds resident here. I have a pretty cool case to share.

This is in neuropeds. Patient F, 9 y/o comes with her dad. 2 days ago she said she can't see colors very well with her left eye and when she covers the right eye and a subject (her dad) is in front of her, she can only see the lower half of it. Everything else, including basic labs are unremarkable.

From here on, the diagnosis is easy so I'll leave it up to you. If you're unsure, here's another tip: she has 3 cats at home.

>> No.15543202


>> No.15543204


Haven't seen a case yet in my entire residency years. Optho said she had chorioretinitis and after additional labs she had positive IgM.

>> No.15543392

i have only seen once, calcifications in brain on ultrasound.

>> No.15544525

Being a nurse does not look fun. This scene in this movie had me laughing out loud.


>> No.15544532

Enable subtitles.

>> No.15544884

did you do mri of the brain
i doubt an lp was done

>> No.15544891

I've always been surprised that the dangers of toxo as a human parasite are so hushed up. There's a whole litany of behavioral and physical problems that it causes but it's barely ever discussed and there isn't a widespread program for treating people or cats to get rid of the risk.

>> No.15545171

For the date, my gut says no. My undergrad didn't submit my letter until August and I'm at a T15 MSTP and interviewed at two T5s. Could I have gotten into those T5s if they were earlier? Idk but desu it's a completely stochastic process.

The bigger question is what your research experience is like. Having quality research is 90% of the MSTP application

>> No.15545344

anki is becoming boring and is starting to becoming a huge chore again
how do you deal with this mates ?

>> No.15545435

take a break, make your anki decks due to next week or something.

>> No.15545476

do questions instead

>> No.15545543

how tf do you even study for the gamsat? every result is some overpriced 'tutoring' service

>> No.15545608

kek. are you black or something? most rural people are fine if you're the correct type of asian.

>> No.15545819

just took USMLE STEP 2 CK holy crap long test, thought it was easier than Step 1. A third of my class failed it last year cause they were dumbasses and didn't take it seriously cause the switch to P/F. Quiz me to see if I actually know shit. My mind was in a trance and loopy after that long 9 hr test

>> No.15545823

get a pair of heelies and be the coolest kid on rounds AMOG him anon pls

>> No.15545846

30yo man presents with altered mental status, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, claims Asuka is best girl, and has trouble in ADL due to difficulty swallowing, which is crucial to his sex life

>> No.15545981

>kek. are you black or something?
I'm actually Asian.
>most rural people are fine if you're the correct type of asian.
What do you mean? I don't think most huwhite people can tell the difference between Asians. Unless you're talking how a huwhite person would call a Pakistani dude a terrorist or some shit. I'm East Asian by the way (not Chinese but it's not like they would know anyways). I just wanted to chill in the countryside alone but instead, I barraged by huwhite people being racist to me. :(

>> No.15546137

i swear i remember there being some kind of great surgical atlas by lippincott, maybe called illustrated atlas of surgery by lippincott like they have for pharmacology, biochemistry etc but i can't find it anymore like it never existed. does anyone have a clue?

>> No.15546393

Probably depends on the state. Where I've been in Oregon seems to be fine for most gooks/japs/chinks as long as English is your first language. They only really start to care if you're a brown asian/poo in loo with really shitty English/very thick accent.

>> No.15546424

>i swear i remember there being some kind of great surgical atlas by lippincott, maybe called illustrated atlas of surgery by lippincott like they have for pharmacology, biochemistry etc but i can't find it anymore like it never existed. does anyone have a clue?

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there was no specific surgical atlas titled "Illustrated Atlas of Surgery by Lippincott" published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is a prominent publisher of medical textbooks and resources, but I don't have access to information about all their publications beyond 2021. It's possible that the title you mentioned may have been released after my knowledge cutoff or could be a lesser-known or regional publication. I recommend checking with medical libraries, bookstores, or online resources for the most up-to-date information on surgical atlases.

There are several well-known surgical atlases available from various publishers. Some of the popular surgical atlases include:

"Atlas of Surgical Operations" by Richard M. Bell and Merril T. Dayton (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
"Surgical Atlas of the Musculoskeletal System" by Emil H. Schemitsch (Thieme)
"Operative Techniques in Surgery" series by Michael W. Mulholland et al. (Elsevier)
"Atlas of Surgical Anatomy" by Jürgen Fischer (Springer)
"Atlas of General Surgical Techniques" by Courtney M. Townsend Jr. et al. (Wolters Kluwer)

>> No.15546579

Sounds kinda fake and gay. Surely, you would have done a little rural placement before you did the residency? You would have seen people being "racist" and chose another specialty.

>> No.15546586

>Probably depends on the state.
I'm in the South.
>Where I've been in Oregon seems to be fine for most gooks/japs/chinks as long as English is your first language.
Yes, I speak English natively.
>They only really start to care if you're a brown asian/poo in loo
My skin is actually whiter than most of the patients I see.

I started before COVID and was I fine with the occasional remark but now I regularly have people blame me for COVID.

>> No.15547339

thanks but why does this read like its written by AI?

>> No.15547473

What type of Asian?

>> No.15547486

Because it is.