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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 312 KB, 500x600, BFS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15428961 No.15428961 [Reply] [Original]

Big Falcon Ship (BFS) edition

previous: >>15426538

>> No.15428964
File: 75 KB, 1088x766, 1990s German Sanger II two-stage-to-orbit space plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for Sanger

>> No.15428967

So VAST modules won't be sent up any earlier than 2025

>> No.15428972
File: 1.65 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_4829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They acquired launcher, which I guess is a more established space company

But can a module like this really be built in only 2 years?

>> No.15428973

retard here.
Why can't they just use steroids or something to counter 0g? Sounds a lot easier and more fun than speeen.

>> No.15428975

We've been building it

>> No.15428976

It's pretty terrible that the three flaps thing never worked out, aerodynamically speaking. It pretty much solved the issue of landing legs and now spacex's solution is just hoping they'll figure something out down the road.

>> No.15428978

space station modules need to be built as fast as F9 cores today. They shouldnt be that complicated

>> No.15428985

I was reading this article from like 5 or 6 years ago that stated SX can build a Falcon 9 from SCRATCH in under two weeks. Including merlins. And that number has certainly gone down since then. I’m pretty sure if we had some armageddon-type scenario and the government needed five dedicated falcon heavies it could be done in like one week

>> No.15428986

>page 1 again
inb4 schizo incursion

>> No.15428989


>> No.15428992
File: 79 KB, 657x648, Space Station - vast aero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wellfags always used to laugh. They used to think spinhabs were a joke. They aren't laughing today.
Now they know the gravity of the situation.

>> No.15428995
File: 1.45 MB, 1458x3500, 1683721450656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

later today, a starlink
Upcoming chinese launch in 30min

>> No.15428996
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Tiangong bros, I don't feel so good...

>> No.15428999

This is so hilarious, but also funny

>> No.15429000
File: 43 KB, 500x282, 26FC4C05-FF1C-4620-886C-2A7F603041F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gravity of the situation

>> No.15429002
File: 62 KB, 609x611, astro check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15429005


>> No.15429006

fuck well dwellers

>> No.15429009

Youre a fuckin retard

>> No.15429010
File: 109 KB, 589x720, asteroids_space_program.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now they know the gravity of the situation.
You are not wrong, but actually using puns means you will never get a qt rocket engineer gf.

>> No.15429011
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>> No.15429013
File: 1.12 MB, 2694x1050, Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 8.39.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spinchads, how are we feeling about spinning stacks?

>> No.15429015


>> No.15429016

we spin you right round baby right round like a record player

>> No.15429019

Worst thread yet, already infested with spinqueers

>> No.15429021

t. dirtsniffer

>> No.15429022
File: 530 KB, 3000x3000, 1675313607881258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ - spin flight general

>> No.15429023

>throws a rogg into your well

>> No.15429025

absurdly based

>> No.15429027
File: 41 KB, 500x503, dark star surfing a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50m radius, 1g = 4.2 rpm
Juuuust within adaptation range

>> No.15429028

Since spinners are here in force today pls answr my question.

>> No.15429029

22m/s tangential velocity... seems reckless. A wayward capsule could cause a disaster

>> No.15429032

ofc well dwellers want to take ball shrinking drugs instead of just rotating

>> No.15429036

For real

>> No.15429037

The diameter of such a structure would have to be a kilometre or more to prevent motion sickness.

>> No.15429038

It's just one guy samefagging

>> No.15429039
File: 170 KB, 681x917, Carter Emmart for ‘The Case for Mars’ JPL video 1986 cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No drug regimen I know of does much to counter the debilitating effects of freefall. Even though I'm a spin king, I wish there was one as it would be a massive asset to human space flight

>> No.15429043
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>throws a rogg into your spin station

>> No.15429044


>> No.15429046

Sorry anon, can't imagine being rich enough to pay a lot extra for, uh, something that's just earth conditions in space. Also 0g full time is a lot of fun I imagine.
that's too bad, I'm sure pharmaceutical research will get there one day though.

>> No.15429051

>implying you have the dv

>> No.15429052

Taking resources away from the cylindar is prohibited by law. You may not leave, nor your rocks

>> No.15429057
File: 27 KB, 809x523, Hypervelocity Tether Rocket 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread theme

>> No.15429059

China's actually streaming a launch for once. Long March 7 going up in about five minutes



>> No.15429060
File: 1.88 MB, 3412x2275, Falcon Heavy assembled in hangar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking find it but Elon made a tweet that said building a entire Falcon Heavy - all 3 cores - from scratch was under 2 weeks (I think it was 9 days), and I've confirmed they can manufacture at least 6 boosters simultaneously; theoretically, then, you could do 4 heavies fully expendable with 3 weeks lead time and assuming all brand-new boosters. With extant boosters being converted as side boosters, it seems plausible they could do at least 4 heavies on 2 week's notice. (4 brand new center cores + 8 used F9s converted to side boosters, this assumes conversion takes ~1/2 as long)

While I was looking I ran across this timeless gem from Tory the snake:
>"Our estimate remains around 10 flights as a fleet average to achieve a consistent breakeven point ... and that no one has come anywhere close."
That was April of 2020. lol; lmao, even.
Captcha: YWVVVV

>> No.15429063


>> No.15429065

project rho link now.
>set of counter-rotating tethers
what is this lol? I've never seen this before. don't tell me that it's rotating packets of water with tethers and releasing them backwards? in that case, why the nuclear reactor? to spin the hub motor????? lol???? based

>> No.15429069
File: 63 KB, 542x400, moon crater biosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here we report the discovery of a hydrous mineral (NH4)MgCl3(H2O)6 in the lunar soil returned by Chang'e-5 mission, which contains 417,000 parts per million H2O. The determined structure and composition are similar to novograblenovite-a terrestrial fumarole mineral formed by reaction of hot basalt in water-rich volcanic gases, whereas the measured isotope composition delta37Cl reached 20.4 parts per thousand, a high value that only found in lunar minerals. We rule out the possibility that this hydrate originated from terrestrial contaminants or rocket exhaust through analysis of its chemical, isotopic compositions as well as the formation conditions. Our finding indicates that water can exist on some parts of the sunlit Moon in the form of hydrate compounds. Moreover, this hydrate is rich in ammonium, providing new information in understanding the origin of the Moon.
40% water by weight with ammonia thrown in as a bonus?

>> No.15429070

launched and staged

>> No.15429072
File: 32 KB, 691x526, Hypervelocity Tether Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea is that we can increase tether velocity to many kilometers per second, then release small masses from the tether tips. This can be water or dust grains or whatever can flow down the tether’s length. Their release generates recoil in the opposite direction: that’s thrust. Momentum is lost with each release, though it can be regenerated by an electric motor that spins the tether.
>If we mount a tether like this on a spacecraft, it can be used as a rocket engine as propellant exiting in one direction and thrust produced in the opposite direction. As long as two counter-rotating tethers are used, there is no torque. Essentially, they become an electric thruster with an ‘exhaust velocity’ equal to the tether tip velocity.
>There are many advantages. The tethers can use nearly any propellant they can pipe to their tips. Whether it is dust gathered from an asteroid’s surface, nitrogen scooped up from the edge of Earth’s atmosphere or water derived from a lunar mining operation, it can all go in the propellant tanks with minimal processing. That means there is no need to haul a chemical factory with you to every landing site in the Solar System.

>> No.15429077

Ammonia? I thought ammonia necessitated the presence of bacteria or organism to produce it desu

>> No.15429078

but... doing some quick math, to achieve an exhaust velocity of 3700m/s (aka tether tips at that speed), a 100m tether only needs to spin 5.89 times per second.

that seems too good to be true.

so, the tethers would just have little micropipes trickling water to the tips, and a smart little servo valve at the tip releasing water at the appropriate moments.

the reactor electricity is necessary to spin the tethers, of course, because the new water being introduced needs to be spun up to speed. if we're talking about reactor levels of power (megawatt+), then this thing must be intended to be releasing a lot of water per second.

>> No.15429079

Starship can fit 10m (length) x 7m (diameter) modules in it, that's only ~315 launches to build a kilometer diameter ring

>> No.15429081

Tianzhou 6 released and solar panels deployed

>> No.15429084
File: 52 KB, 717x756, david egge asteroid mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it can be made abiotically. The outer system is full of the stuff

>> No.15429108

How about building a ring on the moon and launching it from there?

>> No.15429121
File: 27 KB, 546x408, shuttle sw saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA Shuttle to Launch Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber
>When the space shuttle Discovery launches the STS-120 astronaut crew in October, the force will be with them.
>Stowed on-board the orbiter, in addition to a new module for the International Space Station, will be the original prop lightsaber used by actor Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in the 1977 film "Star Wars". The laser-like Jedi weapon is being flown to the orbiting outpost and back in honor of the 30th anniversary of director George Lucas' franchise.
>Chewbacca, the towering Wookiee best known from the film as Han Solo's co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon, will officially hand the lightsaber over to officials from Space Center Houston during a ceremony at the airport. Joining "Chewie" will be other characters from the six-part sci-fi classic, including Boba and Jango Fett and together they help push back the airplane on the tarmac.
Doesn't seem to be any video of this heckin epic handover, just a few stills

>> No.15429122

100ft tether spinning at 350rpm doesn't seem utterly insane but only until you do the G-Force calculation, the tip of the tether experiences fourteen thousand Gees continuously. to be clear that's 14,000 times earth gravity, not 1,400.

>> No.15429145

What could incentivise large-scale solar system colonisation?
I'm trying to write some hard SF stuff, and can't for the life of me figure out a "realistic" reason for a human interplanetary presence that's more than just a few outposts and research stations here and there. The main problem is that most resources available in space are also available on earth, and extracting on earth will always be much cheaper. The stuff that's not readily available is in turn of very limited utility.
The "Earth is a fucking shithole/outright uninhabitable" justification feels a bit overused, and I don't want to handwave things either.

>> No.15429148

1) Earth is too gay
2) Mars is settled to forestall rivals taking it for themselves, sane deal as the Brits settling Australia to keep out the French. Instead of convicts as ready-made settlers, you take people tired of the gayness of earth
3) it lets us practice our growth-based economy for the foreseeable future

>> No.15429171
File: 728 KB, 2694x1150, Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 10.54.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Vast really build dozens of these throughout the Solar System?

>> No.15429178

They could be economically useful as momentum exchange stations using long tethers

>> No.15429185

Absolutely and they will

>> No.15429189

think of the cost of property facing basically every western country, couple it with states rewilding/preventing cities to creep out because of climate change/ecological collapse, then it may reach a point where "cheap" spinhabs cost less than skyscrapers and moving to one is more affordable than staying on earth.

>> No.15429191

How about this: cult and religion
The first pioneers were religious people fleeing religious persecution and settled on America

>> No.15429195

*The first pioneers were religious people fleeing because they were doing the persecution to others which made them a bit unpopular and settled on America

>> No.15429198

Habs in cislunar space have the USP of small communications lag compared to interplanetary. You can just about have a conversation with Earth without frustration

>> No.15429206

as for why these habs move away from earth, anything out to gso is considered a sensitive area and is reserved for earth monitoring, comms and scientific/elite habs only (mainly they say is to prevent keslar syndrome, and at that point you may as well fuck off and start small clusters of habs with different values or go to mars or whatever.

>> No.15429207

basically a reverse elysium.

>> No.15429221

How much lag is permissible before it interferes with shitposting?

>> No.15429227

jannie lag is so long we may as well be posting from uranus

>> No.15429229

40% water for that specific mineral. If the mineral is 1% of the sample and the rest is dry silica, it won't help much.

>> No.15429232

>Mars is settled to forestall rivals taking it for themselves, sane deal as the Brits settling Australia to keep out the French. Instead of convicts as ready-made settlers, you take people tired of the gayness of earth
This could work, thanks anon
I've actually considered this, but couldn't find a way to make it work with the plot I had in mind.

>> No.15429238

isn't mars soil toxic

>> No.15429244

People can shitpost, albeit slowly with a Pass, with geostationary satellite home ISPs. Once you're out past GEO/Molnya in the lunar SoI or a Lagrange point there's enough light lag that upload timeouts and TCP round trip lag will be too much for imageboards. You'd need to go back to something like Usenet with periodic batched store and forward, although with high powered laser links you could still attach relatively small files to posts. I can't take credit for that realization, Vernor Vinge recognized it decades ago in his scifi novels.

>> No.15429245

we wioll not know until we send somebody there to eat it, anon

>> No.15429247

That's just a meme, same with muh radiation.

>> No.15429248

all soil is 'toxic'. now stop eating dirt you filthy mongrel

>> No.15429249

toxic in the sense that it will kill you if you breath it in, but not in any chemical sense a

>> No.15429250

Shangri-La from Gundam zz

>> No.15429254
File: 134 KB, 1005x892, sps 331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what they'll call it ? InterplaNet?

>> No.15429259

It uses handwavey bullshit FTL comms in the stories to cover the entire galaxy so I think it's the GNet or something.

>> No.15429273
File: 1.42 MB, 1291x766, 003224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15429279

so are they replacing the whole OLM top part with the spare or no?

>> No.15429280
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>> No.15429286
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> However, Vast has some credibility, both because of the funding McCaleb is able to pump into the company and because it has signed up several important technical advisers who had long careers at SpaceX, including Hans Koenigsmann, Will Heltsley, and Yang Li. An early pioneer in blockchain technology, McCaleb created Mt. Gox, the first major Bitcoin exchange. He is estimated by Forbes to be worth $2.4 billion and has vowed to invest more than $300 million into Vast Space as it seeks to develop space stations.

> McCaleb said the program has support from the leadership at SpaceX—which is important, as that company devotes much of its time and energy to developing the next-generation Starship rocket.

> "A commercial rocket launching a commercial spacecraft with commercial astronauts to a commercial space station is the future of low-Earth orbit, and with Vast, we’re taking another step toward making that future a reality," said Tom Ochinero, senior vice president of commercial business at SpaceX, in a statement. "The SpaceX team couldn’t be more excited to launch Vast’s Haven-1 and support their follow-on human spaceflight missions to the orbiting commercial space station."

> In terms of crew safety, Vast intends to launch the space station into a 500-km orbit at the same inclination as the International Space Station.

> Presently, NASA is funding the development of four commercial space stations in low-Earth orbit; the stations are being built by Axiom Space, Blue Origin, Nanoracks, and Northrop Grumman. All four of these stations remain in the design or preliminary development phases, and all face questions about funding, commitment, or technology challenges.

>> No.15429287

whats going on

>> No.15429292
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> A sister company backed by Space Infrastructures Ventures, Space Villages of the Netherlands, is conducting a study for the European Space Agency on a a commercial space station in low-Earth orbit called Orbital Outpost 1. ESA awarded the 200,000 euro ($219,150) contract to Space Infrastructures Ventures in February.


“This is a long-term plan for actual colonization of LEO,” Alonso said. “Our plans are to have more than 100 humans in a space. “When you scale up to have a lot of people and a lot of activity, this is when the business plan starts to work.”

>> No.15429294

drilling for foundation pilings?

>> No.15429295

>200,000 euro ($219,150)
lol europoors

>> No.15429303
File: 719 KB, 736x845, 003229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Work on Sutherland Spaceport, previously known as Space Hub Sutherland, is years behind schedule. The U.K. Space Agency selected the site as its preferred location for a vertical launch facility in July 2018, to be used by both Orbex and Lockheed Martin starting in the early 2020s. However, in 2020 Lockheed announced that it would instead conduct a “U.K. Pathfinder” launch, using a vehicle provided by American startup ABL Space Systems, from SaxaVord Spaceport in the Shetland Islands, leaving Orbex as the sole user of the Sutherland site.

> Construction of the Sutherland Spaceport was also slowed by years of work needed to get environmental and other regulatory approvals, including legal challenges. However, in November 2022 Orbex said had secured the agreements, including a lease from Scottish development agency Highlands and Islands Enterprise, needed to build the launch site. Chris Larmour, chief executive of Orbex, said then that construction would start “imminently” and be finished some time in 2023.

> Orbex did announce that it had secured an additional 3 million pounds from the U.K.’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to support spaceport development. The funding is part of the authority’s efforts to mitigate the economic impacts of the closure of a nuclear power station in the region.

>> No.15429305
File: 58 KB, 627x577, orb_vast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things have to be just around the corner, then. like passing final integration and launching next month.

>> No.15429306

>dozens of artificial gravity and zero gravity space stations across our solar system
Exceptionally based.
>Can Vast really build dozens of these throughout the Solar System?
With Starship, you can go anywhere.

>> No.15429308

why do you think just around the corner if NET for launch of the first module is like 30 months away

>> No.15429309
File: 387 KB, 464x578, 1683374743512773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus h fucking christ

>> No.15429313
File: 421 KB, 1658x676, 003230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post all of these

>> No.15429314

fuck these things give me a huge boner, imagine slapping an engine or sails on them. You really could go anywhere.
Those aren't the station modulels, they're orbital tug testbeds. roadmap says 2023-2025

>> No.15429317

those are testbeds. the roadmap says 2025-2025

>> No.15429318
File: 243 KB, 1531x950, 003231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DOA like other smallsats lol

>> No.15429319

Where the fuck did you hear that? It weighs a hundred tons we'd have pictures of multiple enormous cranes with individual tracks coming in as oversized loads on a tractor trailer being built if that were planned
There's only like five cranes that can lift that much in the US and you'd need two of them for this lift

>> No.15429321
File: 307 KB, 1687x852, 003232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh yeah didn't read that yet, based
they could launch anytime I guess with falcon 9s cadence

>> No.15429325

Why the fuck are they going to ISS inclination?

>> No.15429329

Vast is definitely the most credible private space station builder I've seen so far
starting small and iterating
Axiom seems to do little of everything, launching crew, building spacesuits, supposedly building modules that will connect to ISS first, they don't really seem that focused
Gravitics and ThinkOrbital are betting on Starship right away, but they will be behind Vast due to not getting that iterative experience from a smaller module first, I don't remember their roadmaps being as realistic or interesting either (well ThinkOrbital wants to weld in space and you could build anything with that, but that isn't really much of a roadmap)

>> No.15429330
File: 725 KB, 727x900, 003233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Getting that dosh for Mars base

>> No.15429332

Vast has that billionaire $$$, funding is secured for their first station

>> No.15429335

expanse future or cruelty squad future

>> No.15429336
File: 565 KB, 738x899, 003234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> “At a time when we’re seeing many small launch companies fail to service the market, we’re continuing to deliver successful missions for our customers,” he said. “We’re experiencing a correlated increase in launch bookings for Electron in 2023 and beyond from new and returning customers across government and commercial sectors.”

> He hinted at the broader struggles in the small launch vehicle sector in his remarks. “Even today, Electron is the only U.S. small launch vehicle to successfully deliver satellites in orbit in all of 2023,” he said. That is reference to launch failures by ABL Space Systems, Relativity Space and Virgin Orbit.

> Those failures, which caused Relativity to exit the small launch market to focus on a larger vehicle and helped push Virgin Orbit into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, led Beck to conclude there was not much competition for Rocket Lab among Western small launch vehicle developers.

> The company is continuing work on the larger Neutron rocket, with Beck showing off progress on vehicle structures, engine development, software and infrastructure, but offering no updates on its overall development schedule.

>Beck echoed comments from others in the industry that there is a “crunch” coming in the larger end of the launch market as megaconstellations like Amazon’s Project Kuiper buy up available capacity, particularly in the latter half of the decade. “Our whole approach here and philosophy is to bring Neutron on line right at the peak of that crunch,” he said. “We think that vehicle will do well.”

>> No.15429340

Less than ten.

>> No.15429341

>funding is secured
Famous last words

>> No.15429342

hilarious for both them and bo

>> No.15429343


>> No.15429346
File: 558 KB, 733x903, 003235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> If Unity 25 is successful, Virgin Galactic expects to conduct its first commercial flight, called Galactic 01, in late June. That will be a dedicated research flight for the Italian Air Force under a contract announced in 2019. Colglazier said commercial flights, carrying both private astronauts and research payloads, would follow on “regular intervals.” The company previously said they expected to be able to fly VSS Unity about once a month.

> Virgin Galactic used much of the earnings call to talk not about the upcoming Unity 25 flight but development of its Delta class of next-generation suborbital spaceplanes. The company provided new details about the economics of those vehicles.

>“The Delta class will be the driver of revenue growth and profitability for the company,” said Doug Ahrens, chief financial officer, on the call. “We expect very attractive margins from the operation of our six-seat Delta class vehicles.”

> With a ticket price of at least $450,000 per customer, Virgin Galactic expects to generate a minimum of $2.7 million in revenue per flight. The operating costs per flight are about $400,000, which include the costs of flying both the spaceplane and its mothership as well as training and hospitality costs for its astronauts. The company projects the amortized cost of each Delta-class spaceplane at $100,000 to $120,000 per flight, based on a production cost of $50 million to $60 million and estimated lifetime of 500 flights.

still alive, moving on to the third vehicle I guess, I don't personally see much of a market for this

>> No.15429347

This thread annoys me. Just pseuds posting old fashioned space faring techniques(rocketry(a weapon)). It's hell on Earth for true intellectuals who must see an idol of this type of man postered up on every intelligent discussion board. First. Rockets force passed the atmosphere climb like a brute. It's time to consider how to do this through a stable technique. This thread so retarded.

I sorry.

Barkie bootel out.

>> No.15429349
File: 827 KB, 1920x1515, 1920px-Stanford_Torus_cutaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my own calculations for the population a Stanford Torus could comfortably support and came out with a figure of 37,000

The size of a Stanford Torus is generally given as having a r = 130 meters and R just under 1,000 meters I'll use 1,000 for ease of calculation. This gives it a volume of just over 83 million m^3. I am going to use the density of cruise ships as a basis for what is comfortable long term and work from there. Using numbers I pulled off Wikipedia for the largest cruise ships I decided to calculate population density based on a ship of size 66m wide by 66m tall by 350m long with a passenger capacity of 5,700. scaling that up linearly you get ~298k people on the Torus, but wait.

Depictions of Stanford Toruses generally assume only the bottom half of the tube, or less, is used. Cruise ships also don't need space life support systems, or to be able to produce their own food indefinitely.
To solve the first issue, I'll simply divide the maximum population by 4. half for the unused top half of the tube, and half just to give twice as much space per person. This leaves us with room for 74,742 people.
For life support, I am assuming that most systems do not benefit from gravity, or possibly even pressurization and can therefor be stored in the central area of the torus and scaled as needed. So I'm leaving them out of my calculations.
As for food production, lets assume half the volume of the torus is used for producing food. All the way to the top of the tube, no point maintaining lines of sight in parts of the tube where people are not. so now we're down to our 37,000 population number, but is there enough farming space for this number? using numbers I stole from stack overflow https://gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/1433/how-large-a-cultivation-area-to-feed-one-person I come to a rough size of 700 m^2 which we'll call 1,120 m^3 space per person which is conveniently just about half the volume of our Torus's ring.

>> No.15429351
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> The current plan calls for the first asteroid flyby to occur in 2030, with five additional flybys before a rendezvous with 269 Justitia in April 2034. At this point, the spacecraft, using its solar-electric propulsion system, will characterize the surface composition, geology, and gravity field of Justitia through multiple orbits of varying altitude.

>> No.15429353

didn't some ground contractor say the spaceship2 hulls were peeling away and falling apart or something?

>> No.15429359

>hulls were peeling away and falling apart
That's bad for the stock

>> No.15429363
File: 70 KB, 450x609, Ed Valigursky centri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spin gravity in those small habs

>> No.15429365

til that nasa doesn't use the spinny test thing anymore >>15429363

>> No.15429366
File: 90 KB, 1096x1094, IMG_4840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can they realistically build the hardware in only 2 years?

>> No.15429367
File: 63 KB, 976x549, _119347200_gettyimages-459811227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, I remember reading about this thing when I was eight and thinking virgin would take us to mars and saturn and shit. haha could you imagine

>> No.15429370
File: 46 KB, 1014x456, Orbital Ascender airship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck are they going to ISS inclination?
The kayfabe with Russia will be over by then so they can receive visitors launched from Kazakhstan

>> No.15429374

what is really difficult about building space cans? genuine question.

>> No.15429375

Probably? They're not doing solar cell development in house and a pressure vessel isn't THAT hard to make.

>> No.15429380

genetic engineering for space adapted humans y/n?

>> No.15429381
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space stations in HEO and MEO orbits wen?

>> No.15429382

After we clear the belts of radiation.

>> No.15429384

so much vaporware (as is the norm in spaceflight)

>> No.15429385
File: 608 KB, 2000x1091, aurora_vetter_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but muh auroras

>> No.15429386
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>> No.15429388

>enable every endeavor imaginable
Epstein station orbiting Venus in 10 years.

>> No.15429389

>clean it up, space jannies
The USSF should do this.

>> No.15429393

genetic engineering for all humans yes

>> No.15429396

Could someone actually calculate what this would take? I remember some anon once mentioning huge spools of copper wire.

>> No.15429397
File: 147 KB, 852x732, view from Molniya orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sheer aesthetics, I think a 2000 mile 45deg. orbit gives the best views

>> No.15429399
File: 6 KB, 225x224, 1495635025747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, haha

>> No.15429405

Yes. It's inhospitable to all life

>> No.15429407

>wake up
>vast announcement
how are they supposed to beat axiom if axiom has been building their module for a good year or two already

>> No.15429409
File: 890 KB, 1091x969, Fvx2at3aUAALu9q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promise that your prototype station will be able to simulate lunar gravity by spinning

>publish renders of a spacecraft that can only spin in the one axis that it clearly isn't designed to spin in

for what purpose?

>> No.15429413

Let's be very honest again, we don't have a commercially available space station. Haven-1 may someday come about. It's on the drawing board right now. Axiom Station is real. You've seen it down at Turin. We're building the core module. We have all the docking ports done, ready to be put on the integration stand in Houston... I don't see any hardware for a Haven-1, except that they're going to take one Falcon 9 and launch a space station and that becomes the Haven-1. It's not that easy in space stationry.

>> No.15429415

sorry but vast is vaporware (not sorry)

>> No.15429424

that was all the genius of Burt Rutan, engineered specifically for winning the XPrize. Then he retired, they tried to up-scale it, and everything went to shit.

>> No.15429426
File: 54 KB, 414x414, istockphoto-171309004-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>landing site
imagine seeing this thing descending from the sky. pop-pop-pop-pop-pop as you get pelted with mach 10 spitballs. spindly landing legs slowly touching down as the city-sized poi spinner whips around above.

>> No.15429427
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>> No.15429428
File: 63 KB, 578x875, wvb south pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated and checked

>> No.15429429

the butthurt when this launches will be biblical as boomerspace loses another stranglehold.
it will be a good day for shitposting.

>> No.15429438
File: 68 KB, 471x748, Hunting of Salyut 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smaller diameter than a Salyut
oh no no no

>> No.15429447

yeah. meanwhile Skylab was 6.6m diameter

>> No.15429453
File: 40 KB, 675x380, Sir Edmund Hillary and Neil Armstrong at the North Pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Neil Armstrong and Edmund Hillary Took a Trip to the North Pole
>IT SOUNDS LIKE THE PLOT of a comic book — Sir Edmund Hillary and Neil Armstrong at the North Pole — but in fact it was one of those spectacular crossroads of history. In the lonely, desolate arctic, these two great explorers — who had never met before — got in a tiny bush plane and took off for the top of the Earth in 1985.
>On April 6, 1985, they touched down at the North Pole. Now safely at the top of the world, they popped a bottle of champagne, which froze solid before even two glasses were poured. With this trip, Hillary the elder became the first person to stand at both poles (he went to the South Pole in 1958), as well as the summit of Everest.
> ...he was famously shy around people and intensely private, refusing all interviews. The two weeks out in the wilderness had built a deep sense of camaraderie that relaxed the famous astronaut, and to the delight of his companions, he started telling stories about his time in space, sharing in philosophical discussions about the nature of exploration.

>> No.15429456
File: 110 KB, 900x621, 07570790-92DC-465E-A768-44DA872DFD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been doing my part and shorting $ASTR and $RKLB, what have you been doing?

>> No.15429468

losing money, apparently

>> No.15429480

Axiom's modules are for the ISS and will be part of it until at least 2030.

>> No.15429487
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>> No.15429494

what they launching that on?

>> No.15429497

vega haha

>> No.15429506

4 (four) stages

>> No.15429508

also the irony of using a 4 stage expendable to launch a leo janny can't be lost on them

>> No.15429517

isnt vulcan planning on 3 stages? why do they make things so complicated.

>> No.15429526
File: 710 KB, 4000x2400, FueuayVXoAAHyzO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many stages

>> No.15429530

such is life in solid rocketry. The Minotaur-V variant that sent stuff to lunar orbit had FIVE stages.

>> No.15429565

it's "crewed" not "manned" chud

>> No.15429571

That would assume they even identify as human, bigot.

>> No.15429572
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>> No.15429581


>> No.15429591
File: 302 KB, 802x595, bab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /sfg/ understand how wings work?

>> No.15429593
File: 507 KB, 1285x1146, IMG_4843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which way does it spin?

>> No.15429601

no one can agree

>> No.15429602
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>> No.15429603

starlink soon

>> No.15429604


starlink launch in 30min

>> No.15429608

Based Moon poster

>> No.15429611


>> No.15429613
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>> No.15429618

They couldn't possibly do it that way with a diameter of 3.8 meters. Your head would be basically in the middle of the the tube experiencing 0g, while your feet are in 1g. Sounds like a nightmare

>> No.15429620

The 600Hz gremlin strikes again.

>> No.15429627

hello mars poster, right on the dot. ~26 minutes. 12 to see the video was posted, 12 to post it here.

>> No.15429631


>> No.15429644


King of the (ant)hill

When's that Venus mission supposed to take off?

>> No.15429649

I'm surprised a small sat launch startup hasn't tried cloning the hypothetical A4 or whatever orbital V2 rocket.
>environmentally friendly fuel (alcohol from potatoes)
>little programming needs since electro-mechanical guidance and 1930s era controls
>proven engine design, schematics probably in some army file cabinet somewhere

>> No.15429655

>actually buying into e*rther bullshit
You glow

>> No.15429660

it's way to fast still
if you gonna do spin habs put them on a tether and give it a proper radius

>> No.15429664

or just never try to go above 1/3 g

>> No.15429665

pls be john

>> No.15429666


>> No.15429670

Would that even have a meaningful payload after you factor in RCS and enough propellant to (responsibly) deorbit?

>> No.15429674

you wot m8

>> No.15429676
File: 848 KB, 1277x726, 003238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3min to launch

>> No.15429677

yes let's just lump 3 billion people together into one mega-ethnicity. Just dumb. Meanwhile most Koreans hate Japanese and vise-versa even though I can't tell a difference between em.

It's incredible really, America truly is probably the least racist country in the world.

t. spaceflight

>> No.15429679



>> No.15429680

just weird to shoehorn that in a t-4

>> No.15429683

We are max qute

>> No.15429684

a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the SpaceX falcon

>> No.15429685

r o u t i n e

>> No.15429692

>no fairing sep footage
yep there are some NRO spooky things onboard, I assume

>> No.15429695

Starshield most likely

>> No.15429696

>30th flight this year
>190 booster landings
>meanwhile everyone else

>> No.15429697

pressure differential

>> No.15429699

that makes more sense, yep

>> No.15429700

Do they not boostback on Vandenburg launches?

>> No.15429707

I think sometimes

>> No.15429708

Right in the middle

>> No.15429709


>> No.15429713

i will never get bored of booster landings

>> No.15429714

>America truly is probably the least racist country in the world.
Confirmed for having never left the US

>> No.15429715

I'm already bored of booster landings

>> No.15429717
File: 44 KB, 409x409, fddtfuyiogpijpkôjiuyetzstydufig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG EZ, an other humiliating victory for spaceX over the rest of the industry

>> No.15429721

the booster landings make me tired

>> No.15429722

>SpaceX: 190 landings
>Everyone else in the entire world combined: 0
b-but they told me it was a scam?

>> No.15429725

ur opinions r gay nd ur shits all retarded

>> No.15429726

I bet you clap when your flight lands

>> No.15429727

once more for the lols
>Let's be very honest again," Bolden said in a 2014 interview. "We don't have a commercially available heavy lift vehicle. Falcon 9 Heavy may someday come about. It's on the drawing board right now. SLS is real. You've seen it down at Michoud. We're building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis... I don't see any hardware for a Falcon 9 Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon 9s and put them together and that becomes the Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.15429730

i clap when my car starts

>> No.15429731

That quote would've been an order of magnitude funnier had Starship actually launched before SLS. Fuck you, FAA.

>> No.15429736

Wait a sec Buzz is a general now? https://www.dailynews.com/2023/05/05/retired-astronaut-air-force-col-buzz-aldrin-promoted-to-one-star-general/

>> No.15429738

I'm surprised they haven't tried to make him some figurehead in the Space Force

>> No.15429739

How cheap do you think F9 and FH could be if spacex weren't developing starship and just focused efforts entirely on autistically streamlining the manufacturing process and optimizing the rocket design? How cheap could they build a merlin?
And how long would it take for there to be a real competitor to the ultra-optimized Falcon family?

>> No.15429741

He mentions elon and spacex in his award speech but apparently no one fucking released the full recording

>> No.15429742

Isn't this what they do right before or after someone has died/retired. Is (our) hero buzz from outer space singing his last tunes bros?

>> No.15429744

They're about as cheap as they can get before they start another round of finite element deletion

SpaceX is using that margin to fund Starship, which will replace the other launchers

>> No.15429748

I remember Niel being really critical of Elon/commerical spaceflight in general
I am curious about Buzzs opinions on it over the years

>> No.15429749

falcon 9 is a decade+ ahead of the competition who haven't even got a medium lift launch under their belt let alone mastering landing, reusability and then making efficient production processes.

>> No.15429754

>“Let the stars now placed on my shoulders help inspire humanity in achieving its true destiny of galactic colonization.”
Inconceivably based

>> No.15429755

The astronaut corps have long believed in space being a privilege reserved for the elite

Commercial space is removing the barriers to entry, and cheapening what it means to be an astronaut, so it's natural they're critical of it.

>> No.15429756

member when he nearly cried in that interview

>> No.15429763

Yeah I member
Also that was definitely crying, not just nearly

>> No.15429764

Buzz is quite supportive, as are most astronauts today

>> No.15429765
File: 52 KB, 758x762, Space Station Silhouette on the Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All our data on rotation adaptation is Earth based and hence a guideline at best. We will learn which fraction of people can adapt to what rpm rates well in what timeframe only by experiment in space (which should have already been done in the 20th C. but whatever)

>> No.15429768

Good to hear
It would be sad if they just stuck on with doomerisms about spaceflight simply out of oldfolk stubbornness

>> No.15429773

4channel really needs embedded tweets. With Musk's changes I can't even screenshot the whole thing efficiently any more lol

>> No.15429776


>> No.15429815
File: 76 KB, 933x647, 1683743437557677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill NTRfags. Behead NTRfags. Roundhouse kick a NTRfags into the concrete. Slam dunk a NTRfag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy NTRfags. Defecate in a NTRfags food. Launch NTRfags into the sun. Stir fry NTRfags in a wok. Toss NTRfags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a NTRfags gas tank. Judo throw NTRfags into a wood chipper. Twist NTRfags heads off. Report NTRfags to the IRS. Karate chop NTRfags in half. Curb stomp pregnant NTRfags. Trap NTRfags in quicksand. Crush NTRfags in the trash compactor. Liquefy NTRfags in a vat of acid. Eat NTRfags. Dissect NTRfags. Exterminate NTRfags in the gas chamber. Stomp NTRfags skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate NTRfags in the oven. Lobotomize NTRfags. Mandatory abortions for NTRfags. Grind NTRfag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown NTRfags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize NTRfags with a ray gun. Kick old NTRfags down the stairs. Feed NTRfags to alligators. Slice NTRfags with a katana.

>> No.15429822
File: 992 KB, 2080x1179, C3836613-1C91-484B-A02A-324E31EA0471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seethe from soilar cucks is so delicious

>> No.15429826



>> No.15429829

Isn't NTR a cuck thing?
And you know, NTP is that thing you actually made this post for
Owari Da..

>> No.15429832

I'm still convinced we're ignoring chemical propulsion as the real ticket into space. Shame.

>> No.15429834

2 more weeks, now sit down

>> No.15429839
File: 222 KB, 1182x1530, low rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is sad

>> No.15429840

You mean chemical chads. NTP doesn't compete with high delta-v propulsion.

Both acronyms are used, newfren.

>> No.15429841

Everyone knows chemical propulsion will be the only thing around for the next century until memetechs stop being memetechs. I think soilar and ntr cucks both know its true, but refuse to acknowledge it

>> No.15429846

Hahahaha this was considered “elite” before 2017

>> No.15429847

have they even poured any concrete yet? it's a month of curing after that before they can install the deluge system. no launch before all thats done

>> No.15429848

17 lunches in 3 years vs sx 30 launces before q303

>> No.15429851
File: 227 KB, 1622x1080, Screenshot_20230510_135926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15429874


>> No.15429877

So Deep Space 1, SMART‐1, Hayabusa 1, LISA Pathfinder, Hayabusa 2, and Dawn, every Starlink satellite, tons of other shit don't exist? It's not about what will replace what, chemical is the solution for cheap low dV missions and for getting into orbit, NTP serves no purpose because it's also low dV but an order of magnitude more expensive.

>> No.15429884

NTP is bad for the inner system but has real advantages for the outer system. Doing the HOPE mission to Callisto using BNTP instead of NEP saves a ridiculous amount of IMLEO and provides full 1g spin gravity for the crew en route.

>> No.15429886

chemical propulsion will be the way to get to LEO in the near future for sure, other stuff is already used in space and new stuff is already being developed
It just wont be NTP

>> No.15429893

I am an Aerospace Engineer, so wings are one thing I can firmly state that "understand" is the wrong word. "Sort of get" would be a better way to put it.

I do have notes and books that may help.

>> No.15429898

>rape looks good when compared to getting murdered.
Again, NTP is competing against chemical and fission reactors that weigh less than any bimodal nuclear thermal engine per kW. IMLEO is such a retarded thing to bring up when NTP is volume constricted and pretty much every design requires more launches to do the same thing as chemical.

>> No.15429901

>chemical and fission reactors that weigh less than any bimodal nuclear thermal engine per kW

I wish to know more

>> No.15429913

Mr Higgins? top man

>> No.15429922

I'm including the mass of the Stirling engines or Brayton turbine and the radiators for the bimodal reactor. I had a paper that showed a comparison between the different options their mass but I'm having trouble finding it.

>> No.15429926
File: 1.99 MB, 5083x3564, 51701425074_9910fcbcdf_5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys just can't stop putting low quality low resolution cgi for the OP

>> No.15429927

It's not an equivalent per kWe, it's less total mass because all the propulsion is NTP and so the electrical generation needs are only for a cryocooler and shipboard power, light, and comms.

>> No.15429929
File: 289 KB, 1690x923, MV5BYTAwM2U1MzEtYzJiMC00MWY1LThhOTAtODBhNjAwOWUzNzI2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDgxNjg5NjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol up

>> No.15429931

aren't most countries racist?
I think the only countries where people actively denounce racism are america, canada, and west euroland
I guess you could argue that some shithole like britain or netherlands are less racist than america but I think if you're not at least as racist as america then you're not really a country anymore

>> No.15429935

When we have no real-life spin habs in orbit, what else are we supposed to do?

>> No.15429936

What extra power does a chemical spacecraft require compared to NTP? It may not even need the active cryogenic cooling if it's not hydrolox, no need to deal with the waste heat of a much larger reactor that cannot be shut off, no coolant loops operating, etc.

>> No.15429938
File: 735 KB, 1170x658, FC4009E9-3F7A-43EC-971B-F5B3A0F8DB79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter: superhypergolic rockets

>> No.15429939

Stop posting until you learn how to follow a thread. This is in the context of a manned Callisto mission called HOPE which cannot be done by chemical rockets at all. The choices are pure NEP, NEP cargo with BNTP crew, fusion propulsion, or bullshit motive physics.

>> No.15429940

>Jed McCaleb
Oh god, that fucking grifter again. He's given up on his Stellar Lumen shitcoin so now this is the new cash grab

>> No.15429944
File: 2.16 MB, 3000x2400, 9458274339_478e1b0aaa_3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuttle on its way

>> No.15429945

No load and go there. It'd be load and pray the structure doesn't melt or catch fire.

>> No.15429946
File: 245 KB, 371x319, hgtr98t5hCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's remind ourselves

>> No.15429947

foam strikes

>> No.15429955

No you've got it wrong. The rotation axis is perpendicular to the solar panels. It's sort of end over end, so you exploit the full 50m radius

>> No.15429957

The context was always chemical vs. nuclear thermal, you're attempting to shift the goal posts to a NEP/NTP hybrid based on some meme concept you've read but haven't given any numbers for. If you flat-out admitted that mission couldn't be done just using nuclear thermal, the conversation would be over since it's not relevant.

>> No.15429961

ok retard

>> No.15429964
File: 538 KB, 635x635, 1683649845421366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arms race in establishing claims and prime positions for solar systems base resources plus favorable military positions. For the latter for example mass anti-ICBM sat constellations around earth (like starlink) equipped with cheap, low cost interceptors detecting and intercepting any missile attempting to launch before it could even properly stage. Thus barred widespread use of nooks on earth aside from small scale, local tactical warheads. This leaves big nook barrages in space warfare where the fallout radiation is a nothing burger.

One side is US of course but finding a realistic rival is the tricky one. Due to a mix of language barrier, chicom propaganda and closed off face saving mentality you can get away with presenting mainland China as a fictional rival to a average clueless pleb. Just do a Tom Clancy and pretend it is the evil USA in everything miltiary related (he did it with the vatnik union)

>> No.15429967

really? Wont you just cough it out of your lungs

>> No.15429971

This is like asking why would eating glass kill you if you can throw it up

>> No.15429980
File: 2.05 MB, 480x854, 1683756125474598.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has got to be the most offensive shit i've seen in my life.

>> No.15429982
File: 255 KB, 661x623, 1665029597314960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbit paws typed this post.

>> No.15429988
File: 138 KB, 954x553, lunar nuke saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Apollo program despiser

>> No.15429989 [DELETED] 

gun battle right outside of brownsville, if bezos cant stop elon with lawsuits he'll stop him with mercenaries

>> No.15429991

That's still a really small payload to lunar surface.

>> No.15429994

stonetoss slash sfg slash dash spaceflight question mark dot jpg

>> No.15429998

That comparison isn't accurate because it would require the development of a much larger 3rd stage for the Saturn V. A nuclear thermal S-IVB would have less payload compared to the real one with J-2 engines.

See this is your brain on autism, you spend all day long looking through Project Rho and other sites trying to find niche concepts that give you confirmation bias when you could just do basic math and prove that nuclear thermal is not as promised.

>> No.15430005

The plan was in fact for a larger first stage with SRBs.

>> No.15430010

>astronomy general
sorry, the rest of this board is too autistic to talk to seriously-
Does anyone think the new video from Kipping is kind of overstepping it? Usually when a researcher's proposal is shot down the most you'll hear about it is "oh, too bad" on their twitter. To see a prominent astronomer post a video about it on his very popular youtube channel feels strange.

>> No.15430011

Are you sure you're not talking about the Saturn C-5N which would have been used for Apollo 20?


>> No.15430012
File: 19 KB, 306x306, exhausted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the fucking eurofags every FUCKING time. I bully them every night but it doesn't help

>> No.15430014

i watched a few seconds and was like cringe bro

>> No.15430019

Stop watching that guy, he's a huge fag. Watched a few of his videos and quickly realized he doesnt have much grasp on anything. First clue was he's an astronomer, yikes

>> No.15430020

now that there are all of these space stations planned, what happens if there's an incident like a serious accident, major crime, or attack? do we need the space force to come up with a space coast guard?

>> No.15430023

I mean, you and I have different ideas on what's worth caring about. I like planetary science/astronomy and his achievements in the field are legitimate but yeah his videos are pretty gay

>> No.15430031

Christ. I never heard of him before. STScI sent the emails for Cycle 2 just four hours ago. How the fuck does someone make a video in that time which gets 20k views in an hour, and it's just about a shitty proposal?
Cycle 2 was disappointing, but the oversubscription was 7 to 1. So most people are unhappy. Making a video about it is silly, astronomers write lots of proposals. Yes it sucks. I was on one where another group got an almost identical program, perhaps after speaking with our PI. Lots of people have claimed they were going to detect exomoons, and haven't. You can't really be pissy when you submit high risk proposals.

>> No.15430037
File: 840 KB, 402x402, 02303460-469E-4D21-B603-036426833DAE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will cats in space be like? Do you think they will send one up to a space station at some point?

>> No.15430038

Okay but really though how long until something FTL?

>> No.15430040
File: 29 KB, 540x359, bussardramjetjinseicho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks that these lil guys don't work

>> No.15430042

Never. FTL is impossible by the laws of physics, and its impossible to ever break the laws of physics and as such you never go FTL

>> No.15430044

Does anyone have pics of Judy Resnick in a bikini?

>> No.15430046

I like astronomy too, doesnt mean I like astronomers. Despise them all after their questioning Starlink. Space Victory trumps all endeavors,fuck their pristine skies and radio silence. They should fuck off to 500AU, it's best for both them and us. If we get bored flash the breakthrough gigawatt laser their direction and wait a week to hear them seething

>> No.15430049

can't because the universe is ass

>> No.15430050

maybe ask the ai gods

>> No.15430053

The universe has already expanded at several times the speed of light. Quantumly entangled particles will change the other's state instantaneously, i.e. faster than light.
Lightspeed is not an absolute limit. It's only a matter of figuring out the rules of how it can be bypassed so that we can use it to our advantage.

>> No.15430060
File: 319 KB, 954x959, 168330297356855191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else listening to this?

>> No.15430062

a small subset of astronomers questioned starlink. many astronomers like starship for its space telescope potential.

>> No.15430063
File: 99 KB, 638x878, Oasis 1985 for Eagle Engineering NASA Mark Dowman mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think cats will ever be happy in free fall but I can see them adapting to Martian or lunar gravity levels in spinhabs very well. Enhanced leaping and pouncing!
Deceleration is the other half of the battle though and they work fine for that

>> No.15430065
File: 565 KB, 795x573, Studying effects of weighlessness on a living animal, 1958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't gotten a chance to use this image in years.

>> No.15430068
File: 27 KB, 350x519, images (90).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sort of dedicated force is called for.

>> No.15430069

people will tune into the vast-1 mission, then stop caring after they enter the space station

>> No.15430071

>Okay but really though how long until something FTL?
we've only seriously been studying physics for the past 100 years or so. we barely know anything. so who knows?

>> No.15430074


>> No.15430079
File: 56 KB, 512x378, big gem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some genius wanted to know how a cat oriented: visual cues, or a gravity sensor? The obvious way to find out was to take a cat up in an airplane, fly the plane in a parabolic orbit, and observe the cat during the short period of zero-g
>It made sense. Maybe. It didn't make enough that anyone would authorize a large airplane for the experiment, so a camera was mounted in a small fighter (perhaps a T-bird; I forget), and the cat was carried along in the pilot's lap. A movie was made of the whole run.
>The film, I fear, doesn't tell us how a cat orients. It shows the pilot frantically trying to tear the cat off his arm, and the cat just as violently resisting. Eventually the cat was broken free and let go in mid-air, where it seemed magically (teleportation? or not really zero gravity in the plane? no one knows) to move, rapidly, straight back to the pilot, claws outstretched. This time there was no tearing it loose at all. The only thing I learned from the film is that cats (or this one, anyway) don't like zero gravity, and think human beings are the obvious point of stability to cling to...
Jerry Pournelle, A Step Farther Out

>> No.15430083
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1280, 869C97AC-883F-4CDC-BD0F-74FFBDB39B92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s with all the discoloration?

>> No.15430086

sunlight I guess

>> No.15430094

Man that's tight. It would end up clipping through the fairing in KSP.

>> No.15430097

United launch mafia humiliated. Rumors that wholesome chungus Boss Salvatore recruiting some redditors for a job..

>> No.15430099
File: 2.74 MB, 1170x2088, 7984C735-B71A-4200-A887-637B5AA59F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15430100

Direct sunlight do be hot without an atmosphere to dampen it.

>> No.15430102

Found it, the mass for bimodal nuclear thermal when it comes to kWe/kg including the radiators is way higher than standalone reactors like Kilopower, which makes sense because if the inverse was true you could just ditch the rest of the engine and use it only for power. The point is that bimodal designs have become a creative piece of marketing but they would only be worthwhile if the use NTP itself is justified over chemical or SEP/NEP and chemical hybrids, or pure SEP/NEP which isn't the case. The latter has way better performance and payload fraction so I have no idea what that one guy is talking about with the HOPE mission and muh lower initial mass in low Earth orbit.


>> No.15430103
File: 3.22 MB, 480x360, cat in state of weightlessness ZVtpwRSyYSM 360p.noaudio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15430110

>hanging on to the strap for dear life at the end

>> No.15430111

>kot no liek freefall

>> No.15430114


>> No.15430123

I wouldn't put it past us to someday find a method of faster than light information transfer, but I doubt anything with mass will ever be transported even close to c

>> No.15430125

*any real mass, I am aware of particle accelerators

>> No.15430126
File: 3.73 MB, 406x640, 1682817262427068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang in there, kot

>> No.15430133
File: 90 KB, 354x496, scharnhorst effect ftl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that c in vacuo is not fixed, it can be raised
>but the effect is miniscule!
Its a chink in the armor nigga

>> No.15430137

This is more that the vacuum is not perfectly permeable, if virtual particles did not exist and somehow light was unaffected it would travel through true vacuum at a slightly higher velocity.

>> No.15430150
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas_popsci_turning_your_mind_to_mush_(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virtual particles
>vacuum is not perfectly permeable
>Scharnhorst effect

>> No.15430151

rockets are quite popsci if you think about it

>> No.15430152

Honestly, FTL communication with STL travel might be the most kino option.

>> No.15430153
File: 19 KB, 477x521, lecter smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QED is popsci

>> No.15430156

Felon. Musk.

>> No.15430160

people will worship the spirit that led to the apollo missions and refuse to entertain any subject above a high school level

>> No.15430165
File: 127 KB, 561x462, 1-s2.0-S0032063306000651-gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15430173
File: 73 B, 1x4, Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 20-53-06 (95) _sci_ - _sfg_ - Space Flight General - Science & Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>4channel really needs embedded tweets

like this?

>> No.15430175
File: 2.14 MB, 1067x1600, 4CEA2987-4394-40F4-B81B-38392D6B363B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISRO testing a 2MN kerolox engine

>> No.15430177
File: 92 KB, 1203x502, Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 20-55-18 (96) _sci_ - _sfg_ - Space Flight General - Science & Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15430179

The platform with all the mission modules sitting on it like a tiny city block appeals to my autism in a big way

>> No.15430181

That is a work of fiction.

>> No.15430182

Good point, I feel the same way

>> No.15430183

I will simply astral project into the proxima system

>> No.15430184
File: 17 KB, 493x436, zubrin f u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*angry LaRouchean noises*

>> No.15430186

Every time there’s a zubrin response to a VASIMR post I always hear ‘the size of my ego!’ in my head lol

>> No.15430189
File: 490 KB, 1142x888, 6-Figure2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick yer poison

>> No.15430196

Are we assuming these all work as intended?

>> No.15430198

BNTR for the full 1g spinning.

>> No.15430215

What does Zubrin plan to do when he gets to Mars?

>> No.15430217

Build many different kinds of nuclear powerplants free of Earther interference.

>> No.15430218
File: 46 KB, 997x658, Mike McCulloch QI Thruster probe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose MADNESS

>> No.15430224
File: 99 KB, 1080x704, 1671227661642377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wont get a chinese commercial station until the 2060s at this rate

>> No.15430229

And not a moment after, Chinese industrial accident videos from space

>> No.15430230

>Quantumly entangled particles will change the other's state instantaneously, i.e. faster than light.
Common misunderstanding of wave function collapse

>> No.15430233

>Chinal Destination gore videos IN SPACE
That's the real Kessler threat.

>> No.15430235

>wave function collapse
Literal popsci garbage, a spook story

>> No.15430239

>wave function collapse
common misunderstanding of wave-particle duality

>> No.15430243

I like NTR.

>> No.15430252

the popsci image loses it's bite when you use it anytime someone posts something more complex than newton's laws

>> No.15430259

We won't get one ever.

>> No.15430261
File: 258 KB, 600x800, havesuit7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was frolicking on the moon right now.

>> No.15430267

Looks like an illustration from "Have Spacesuit -- Will Travel" to me.

>> No.15430273

The funny thing is, and McCulloch himself doesn't seem to realize this, the optimal geometry for manned QI interplanetary craft is a flying saucer.

>> No.15430276 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 512x341, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take a space pic and turn it into a meme with AI

>> No.15430277

kinky, though there are way more better genres. it's basically some sort of cuckoldry at the end of the day

>> No.15430286
File: 1.50 MB, 3301x2160, 1672684581318570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HLS ui/controls spotted

>> No.15430297

It's cuckoldry and findom rolled into one, supporting giving old space tens of billions to create a cost-prohibitive technology that will at most lead to a few people visiting the SpaceX Mars colony before congress pulls the plug.

>> No.15430301
File: 189 KB, 1024x417, 44543380870_c8ec24dc79_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I've been convinced that the complete autonomous cockpit / touchscreen works great with crew dragon. And spacex code is phenomenal. but it still doesn't sit right. There is a part of me that wants to see physical breakers and analog sensors.

>> No.15430303

Can humans give birth in space?

>> No.15430307
File: 850 KB, 2340x2313, 6CD4FEC4-453B-4F12-AF8E-6A96E706810C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope nope nope, don’t send me down this rabbit hole again. I’ve already spent hours and hours studying pictures of the apollo CM / LM, shuttle, soyuz, etc. It excites my autism too much.

>> No.15430308

remains to be seen

>> No.15430316
File: 547 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_4855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, Vast just posted a shit ton of job listings. I remember looking at them a few months ago and they had basically nothing listed

>> No.15430317

I've been watching https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/ from the moment of tank stirring for the past 1.5 hr. It's impressive the amount of configuration that can be done manually in the CSM/LM. And its resilience. The normal startup from cold procedure for the LM takes 2 hr, they condensed it to a couple minutes. And Fred was only told the startup sequence 18 minutes from when the tank pressure would reach 100psig, which was where all power in the CSM would be lost.

>> No.15430318

touchscreens just don't fit space.
out of all things the controls need to be robust. A bit of a tumble and all those screens are useless.

>> No.15430321

/sfg/ spin force gravity

>> No.15430322
File: 1.68 MB, 4144x3294, Cockpit_of_the_Gemini_spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the three of us might have this problem, where we're hopelessly and autistically attached to the aesthetic of old technology because it's what we grew up seeing and what we assumed all spacecraft would have in the future. meanwhile normal functioning people will like the touchscreen joystick controls and accomplish more than analog guys ever could.

>> No.15430323

solid state > switches. It's the truth but I'm a switch lover myself.

>> No.15430331

For computer guys every physical switch, toggle, or button represents something your software isn't good enough to do alone, so the touchscreens represent high art. I just want capsules or crew cockpits to have real windows.

>> No.15430332

There’s certainly an argument for “what happens if one person goes crazy and takes a hammer to all the screens; now you’re fucked”
But at the same time—we aren’t living in a sci fi universe where you just take your little space ship wherever you want like a car. Spacecrafts for the next 100++ years will ALWAYS have pre-planned launch times, destinations, etc. And they will always be in communication with a ground station. Worst case scenario someone just beams up the commands for the ship computer to follow

>> No.15430335

The thing that's--potentially--out there but not here is freedom. If you can get far enough from Earth with enough resources and like-minded individuals you could be free of Earthers and their influence to the extent that you're too much trouble to bother with.

That is one of the reasons people came to America and kept moving west.

>> No.15430336

It's also why the west coast is such a collection of freaks and weirdos. We hit the edge of the map and realized Asia was already full so we stopped.

>> No.15430340

You hate earthers
I hate all Solcels
We are not the same

>> No.15430341
File: 61 KB, 708x600, at_astero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based zerogpilled interstellarcel

>> No.15430342

Not expanse because gay space magic isn't real

>> No.15430346

Pretty sure dragon has backup toggle switch controls.

>> No.15430347

So by the end of the decade the US could have as many as 6 space stations, multiple lunar missions, asteroid mining & exploration (Astroforge), orbital manufacturing (Varda Space) roughly half a dozen different reusable launch vehicles, and of course a mature Starship program

Jesus Christ, its gonna be a great time 10 years from now. Will definitely make up for the post shuttle pre falcon space era

>> No.15430349

All the countries I've been to are more racist than America, but maybe I only went to the good ones. What shitholes did you go to?

How racist will the first Martians be?

>> No.15430351

tfw the first falcon 9 launched before the last shuttle flight

>> No.15430353

no no I'm STUPID o_O :( 0o0
(falcon 1)

>> No.15430354

imagine how they felt in the 70s
and yet...

>> No.15430356

Apollo's budget had already been cut after 11. Private companies aren't as vulnerable to that nonsense.

>> No.15430357

Elon said he was making catgirls, presumably as part of the Mars colonization project

>> No.15430358

cuts were being planned already during like 8

>> No.15430374


>> No.15430382

You can't really land or fly something like starship manually
Docking and such maybe

>> No.15430395

Evidently you have the Wrong Stuff

>> No.15430397

The OLM mechanism looks like some Mecha style designs from anime

>> No.15430401

but why, what role would catgirls play during Mars colonization??

>> No.15430409

Either sexual relief, or slave labor. Id prefer slave labor for the colony to actually get on with

>> No.15430412
File: 531 KB, 1290x1256, IMG_4856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is planning a double droneship landing for Falcon Heavy


>> No.15430414

kill yourself
where did vast even come from? i literally just heard about them today. theres a 100 investor scam bullshit startups every day but this is different

>> No.15430416


>> No.15430418


>> No.15430419

They have a multi billionaire CEO who is self funding the space station. Like how Bezos pours money into BO. They also acquired launcher a few months ago and they generate some revenue through them

>> No.15430424

fuck it I applied to em

>> No.15430425

Are foreigners allowed to post on Dvatch? I can’t read moon runes I just want to troll on their space board(they have a whole board dedicated to spaceflight!)

>> No.15430427

im really glad theres newspace companies that arent just shitty smallsat launcher 400

>> No.15430428

take a meme leave a meme is the rules for cross site posting

>> No.15430429

>sexual relief
Wrong attitude. Sex without impregnation will be strongly discouraged. Catgirls can bear large litters of offspring and so will help boost colony numbers in the difficult early years.

>> No.15430430

>russians get an entire board for space
>we have to be attached to a iq and vaccine board
how come?

>> No.15430432

Jed McCaleb is a known grifter, charlatan, and ne'er-do-well who got his start with My Gox, then moved on to the highly profitable Ripple grift. When that wasn't enough to satisfy him, he created a Ripple clone called Stellar Lumen that was long on promises, but somehow failed to deliver a useful product year after year. It left a lot of bag holders though, and filled Jed's pockets.
Now that's run his course, he's jumped on another bandwagon - space station building.
Ask /biz/ about him.

>> No.15430435

spaceflight is ingrained in russian culture. for all the shit this general gives cosmism it's pretty influential over there, and having so many firsts for a smaller country really does do that to you I guess

>> No.15430437

Mt Gox*

>> No.15430438

the ISS movie thing is doing great at Russian box office

>> No.15430448

what? you don't like discussing how 0.9999 = 1 every single day?

>> No.15430449

Where can I get a pdf of this book for free
21st Century Complete Guide to Space Weather

>> No.15430457
File: 824 KB, 2056x3000, __atago_azur_lane_drawn_by_steeb__8eb64a38922deef771f8c871b1553641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not dog girls?

>> No.15430461

>not on libgen
idk mate

>> No.15430462

space version of azur lane would bring me back to gacha unironically

>> No.15430465

I would fffffuuuuck her tummyyy

>> No.15430466

Maybe she should learn to play Kerbal

>> No.15430469

The great filter could be the reason why there's a fermi paradox

>> No.15430472

Why not just use spinning beds or modules for sleeping? Even in the Moon or Mars?

>> No.15430473

Gravity is irrelevant while sleeping. Bed rest has similar effects to zero g

>> No.15430474

Daily reminder that Musk himself identifies as a catgirl

>> No.15430475

>Rare Earth Hypothesis
This guy is losing IQ points by the day

>> No.15430477
File: 839 KB, 1386x2047, __atago_azur_lane_drawn_by_jl_tan__ef9c756fe6df54af65d8b96ebfffb59c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to go watch daily Starship launches from the beach with my dog wife

>> No.15430479

No dogs allowed on the beach

>> No.15430485

best part about doggies is the fecal play and oh god her breath hnggg

>> No.15430493

/sfg/ splintering into ten pages of dead threads would be awful and you know it.

>> No.15430495

if we were allowed to stage at bump limit like /vg/ we would probably get a few more regulars in here, and half the board would be /sfg/

>> No.15430497

No wonder it's a bunch of BS about a partnership
That's cryptobro talk for "I'm paying you for the license to use your logo in press releases"

>> No.15430501

Kinda like how elon pumps and dumps Doge and Tesla? retard

>> No.15430502

what if his ultimate goal was to grift himself up to a space station company where his true passion lies

>> No.15430508

I want to go to space with AOC and fuck AOC in space

>> No.15430509


>> No.15430510

What's that

>> No.15430511

It's what I'm going to shove up your ass if you keep shitposting

>> No.15430512

if you mean pole that was one helluva typo

>> No.15430542

An Awoo is fine too

>> No.15430555


>> No.15430558

Can I get some cute catbois for sexual relief

>> No.15430563
File: 606 KB, 3616x2332, 1682342952900765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15430568

I demand a nighttime launch next

>> No.15430576
File: 171 KB, 805x1431, FulfEVCagAAyP3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still stoked the thing actually flew

>> No.15430580

booster 9 will work perfectly inshallah

>> No.15430584
File: 3.29 MB, 640x580, cat-gagging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15430585
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, 1682388450171556.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping

>> No.15430592
File: 368 KB, 833x1250, Fub5Z-vXwAA-jlS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15430605

This is legitimately a divine machine

>> No.15430674
File: 457 KB, 662x865, 003239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15430675
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>> No.15430677
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>> No.15430678


>> No.15430680
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>> No.15430682
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>> No.15430685
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>> No.15430691

some commie loser actually sued NASA over this

>> No.15430708

As I recall the court dismissed it because the judge decided he lacked jurisdiction on or near the Moon.

>> No.15430713

sweet sweet legal precedent

>> No.15430714
File: 179 KB, 1170x1286, it's glover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plan for Australian spaceports axed as federal budget cuts run deep

>The government has axed a plan to bankroll spaceports and rocket launch facilities in Australia as part of funding cuts to the space industry that could stall critical momentum in the sector, industry figures have warned.

>The Department of Industry, Science and Resources recouped $77 million in savings in Tuesday’s federal budget by cutting three programs that aimed to support Australian space technology, including $32.3 million slated to co-invest in spaceports and launch sites.

>> No.15430719

Australia is kind of broke rn so that makes sense yeah, as in gov deficit needs to be fixed right before they expand into iron production and refinement

>> No.15430731

Gotta keep that NDIS funding growing

>> No.15430736

>tfw australian and this is how i learn about this
this country is fucking doomed i tell ya

>> No.15430745

yeah but NASA made them stop reading Bible anyway

>> No.15430753


>> No.15430758

CSI Starbase investigations are so well detailed and presented . That guy really needs more subs .

>> No.15430771
File: 2.92 MB, 480x360, Mice In Space - See How They Behave Over Time clip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contrast to mice that pretty much mastered zero-g:

>> No.15430772

I find it funny that the reason it flew off course was not due to an engineering challenge but a computational issue likely due to loss of thrust vector control
though since there are already being major improvements from the previous iteration, I am sure the data from the flight test will continue to expose weaknesses and help further provide new design changes for the next launch

>> No.15430774
File: 1.31 MB, 2849x4288, ISS-20_Nicole_Stott_works_with_the_Mice_Drawer_System_(MDS)_in_the_Kibo_lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is from the same experiment

>> No.15430775
File: 2.59 MB, 1x1, s41598-019-40789-y mice orbit test.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15430785

Contrast a cat's introduction to weightlessness to rats who are used to captivity and have had who knows how long to habituate?

>> No.15430801
File: 368 KB, 1832x926, 1618033626007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have a row of controls and lights that are too important to bury in touch screens.

>> No.15430804

is it true that the inside of the space station smells like body odor?

>> No.15430805

>Emergency De-orbit
I could not be trusted to NOT press that

>> No.15430806

>History Eraser Button
I'm glad this is behind glass

>> No.15430807

>Depress Response
Does that release the emergency clown?

>> No.15430809
File: 81 KB, 633x876, BINARY STARS a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In spin gravity rodents will flee to free fall where the station cats won't pursue them

>> No.15430811
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1675082264171189.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always worth remembering how low the bar goes

>> No.15430812

>Suppress fire

Can you imagine a fire inside Dragon . Scary stuff

>> No.15430815

what the fuck is this

>> No.15430819

It's short for "suppressing fire". It activates the hidden auto-cannon

>> No.15430823

so the sweat cooling idea for Starship re-entry has returned for the launch platform

>> No.15430825

Imagine the corrosion

>> No.15430894

Not holding my breath for Vast and other commercial space stations, but it's nice to see people focusing on other things than launchers

kinda stupid, they could have placed the spooky sats at the end of the stack and no one would have noticed anything.
In general I didn't think of this but starshield seems to be a good way to hide spy sats. Big spy sats are impossible to hide because they're launching on dedicated flights and are easily seen from the ground, but with a shitload of spy sats mixed in the even bigger Starlink constellation, good luck to know which are which.
On the other hand, that makes the whole constellation suspect.

>> No.15430896

just vent the atmosphere

>> No.15430902

Were there any cases of this thing making windows flex or Walter Cronkite The Roar is Tremendous kind of thing?

>> No.15430910


>> No.15430913

The Antares that blew up, a closer pad-cam than I've seen before

>> No.15430920

>rocket shakes cardboard house
Wow it's fuckign nothing, try using bricks.

>> No.15430921


>> No.15430931
File: 93 KB, 1880x827, 1664484649396612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese spaceplane nabbed a satellite before returning to earth. straight up YOINKED that shit.

>> No.15430933

>Actually, moon chopsticks would not be a bad idea at all
>You don't need landing engines because you can just catch the ship meters above the ground, lower it, rise it again, and take off
>Also it may even allow you to remove the legs
>The structure that supports the chopsticks could be used as elevator too
stolen from twitter.
should spacex build an olm on the moon?

>> No.15430934

>hey this spaceflight thing is starting to blow up, maybe we should take advantage of it?
>NAH LMFAO *sells out to chinese*

>> No.15430935

>They have a decently mature design concept for the crew cabin. They just haven't shared anything about it with the public, apart from the NASA document someone else linked that gave a vague low resolution sneak peak at it
would this be considering leaking secrets?
also hls interior soon

>> No.15430940

yeah just lift the OLM segments on space elevator

>> No.15430942

It's Labor, they're bought and paid for by the Chinese.
Liberals are also owned by the Chinese. Nationals too.

>> No.15430946

Didn't those pics only show the airlock and then the elevator?

>> No.15430948

Any link to them? Even an airlock is better than nothing, I'm desperate

>> No.15430950

It's in some PDF. I don't have it on hand, but I am sure someone else does.

>> No.15430955

the whole constellation is already suspect pretty much

>> No.15430964

yes, but that is going to require a quite large base on the moon and I'm not sure it would make sense for spacex to use too many resources there instead of focusing on mars
but I guess they could test some systems on the moon simultaneously, spacex just tends to focus on one thing at a time, instead of doing 10 things at the same time
a moon base wouldn't be on the critical path on doing a mars base

>> No.15430989
File: 1.68 MB, 1296x772, 003245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tl:dw SpaceX but their interests are aligned with Nasas interests

>> No.15430994

I get not liking musk but why would anyone think making a flame diverter deep/long/wide enough for the most powerful rocket ever made would make sense in a test facility?

>> No.15431001

they think there is no other choice

>> No.15431004

Someone on twitter said that there was a small pic of the interior of HLS from a NASA doc, does anyone have that?

>> No.15431008

yeah an are lock from 2 years ago, bigdeal

>> No.15431010
File: 364 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20230511-090508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el negro de la base estelar released a launch recap

The video has this image which I haven't seen posted in here yet. Considering how old and outdated S24 was, how long it sat on the pad at liftoff, and how many things exploded during flight, I don't think heatshield tiles not going to be a major issue by the time SpaceX works out all the other problems.

>> No.15431011

Man it would be a real trip going through that entire stick, with the gravity weakening as you approach the center

>> No.15431012

tiles *are going to be

>> No.15431037
File: 103 KB, 522x640, PTM moon LANTR LTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15431049


>> No.15431069

achieving mankinds most ambitious goal: making anime real

>> No.15431075

No, only women

>> No.15431077

tell them there is a asston of iron ore to be mined on the roids and the funding will flood right back in

>> No.15431084

water tabel is right under the concrete. Burgers just fucking love building their spaceports right in swampy ocean shores. Florida has the same problem hence the massive fuck off man made hills their pads are sitting on

>> No.15431090
File: 110 KB, 739x415, 49dj9n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been on page 9 for what feels like hours

>> No.15431096

I can hear that meow at the end

>> No.15431097
File: 674 KB, 1062x1020, Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 11.35.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big day for weldfags

>> No.15431098

spinchads now is our time

>> No.15431099


>> No.15431101

Australia collectively can eat a giant shit. Enjoy your fucking wifi patent royalties.

>> No.15431102

All of our east facing low latitude coasts are like that. Vandenburg and Kodiak are higher elevation on rocky shores.

>> No.15431106

didn't connect

>> No.15431109

yeah I bet it's a local server, obv

>> No.15431111

This world has changed, used to be that someone had worked at Boing that it meant they had industry leading experience
Nowadays it's having had experience at SpaceX that means something

>> No.15431113

.corp is used only for internal names

>> No.15431120

so he works in SpaceX

>> No.15431123

it's the URL visible in the HLS sim screen thing

>> No.15431141

2030s golden age.

>> No.15431164

Would you cocksuckers get your shit together? We've been on page 10 for like 30 minutes.

>> No.15431168






>> No.15431262

war crime