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15325682 No.15325682 [Reply] [Original]

How do I fucking become an analytics manager Edition

Previously >>15272568

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here: >https://academia.stackexchange.com/

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

>> No.15325783

Should I continue my engineering career if I face a lot problem while make a lot of mistake in basic algebra ?

T. 1st year electrical engineering

>> No.15325809
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Reposting my question from the previous thread.

Any tips on salary negotiations?

(It's an entry-level position so I don't have too much leeway but on the other hand they're hiring me despite having done a bunch of layoffs so that's a good sign. General tips for the other anons also welcome)

>> No.15325851

Jesus christ I should never have studied physics. There are simply no jobs, nobody wants me. I'm seriously thinking of necking myself.

>> No.15325868

I've got a few as someone who has been on both ends.

The first is to find as much as you can about the salary range for your position. And I'm not talking only about how much the job title makes on average, but how much that job title makes on average inside the company you are negotiating with. I mention this for two reasons:

1) There are companies that willingly pay huge premiums on top of market value. If you are negotiating with this kind of company be prepared to ask for a lot more money than you want/need... you just might get it.

2) There are companies whose entire business model relies on hiring the people that company #1 rejected and, on the contrary, pay way below market value because they know they are hiring the people no one else wants. If you are negotiating with this kind of company I hope that you are doing it only because indeed it is your only option. And, if it is your only option, then you better be prepared to get fucked. DO NOT ask for anything above market value because you'll immediately get rejected and they'll move on to the next guy willing to make peanuts.

Then, based on how much you estimate you can make (based on the above advice), initiate negotiations by asking for a little above it. 10%-20% extra. And be ready to back it up. "I think this is the fair wage because the average wage for this positions is this and I bring X and Y skills to the table, etc.". Then be prepared for that original ask to be slashed by 10%-20% but then that's the number you originally wanted anyways.

Oh, and also, always do the math on your total comp package. Base pay alone may seem small but you should estimate what your real monthly pay is based on expected overtime, bonuses, benefits, etc. You can then also negotiate on this items. Maybe they won't give you the base you want but perhaps you can squeeze a little more on the bonus side of things.

Good luck!

>> No.15325873

Really? Nowadays I'd say pure science degrees are more employable than ever due to the data science meme. Plenty of companies now hire PhD physicists and mathematicians to be glorified business analysts because investors get a hard-on when they hear that their company hired a team of nuclear physicists.

Work on your soft skills, maybe get a few useful practical skills like Excel, SQL, Python, etc. and then keep looking. They won't hire a physicists to do physics but they will hire you to pretend to be programming.

>> No.15325915

Thanks for the advice anon, I'm a europoor so it's all basepay basically, which is convenient in a way. Only problem is it's really hard to get an idea of what their wages are like in general let alone this specific position.

>2) There are companies whose entire business model relies on hiring the people that company #1 rejected
I know exactly what you mean, I've been fortunate enough to have been able to reject offers from two such companies.

>> No.15326020


>> No.15326040

I need some advice about a situation.
>Be me
>Non traditional STEM student
>Not a minority
>Not a woman
>Not a veteran
>Apply for co-ops and internships throughout college
>Don't get any offers
>Graduate at 35 with no internships
>Unable to find a job for 2 years
>Finally get hired as a technician
>Work any where from 60 to 80 hours a week
>Get promoted to engineer after a couple months
>No change in job duties or hours, but now paid on salary of $50,000
>Get burned out with job and leave after less than a year
>Now unemployed for 5 months with no jobs prospects
>only 2 interviews both lasted less than 10 minutes and both times I was sent a rejection email less than 24 hrs. later

Is my career over?

>> No.15326070

What’s your degree ? Which country?

>> No.15326078


>> No.15326088


>> No.15326097

Bachelor of electrical engineering technology.

>> No.15326130

Should I continue my engineering career if i make a lot of basic algebric mistakes ? And forget a lot of rules really often ?

>> No.15326135

I hope you get job soon anon. Best of luck

>> No.15326209

yes you'll fit right in with the other engimidwits

>> No.15326216

just spitballing here but have you considered joining the armed forces for an engineering or technician position

>> No.15326239

I was open to it but then Biden mandated the vax.

>> No.15326280

fyi vax is no longer required since January 10 but I get if you don't trust them to not pull something like that again

>> No.15326323

European here. Reminder that in Europe, education stages in universities are as follows: bachelor (3 years), master (2 years), then doctorate/phd.

I'm finishing my first master's year in mathematics (theoretical AI/ML and statistics to be more precise), and I benefited from a scholarship this year. For next year, my university gives me two options:
- Renewing my scholarship by continuing directly on a second year of masters.
- Doing a gap year where i'll be doing applied statistics/AI/Big Data in companies, learning how to code, and working abroad in startups.

There is no garantee they'll renew my scholarship if I choose to do the gap year, even though i'll likely continue in a second year masters.

My middle/long term plan is to do a PhD in statistics/machine learning or something close. My idea behind doing the gap year was to simultaneously learn applied stuff (my knowledge is mostly theoretical), boost my resume, and give myself time to get inspiration for a thesis subject or eventually redirect myself towards more applied subjects. But on the other hand, I don't want to lose a year nor my scolarship if that gap year isn't really necessary. What would you do in my position?

>> No.15326342

Your resume probably looks like a train wreck.
You'll probably just need to do some lying. Adjust the dates to make things seem more continuous.
Look for jobs in MEP consulting, they will take anyone.

>> No.15326450

If you're going for a PhD down the line then don't do a gap year.

The dirty secret about internships (and werkstudent type gigs) is that a 12-, 6-, and 4-month internship are all worth the same as a 2 month internship.

Ergo: don't do the gap year, do summer internships instead.

>> No.15326690

What part of Europe?

>> No.15326721

>uk nuclear
Be prepared to work in sellafield or nowhere because the stable and available jobs are in storage, treatment and decommissioning

>> No.15326729

Are you looking industry and not quantum computing? Because then yes it's fucking grim. Ton of jobs in quantum computing.
If you're looking academia and research institutes then ????? Both are struggling to recruit PhDs through to early researchers right now

>> No.15326848

Ok so you got an ET degree and a job as a tech for $50k. Sounds about right. What the fuck did you expect? You shouldn't have left the job you had with no backup. Seems like you just make poor life decisions. Find a mentor to guide you

>> No.15327005

I was working 80 hours per week on salary as an "engineer" meaning no overtime pay for a company run by pajeets.

>> No.15327013

Ok so find a job at a better company. And don't say there aren't any because there are

>> No.15327025
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone working for the electric utilities? how is it? I've got an opportunity to leave manufacturing (I'm mostly a PLC/controls engineer) and basically changes careers and work for the utility. I'd mostly be doing distribution related stuff it sounds like: substation upgrades, communications/SCADA work at substations, some protection+controls. Sounds comfy but I think I will miss working at a factory - working in an office just seems so boring, yet stable. I'm tired of getting calls at night while working in manufacturing, plus the utility will literally pay me more money.

>> No.15327247

>>15323795 #

You can get into nuclear with just a BSc in one of the big four engineering disciplines. Sellafield, Capenhurst, or Springfields will be the most stable positions. An MSc is fine, it won’t pigeonhole you the same way/as bad as a BSc will, but it isn’t necessary per se, especially if you aren’t going to be focusing on the reactor itself.

>> No.15327569

I'm trying to break into industry. I don't even want an interesting job, just anything. Even software dev jobs don't want me.

>> No.15327585

Is their any way by which i can be a engiCHAD instead of engimideit ?
Willing to put in the work

>> No.15327638

What about finance/investing/actuarial jobs or patent attorney and engineering consulting? Those are where most of my physics colleagues have ended up, tough to get into them but they are options

>> No.15327666

I'm aware of these options, but none of them sound appealing whatsoever, especially when they're tough to get into. I think I just shouldn't have gone to uni. Most of my peers failed their courses and ended up in much better career paths because of it.
I'll try everything, I guess, and if it doesn't work out by the end of the year I'll look into shooting myself.

>> No.15327684

Where have you applied

>> No.15327746


>> No.15327780

>I'm aware of these options, but none of them sound appealing
>I don't even want an interesting job, just anything.

you're a cunt and a faggot

>> No.15328065

Always good to be back, OP.

>Any tips on salary negotiations?
For all negotiations: never go into a negotiation you cannot back out of. And if you get a raw deal (and this >>15325868 is good advice), then leave. And leave quietly.
Of course, if you are in the UK; you should leave immediately, and also for another country. You will never get a good salary as a scientist there.

>> No.15328076

Should I have Vivaldi playing in the background during my Teams interview to prove that I am smart?

>> No.15328160
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Am I too old to get into MBB at 28 with a Masters in Industrial Engineering? I'm in Germany

>> No.15329013

Hallo Herr anon
I am a fellow Germanon
Have you considered applying at semiconductor companies ?
Do you have any work experience or connections to any company ?

>> No.15329284

Has anyone part timed graduate studies in physics? Do they give you funding for your classes if you do part time graduate school?

>> No.15329375

It's possible, particularly for MSc studies though those people are usually funded by their employer.
I know of one person who did an MSc and PhD part-time in physics but again sponsored by their workplace.
Not sure I recommend it though, neither the universities nor the funding agencies seem to like it and it's definitely more rare and less readily available than full-time.

>> No.15329490

I did a CS major/philosophy minor bachelor. If I now append a masters in philosophy major/CS minor, would it look actually worse to employers/in the CV, than just straight up only the bachelor where CS is the major? Philosophy is my actual passion, and I figured getting a masters would be more for hobby's sake than career. But I don't want to gimp myself because they perceive it as me being "actually a philosophy major" career-wise.

>> No.15329755
File: 73 KB, 607x688, h3sdVbkDI8JTs_uGuj40f0ozsPOqkYce1L3Ra5rTtNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any fields of nuclear engineering that actually deal with nuclear processes? I work in it right now and it seems like everything is really about the machines around the plant, rather than anything actually nuclear.

>> No.15329834

> Are there any fields of nuclear engineering that actually deal with nuclear processes? I work in it right now and it seems like everything is really about the machines around the plant, rather than anything actually nuclear.

Are you looking at the reactor neutronics or something else? What is your current role?

>> No.15329844

What sort of philosophy are you looking at? It might be workable if it is related to or topical in technology.

>> No.15329851

You need more practice, the gist with algebra is that remembering the rules and use cases comes from a lot exercises done, in my first year I wasn't decent, but when I had to study for indefinite integrals, I did the exercises and manage to understand and remember the rules.
So get to it, it's just a matter of practice.

>> No.15329864

I'm just a technician working underneath engineers in operations and radiation analysis (separate groups). I need a master's to progress to engineer myself, since I studied physics. I had some exposure to neutronics and MCNP in school, but it doesn't seem like a lot of interest in the actual atomic nucleus in the field. Most research by both industry and academia seems to be focused on using existing codes to create machines, rather than trying to create new codes based on nuclear phenomena.

>> No.15330076

What will make me more money: EE or CE? I'm interested in things like VLSI design and ICs.

>> No.15330087

for a major? you could do either it's not a big deal

>> No.15330096

Okay. There's a lot of overlap between the two in my university's curriculum . I'm taking a lot of electives more orientated towards CE so I wasn't sure if I should just make the switch.

>> No.15330097

Do whatever is easier and spend your energy on networking and experience

>> No.15330394

>vlsi and ics
you already answered your own question bro

>> No.15330424

When I decided to study engineering I didn't realize just how my garbage-tier engineering jobs there are.
For some reason I just assumed that once you were an "engineer" everything was equal, like it was a big club and we were all going to make it.
But really it's hierarchical just like everything else and lots of the jobs are trash.

>> No.15330425

Biofag here.
I got a technician job and was working full time while in my last year of my undergrad.
Now I'm staring down graduation and I have no fucking clue where to go from here.
The thought of being unemployed and completing a master's degree sounds dreadful, is that really the best option?

>> No.15330440

Hey guys I'm over from /diy/
I want to plot a simple equation and have a few sliders where I can modify the values of variables in the equation. Is there a tool which can do this easily? /g/ has no idea

>> No.15330459

python+matplotlib... but i would just use matlab or octave (free matlab-like program) cos what's what im used to

>> No.15330465

You get funding for a master's right? On poverty pay but not fully unemployed.
Seconding that this can be done in python with the matplotlib or maybe seaborne graphing packages. You'll need something else for the visual interface and sliders but there are surely some tutorials out there for it.

>> No.15330477

>You get funding for a master's right?
Generally no. Funding is reserved for Phds.
There's also no government assistance for graduate studies.
The way most people do a master's is through their employer's tuition assistance programs.
Doing an unemployed master's is about the dumbest possible thing you could do.

>> No.15330485

Thanks for the responses guys. I already know to program and I use mathplotlib+numpy quite regularly. The only issue with matplotlib is the rather clunky positioning system, plus I don't think I can place more than 2-3 different sliders in a window without compromising the view of the graph.
I have heard of GNU octave before but if possible I would want it to be a last resort (kinda want to avoid learning a new tool)

>> No.15330489

Surely there is employment that only requires a bachelor's, right? Haha

>> No.15330495

Well I'm sure there is, but I don't know anything about biology.
Did you quit your technician job or something?

>> No.15330558

>Employer's tuition assistance
That would be sweet, but not every employer does that. I spent my own money that I earned at my job to do a master's in the US and now have a much better career here.
So I wouldn't go so far as to say that doing an unfunded master's is a bad idea. What's important is having a solid plan and prep for what you want to do after the degree.

>> No.15330585

Most professional employer's offer some kind of tuition assistance these days, they literally get tax breaks for doing so.
Graduate school is so expensive that I think I would rather find a new job at an employer who does tuition assistance than do an unfunded masters. Paying out of pocket for a master's is crazy. How much did that cost you? I'm looking at one and it would be like $50k

>> No.15330638

Well I worked at a local company from a third world country so nothing of the sort was available for me. Although if this is something that is available for you then go for it.
The MS program would have cost me about $80k in total, living expenses included. But I managed to reduce this amount by about $25k by becoming a graduate teaching assistant at the university. For the rest of the amount I used my savings and an educational loan.

>> No.15330656

Yeah look for a better company. You’ll likely get a significant pay bump.

>> No.15330657

No. Just make sure your space is clean and you have a decent outfit on.

>> No.15330882

Anything related to new code is probably going to be national lab level, which will generally need a PhD.

>> No.15330891


>> No.15330909

Tips for semiconductor comps?

>> No.15330924

Is it worth getting a masters in computer science? I have a bachelors in math and a well paying finance job that is totally qualitative.

>> No.15330962

I have an interview in 10 minutes. Completely unprepared. Sitting in my room on the floor surrounded by piles of trash and old cumrags.

>> No.15330992


>> No.15331006

Guys what is the difference between a quantitative analyst and a data scientist/analyst? Is a M.S. in Data Science or ML worth it? Or should I just do one in Statistics?

>> No.15331189

>Data Science
Not worth it. But an ML or Statistics master's degree with enough mathematical rigour would be a good choice.

>> No.15331203

What tier of physics grad schools can I get into with 3.6 GPA from the University of Utah?

>> No.15331225

Just go to one which does research your interested in

>> No.15331304

Would I be wasting my time applying to, say Carnegie Mellon or Caltech?

>> No.15331412

ask your professors, you will need them to write your letters of rec anyway
they will also know who the best groups are
I thought Carnegie Mellon is primarily known for CS, what makes you interested in it in particular? which field of physics are you in?

>> No.15331434

Why? Wouldn't it be better to graduate with a Master's or PhD from a university that people know?

>> No.15331457

>what makes you interested in it in particular?
It's like two miles from where I currently live
which field of physics are you in?
Primarily nuclear

>> No.15331483

depends on your goals
if you want to impress normies or hiring managers at big corps to make lots of money, go for the most famous university you can get into and network
if you want to continue in a scientific career go for the best GROUP or DEPARTMENT, your professors will know which ones and how likely you are to get in
in the small world of a research subfield, university status hierarchies don't apply, only outside
maybe an anon more familiar with the nuclear sector in the USA can give his opinion, I'm in condensed matter and in Europe

>It's like two miles from where I currently live
I've been to Pittsburgh once, cozy city imo

>> No.15331948

>in the small world of a research sub-field, university status hierarchies don't apply
Why would it not? Wouldn't people take someone's papers more seriously if they are from somewhere like the Technical University of Munich rather than some small local college in Hungary?

>> No.15331954

Only if you know you can't get in.

>> No.15331969

Behold the solution to your woes, are you ready?

>> No.15331977

You have to be a troon or a fag to join now.

>> No.15331986

Troons and fags are for the cameras.

>> No.15331993

Nawz dawg, they are for the noose.

>> No.15332016

how'd it go?

>> No.15332019

When I see "Data Science" I think of a retard who probably can't fizzbuzz

>> No.15332025

It's all gotten so muddy the last 5 years, but typically speaking data scientists are focused on more general problems, typically lack subject matter expertise, and are way more focused on pipelines and getting to a viable data product.

Quants on the other hand typically are found in finance or energy (also basically finance), are expected to have or gain subject matter expertise, and are mainly concerned with time series data more so than general datasets.

>> No.15332028

That's funny, when I think of a data scientist I think of someone who's not a statistician doing statistics.

>> No.15332036

i think of a bunch of stupid execs who didn't want to make their own spreadsheet and charts anymore so they hired some 100 IQ person to do it for them

>> No.15332037

I would do EE with a CompE minor or double major. EE gives you more flexibility.

>> No.15332041

Don't ever take advice from someone who recommends double majoring

>> No.15332059

Data Scientist here, so far I've been typing out model.fit on some data for 6 months. Pays not bad though. SDEjeets do 4 times my work for half the pay

>> No.15332079

It depends on the double major and the university. EE and CE are close enough to make it reasonably feasible, but it will still be a significant time commitment, so I will give it that.

>> No.15332089

Thanks anons

>> No.15332122

no it doesn't depend. there is no instance when double majoring is a good idea

>> No.15332138

As a double major, agree big time. I wish someone had given me this advice. I screwed up my grades (partly due to personal issues, partly cuz midwit) was able to pursue a career in only one and had to give up my dream of going to grad school in one of the majors ultimately became a /g/ tard. Not saying you can't do it (my friend did math and cs and works for fagman) but you need to be extremely motivated 24x7 and your social life takes a hit.

>> No.15332188

ok but that wasn't really what i meant. it's doable to double major it just isn't worth it. that time/energy can be better spent elsewhere

>> No.15332439

i have a bunch of diverse offers coming in from a wide range of industries and companies
i have no idea what to do
would /scg/ be able to tell me which one to choose?

>> No.15332468

What companies?
What positions/salaries?
What’s your degree?
What kind of work do you want to do?

>> No.15332473

What is threads opinion about industrial engineering?

>> No.15332615

Nope because they're well aware that individual people and groups are worth way more than a university's prestige. I'm in a niche condensed matter subfield and some of the best unis in the world for either don't do this research or do it worse than the middling-tier places. Oxford, MIT and Caltech do research in my field but they're not world leaders for it

>> No.15332621 [DELETED] 

Happy to offer some advice and talk it through but keep in mind where just anons on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum

>> No.15332631

Happy to offer some advice and talk it through but keep in mind we're just anons on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.15332632

I did EE.
1. 3rd line tech support at ASML
2. field applications engineer/sales at a semiconductor company (not one of the big 3)
3. CADmonkey at Boeing (clearance)
4. transmission engineer at an electric utility
5. """R&D Engineer""" at big oil
6. ee for the FAA (clearance)
7. ee for USAF civilian sector (clearance)

>> No.15332635

eurofag here
so you studied electrical engineering... and get offered a position as a CADmonkey ?

>> No.15332662

What do the FAA do with EEs? I didn't think they were involved in much design/development

>> No.15332679

A lot of engineering is producing drawings on CAD software and other formalized design documents. Are you trying to have a gotcha moment or something?
They have a lot of legacy systems in the field that need to be redesigned from time to time because the original parts are no longer being manufactured and stuff like that. That's just one example that I personally know of. It's a big organization I'm sure EEs do all kinds of shit there.

>> No.15332709

Nice offers
Was also looking at (1.) but as a ME
How was the procedure and hows the offer?

>> No.15332731

>How do I fucking become an analytics manager Edition
Simple, just don't be white.

>> No.15332755

double majoring is good when your two degrees are 180 from each other. good examples are Engineering + Business to set yourself up for an MBA or Engineering + Foreign Language to give yourself global marketability.

I'm self teaching Japanese in the hopes of hitting N1 just because it would give me better upward mobility than going back and getting a masters in more engineering.

>> No.15332758

the good news is that for most schools (even top tier ones) GPA has severe diminishing returns after 3.5

bad news is that unless you did a bunch of other shit besides grinding coursework, your chances are slim of getting into anything top tier.

>> No.15332903

That's a lot of choice, wow.
Guess you choose the most interesting or least souless. So probably not Boeing or big oil

>> No.15332945

What do YOU want to do?

Personally 1/2, and 6/7 seem the most interesting to me.

>> No.15333133

There are many in very different circumstances.

Intel: Got woke, ended up brokem kicked out previous management and is now trying to bring the old fire back. This has potentials but could be messy.

TSMC: holds the fab crown, propelled ahead of the crowd by an army of PhD holding technicians working 24/7. Gruelling hours, awesome results.

Broadcom: Deep in financial uncertain circumstances, future course is unknown.

Qualcomm: Doing well, supposedly tring to broaden its tech scope, not sure if they really succeeded.

>> No.15333177

Semiconductor industry is highly selective, you really need a resume that wows them or you won't even get a foot in the door. I'm talking master's degree at very minimum.

>> No.15333178
File: 1.45 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230407_135945627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, I hear a lot of talk about gay guys getting into medial school easier, is this true? I'm gay but I'm not a flamer, and generally not overtly gay in my social conduct nor do I look gay it. Basically you wouldn't know unless I told you. So is it true that it's easier to get in or do I have to be very upfront in the interview? Plz respond with real experiences whether first hand or from people you know, studies work as well, no hear say plz. I'm white, forgot to add that.

>> No.15333558

I think you have to say you're a homosexual during the applications process, such as in the personal statement essay or if there is an option to say so fill you're filling out the basic information forms.

>> No.15333570

you're mentally and you should kys before aids gets you. faggots can't do science or math.

>> No.15333752

How the fuck do I make more money

>> No.15333787

By switching into management. Nothing else works.

>> No.15333811

and how am i supposed to do that with job hop?

>> No.15333860

Stop being a fag and solve your problem
That's really all I should need to say

If you can get a degree in physics you're smart enough to get a job in almost anything if you put in the work.

Look at the job listings, see what they require, build the skills they require, put it on your resume, then apply, loop. You'll be absolutely fine, just allow it time and effort.

>> No.15333870

Alan Turing? I feel like mental illness/gayness has higher rates of affliction for very smart people honestly, t. straight guy

>> No.15333883


Your options are shift work (plenty of companies need engineers on shift), management (as the other anon said), or getting good enough to either consult or be a subcontractor.

>> No.15333889

Thx for the response I'll keep that in mind

>> No.15333892

T. this

>> No.15333904

>Got woke,
was intel ever woke?

how does it pay in other countries?
as an american the worst part is that they pay like shit except nvidia. the kinds of people i know who get scouted out by intel and apple have so many better options available

>> No.15333923

>Why would it not? Wouldn't people take someone's papers more seriously if they are from somewhere like the Technical University of Munich rather than some small local college in Hungary?
As the FAQ notes, some places are so inbred that tey will never accept an outsider - only their own graduates are "good enough".

For more leading roles in industry, several countries have peculiar thougts about their own alma mater.
In the UK you have to be a graduate from Oxford of Cambridge, or you are fit to polish their shoes, at best. In Norway, you need a degree from NTH or NTNU or you are considered a third rate fraud. In Japan it is more complex though a degree from Todai is pretty safe, though some major corporations prefer other universities.

>> No.15333926

why are engineering salaries such dogshit?
i should have done CS

>> No.15333940

You can do software development without having studied cs, you know. Can't do it vice versa.

>> No.15333960

Dude has a nuke job and is asking for a nukier position but doesn't actually care enough about the part of the atom he's interested in to just study it without having it as a job requirement.

sketchy or lazy ass sailor

>> No.15334007

no i can't because every time i read the job requirements on a CS ad i don't have a fucking clue what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.15334037

Both my parents are in the medical field and I've had lots of friends from school become doctors. Anecdotally, being anything but a straight white guy helps because they are the boogeymen of admissions committees. You could probably use your gayness in an admissions statement, something about "muh personal experiences". Right now the majority of med students are female, but being gay will help out. How old are you / how far through school are you? Really just make sure your coursework and extracurriculars look good and you seem interested in doing well.

>> No.15334042

>Right now the majority of med students are female
Kek imagine being a type A high achieving stacey and thinking you are going to meet your heart throb future husband in med school like you saw on Grey's Anatomy and then you get there and you're stuck with a bunch of bitches and you all hate each other. KEK.
when i was in undergrad we had 1 girl in our engineering classes.
one day her and I were walking to the library and she openly told me "really i'm just here to get my MRS degree"
that's what they all fantasize about. it must be excruciatingly painful for med school roasties

>> No.15334105

>was intel ever woke?
Yes. They went all out on diversity and all sorts of rainbow-ish flags. Once upon a time, they had the leading fabs and nodes, but the diversity drive did not win them the next nodes or breakthroughs.
So now they have returned to their roots: leaders with a solid basis in tech, and all fluffy stuff is now going out of the window. It is really late for them, it will take a major miracle ad 100 billion dollars to regain the crown.

>> No.15334161

Honestly, my (ChemE) starting salary wasn’t too bad ($66,600 in a L/MCOL area). I’m currently at $92,000 after about 4.5 years.

What are you currently making? What’s your discipline?

It’s possible to do the engineer-to-CS transition. If you can, get on more programming/computational projects at your current job, or try to get a master’s online.

>> No.15334213

the problem is intel is not an appealing company to work for in america. anyone who could make it into intel has way better options

>> No.15334279

>why are engineering salaries such dogshit?

They aren’t, you fags just don’t want to get your PE and become actual designers.

>> No.15334288

>intel ever woke

I was a blue badge and the level of wokeism in that company would make your eyes bleed. Diversity and inclusion were top tier buzzwords.

>> No.15334294

are there even any AI related grunt work jobs left to do or has all the low brainpower work been done already

t. brainlet

>> No.15334298

if any of you guys were in that med school rejection thread that got 404’d, id like to thank you guys for not posting that tweet from the monstrously fat black bitch with terrible credentials that was an MS1. that took a level of collective restraint i didnt know this place had.

>> No.15334318

Yeah because it would be impossible to get accepted into an MBA program with TWO bachelors degrees. Enjoy wasting your time. Anyway MBAs are retarded anyway. You are so lost

>> No.15334330

>the problem is intel is not an appealing company to work for in america
Probably true up to recently. If they plan to survive, they will have to make it the number one most apealing company for the quiet, the calm, and the competent.

>> No.15334333

lots of data "science" jobs in ML deployment

>> No.15334369

what is that kind of job like?

>> No.15334395

How do I find a girlfriend when i've been doing math studies for years and will be doing math studies for years AKA in a male-dominated field?

>> No.15334516

>wait for unicorn qtpie single math gf
>go outside and do something which isn't math
>become gay
>take the estrogen pill
>don't date
Make your choice, anon

>> No.15334568

1 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 4

>> No.15334671

Have you tried networking with people outside the math department?

>> No.15334684
File: 39 KB, 503x644, How Men & Women Rate Each Other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really I'm just here to get my MRS degree
This makes no sense. If you're smart and hard-working enough to survive in engineering then you can work and find a living of you're then rather than hook up to a guy you find hideous anyways.

>> No.15334717

no job is going to provide you with testicles, you have to find someone that already has them.

>> No.15334813

I’m going to get a STEM degree in a year but I suck when I’m actually applying the knowledge in a lab setting. Do I stay in STEM or move to something else?

>> No.15334900

You can always stick to more theoretical areas (Math, CS, some physics).

- What are you interested in?
- What degree are you going for?
- What are your issues in lab-type settings?

Sorry for bombarding you with questions anon, but I want to be able to give you the best advice possible.

>> No.15334910

this tripfag has been giving very stupid and gay advice throughout the entire thread, don't listen to anything he says

>> No.15334921

>has degree
>has job
>has a reasonable social life
>does something that helps the world (nuke waste management)

My advice is based on my experience. Obviously folks shouldn’t rely just on me. But I genuinely want to help other anons out here.

>> No.15334966

i have all that shit too but i don't give awful advice like you do. i normally don't reply to tripfags but i guess it's good you use one so i never mistakenly take one of your posts seriously

>> No.15334987

You forgot:
>I do shitty maintenance work because I'm too dumb to be a reactor engineer.

>> No.15335034

>has a reasonable social life
I am a 34 year old virgin.
I haven't had a friend since high school.
My only gf was when I was in 5th grade and it lasted 2 weeks. Also a mini-lifetime of isolation and growing hatred has left me incapable of bonding with people. Also I'm ugly.
Is it over?

>> No.15335067

interesting to hear. i've worked in outwardly progressive software companies and there was very little of it on the inside. feels like they are doing the bare minimum to satisfy the ESG shit

wonder how amd did it. feels like every hardware company that's doing well is fabless and outsources to tsmc
the plan i guess would involve a large budget, poaching a shitton of their staff, and somehow convincing all of the EE students in the country to stop dropping out and going to faang instead

>> No.15335077

Intel are snobs. I don't know why they have this aura of unbridled arrogance when they are being intellectually outpaced by all their competitors.
I can't even get an interview there even though I'm a decent candidate. I've been trying for over a year and it's just automatic rejection every time.

>> No.15335156

where does amd fab their chips? they just bought xilinx and i know xilinx uses tsmc

>> No.15335160

Are you just applying to their online applications? What do you mean auto rejection? like a bot is doing it?

>> No.15335218

You know there are companies like Infineon and Global Foundries (Fabs) in Germany, too ?

>> No.15335364


Huge companies have automated filters on resumes that come in. If certain things are not mentioned in your resume it will be rejected by a bot or by a HR person using summaries produced by said bot. The gods honest truth is that you need to have a comprehensive set of keywords from the job spec to get through this filter and get anywhere near talking to a human. It's a dumb dumb system but you can work around it with a small bit of fiddling

>> No.15335375

Euro here, looking for some advice.

I have two job possibilities I'm enthused about at the minute.

One is R&D at a major consulting company, great wage for where I'm living but not amazing (70-80k eur). Work is interesting, company is prestigious, benefits are great, position can be management track so I can choose between pursuing technical roles and managerial roles if I so choose. In office 3 days a week which is a major neg, but I live quite nearby.

The other option is a small American startup who are willing to hire me remotely as a contractor and are offering an incredibly good salary for Europe (120k eur per year at a 40 hour work week). The work here isn't as interesting, and there's a lot of bullshit and instability. When this 40 hour work week might emerge is very unclear right now, but assuming the company manages to secure the contracts they say they're close to securing there would be lots of decently interesting well paid work. I just find it hard to trust the CEO, who has consistently been wildly inaccurate on timelines for when previous small contract projects would be ready to start. I have an LLC so I can approximate some of the benefits (healthcare for example) by paying them out of my corporation taxed income pile.

Work is in scientific computing for a pretty niche subfield.

Anyone have any thoughts on which is more worthwhile? I'm leaning towards consulting right now, but the big big paycheck of the contract work is very appealing, even if not secure.

>> No.15335383

do both

>> No.15335400

>I suck when I’m actually applying the knowledge in a lab setting
That is perfectly normal when you have your degree, and this pattern can be seen elsewhere too. What you need is what you gain as experience in an actual job, plus some confidence.

I am a patent attorney and part of my work is training juniors who already have a minimum of a master's degree. They learn the legal basis and the theory, but applying this in a practical setting still takes time and some more confidence.

>> No.15335412

The consulting post sounds okay. Great salary, could be long work hours.
Startups are always a risk, likely to collapse within your working life

>> No.15335439

i'm a

>> No.15335441


Hah, I'm actually thinking I'll do this for the small upcoming projects and maybe help them find a similarly skilled person to develop the longer term stuff.

I'm inclined to agree as well. I've been on the job hunt for some time now, and I'm not keen on starting from scratch again after rejecting a great stable opportunity for a gamble on a startup

>> No.15335456

You might have been filtered out by remains of the old HR crowd who remands excessive vitue signalling to get past their thresholds.
So look elsewhere, never fight to join a company that cannot appreciate what you can bring to the table, never.

>> No.15335465

Hey /sci/. I’m finishing up the masters (classes) portion of my engineering PhD and have the option to take written qualifying exams in six weeks. Looking at the past exams (with no solutions), I really think there’s minimal chance I pass. The next time these exams are offered will be a year from now.

Now, my question. Should I try to take the exams next year and spend the next year studying? Or should I just leave with a masters? Is this shit worth it? At this point I honestly just feel ready to move on with my life.

>> No.15335473

Any advice for someone who is about to go to college for a degree in electrical engineering at 25 yrs old ?

>> No.15335474

I think the tool you're looking for is geogebra.

It's a shitty matlab for high school students basically, but it has exactly the slider functionality that you're asking for. No code involved it's just a gui, create a slider for each variable, write a function that uses the variables and that's it. There's a webapp version and a downloadable one, not sure how good the webapp one is, I only ever used the desktop version.

>> No.15335478

Every time a company rejects my application I perform a magic ritual to ensure their destruction.

>> No.15335481

Go to every class. Never skip, not even once.
Even if you have not showered for 2 weeks and smell like piss, go to class.
Turn something in for every assignment. Even if you procrastinated and are embarrassed at how stupid your answers are. Even if you just scribble on a piece of paper, turn it in. If you get 5/100 points it's still better than 0/100 and it might save you at the end of the semester.
Electrical engineering is not a joke for most people, there are going to be some tough moments.

>> No.15335484

No you're just a worthless midwit that must try hard, it's literally all there is to it.

>> No.15335489

Perhaps, but I'm a worthless midwit with a BSEE.

>> No.15335517

>What is threads opinion about industrial engineering?

I can't speak for the whole thread but I did an MSc in IE.

The short version is that IE isn't clearly defined. A degree in IE can be engineering management (i.e. basically an mba), manufacturing engineering, logistics, and anything in between.

This varies a lot between countries and universities. German and American IEs tend to be more engineering management, Norwegian IEs tend to be more economics/finance-oriented, Swedish ones are usually either in finance or management or logistics, Turks are in manufacturing, and so on and so forth.

The career paths are usually technical sales (if BSc), data/business analyst, or management consulting.

BSc in IE into technical sales (sales engineer, solution engineer/architect, etc) is an easy and well-paid career path that only requires you to not be too autistic.

Management consulting is hit or miss, there's the usual MBB and big 4 if you have more of a finance profile. There are also a ton of consulting companies that do basically the same thing, but pay less and are less prestigious, varies regionally, not a bad career path either, especially if it's a more technical consulting company.

Now outside of those two "main" career paths is where it gets fuzzy, depends a lot on what your undergrad was, what courses you took, etc. MSc IE with a CS undergrad is a great combo, easy path into IT (management) consulting, data science, data analytics, banking, whatever.

So yeah, as you can tell, I can't really give specific advice without knowing more details about country, level of education, etc. But the tldr; is that IE ranges from fake-engineer to general engineering+x double major (where x = finance, supply chain/logistics, cs, etc).

>> No.15335533

Sounds like a career with strong foundations and a lot of support

>> No.15335555

I might have made a few edgy posts on various boards in the past... am I going to fail the government background checks?

>> No.15335602

um a, a, you're um, a cement engineer?

>> No.15335631

Probably not, I've heard they barely even care anymore as long.
If they filtered everyone who was writing racist comments online then literally no one would be qualified for federal employment at this point.

>> No.15335645

All they care about is you being blackmailed. If you aren't a disgusting degen, or your friends and family don't know you're a disgusting degen, it'll be fine.

>> No.15335647

I am in Germany where you only have a few exams at the end of a semester
Sure thing skipping classes isn’t recommended whatsoever, but there are known cases where students never attended most classes and still graduated

>> No.15335649

Someone who attends classes and graduates will allways be in a better place then someone who skips classes and knows how to pas an exam.
Imagine not making use of the education your are paying for (even if you only pay through taxes)

>> No.15335658

Ok well don't ever go to lecture, teach yourself everything, and then pass.
Sounds like you have it all figured out.
I guess it will always be a mystery why you asked us for advice then.

>> No.15335681

As long as you didn’t do anything like that IRL, you should be fine. I had to mitigate several foreign influences, but ultimately was good to go.

t. Q-cleared anon.

>> No.15335692

Did I ever say I wanted to skip classes ?
My example only stated that’s it possible, probably if someone is 400iq or whatever
I wouldn’t count myself as such a person

>> No.15335806

Then why bring it up, are you retarded?

>> No.15336089

The government is incompetent. They have no way of knowing anything. You're fine.

>> No.15336146

I am looking into going into pre med haven't even started yet since I've been an EMT for the last 3 years. I'm 21, and thank you for the reply, I didn't see this till now.

>> No.15336426

I don't really know on what occasions i should do this

>> No.15336483

The biggest thing they care about is your credit score.

>> No.15336515

Do you have any hobbies outside of math?

>> No.15336526

>I think the tool you're looking for is geogebra.
Should we add a section to the FAQ about the tools of the trade for scientists?

>ensure their destruction
I know the feeling; yet somehow I failed to leave a vast trail of mass destruction in the wake of my failed applications.

One thing is certain: the advice you get on 4ch is unfiltered and unlike anything else you get elsewhere.

>> No.15336541

Some hobbies yes, but they're kinda niche (origami, video animation/editing, 3D software, other software stuff)

>> No.15336607

Is there an origami or papercraft club at your school? That would be the best place to meet women.

>> No.15336757

Unfortunately no, at least I didn't find an official one.

>> No.15336796

Depends on how picky/desperate you are.
I'd unironically recommend dating apps, avoid tinder tho.
Write an assburger bio "math nerd looking for serious relationship" and with some luck you'll get some responses, they won't mind your tism because most likely they'll have it too. Either way it's very low risk potentially high reward.
2nd alternative is taking language classes (bitches love languages).
3rd is getting a mail order bride. I recommend eastern europe because 1) no kalergi mongrel children, 2) you can get reasonably educated ones. Avoid ukrainians, if american also avoid russians.

>> No.15336855

Do you use the sports facilities at the university? Swimming might be worth a try. Girls are into areobics and the like but you have to be confident with your looks for that one.

>> No.15337057


Then I would recommend what >>15336855 said. I did Zumba for my fitness credits. I was one of five guys in a thirty person class (keep in mind I went to a male-dominated tech school). It was fun, got me some exercise, and there were lots of women in gym clothes.

>> No.15337142

Not the guy you are replying to but YOU are the retard. It’s hard to even discern what you are saying but it seems like you are saying 2 degrees is overkill to get into an MBA. A double major is not the same as 2 degrees.

>> No.15337144

take an art class. art chicks are sluts.

>> No.15337150

excellent idea. Anon could also volunteer for nude modeling for them when they draw and paint! Put up flyers on bulletin boards on campus.

>> No.15337202
File: 241 KB, 1032x916, Career Aspects in America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you interested in?
I'm not really interested in what I'm learning. It's just a means for me to get a well-paying job. I have a small interest in geopolitics, but my research into the field really does not yield well paying jobs aside from a couple consultancy firms and the federal government.
>What degree are you going for?
I'm going to get a BA in chemistry in about a year. I already have some undergraduate research experience outside of lab classes, but it's not a field I see myself doing anything best but mediocre in.
>What are your issues in lab-type settings?
It's the basics. For example, I'm always breaking or spilling something and I also can't seem to make a proper stock solution to save my life. Overall, it take way longer for me to learn something compared to others.
Now everyone is pressuring me into some sort of graduate school. I was thinking of going to a graduate program where I do not have to do a lot of hands-on work like geospatial analysis or medical billing/coding.

>> No.15337221

That seems more like a “you aren’t good at chemistry” problem than anything else. Why are you doing it even though you admit you are mediocre at it?

>> No.15337225

Also I would add that going into a field solely as a means of making money isn’t a great idea. You should at least sorta like what you are doing.

>> No.15337242

>Why are you doing it even though you admit you are mediocre at it?
I had an interest in chemistry at first but I lost it as I gradually found out that I'm not good in a lab environment. I'm a year away from graduating so I'll stick to it until then. I'm not 100% sure what to do though moving forward.
>going into a field solely as a means of making money isn’t a great idea
That's the entire finance/business sector.

>> No.15337283

Is EE more flexible in terms of career opportunities than CS? A lot of code monkey jobs in my area accept EE or other STEM majors, but no engineering jobs take CS majors (obviously)

>> No.15337350

Nope, you're still the retard. Double majoring is still stupid. Haha I bet you did a double major didn't you? lmao

>> No.15337351

EE is the best undergrad degree on pure value
CS is the best undergrad degree on value per amount of effort

>> No.15337421

1. Okay. So you are 75-90% of the way to a degree. How lab-heavy is the remainder of your curriculum? What is the overlap with something like physics? Could you switch to physics, or at least get a minor or a concentration in something like chemical physics?
2. I’ll concede on that point, although I was thinking more along the lines of:
>I went into CS because I thought I’d get an SV job and make six figures and make cool programs
>Instead I’m working 60 hour weeks, paying Bay Area rent, and designing advertising algorithms.

>> No.15337489

Just do EE and take CS electives. That’ll be enough to get you started learning to code on your own and you can always do a boot camp or get certs or something.

>> No.15337502

>I went into CS because I thought I’d get an SV job and make six figures and make cool programs
if you're not good enough to follow your passion then you're left with few choices for how to spend your career.
>designing advertising algorithms.
for 30 hours a week and 300k a year a lot of people are ok with that sort of job

>> No.15337521
File: 10 KB, 191x255, soyjak 20 (neutral face).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I major in computer engineering if I'm considering going into the biomedical engineering industry? I've read that a lot of people who major in biomedical engineering can't get jobs in the industry compared to people who majored in electrical or mechanical engineering.

>> No.15337544

Do you want to design/build medical devices? Something else?

>> No.15337611

>well paying

>> No.15337786

Yeah I do. But it would also be nice to get a degree that can be used in other fields in case I decide not to or am unable to work in biomedical engineering

>> No.15337812
File: 14 KB, 307x307, 1618455248924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took so long to get a job offer and been waiting on clearance so long i literary forgot everything i learned in the meantime
well done, society

>> No.15337830

the SF86 fucking sucks, i've moved like 4 times in the past 3 years this thing is a nightmare to fill out

>> No.15338141

>take an art class. art chicks are sluts.
Are you sure that is the kind you want to settle down with and be the mother of your 4 children? Have some standards, anon.

>> No.15338187

Not that anon, but keep in mind that most people here are permavirgins.
Some are so desperate that they'll take anything they can get.
Furthermore, having a practice gf or two is not a bad idea, think of all the normies who have been in and out of relationships since middle school, it's easier for them because they've had plenty of practice.
You WILL fuck up the relationship with your first gf, that's a given. You're not looking for the love of your life, dating a slut is like completing the tutorial before actually playing the game.

>> No.15338443
File: 36 KB, 600x600, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer science or computer engineering? I'm a felon for some dumb shit i did when I was 18. Currently 24 and have been working a trade job the past few months and refuse to settle for it. I can get my record erased in 10 years from now.
Should I just go for a phd?
(im frmo canada btw) and should I get a real IQ test before commiting to changing my life? I scored consistently 115 on the mensa norway online one and did a few other ones on reddit. I could only get 130iq in visual spatial intelligence. and im sure anyone could get that so im feeling insecure as fuck,

>> No.15338463

Midwits btfo to CS. EE is not a place for you. Also high level digital circuit design is also a disgrace to electrical engineering. This field should also fuck off to CS

>> No.15338520

>Also high level digital circuit design is also a disgrace to electrical engineering. This field should also fuck off to CS
i think they make like $200k, all cash, with just a masters
so i agree that should also be in CS

>> No.15338552

I would go for mechanical engineering with a BME minor or concentration. Your advisor can help you figure that out.

>> No.15338562

What was the conviction? Some felonies are harder to mitigate with jobs than others.
> Computer science or computer engineering?
Have you talked with people in the fields? Would you rather do hardware or software?
Do you want to be doing research or be involved with academia? Because PhDs tend to end up in these areas.
>IQ test
Up to you, but it shouldn’t matter for getting jobs.

>> No.15338644

>How lab-heavy is the remainder of your curriculum?
After this semester, the rest of my mandatory classes consist of physical chemistry, which has a massive overlap with physics
>Could you switch to physics, or at least get a minor or a concentration in something like chemical physics?
I'll looked around and my college doesn't offer anything that can overlap chemistry and physics other than the required physical chemistry classes, which I was planning on taking anyways.
Yeah, I'm just now starting to come to that brutal realization. I was thinking I can make a good career in chemistry because it's one of the largest sectors of the US (and global) economy, but I was dead wrong. I was hoping to land a job in a chemical consultancy firm or something similar to that.

>> No.15338652

What's wrong with the trade job you have now?

>> No.15338676

Okay. What are your electives for next semester?

>> No.15338682

I already took my the needed electives during the past spring semesters. I can always take another one though. What types of electives should I be taking?

>> No.15338692

man it takes forever to get hired these days.
started job hunting at the beginning of February, send out huge waves of applications. just now starting to get interviews.

>> No.15338710

You mentioned want to do more theoretical work, would you prefer math, CS, or physics? You can take a few of those, and that can help you if you do decide to go to grad school.

Would you be willing to share your school’s tracking sheets/coursework requirements for these programs (and for minors)? It would be easier to compare, and this is an imageboard after all.

Hang in there anon. It took me six months from graduating to first day at my new job. Just keep applying, and occasionally look at and tweak your resume/cover letters.

>> No.15338716

>It took me six months from graduating to first day at my new job
I'm at my fifth month right now. I'm super scared of them asking me what I did in that time or why I'm not hired yet. I have no answer. I was too depressed to apply in the first two months...

>> No.15338728

Okay, so you were depressed for two months, then you started applying for jobs. What else did you do during that time?

I didn’t get asked about a gap. Especially for new grads, they often understand if you are doing other stuff after graduation.

>> No.15338737

i want a big dick high paying job

>> No.15338749

I can't imagine myself doing it for 20 more years. It's just awfully depressing.

>What was the conviction? Some felonies are harder to mitigate with jobs than others.

It was robbery, i used a demand note to rob a bank. I did it during a psychotic episode when i was 19.

>Have you talked with people in the fields? Would you rather do hardware or software?

No. I would rather do any coding that isn't front end web development.

>Do you want to be doing research or be involved with academia? Because PhDs tend to end up in these areas.

most likely researching. You know that guy who researches at intel or amd. something like that. or faang researchers.

>Up to you, but it shouldn’t matter for getting jobs.

Are you sure? I felt so dumb lurking this board sometimes especially in the math generals just because how I have no clue what anything is..

>> No.15338801

Okay, that itself isn’t too bad, but given that it stemmed from a psychiatric episode, you will need to show that you haven’t had any issues due to psychosis since. Likely through meds and visits to a doc.
You are going to want to find and talk to folks who do that sort of thing to see if it feels right to you. The alumni network wherever you end up is a good place to start. As for degree, go for CS, IT, or Information Systems (and maybe SWE), keeping in mind CS can be very theory heavy. I would stick with ABET accredited programs.
Try out some Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) or similar undergraduate research opportunities before taking the plunge. Often research can seem glamorous, but there are many periods of tedium and grunt work. Also keep in mind a lot of the research at Intel/AMD is likely to be hardware focused.
>feeling dumb
Everyone has areas they aren’t experts in. There’s very few polymaths out there, and I suspect even fewer are hanging out on 4chan. Take these moments as opportunities to go learn about the subject in question.

>> No.15338854


>> No.15339077
File: 2.08 MB, 640x640, european-nation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How frequently do you get job offers for roles that require a specialty you don't have?

For example: You have an EE degree. You focused in RF. You get a job offer to work as a machine learning software engineer. In another email, you get another job offer in semiconductor manufacturing, and then you get another job offer for Finacial Quant development.

Is this a realistic situation you can earn?

Is this a realistic

>> No.15339122

This is much easier to do as a fresh grad or in your first few years of your career. Employers won't mind too much you switching fields if you can prove you have the basics down. Expectations are much higher when you try to do this with experience. It's not uncommon to pivot yourself to other roles while at one company and using that experience as leverage to interview for a new role.

For example: RF engineer at a small company has to learn how to code to make their boards interact with a mcu. A lot of mechanical engineers end up jumping to software due to scenarios like this and having to learn on the job due to lack of manpower.

>> No.15339125

t. brainlet absolutely filtered by some logic gates.

>> No.15339149

I'm graduating this semester, so might be a bit biased, but about half of my offers are in random fields (both for interviews and actual job offers).

Got an offer to do a PhD in aerospace engineering and I don't even study engineering.

>> No.15339160

Okay. I'm about to have my masters (4.0 gpa in a computational math program)... What do I do next? I'm very gainfully employed with the DoD as a federal wagie (GS-13), I'm working in my field, and I'm at a four-star command (so it's a known name agency).

The problem is, I don't see myself staying here long-term and I really want to continue with my education. Should I apply for another masters program or bite the bullet and go for a PhD? Part of me wants to go into materials physics (my undergrad was in physics and materials were my favorite electives), part of me wants to get a PhD in statistics or applied math (focusing somewhere into stochastic control), and part of me just wants to take it easy and pick up masters as I deem fit.

I guess my biggest question is how do you determine whether to do a PhD or not? I don't think it would affect my career much (i.e., where I'm currently working, having or not having a PhD has minimal impacts), but I do want to continue at some level and I would like the option of working at a university later in my life.

>> No.15339177

Getting another masters would be a waste of time, especially considering that your current one is in a wide field.

If it was a niche field then getting another one might have opened up more options, but in this case it won't.

Get the PhD in applied maths/statistics anon.

>> No.15339419

>your school’s tracking sheets/coursework requirements for these programs (and for minors)
I guess I could try for a physics minor. I just to take two core classes (which I already took or am currently taking), a physics internship, and one advanced physics course. What's good about this is that if I take a course in nuclear, mechanical, or solid-state physics, it'll overlap really well with physical chemistry. The problem is that all those courses are difficult enough by itself, and I'm not sure if I can handle three senior level classes.

>> No.15339431

>having or not having a PhD has minimal impacts
Wouldn't the Feds want to have the most educated people possible working for them? Even the Foreign Service and FEMA requires PhDs for certain positions.

>> No.15339481

2nd year Electrical Engineering Technology student here, I hate every second of this, but it's too late to start something new. How can I motivate myself to keep going?

>> No.15339490

>but it's too late to start something new
I swapped my major at around that time. What would you rather do instead? If you're gung-ho about graduating with EET, then maybe find a way to work your true desires into the degree.

>> No.15339519

I honestly don't like anything but if I absolutely had to pick something I would rather do Accounting. I don't want anything to do with EET, I just started doing it one day because I didn't know what I wanted to do and I kept going since then. I will only finish it because I'm so far along.

>> No.15339565

I fell for the chemistry meme /sci/
I am set to start a PhD in chemistry at an elite school next fall but I am wondering what is the point?
Will there be any jobs for synthetic chemists in 6 years?

>> No.15339604

Try Actuary work. It's similar to accounting. You can get your EET, pass the two Actuarial exams and then you can calc financial risks for a living (gaining raises for each additional exam you take after getting an Actuary job).

>> No.15339605

what did u swap from? and to what?

>> No.15339612

I swapped from EE to CS and pursued IT. Tried to double major with Physics but school admins didn't approve due to credit limits.

>> No.15339635

Digital design (RTL and above) and embedded systems are literally the easiest and lowest IQ fields in EE. That's the reason they should fuck off.

>> No.15339661

this doesnt sound bad, should i do a minor in accounts? will that help?

>> No.15339662

No, the easiest field is the one you are in. You're just mad digital chads get all the money and glory. Sad

>> No.15339672

>should i do a minor in accounts? will that help?
Couldn't hurt

>> No.15339675

Agree with >>15339177 that a second masters is generally going to be a waste of time with the exception of either a) something very specialized or b) the university wanting you to be more educated in physics prior to undertaking a PhD.

Is there a reason you don’t want to stay with the DoD? How long have you been there? Some of your agency contributions likely don’t vest until three years.

The main question you need to ask yourself is “Do I want to be doing research for my career?” As I said to another anon, there can be a lot of tedium and grunt work involved.

Additionally, keep in mind that being your favorite classes might not translate into being something you want to research. I’d talk to some professors to see what things are like (in both fields). Computational math to physics should be a relatively easy transition. And a physics PhD can be a great starting point for a national lab career.

>> No.15339680

You should be fine. Start looking at chemical firms with large R&D divisions and at government sponsored labs (think DOE National Labs, DARPA, and equivalents for outside the U.S.)

>> No.15339687

thanks man, i'll look into it

>> No.15339688

How come there's not a lot of information on CRADAs?
Every search on the internet just says what they are but don't give specific examples.

>> No.15339706

If someone with PhD in chemistry from an elite school struggles to find a job then our economy is truly beyond hope.

>> No.15339754

I too fell for the chem meme

Just finishing a masters (UK) in theoretical research. Altho I'm a midwit and can't get my results to line up, I have enough of a writing style and enough grades to guarantee a 2.1 overall. I got strong first in bsc and can probably finish a first with a bit of luck/insight soon.

Currently I'm accepted into a generously funded PhD programme which weirdly makes more financial sense that an entry level job BC I work in halls and pay no rent, tax or energy bills for a pretty sweet flat (even free food if it wasn't inedibly awful). It's all in the same uni. The PhD is in enemah, and the uni is very well equipped in this regard. I did an enemah project with some statistics in undergrad, enjoyed it and did well.

How can I best pivot my PhD towards employment? I'm thinking of focusing on more statistical, theoretical and computational aspects to build out my CV towards software if needed, but I met a guy senior in AstraZ who said they actually want their chemists to be stats brainlets so that their math guys do the analysis and it's more blind. Seems stupid to me but whatever. I'm probably too far gone in the respect anyway.

I'm not sure how to evaluate solid state in industry. Materials chem is obviously a big deal and probing subsurface bulk structure sounds pretty useful. But how much is it really used?

I'm thinking of aiming for 3-4 papers, one with a liquid-chemometric focus, one with a solid state focus, and the rest more NMR theory. Are there a lot of jobs in liquid phase NMR still?

Anyone with exp in this kind of analytical chem?

>> No.15339759

Nah, they really don't care. Also no federal job has PhD requirements. Every single one of them can be attained with proper time in grade.

The only place it matters is research focused positions like national labs and defense labs and the only reason for that is because they won't give you promotions without the PhD (they don't want someone who's not a PhD directly in charge of a bunch of PhDs).

The second masters is more so just to continue taking classes and working towards some credential. I really don't see much value in a PhD or anothers masters (with my current career trajectory). It legit will not affect my prospects. I have no interest in management or becoming an SES so I'll never be a GS-15, higher, or any of the equivalencies. GS-14 non-supervisory positions typically pick from pools of their already established technical workers with only senior scientists having maybe a PhD requirements (I work in analytical shops and I've literally never met a PhD senior analyst).

Nah, I already do a lot of grunt work. M&S (my field) isn't exactly elegant math, it's mostly organization. The big difference is I have dedicated funding lines that I don't have to fight for, I know the government scientists are regularly fighting for funding and grants that last like a year.

My big worry with a PhD is doing it and then just ending up in the same position I am now (I've worked with a lot of PhDs in this position, many who got out of research). At that point it's almost a 'why bother?'

>> No.15339760
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x5551, 1920px-HAL9000_Case.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen it happen.

>> No.15340038

If you want to get all the money and glory you become an RF engineer, which however filters out most of you 'tards so you have no other choice to take the digital route. Digital "chads" are just another type of code monkey. A hardware oriented code monkey would be a nice description.

>> No.15340050

RF engineers are much closer to code monkeys than what i do. Nice try though. Stay mad

>> No.15340184

Well anon, I got news for you

>> No.15340300

don't mistake the layoffs and hiring you as some sort of good will gesture.

they cleaned out the well paid seniors in the hopes of getting new hires with lower salary expectations.

my advice would be to take any offer but be on the lookout for any other additional offers, or to start negociating like a retard for raises after 7-8 months. I'm talking at least +50% on your salary, maybe even double it if you're doing good.

>> No.15340338



if you can't, just do the startup. time value of money is a real thing. live below you means and invest everything for a couple of months, then when it will inevitably crahs and burn you will have more investments to fall back on and will be able to get a comfy job then.

>> No.15340394

Having a final meeting next week and the position is very likely to be offered to me at a small startup in energy. I'm having concerns about explaining my experience here if I were to apply for another similar role at a future company. I would basically have to say that all my experience is self taught, as I will be the sole knowledgeable guy at the startup on simulations. Is this a smart career move vs another position in a bigger team (but having simulation as a smaller part of the job)? Quite interested in simulations atm.

>> No.15340446

Which is better for a controls/PLC/SCADA engineer?

>> No.15340579

Just explain that you worked at a startup explain in general terms what your projects were about and your role in them. Self-taught is fine, just explain that you helped set up the simulations and brought the team from nothing to the point of doing simulation work. They'll understand.
It's a smart career move provided the startup treats you well and doesn't abuse you. Just make sure your pension isn't connected to the start-up and if you get paid in stock then sell some to reinvest elsewhere

>> No.15340679

>Graduate at 35
Go back to get a STEM degree? I might be in the same boat, I wasted my college time getting a Bachelors in Finance from a shit tier non target small uni, considering going to get some type of Engineering or maybe CS degree.
>You can do software development without having studied cs, you know. Can't do it vice versa.
Is this true or a meme? Everytime I see self-studying anons posting its 100% doomposting.

>> No.15340748

>why bother
For fun? If you think it's something you'd enjoy doing then why not? You wouldn't lose anything.

>> No.15341076

>looking at jobs at IAEA
>we'd prefer women and people from developing countries

How come 1st world women = 3rd world men? I can't tell if they're being sexist or if I'm just being spiteful as a minority living in the first world

>> No.15341318
File: 1023 KB, 218x228, qJmO4VO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I un-autism my voice? got graded 3/10 on my thesis pre-defense due to my monotone and unenthusiastic voice.

>> No.15341369

As the FAQ sugests, read up on rhetorics. Monotone is less of a problem, proper pauses between words are more important.

>> No.15341498

Unironically smile and psyop yourself into thinking you enjoy it. Put on a performance

>> No.15341668

What other anon said, drill yourself on math problems and spend multiple hours a day.
Also this may be complete hooey but pomodoro timers and so called "focus frequencies" i.e. 40hz binaural beat or whatever- this shit is useful if you have some sort of technology/caffeine induced adhd like me.
The timer is more important. Your brain has a window of time it can optimally focus for when learning new information. Utilising this is key to succeeding at math for middling brains.

>> No.15341806

i'm monotone and i'm great at public speaking. the problem isn't that you're monotone, it's that you're boring

>> No.15341828

STEM fields are DEAD
Jop postings get 100+ applications
Never endings LAY OFFS

>> No.15341889

You really wish this were true, don't you?

>> No.15342073

He's exaggerating things, but overall, he's not wrong.

>> No.15342078

It's not just STEM, it's everything. Everything is now hyper competitive because you're not competing with your one-horse town but the whole damn world, more populated and easier to traverse than ever. And anyone can see how you measure up to others at the click of a button. It's not just jobs either, it's every facet of your life. Can't even return to the woods anymore. Can't win, can't break even, can't not play.

>> No.15342438

What's the point of a nation state then if some pajeet can just come in and take my spot in society? Why would anyone contribute to that?
You're right, the really fucked up thing is they won't even let you just walk off into the woods and leave, they demand that you participate in their gay society even when it offers you nothing, with a gun held to your head.

>> No.15342535

I agree but I'm still doing it. In my free time I use AI to build programs for stuff I need. I hope one day I'll be a good prompt engineer kek

>> No.15342583


>> No.15342910

I think both mechanical and electrical is fine, but I would maybe go for electrical if I were you. Mechatronics is another option, but people here will tell you it’s a meme degree. I seem popular enough on the job market (not US) though.

> t. Mechatronic student currently doing interviews for PLC related jobs. I also were an intern working with SCADA one summer.

>> No.15343212

Agro Engineer, what are the job prospects?
t. Europoor

>> No.15343542

optometry is easy peasy to get into.

>> No.15343554

What are the specific things I need to know or learn to become an actuarian? I have a master's in physics. I suck at math (relatively speaking) and I don't have much experience in statistics.

>> No.15343587

Can i get a good job at Chemical Engineering with just a barchelor's?
My real love is for Chemistry but i heard it's harder to integrate yourself into the market in that course. I want to get a stable income, take my family out of this shitty third-world country and then focus on switching to chemistry.

>> No.15343632

EE and it’s not even close.

>> No.15343653

It’s college bro. You wanna get laid or no? Didn’t say anything about marriage.

>> No.15343671

HVAChads are doing just fine my man. You’re just too good to design plumbing systems and air handlers.

>> No.15343834

The Economist has now started warning people:
>The university lottery
>Students are veering away from dodgy degrees. Governments should help them
>For a shocking share of students, the returns from attending university are puny. About 25% of men and 15% of women graduates in England would have been better off financially had they not bothered. In total, student debt has reached $1.6trn in America, 60% more than is owed on credit cards. Low earnings help explain why about a fifth of America’s student borrowers were in default before the pandemic.
>Those who do worst out of higher education attend shoddy institutions, are badly prepared, give up, or choose subjects that lead to low wages.

>> No.15343893

good, but you need to build your own business. unfortunately the climate appears to be fucked depending on where you are located and machines and parts are expensive, but you're subsidized so it's fine

>> No.15344036

What's a typical career trajectory for a physicist working in private R&D? I don't want to get into it if I have to keep doing it for long. I hate working in labs and on complex machinery, but I have trouble finding other stuff.

>> No.15344060

Practice basic calc, no more than an ode. The stuff you might be less familiar with is the stats and statistical analysis. Should be easy to pick up from a physics background though

>> No.15344106

Private R&D as a physicist is limited, few places do it and they only hire to replace retirees. You find one lab/specialism, find a big company which does it and either start your own spin-off company or never leave. Hope it stays commercially viable through your career. It will primarily be machine-focused too. For example: dilution fridges, pulse tubes, lock-in amplifiers, lithography machines, photomultipliers, research lasers. Physics is just too expensive to privately fund for anything else.

To get into something like this you'll need at least a PhD in physics or EE or ME and it'll need to have a strong focus on those machines.

>> No.15344129

Aww shit, sounds like hell. I wish I had studies cs instead.

>> No.15344130

Hope your are ready for the hours associated with big name groups. If you stick through that you will be fine for jobs. Most big names have ties to industry.

>> No.15344196

I have a BME degree and worked in the medical device industry. I left and have found job opportunities in the typical EE fields. It's important to highlight your skillsets, there are quite a lot of transferable skills between disciplines.

>> No.15344288

>good job
>anything relating to chemistry

>> No.15345307

CS is saturated and you have to get into management before 40.
I did a PhD in physics and now work as a patent attorney. I also do physics and research work for a few clients who have a general idea but need to work out the details. This is not frequent but does happen.

>> No.15345335

quit my shitty job without any sort of plan a few months ago, mass applied to like 100 jobs and got 4 competing offers for a >50% salary boost

the job hopping meme is more real than i ever imagined

how does that pay? do you find it interesting?

>> No.15345426

Sounds just as hellish desu. But I know it's my own fault, I should have realized earlier that I don't enjoy physics and don't like any of the potential jobs for failed physicists.

>> No.15345608

if my name is the 5th or 6th name on a paper, does it even matter at that point? I feel like my professor is trying to swindle me into doing her research

>> No.15345994

I've heard it's a very wide field that has been steadily growing. Every factory that includes chemical processes needs a ChE.

>> No.15346039

How does your group order papers?
Mine does order of contribution or first author followed by alphabetical and PI last.
A credit is still a credit but first author or an early name helps people in your field recognise you.