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15015740 No.15015740 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix the problem with scientific publishing?

>> No.15015742

host servers in non-ZOG countries

>> No.15015744

The real problem is not muh publishing industry, but rather the piracy community, who have basically normalized intellectual theft.
Fuck scihub.
Fuck Z lib.
Fucker Elbakyan.
Fuck criminals.
Fuck Russians, Chinks, and other third worlders who want to steal out science and tech.

>> No.15015747

t. Elsevier

>> No.15015750

I don't recall that any of these have committed "intellectual theft"... just your regular theft
Also, authors of scientific papers don't get a penny from publishers. In fact they pay!

>> No.15015758

All the elements are there...
Unpaid authors
Unpaid editors
Unpaid reviewers
Decentralized scientific online networks and records.

Seriously, I don't see why we still keep going with the old ways

>> No.15015765

Refuted papers get you shot.

>> No.15015803

Scientists pay to publish their papers and if you want to read them you have to pay again.

And the publishers don't pay to review the papers. They get a lot of money for making pdfs available. The worst thing is that the papers are often funded by public money which actually makes them public property like roads and so on.

>> No.15015807

Because it will look good on your CV if you publish your papers there.

>> No.15015838

sci-hub chads

>> No.15015978

sad, but true

>> No.15015992
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>The real problem is not muh publishing industry, but rather the piracy community, who have basically normalized intellectual theft.
Jewish hands typed this.
Try this kike, take a lesser cut, give authors more and charge less for books. You won't, we know.

>> No.15016023

I wonder if there's a legal way for universities to just stop their subscriptions and just tell their professors and students to use sci-hub.

>> No.15016036

Imma start a DAO whose only purpose is to become a 'login with institution' admission is an NFT, anyone can join, and LP is owned by the protocol to donate all tx fees to continue paying for a spot on that list

>> No.15016044

so its an easy filter for grifters too?
a new golden age may be upon us

>> No.15016086

All university ranking should stop counting publications in paid journals, and forbid their own researcher to review for the same journals

>> No.15016192

If they did that, wouldn't boomer scholars (many pubs in paid journals) be on suicide watch?

>> No.15016198

Just make it starting 2023 or something. They'd mostly be on suicide watch because they get paid for sitting in editorial boards

>> No.15016266
File: 90 KB, 1024x918, 1649157739614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is the underlying structure that would prefer such state of affairs? Retarded jocks who were allowed into science because they're good sports, so now they can laugh into our faces, if they even have enough interest to be aware of this situation?

>> No.15016267

WRONG, scientists should be paid to design and conduct experiments. After the experiment is completed the results should be put on the internet for free, why involve a (((piblisher))) at all. Literally just a fee collector that does no actual work.

>> No.15018121

Trust me, the problem is not pirates. Your papers are just so not worthy for citing nor paying.

>> No.15018127

oh i've got it.

you just have a huge website where people can bid and offer research ideas for capital investment.
for big companies they would fund huge research concepts
for the basic public they would be able to invest into products like massdrop

think patreons for universities decided by the public instead of closed groups.
kickstarter for big and small ideas, and subsequent products that could come about

>> No.15018129


>> No.15018131


>> No.15018304

Didn't kickstarter become a breeding ground for scams?