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File: 350 KB, 552x606, public-access-research.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14809140 No.14809140 [Reply] [Original]

>research, which changes our lives and transforms our world, is made possible by
>American tax dollars. And yet, these advancements are behind a paywall and out of reach.

>> No.14809141

rare biden W

>> No.14809144

>Policy is a blow to journal paywalls
Ohh noes, how-ever shall Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Sage, and Taylor&Francis make their billions?!

>> No.14809185


The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era
>Combined, the top five most prolific publishers account for
>more than 50% of all papers published in 2013

>all taxpayer-funded research must be free to read

>> No.14809208

Sounds good on the surface but what's the catch? There's obviously an evil intent behind this, like there always is with these politicians.

>> No.14809217

If it was obvious you wouldn’t have to ask schizo
Come up with one reason how free acces to research papers could be a bad thing. I remember very distinctly how everyone here lost their shit because one headline in a newspaper suggested that no one should do their own research, and voila, now you can do it even better

>> No.14809218

the catch is that those publishing will have to pay fees to make the article classified as "open access" and the money to pay these fees will come from the same grants that fund the research, meaning the public is paying for the publishing fees at the end of the day. at least they get to read it though.
unfortunately this won't end with every executive at elsevier committing very public suicide like many of us who deal with them hoped

>> No.14809221

by "those publishing" I mean "those who submit the paper" aka the researchers. you already have to pay a fee to classify your paper as open access, so my guess is that this will just be mandatory so the poor baby publishers don't go bankrupt

>> No.14809223

That didn't take long, did it?

>> No.14809236

>Come up with one reason how free acces to research papers could be a bad thing.
Even if it becomes free, someone still has to pay for the infrastructure. Someone like the government. Whom should the government pay to do the job?
...still better than the current madness

>> No.14809241

>the catch is that those publishing will have to pay fees to make the article classified as "open access" and the money to pay these fees will come from the same grants that fund the research, meaning the public is paying for the publishing fees at the end of the day
It specifically states that this is not an open access, but a public access policy, meaning that those fees don’t necessarily apply.

>> No.14810911
File: 196 KB, 250x190, DrEvil-beellions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's obviously an evil intent behind this
...to extort beellions of muh tax dollers?