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14796607 No.14796607 [Reply] [Original]

Share your knowledge. Here are the methods that I know.
>Regular Exercise
>Proper Diet
>Enough Sleep
>Regular Meditation
>TMS Stimulation

What am I missing? Any other activities? Any medications/supplements?

>> No.14796656

Yeah, uh, most of this is bullshit.

>Regular Exercise

A weird American fetish. Look at Nobel winners, Fields medal winners, your own damn profs. They are all DYELs whose highest form of exercise is riding a bike or walking.

>Proper Diet
>Enough Sleep

That's not an increase, that's just not fucking up what you already have.

>Regular Meditation

Then why is ever Buddhist monk country a shithole? Burma, Thailand, Tibet - for centuries they had monks meditating for thousands of lifetime hours starting from boyhood and they didn't discover shit, didn't invent shit, just wrote more shit about religion.

>TMS Stimulation

The only thing that might actually increase intelligence only because it actually can strongly stimulate a select part of the brain and we don't yet know enough to rule out the possibility that intelligent can be increased through this method. Not accessible to normies, though, TMS machines are expensive and tDCS doesn't work nearly as well.

>> No.14796672

If you really got all that covered the next step is studying really fucking hard whatever you want to apply your intelligence to. You DO have concrete ambitions, dont you anon, it's not just smartass vanity, is it?

>> No.14796678
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>You DO have concrete ambitions, dont you anon, it's not just smartass vanity, is it?

>> No.14796681

It has been shown the exercise, and mediation increase the density of neurons in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Regions associated with cognition and memory, two major factors intelligence. Sure people can be born with natural intelligence, but that isn't what I am talking about. I am talking about improving the intellect that you currently have.

>> No.14796801

>Intelligence is when you make more stuff

>> No.14796892

Ain't seen no gym or track bros in my classes. Ain't seen no Burmese Einstein.

>o-of course I can figure it out. I just don't feel like it.
Cope. Intelligent people are drawn to activities stereotypically associated with intelligence because it's naturally easy and interesting for them. If meditation really increased intelligence, there would have been lots of Buddhist monks at least taking an interest in developing geometry or studying physics.

>> No.14796919 [DELETED] 

stop, do math during all the time you have, and for gods sake, dont take drugs, many people on this board will tell you to take generic drug for ADHD that will fuck you up in the long term.

>> No.14796943

Why would you ever want to increase your intelligence?

>> No.14796948

You can't increase intelligence. You can just slow it's inevitable decline.

>> No.14796999

lmfao you are retarded and clearly have poor reading comprehension
Is there actually proof that practicing math improves intelligence?
My entire self worth is based on how smart I feel

>> No.14797006

>Then why is ever Buddhist monk country a shithole?

In eastern philosophy, they look within the self. In western philosophy, they look outside the self.

Eastern philosophy rejects the material/objective realities. Seeks to understand the illusion of the self.
Western philosophy see's "God" as the "creation" or the outside world and thus to understand God or to study God you have to go outside and touch the grass and see what its like.

Easterners see things in terms of relationships, Westerners see things as discrete objects.

Meditation is really important along with studying spirituality and metaphysics.
The problem with easterners is that they ignored objective realities and the material world. When people become to invested into spirituality and becoming awakened individuals without attachment, they fail to see other practises outside of meditation as important for becoming truly enlightened.

When you study metaphysics you start to come to the understanding that the wise-man chooses to practice without being attached to the final outcome of practise.
>working out without being attached to what working out achieves
>working to earn money without being attached to what the paycheck can buy
>playing sports/games without being attached to the outcome of the game.
>playing an instrument without being attached to the outcomes of being a perfect player.
>studying something ie: STEM/humanities/etc without being attached to the some kind of discovery.
>learning a trade without the attachment of being a master.
>cleaning/cooking/maintaining without being attached to the ideal state.
In the above examples you would describe as being in the present moment in a state of practise.

The buddists were right in the sense you shouldn't rely on outcome.
The buddists are wrong in the sense you should explore a practise outside of the self.

Last thing you want is to have a feeling of a loss of purpose.
This is what western nihilism is doing to men.

>> No.14797010

You have a pretty myopic view of intelligence. If intelligent people are drawn to studying math and physics because those subjects are "easy and interesting for them" the same applies for things like metaphysics, consciousness, ethics, etc.

>> No.14797029

>part 2

In a sense you are what you practise.
Intelligence itself is an outcome which you shouldn't attach yourself.

The question really is what to practise.
What you practise is what you'll be.

If I were to go play chess I would would look like a retard because I rarely practise chess.
However if I were to go practise chess for a couple hours a day everyday for a couple years, then I probably wont look like a complete retard. I will not be the best player...but I would be competent.

Exercise is important just to maintain a feeling of high energy.
Obviously if you dont want to be physically retarded then you should practise more physical activities.
If you just want the feeling of not being a fat fuck, then all you need is to spin a bike wheel at the gym for 30min a day.

>> No.14797044

People get drawn to metaphysics when they're a failure in the real world so they cope by pretending they're kings of a fantasy one

>> No.14797063

>part 3

Intelligence isn't just your conscious working intelligence.
>being able to multiply big numbers in your head or being able to remember a lot of shit.

What truly makes someone intelligent is what they subconscious is able to do.
And this is where the eastern philosophy starts to come into play and where meditation practise starts to make sense.

You subconscious does a lot of things for you that you wont appreciate or remotely understand without meditation.
Even a small amount of meditation will reveal to you a lot about yourself which you have complete ignored.

Training the subconscious to preform work for you is free nearly effortless intellect.
When you watch someone perfectly play piano, it seems as if they play without effort as if God himself is control the players hand.
This is the power of the subconscious and why practise is important.
When you train you subconscious through practise (which should feel like stress, real practise is not effortless), you subconscious is able to take on more cognitive loads based on what you practised.

You dont think about walking because you trained that "module" when you were a toddler.
You applied effort to learn to drive... but eventually there was no more effort to apply, and your subconscious takes over the cognitive load of driving.

You consciousness is actually rather limited and linear in scope. Your consciousness has a spotlight and hence you can only consciously think in terms of lines....
You subconscious is attached to all your muscles and sensory inputs, and its a truly multidimensional multi-threaded processor of information....but its pretty much "ASIC"-like in terms that you must bake in what it is able to process via practise

Practise is slow because consciousness is slow. Relying on consciousness keeps you from achieving enlightenment.

Western society keeps people conscious (video game/movies/tiktok) to keep them dumb.

>> No.14797079

How does one exactly train their subconscious? Does the basic meditation practice of just trying to focus all your attention on one thing and clear your mind do it?

>> No.14797089

You have the typical midwit thought pattern of black-boxing other people and appealing to muh complexity. Shit like basic geometry developed in other places because the priest castes took an interest in helping farmers and builders n shit. It wasn't for some 4chan pseud signaling, but for the purpose of applying intelligence to practical problems all societies faced and which people with the capability, that is to say, the intelligence, would be interested in solving. It doesn't have to be the same specific inventions and theories as in another society, it doesn't have to be ALL of them, but if you've got centuries of thousands of people with boosted intelligence there should be at least SOMEONE who takes an interest. Yet, those Buddhist monk countries were some of the shittiest in Asia. So much for compassion. In Burma Buddhist monks led a genocide, in Thailand they are known for meth use and laziness, in Tibet they were a parasitic "noble" caste that still practiced limb amputation for theft instead of doing literally anything to uplift their starving serf subjects so they don't have to steal food. These motherfuckers even refuse to work and go out to beg for food from the poor farmers instead of helping them like priest castes from countries that developed better civilizations. If you think any of this can be consistent with meditation raising IQ, then you probably also think that niggers fail all over the world because of muh racism and muh oppression.

>> No.14797098

And yet "successful" people still tend to still fall into depression. Have unfulfilling lives etc.

Two people with the exact same resumes and material success could have two completely different states of mind.

You will grow old.
Your body will start to fail.
Your ability to achieve anything will go into the toilet.
You will die.
And your "success" will no longer matter and within two generations assuming you have childs...you'll die for the second time as the idea of you dies.

There's nothing novel about the above... but if you're younger then 50 and think that metaphysics is just a "cope" then you're probably going to have a midlife crisis and waste a lot of money on material objects to fill the void that is your life.
What is easily obtainable is never going to give any form of satisfaction.
When you attach yourself to what "success" is, you'll always move the goal posts of what success is.

The reality of success is that you will have to answer the question of "And what now".
Gold medallists at the Olympics tend to become depressed after they face bodily decline.
Millionaires are always using the next million as a coping mechanism.
Musicians always think they could be better musicians.

Its ironic because
>People get drawn to metaphysics when they're a failure in the real world so they cope by pretending they're kings of a fantasy one
is a metaphysical idea.
What is success is a metaphysical idea. Or the idea that you should even care about success is a metaphysical idea.

>> No.14797149

Why is that you want to improve anyways?
What are you even trying to do?
Become more intelligent? In what way?
And how do you know when you're intelligent enough in the way you want?
And then what?
Do you even know what you want?

When you pay closer attention to the thoughts that come into your mind via a sitting meditation you do not become more intelligent.
You just become more aware of your self.
Every so often thoughts are injected into your brain which you barely control.
Have you ever just sat down and merely observed what is happening?

>"The reason why you want to be better is the reason why you're not better."

>> No.14797161

Dual-N Back training
Mind Palace Training (Once you get to the intermediate memory athlete level anyway)

>> No.14797192

So, is meditation just letting your mind wander freely and simply observing your thoughts without judgement or is it trying to focus on one thing (your breath, a flame etc.) and not think at all?

>> No.14797212

>And yet "successful" people still tend to still fall into depression. Have unfulfilling lives etc.
This is because they fall in a pure hedonism trap.
It's like a game you always win, it will get boring eventually.
You need to find something to challenge you, a project to dedicate your efforts.
Look at Notch as an example. Got 2.5 billion and then proceeded to do nothing, then snapped.

>> No.14797229

mindfulness meditation increases working memory delayed recall and focused attention all of which contribute to intelligence

>> No.14797245

Pretty much. its impossible to not think, but you can observe what you think.
When you first start, its really difficult to not fall into unobservable daydream...but with enough practise you'll develop the ability to observe a daydream coming along and you'll able to interpret what you see.
The key really is to not to be attached to any final outcome, but merely /practise/.
Many introductory sitting meditation practises (that isnt snake oil) would have you observe the feeling of your breaths come in an out without directly controlling them. Through this, every min or so you will feel a daydream coming or you'll get distracted. This is apart of the training, the key is to forgive yourself and remind yourself that there is no "end goal", only that through practise you're rewiring your brain.... and its a slow slow process that takes many many days/months/years in a routine to do.

I have found myself merging western/eastern philosophy to expand the idea of meditation to include that of any form of mental focus... ie: practising anything can be meditative. But the sitting meditation is simply a form of meditation and not the only one.

You can also take the christian approach of "life is suffering" as a form of meditation...ie: running until you feel pain...then keep pushing through.
Pain is a very real thing, so meditating on pain is good practise.
Being able to ignore pain is a skill that needs training.

>> No.14797263

This is only true if you did mindfulness meditation instead of jerking off to underaged cartoon girls on /gif/
Simply not jerking off to porn will prevent the loss of grey matter.

Mindlessness makes you retarded in general....
ie: ending swiping on algo apps like tiktok/youtube/tinder/etc
Simply just doing nothing will make you more productive or more intelligent.

>> No.14797268

>Simply not jerking off to porn will prevent the loss of grey matter
is that actually true? If so I'll go noporn or nofap asap.

>> No.14797272

>This is only true if you did mindfulness meditation instead of jerking off to underaged cartoon girls on /gif/
Studies using active controls imply you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.14797289
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>Ways To Increase Intelligence

>> No.14797300

>hey anon, in order to have a control in the study can you let us know if you jerk off to cartoons of children in your free time?

>> No.14797302

Do you know what an active control is?

>> No.14797348

There is barely any meditation research with active controls. If there were, then the claims regarding cognitive ability would have been slaughtered the same way they were for Dual N Back.

>> No.14797592

>My entire self worth is based on how smart I feel
Go read /pol/ for 30 minutes.
You're welcome.

>> No.14797690
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You just reminded me of my /pol/ phase.

>> No.14797845


Why pol? Plenty of our home-grown tards right here in /sci/.

>> No.14797853

It was just the first placed I landed on 4chan, and didn't bother to look elsewhere. I just fell victim to the classic funnel. Was a loner due to social anxiety, isolated myself online, found /pol/-esque content that made me feel like I knew something special and had a community, started using /pol/ daily. Then I unlosered myself, and stopped with all that. My time there still shaped my views, it made me realize how much is wrong with modern society and the like. But most of their opinions are delusional and their worship of Trump is strange considering he is retarded and will never do anything to help them.

>> No.14797978

Oh, I thought he meant reading /pol/ will make you feel smart because you can see all the knuckle draggers and realize you're not one. Congrats on making it out of that shithole, though. FWIF, the reddit to /sci/ pipeline is probably about as miserable.

>> No.14798509

Posts like this is the reason why I keep coming back here

>> No.14798773

t. Ugly fat retard

>> No.14800287

IQ is not appreciated per se by the job markets, financial markets, society, or powers that be.
even an astrophysicist, neuro surgeon, or getting a female to have a real orgasm is not rewarding exceptionally high IQs.
Each field has like 80 mental models and 10 come into use and in a given specific situational type; maybe 3 or 4.
These require a 100IQ if trained to skip the unusually complex cases and 115IQ to do the complex ones (real IQ, not some inet test).
It's not an IQ-based world. That's media and fiction, and it drives threads and responses.
The knowledge of the models is complimentary need.
Then sometimes the hardest part is to be able to get inside the Moat that defends any of the good market positions that the world offers. These are heavily defended. For some people inclusion my seem impossible even with a relatively outlier IQ.

>> No.14800303

>TMS Stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation? How much does one pay for this treatment, and how does it affect you?

>> No.14800341

You can't "pay" for it. The only thing on the market is using it for depression. So you can pay like $500 a session for that, but nobody's going to stim you trying to figure out how increase your IQ. You either have your own TMS machine or you don't.

>> No.14800526

So I've read that depression can cause the brain to shrink and that you actually lose some of your cognitive ability permanently, though some of it can be recovered to a degree. I've also read some articles pointing out that depression isn't so much a misfiring of neurotransmitters as it is just being in a bad situation and coping through making your brain disconnect from reality (emotionally numb, anhedonia, etc.).
So, how in the world is someone supposed to get out of that downward spiral?

Say for example you're extremely lonely and you don't have many friends, that causes depression, which then makes you less attractive as a potential friend to others, and the cycle repeats and repeats. I've tried distracting myself, working on my health, meeting new people, but I have this weight of extreme loneliness that sucks the joy and life out of me that makes it impossible to forge new relationships. And I'm confident not being around people is negatively affecting my ability to think clearly and have mental stability. I have a decent job (it's remote), and I have some friends who if I ask will hang out with me, but I still can't get over this crushing feeling of despair.

>> No.14800904

> Then sometimes the hardest part is to be able to get inside the Moat that defends any of the good market positions that the world offers. These are heavily defended. For some people inclusion my seem impossible even with a relatively outlier IQ.

This is especially true. Going to college and getting a degree is essentially a ticket you have to purchase to get into the higher skilled workforce, regardless of your own talent or genius. Of course that is changing with time as there are worker shortages and people are learning to code online.

>> No.14800958

>antiparkinson effects of fluvoxamine
>anti Alzheimer's effects of fluvoxamine
>general cognition enhancing effects of fluvoxamine
>sigma-1 agonists raise acetylcholine in the frontal lobes and hippocampus but not the striatum and reverse memory impairment from muscarinic blockade
>fluvoxamine dopamine in the frontal lobes
>prazosin (a1 adrenergic antagonist) prevents memory deterioration in Alzheimer's
>a1 blocker reduces risk of parkinson's
>5ht1a agonism increases dopamine and acetylcholine in the PFC
>5ht1a agonism raises striatal dopamine
>cognitive benefits of a2c adrenergic antagonism
>weed removes alzheimer's plaques

>> No.14800964
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>> No.14800968

>Why is that you want to improve anyways?
>What are you even trying to do?
Not that guy but how can I train my subconscious to become a better artist? my only method right now is regular practice and hoping things stick

>> No.14800986

Where can I get this TMS stimulation?

>> No.14801005


>> No.14801031

There's demonstrated proof that engaging in cognitive work increases the long term potentiation or the "connections between neurons" through a variety of mechanisms and models that test this are called "environmental enrichment" within the literature. Increasing the load or demand that we place on our neurons when we learn strengthens the connections between neurons as well as neuronal morphology through induction of functional hypoxia.
As we place high degrees of stress on neurons in a cognitively demanding task this promotes erythropoeitin signalling within neurons by transiently inducing a small degree of oxygen glucose deprivation that preconditions neurons to become more resistant to inflammatory stressors.
> Introducing the brain erythropoietin circle to explain adaptive brain hardware upgrade and improved performance
> CaMKIIα Expressing Neurons to Report Activity-Related Endogenous Hypoxia upon Motor-Cognitive Challenge
Depression has a large connection to the reduction in motivation and learning through invoking neuroinflammation which may be connected to cortisol promoting glutamate release, increasing the production of allopregnanolone( an endogenous benzodiazepine), and endogenous cannabinoids which all have negative effects on neuronal insulin sensitivity which our brains are largely dependent on for glucose metabolism, neurogenesis, production of neurosteroids from cholesterol etc. These are investigated in a lab setting and are often called chronic mild stress models.
Reduced insulin transport and sensitivity within the brain as a direct result of iron dysbiosis within the brain promotes amyloidogenic processing of Amyloid precursor protein and the phosphorylation of tau.

>> No.14801087

> Neuroinflammation increases GABAergic tone and impairs cognitive and motor function in hyperammonemia by increasing GAT-3 membrane expression. Reversal by sulforaphane by promoting M2 polarization of microglia
A heavily processed diet and endotoxicity from leakage of gram negative bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract which can be promoted by Sugar, ssri's, high salt diets, saturated fats (particularly palmitic acid), and endotoxins from animal product consumption as bacteria such as e.coli have lipid cell linings that are inflammatory(lipopolysaccharides). A heavily processed diet further compounds chronic mild stress in invoking a dysbiosis in our microbiome by promoting the growth of inflammatory bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract, or highly glycemic foods promoting serotonin levels within the gastrointestinal tract increasing mtor tone within the gastrointestinal tract and the metabolism of kyurenic and quinolinic acid within the gastrointestinal tract which can then enter past a damaged blood brain barrier and exert neurotoxic effects. There's many different contributing factors in which diet and social stressors interact together to deteriorate cognitive functions.
Exercise, environmental enrichment, meditation are all great approaches for mitigation of cognitive decline and there's strong evidence to support all of these interventions alongside diet for improving mental health and ultimately cognition.

I've been an active member of the nootropics community for over the past year and have made many contributions to advance the development and advocacy of novel drugs for the promotion of longevity and cognitive enhancement. Prior to that i've have been rooted in the study of nutrition and biochemistry for many years.
in my experience the best interventions for improving quality of life and cognition are intranasal insulin, intranasal rapamycin and intranasal deferoxamine.

>> No.14801161

>in my experience the best interventions for improving quality of life and cognition are intranasal insulin, intranasal rapamycin and intranasal deferoxamine.
How would you even go about getting that stuff though?

>> No.14801200

Insulin you can buy without prescription at Wal-Mart. Ask for Novolin-R. That said, it's pretty overhyped. I tried it and it did nothing.

>> No.14801209

Meth is all you need OP.

>> No.14801308
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What are your thoughts on low dose naltrexone? Also, do you think the protocol for depression and neuroinflammation would work well for long covid symptoms?
I've heard intranasal insulin greatly alleviates Alzheimer's symptoms, but I can't help but wonder if there might be a less invasive approach to fixing insulin sensitivity; like, intermittent fasting, reducing sugar intake, and etc.
Also, while you're at it, what do you think of Tropisetron? They claim it acts on receptors in the brain that can boost cognition, a study or two shows it significantly enhances working memory, which as we all know is a necessary ingredient to intelligence.

>> No.14801337

>how would you even go about getting that stuff though.. go to the wasoru sci archives. My work has been shared by many impersonators on sci, fit, pol, tv and possibly other boards so checking those archives are possibly worth it if you want to dive through them. My unique tripcode was made on june 19th and anything I've posted is under this tripcode. There's been many impersonators and people that've went to great lengths to attempt to undermine the work I've put into the community.
Being able to get insulin shouldnt be hard.
Getting access to
Pharma grade dfo shouldn't be hard if you look into the sci archives.
This is one of the better imitators sharing my work and they were actually fairly competent as I've seen they've been able to write some well worded unique replies when answering questions. There's been many who've gotten their own secured trip codes and some with unsecured tripcodes.
I think that in my experience I've enjoyed higher dose nalrexone but it's really not the best to use higher dose naltrexone its fairly dysphoric at high doses. 4.5mg/pd is what I've used when i used LDN. I think that naltrexone may be great for off days or low dose naltrexone may be interesting as well to incorporate but I think there's better antiinflammatories than LDN for the price. Intranasal use of Deferoxamine is something that really propelled me into being discovered by an audience adjacent to 4chan and that's something that Ive encouraged about 20 people to use and all say its life changing
>Naltrexone Facilitates Learning and Delays Extinction by Increasing AMPA Receptor Phosphorylation and Membrane Insertion
Naltrexone facilitates improved ampa receptor phosphorylation by improving neuronal insulin signalling by suppressing the actions of endorphins which may suppress neurogenesis and neuroplasticity through opioid receptor mediated actions.cont

>> No.14801394

opioids induce endolysosomal deacidification within mitochondria leading to dissociation of iron from proteostatic processing of iron to support protein synthesis and this triggers the leakage of iron from mitochondrial membranes. Iron accumulates in ferritin in the cytosol of our neurons and promotes oxidative stress in the lysosome reducing mitochondrial function resulting in synaptic deficits through slowed transport of mitochondria to synaptic vesicles and exocytosis of glutamate receptors to the cell surface.
> Morphine-Induced Modulation of Endolysosomal Iron Mediates Upregulation of Ferritin Heavy Chain in Cortical Neurons
In this study it's demonstrated that opioids like morphine reduces synaptic outgrowth and viability through the accumulation of iron within our neurons and this promotes neuronal erythropoeitin resistance as well as insulin resistance. Opioids also promote the disinhibition of glutamate signalling to provoke reward based on somatostatin evoked inhibition of parvalbumin interneurons to disinhibit pyramidal cells. opioid induced glutamatergic disinhibition also provokes the endocytosis of iron into neurons through gtpase, and dexras1
> Lysosomal iron modulates NMDA receptor-mediated excitation via small GTPase, Dexras1
Chelation of iron from the cytosol of our neurons with chelation agents such as deferoxamine completely mitigates opioid induced synaptic deficits as well as mitigates glutamate evoked iron uptake into neurons. iron within the cytosol of our neurons reduces cell excitability as well.
> Intranasal deferoxamine can improve memory in healthy C57 mice, suggesting a partially non‐disease‐specific pathway of functional neurologic improvement
> Mechanisms of Intranasal Deferoxamine in Neurodegenerative and Neurovascular Disease

>> No.14801410 [DELETED] 

The best way to increase your personal intelligence is to open your mind to the facts and stop being a zombie following the mass psychosis about the fact that angular momentum is not conserved.

>> No.14801427

OK, angular momentum is not conserved. What do I do now?

>> No.14801466

Help me to get the message through to the zombies (academics in denial) so that the physics we love can be fixed and make useful predictions.

>> No.14801478

But I just want to increase my intelligence.

>> No.14801503

Well if the entirety of physics is totally stupid then how is neglecting that and just leaving it stupid increasing your intelligence?

Fixing stupid mistakes is increasing intelligence.

>> No.14802735

Do you think there is anyway to prevent iron from accumulating in the brain to begin with? Like, is there a way to strengthen the blood brain barrier so buildup of these neurotoxins don't happen to begin with?

>> No.14804805

Well, my field isn't physics.

>> No.14804816

Psychologists got no interest in the most impressive example of mass psychosis in history. Who knew?

>> No.14804856

Sir, I'm a mere economics student. We're meant to be generic pre-law degrees. Maybe once I pass the bar then I could help by suing the deceitful scientific establishment that has unjustly enforced the conservation of angular momentum myth.

>> No.14804911

It is true that I am facing slander for years simply because I can’t be defeated logically because the truth can’t be defeated.
I thought that lawyers would be good at detecting logical fallacies but apparently they are as susceptible as everyone else to the insane group think.

>> No.14806574

Following general health and wellness guidelines such as maintenance of a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables (such as kale, collard greens, broccoli), Berries, Beans. Beans are the one food group most closely tied to longevity. It's been found that in what researchers in nutrition have called blue zones of longevity or locations of large demographics of octogenarians such as sardinia, and formerly okinowa or amongst 7th day adventists find that diets predominately focused on whole plant foods improves lifespan by average of 14 years.
A predominately plant based diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and low in inflammatory endotoxins. advanced glycation endproducts, oxidized cholesterol. Animal proteins are found to significantly tied to increased all cause mortality through increased methionine, and bcaa's that increase serum igf1 levels. It's found that igf1 levels are tied closely to longevity with average vegans having 14% less igf1 levels than omnivores
Hey I'm aware of your struggles and I want to say coming from someone that has become the target for slander I think that discourse has become bloodsports especially in the Biohacking community which I believe has become a space ripe for bad business practices, gatekeeping, antisocial behavior in which I believe may come from attracting many individuals who have superiority complexes, and are concerned with gaining power. I can say I have had many qualities that have made it more likely for me to be arrogant.
Science is and will always be a concrete and easily understandable concept to practice through the scientific method but its rarely treated like that and in modern times replication of studies further expands on research that has been done in the past. You don't deserve that kind of treatment from people even if you're wrong that angular momentum is not concerved then people need to replicate your experiments to demonstate that and not through slander.

>> No.14806606

>>Regular Exercise
>>Proper Diet
Show me an important mathematician/scientist who does this.

>> No.14806689

>You don't deserve that kind of treatment from people even if you're wrong that angular momentum is not concerved then people need to replicate your experiments to demonstate that and not through slander.

Everyone has already told him that you can't use a simplified freshman physics equation that neglects air resistance and assumes the string is mass-less to conclude that angular momentum isn't conserved. But he refuses to listen.

>> No.14806752
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> Everyone has already told him that you can't convince him even when confronted rationally with conflicting evidence.

I'm very familiar with how single minded and closed off some academics and scholars focused around cognitive enhancement and IQ are. Openness to experience and willingness to explore newly introduced information is sytongly connected to how agreeable someoene may be and for those motivated by their implied superiority or intelligence being tied to their ego then especially when challenged with an idea that conflicts with their preconceived biases then they're going to assert themselves none the less. It's shown that many nobel scientists go on to develop eccentric beliefs or that people with narcicism are going to believe more in fringe beliefs to further enhance their preconceived mental image about themselves. I'm not immune at all to the belief that intelligence is closely tied to my self worth but some people when threatened consider that aggression towards them. I've known people who've worked in academia and state that narcicism and manipulative personalities are very common and predominately are more successful by using whatever means of aggression they can to get ahead. Just being this deep into a community centered directly behind cognitive enhancement is like a perfect breeding ground for narcicistic personality disorder to manifest in the greatest extreme. So I can say yeah its really common for some people who really aren't focused on the truth want something to define themselves.

>> No.14807112

Well said pax, get some exercise and sunlight and take your meds.

>> No.14807134

Everyone telling me lies does not make it true just because everyone believes the lies.

I have to use COAM in pure form to make a reductio ad absurdum, zombie.

Your mental deficiency is not justified because all the zombies apply the same mental deficiency.

>> No.14807194

>Then why is ever Buddhist monk country a shithole?
You dont travel much, huh? Just the couple of times and lots of documentaries? No Reservations?

>> No.14807196
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>Show me an important mathematician/scientist who does this.
>who the fuck are you?!
The one thats only appreciated long after my death like Tesla.

>> No.14807632

>intranasal deferoxamine.
All the deferoxamine I can find is supposed to be administered by injection though instead of intranasally.
Or do I just get the syringe and shoot the stuff into my nose

>> No.14807645

>intranasal insulin, intranasal rapamycin and intranasal deferoxamine
Apart from the cognitive improvements do you experience any other positive and/or negative (side)effects?

>> No.14807666

I want to hear you say that Burma, Thailand and Tibet aren't shitholes.

>> No.14807688

>So I've read that depression can cause the brain to shrink and that you actually lose some of your cognitive ability permanently, though some of it can be recovered to a degree.
Probably due to chronic, excess cortisol.

>So, how in the world is someone supposed to get out of that downward spiral?
Well the most direct route is to cure your depression, but I'm not going to pretend to have a cure-all for that. However, you can mitigate the damage by reducing your stress (exercise, meditation, decent diet, hobbies, etc).

>> No.14807735

See? This is why he deserves the treatment he gets. It's the logical equivalent of claiming that newton's laws are false because he slid a box on the floor and it stopped on its own. He's not open-minded, he just wants to feel intelligent without bothering to learn a single thing beyond physics 101.

>> No.14807768

Slander again because you don’t want to admit that angular momentum is not conserved.

>> No.14808549

So true. Same can be said of leadership and management roles. Honesty and consistency are preferred qualities where over achievement and high productivity.

The base line is preferred in almost all hiring situations because there is usually a clear line of discipline and expectation already ingrained into mediocre candidates.

The employer already knows what to expect. Anything beyond that model is less than ideal.

>> No.14808599

Why would I care? Whether it's conserved or not, it works how it works. Your argument for it is just shit-tier.

>> No.14808742

Don't bother. Some dumbfucks got the idea to have an "inventor's guild" and went around trying to get a monopoly on intelligent people, but they were actually fucking morons who simply had lucked into having power and technology available to them...

If that weren't bad enough: somebody (those same dumbfucks????) unleashed an A.I. apocalypse on the planet because they're fucking code-monkeys who didn't (and still don't) understand basic fundamentals of what they're doing. (ProTip: figure out how to use your own brain before you go trying to create anything remotely "intelligent")

Now, to combat this bullshit, there are organizations dedicated to policing "intelligences" (any organism or machine capable of adapting, basically). The organizations dedicated to policing intelligences are kinda fucked up because it's literally the most difficult job imaginable: these organizations need to be able to stop intelligences from acting without teaching them anything about tactics, while at the same time educating their adversaries and anyone watching about the dangers of rogue intelligences, e.g.
>Human cults
>Human militaries who still haven't fucking gotten it through their fucking heads that the most important part of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" was about PREVENTING conflicts and AVOIDING waste
>autonomous malware

The Inventor's guild is EXTRA fucking retarded because they got the idea to "survive at any cost" except they're too stupid to realize that:
>1) Pissing off your neighbors is a good way to persuade people to try to destroy your organization
>2) Your organization is not a living thing, you fucking retards. It's an imaginary entity composed of individuals. Nations get the benefit of sovereignty because they hold territory and exist TO HOUSE AND PROTECT FAMILIES; unless your dumbass secret club gets forcibly confined to live in a ghetto or something, y'all can always just fuck off and do something else.
>3) living is more than mere existence

>> No.14808808

If you don’t care then fuck off Zombie.

Why do you need to personally harass me?

>> No.14808930

Yes I dilute it with water or insulin and use intranasally 125mg with 50iu of humulin R insulin by diluting deferoxamine with 2ml of liquid. I use a 1ml luer slip syringe with a removable needle
Deferoxamine has given me great improvements in metabolic health as well as stamina and mental fortitude. Negative side effects besides my interaction with mucormycosis which I had to treat
with intranasal Rapamycin and Cbd.
I had spent a few days in the hospital due to hyponatremia due to nausea. I may have gotten sick and I recently incorporated a peptide called CB3. CB3 is a thioredoxin mimetic peptide that has 10-100k times greater antioxidant potential as n-acetyl cysteine. Cb3 is exceptionally powerful and I'm noticing amazing improvements in my health.
> Thioredoxin-mimetic peptide CB3 lowers MAPKinase activity in the Zucker rat brain

>> No.14809242
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>people need to replicate your experiments to demonstate that
Disproving the conservation of angular momentum would require a frictionless environment per the definition thereof, and producing all that would as such be too much of a hassle.
Mandlbaur is terrible at getting his point across or addressing any kind of criticism, hence why nobody is ready to put this much work into such a useless experiment. For instance, it has been mentioned to him several times that, per Noether's Theorem, falsification of the conservation of angular momentum would imply anisotropy of space, by virtue of which rotationally symmetric objects cannot exist in space. He has yet to address any of that criticism. Do not compare yourself to Mandlbaur since you keep on posting studies and also replied to a lot of criticism, like deferoxamine causing cancer or anemia.
In the end, I fully agree that those people stalking him on r/Mandlbaur are obsessed little faggots, many of whom themselves know jack-shit about physics.

>> No.14809252
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This is beyond the scope of this thread, you mischievous sorry faggot. If you have got nothing to contribute with regards to cognitive enhancement, then leave and make your own thread.
And before you reply: I care little about your egomaniac justifications for openly breaking the rules. If you break the rules, you'll get banned.
If you truly wanted to avoid being censored, then arguing in good faith could do you wonders. Not like a psychotic retard like you would understand this.

>> No.14809257

My paper falsifies COAM.
If you wish to reject my paper without addressing it, then you have to back up your extraordinary claims that 12000 rpm is a reasonable prediction by presenting experimental evidence showing 12000 rpm. The fact that this is impossible to do is your problem, not mine.

Evading my paper by presenting an appeal to tradition logical fallacy (Noether), is unreasonable.

The reason that I am struggling to get my point across is because you are literally abandoning rationality to avoid accepting what is proven.

Grow up and face the fact that 12000 rpm objectively falsifies COAM otherwise you are no different than the “obsessed little faggots” most of whom are in fact PhDs and professors of physics.

>> No.14809259

Become familiar with numbers theory and pattern recognition tests.

Understand that the "later" images in the assessment 'flip" the thing on top of rotating it. Dont let that confuse you

>> No.14809289

Tesla was very much appreciated during his life time

>> No.14809309
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Computers don't lie. It was fed raw motion data of a pendulum moving and inferred conservation of angular momentum without anyone telling it to. This means you can't be right because if you're right the computer is wrong which would make it a liar. Until you present me with a hand-written table where you perform 10 trillion 64 bit additions without making an error, I consider this matter resolved. Happy calculating.

>> No.14809342

I have presented a proof using the classical ball on a string demonstration and you present some idiotic appeal to tradition red-herring nonsense about a pendulum.

You have to address my proof using the example that I chose to falsify the theory.

Otherwise you are just neglecting the evidence like a flat earther.

Are you mentally challenged or are you a flat earther?

>> No.14809353

I presented an article about a computer program that inferred COAM from raw motion data. This is experimental proof. You have to address this proof because it contradicts yours and humans are highly fallible while computers make maybe one arithmetic error in 10 trillion operations on account of a bit flip from cosmic radiation.

Until you prove your ability to maintain a comparable rate of error-free computation, your argument cannot be taken seriously.

Otherwise, you are like Lucifer thinking yourself higher than God.

Are a narcissist or an gent of Satan?

>> No.14809360

No. I do not have to address your nonsense evasion of my paper.

You have to address my proof and stop presenting red-herring nonsense.

The only empirical evidence that can falsify my paper is a typical ball on a string as per my proof, doing 12000 rpm.

Grow up and behave like an adult.

Face the fact that COAM is falsified.

>> No.14809386

Yes, you do. Your video with the string demonstration is from 2016 while Eureqa inferred COAM from raw data in 2009. So, you published second.

The second son cannot be king before the first born son. Your proof cannot be taken seriously until you have refuted an earlier experiment that proves COAM. To do that, you must establish your standing as a computational entity of equal competence to a CPU. I'm not asking much of you. If you would prefer, I can also accept 10 trillion hand-written bit shifts with at most 1 error allowed.

Flat earthers have explanations, however poor, for previously published experiments and observations contradicting their claims. Do you have less integrity than a flat earther?

>> No.14809390

The ball on a string demonstration is centuries old, zombie.

You cannot address my paper by neglecting it you idiot.

Address my paper please or if you are too offended by facts, then fuck off.

>> No.14809431

The demonstration may be, but your theoretical work is not.

You are guilty of the same crime of which you accuse me. You are neglecting rigorous work from 2009 over your claims published after that date.

Eureqa is not programmed to assume a single thing about physics, not even Newton's Laws. It can only draw patterns from data and fit mathematical relations to them until it finds such which describe the patterns observed in the data. It is like a curve fitter but instead of drawing a best fit line through points it produces symbolic output. There cannot be an observer less biased.

Establish your standing to contest its findings by demonstrating your capacity for error-free calculation as discussed before. If you cannot do that, I can only assume that camera tricks or human error as the reasons for your alleged contradictory findings. I cannot in good conscience accept your proposition that your more recent, human inferences are superior to that of Eureqa's. Not without proof that you can match a CPU's 1 in 10 trillion error rate. That would be neglecting my duty to the TRUTH.

And please do note that your ad hominems are misplaced here. Eureqa is a software program and therefore has no feelings to wound. It cannot be offended by the data it receives but can only algorithmically draw justified mathematical inferences from it.

>> No.14809449

Newer work always supersedes older work, zombie. What are you smoking?

I present a paper and you need to address my paper, not appeal to older tradition in evasion of my paper.


>> No.14809458

Personally... I want to decrease my intelligence. I scored 144 on an online IQ test, and is quite damaging, mentally speaking.

You see, when you have such a high IQ, everything in your mind zips by fast. And it can be quite overwhelming. Furthermore, you see the world for what it truly is, and you cannot help but realize how doomed we all are.

What good did intelligence give me? All it has done is made me cynical, nihilistic, and depressed.

>> No.14809471

No it doesn't. The older work came first and 1 comes before 2 so the older work supersedes the newer work until the newer work addresses the older work. There can be no consistent position under which your work is considered correct until refuted by someone in the future but Eureqa's observation of COAM can be considered to have been magically proven incorrect without refutation. There can only be one reality and the logical law of noncontradiction means that one cannot sustain two propositions making opposing claims. One of them must be in error. Can you demonstrate that your error rate is only 1 in 10 trillion?

Additionally, I would point out that Eureqa is not tradition because tradition is human theory while Eureqa is de novo computational inference.

It sounds like you are making up excuses because you are unable to demonstrate the capacity for error free operation to an acceptable standard to challenge a CPU. I understand, but you must also understand my position, then, in trusting an entity that makes 1 in 10 trillion errors over one that has yet to demonstrate such capability.

>> No.14809477

You are neglecting my proof and presenting a gish gallop of bullshit.

Face the fact that 12000 rpm objectively falsified COAM and stop weaseling.

>> No.14809480 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up worthless talentless low IQ trash

>> No.14809492

You are ignoring Eureqa's finding that angular momentum conservation is the best mathematical description for observed reality.

It has no assumptions about physics, no motivation to distort, no concept of an existing body of physics orthodoxy that must be maintained. How could it possibly be wrong?

>> No.14809496

The same way that my paper cannot be wrong unless you point out an error within it, zombie.

>> No.14809503

Exactly. So we established that you agree that a proof is wrong only if you can identify an error in it.

So if there is no proof your paper is wrong and there is no proof that Eureqas inference of angular momentum is wrong we must settle by comparing your error rate to the error rate of CPUs. Can you submit 10 trillion 64 bit additions (or bit shifts) with at most 1 error among them? How else could this contradiction be resolved?

>> No.14809508

No we settle by measuring a typical ball on a string demonstration reduced to 1/10th. If it does 12000 rpm, you are right and if it does 1200 rpm, I am right, because you have to address my proof, not evade it.

>> No.14809524

Wrong. Look up the definition of angular momentum.

>> No.14809527

Eureqa is also right because given raw data of a pendulum's motion it arrived without any assumptions about the physical world at conserved angular momentum.

Why do you not take previous work contradicting your claims seriously? Are you trying to sneak in a supremacist notion that the results of your computations should be given more weight because they were realized by a brain rather than by a silicon chip? The only fair way is to put an upper bound on your computational error rate that is the same or lower than that of a CPU's.

>> No.14809533

I am not contesting it. You are trying to contest my paper by neglecting it, zombie.

>> No.14809537

Do you disagree with this principle? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stationary-action_principle

>> No.14809541

I am not contesting that.

This is red-herring evasion.
Please address my paper?

>> No.14809544

It's not since COAM can be derived from that.

>> No.14809545


>> No.14809549

aka use your brain

>> No.14809562

You can derive COAM as much as you like, but as long as there is a single example which show that reality contradicts coam, coam is falsified.

That is how the scientific method works, zombie.

12000 rpm objectively falsified COAM and your derivations are all appeal to tradition logical fallacy evasion of the facts which is literally flat earth behavior

>> No.14809567
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Thanks for conceding, smooth brain. All you need is that principle and isotropy of space (obvious) to derive it. If you deny COAM, you will have to contest one of the two things I've mentioned.

>> No.14809569

Nope. I only have to present an example which shows that the results of experiment contradict the prediction of COAM. 12000 rpm objectively falsifies COAM. Face facts and stop lying zombie.

>> No.14809570

This is true. Von Neumann, for instance, ate like a braindead pig and even on his deathbed, while suffering from cancer, was able to easily recite passages from Faust.

>> No.14809573

Wrong, also off-topic. Make your own thread as pointed out.

>> No.14809577

Fuck off delusional zombie. I am following the discussion.

Acting butthurt because he is in denial, zombie.

>> No.14809580

Nothing you've said so far is about cognitive enhancement. Not like you'd know anything in that regard anyhow since you're a retarded old fuck suffering from Alzheimer's. In any case, migrate to >>14808035

>> No.14809584

My first post related to the topic and the discussion has evolved from there you lying stinking piece of shit using ad hominem to support his evasive flat earth behavior. FUCK YOU.

>> No.14809586

>My first post related to the topic and the discussion has evolved from there
That is called derailing, my retarded friend. It's the very definition of off-topic. Either stay in your lane or fuck off, kid.

>> No.14809592

Nope. The fact that a discussion evolves is not derailing. Zombie.

What you are doing is derailing.

Now address the argument or fuck off.

>> No.14809596

go to >>14808035 and talk about light having mass there. Nobody here is interested in talking to you. This is a biology thread.

>> No.14809614

Strange that people are getting very excited and engaging with me then. Even you hypocritical asshole zombie.

Stop whining like a stuck pig.

>> No.14809615

This is a biology thread. Migrate to >>14808035

>> No.14809622

Stop whining zombie. Face the fact that you lost the debate like a grown up.

>> No.14809625

This is a biology thread. I will now hide your post and make sure this thread returns to normalcy.

>> No.14809629

Cease posting this pseudo-scientific nonsense.

>> No.14809631

This is largely nonsense. Take this if you're prone to schizophrenia.

>> No.14809638


>> No.14809642

Do whatever you think is the right you fuckjgn ignorant flat earth zombie. Fuck you.

>> No.14809872

Have you tried contacting Lubos Motl? He's very open to controversial discoveries in physics.

>> No.14810212

Doesn't TMS stimulation cause brain damage lmao.

>> No.14810925

Trying to increase your intelligence is similar to trying to enlarge your penis, but for brainlets. Lots of potential "solutions", but none of them really work.
But if you want to pursue this anyway, my suggestion would be to train your memorization. You won't become more intelligent, but others will think you are.

>> No.14812997


>> No.14814972


>> No.14815006

A wise man once said you cant enlarge your penis but you can be better at sex

>> No.14816841


>> No.14818757

>Lots of potential "solutions", but none of them really work.
That's not true though. There is a method that works, but you're not aware of it.

>> No.14818768

>What am I missing? Any other activities? Any medications/supplements?
Reading quality literature and emphasizing problem solving type studying (most often done via math/cs/phsyics/chem).

I would also add ROUTINE to the list.

>> No.14818781

>I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.

>> No.14818794

reduce social media and fast internet in general and try to work in a calm environment. train focus and concentrated deep work. this does not increase your genetical iq per se but most people suffer simply from not being able to concentrate any more in the current age.

>> No.14818801

Sure there's a lot of retards on /pol/, but a lot of the assessment there is accurate and a necessary counterpoint to MSM talking heads. For example, the impacts of unbounded immagration, or climate change / carbon being pushed as a control mechanism.

>> No.14818804

i dont give a shit about intelligence, tell people how to be happy

>> No.14818812

You can find it easily in the archives or by searching a certain other website.

>> No.14818837 [DELETED] 
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The first and most important step anyone needs to take to improve their intelligence is to admit that the natural intelligence that they were born with is insufficient and badly in need of shoring up. Once you've decided that you're stupid enough that you need brain enhancement then you can proceed turn off your critical thinking ability and go on your way through life following the instructions of authority figures without question.

>> No.14819078

sigma-1 agonists like fluvoxamine are the future of cognitive enhancement.
Also, a1b adrenergic and a2c adrenergic antagonists, 5ht1a agonists and 5ht6 antagonists (brexpiprazole)

>> No.14819546

What is it? I'm too lazy to search and weed out all of the herbal bs people call nootropics.

>> No.14819548

>none of them work
Okay so we should just not make attempts at figuring out how to?

unlike penis enlargement, figuring out how to increase general fluid intelligence would change human civilization on every level, imagine the things say Einstein could've achieved if he had the same fluid IQ as he did in his 20's when he was in his 50's or, even better, imagine what he could've done if his IQ was increased by several standard deviations. from a humanitarian perspective imagine the application to nations where the average IQ is 80, the amount of people that could be pulled out of poverty simply by making them smarter. It would dwarf the numbers of people pulled out of poverty under capitalism by many orders of magnitude and it would cost near nothing once we got the technique down, I mean it sure beats sending them food and trying to educate them while missionaries diddle their kids.

so for you chastise those who wish make chase because no one has figured out the solution during the span of time you happen to inhabit is a foolish thing to do. People with your mentality have existed as long as humanity "grog try to make rock fly, unga never seen grungas make rock fly. grog just fire head because he can no hit hard with rock, just practice hit hard with rock it best we can do"

>> No.14819689

>would dwarf the numbers of people pulled out of poverty under capitalism by many orders of magnitude
If we're all equally smart then how do I make money on prediction markets from people who thought Trump was going to be President even after the election was called for Biden?

>> No.14820293

There's no point because it's not for the lazy.

>> No.14820307

Studies are fucking worthless lol.
Look at nutritional "scientists" for example.
After decades of studies, their conclusion is that diets don't work.
I fucking hate science and its place in modern society.

>> No.14820312

you're such an anti-intellectualist brainlet, it's hilarious. I bet you're an editor for some high-ranking journal with decades of experience evaluating these studies.

>> No.14820326

you damn well know that im not

>> No.14821558

The only way to raise intelligence is to be born with good parents who put pressure on you but not too much pressure. These adult coping threads with their stony unmalleable brains are tiring, grow up and accept death.

>> No.14821642

They don't have much to work with since the majority of humans should be carnivores. Only the small number of people who can't metabolize protein should consume carbs. Case closed, nothing for them to do except cross is and dot ts. Except there's an enormous amount of lobbying, social inertia, food addiction, which keeps the simple truth from the masses. Normies want the impossible, so nutritionists try to deliver a compromise, but it's a fool's errand.

>> No.14821698

Faggot. It won't work. Grow some balls instead faggot.

>> No.14821770

>Then why is ever Buddhist monk country a shithole?


>> No.14821865

There's like a million supplements with evidence towards them increasing intelligence, none of them will have some super life-changing effect though, just slightly aid you in your progress.

You can have all the brain power in the world, but your intelligence only goes as far as your ability to apply it. The super high IQ human calculator savants are only savants because of all of the math concepts that have been discovered and exist for them to solve. True intelligence is more about asking the right questions than having the right answers.

>> No.14821878

What "certain other website"?

>> No.14821917


Growing up my subconscious was so capable that I was extremely naive and oblivious to so many things because my mind just automatically did it for me.

Completely unknowingly my mind developed a specific type of OCD and method of breathing to compensate for my ADHD and help me focus. I'd get brief intense spurts of anxiety around people, since I'd desparately want to distract myself from the thoughts I'd focus on anything else I could and during school the one thing for me to focus on was the class lecture. When I got it to a less extreme level I couldn't stop myself from daydreaming in class, I got diagnosed with ADHD and turns out the medicine completely alleviates my OCD and strange breathing for a short while.

There's other weird things it can do like I'll miraculously remember something I wasn't even paying attention to, I don't need to set alarm clocks, because no matter how weird the time I have to get up is I'll magically awake exactly when I need to, even if I go to sleep wanting to sleep in past the time I'm supposed to get up I'll magically wake up at the right time anyways.

I had to teach myself to be good at everything by imitating a person who is good at said thing I'm doing in my head, when doing an impression of someone, it's like a subconscious thing you don't really need to think about and thus the answers come much more easily.

I only learned about this stuff because I was so obsessed with curing my OCD I had to observe more than my thoughts, but my own feelings and instincts with scrutiny. I could perfectly logically reason why every single OCD thought was completely irrational, yet they bothered me to the extremes all the same, that is why I concluded, if it's my conscious thoughts that are the problem I have use something other than more conscious thought to beat them which led to me better understanding myself and the acute inclinations and feelings I get which are not of conscious thought.

>> No.14821945


That subconscious understanding definitely seems to be a more eastern world type of thing.

Hunter x Hunter does incredibly well with displaying this concept. Not just through actions but through the ideals of all the characters which are the best of the best as well. The last season with Ging and Pariston really shines a light on the ideals and motivations part in particular and their understandings of the world, the season before with Netero and Meruem too.

The protagonist Gon is a perfect example of someone oblivious consciously, but a genius subconsciously.

>> No.14821961

Yeah just take a look at one of the highest IQ people today Chris Langan. He's out in the boonies trying to mathmatically prove the existence of God and heaven, when you're that smart it just starts fucking with you. At the end of the day all you need to be a doctor or neurosurgeon or whatnot is the ability to memorize a bunch of stuff and follow instructions.

>> No.14822339

You can't. Even my psychiatrist a few weeks ago agreed it's mostly locked in at birth (only being influenced by shit like your mom not putting garbage in her body).
To add to his cred: he, on his own accord, started talking about the link between ethnicity and intelligence, and biology and gender. I did not expect that his power level is that high that he would just nonchalantly start talking about that with a patient he sees once a year (I guess I must have impressed him, as we are always able to have intelligent discussions about philosophy during these meetings). We agreed that while this is a factor, we simply live in a human society and there are pieces of objectively true knowledge that are currently verboten to be discussed out loud. We essentially (in attitude, not the actual pieces of wisdom) don't live in more enlightened times, at all.

>> No.14822366

Ah, interesting. A compilation of ego-stimulating vocabulary and complex grammar structure rulebook is in order.

Then again most ego categorisation is usually happens when an individual imposes/presents a weak or broken thing.

Of course if intelligence is not ultimately the invincible armour that flies to the aid of the individual most isolated and interred then what value could it ever truly hold? Intelligence is all about providing value as an individual to either a collective ideal or collection of individuals. To that end I'd present OP's list as:
1. A diet that makes keeps a happy warm stomach and mitigates digestive problems.
2. Develop a ritual or habitual rhythmic motion. This can be dancing, weightlifting, or a series of actions performed before smoking or drinking or etc.
3. Sleep debt is the most debilitating thing for a human brain so avoid it.
4. Meditation; an alternative is to simply find a mental state of stasis that you can enter and leave at will. This can be made easier to achieve when in low stimulation states and environments, such as a meditation pose.
5. Directed external stimulation; electrical, chemical, physical, etc.

I have always found that intelligence is what creates containers for energy and the more containers you have the more energy you have to spend on time-based experiences.

>> No.14822373

If one fixes the origin point of intelligence to the act of birth then one is a determinist. These types tend to act as long-form empirical data for intelligent minds to simulate strategies on and with as their rigid approach can be made useful after some effort.

>> No.14822571

you're incredibly stupid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52m8gWPwHY4

>> No.14824243

You write like a brainlet.
I know it sounds smart to you, but brotip... it isn't.

>> No.14825133

Homo SAPIENS, Sapience, wisdom, wise man- not intellect
improve your dexterity,
Someone that can mentally measure objects well, that doesn't know where the fuck their life is going is a stupid creature.
Videos of intelligent/smart people, observe, copy.
improve intelligence at/with what.
set yourself on fire
1)how successful are you 'in reality'-and by that metric it's grit scale and character.. work ethic.., it's "I stuck with the problems longer only to be misquoted by geeks on the internet"-Einstein
2)what if you were just a head. how smart would you be.
3)what if you were just a body, no head.
some amount of that's irrational! that's unscientific! that's not possible! If you cut his head off- very stupid.
, more to it, but those are just a few tests
the great distinction between warriors and scholars-> thinking done by cowards, physical weaklings. geeks. nerds.

>> No.14825160

Physical posture, physicality in general-
when you see videos of smart people of various sorts,
You might find apparent patterns of appearance or behaviour whether your sensibilities call your own observation based discernment pseudoscience or not. Pseudoscientific universe. where is the study? Fuck You

>> No.14825228

The main problem is that your average lurker (citing myself here) rarely engages on a deeper, investigative level with any of the disparate posts made and just doom-scrolls and jumps from thread to thread, which only mentally overloads and demoralizes them without enhancing their critical abilities and possibly diminishing it somewhat, not to mention potential adverse effects for their irl. As a matter of course, however, I do browse /pol/ from time to time in between reading from MSM outlets like the NYT. I figure that it helps me read between the lines on certain topics and discern cui bono.

>> No.14825881

Why would you want to raise your IQ? High intelligence just comes with a shitload of mental illnesses.

>> No.14826270
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, gekkobp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn what you Do Not Know.
then learn what you casually know and maybe even really enjoy.
Throw those things out of moves/investments/bets.
Find your true, little circle of competence. Only act on golden opportunity in your true, little circle of competence.
Sustain a modest profit.
Focus everything else on wisdom of how the owners structure the system, and cognitive biases. Be a hypergamous male (NON-sexual unless complete incompetent). Make a friend with a better reality than you. Repeat this while serving with your competence specialty value that you've sacrificed thousands of hours into in exponential fashion.
Avoid stupidity.

>> No.14826281

IQ is triggering as a topic, and most people don't understand the IQ cap or 'ceiling' of even things like astrophysics or neurosurgeon is no higher than like 115.

>> No.14826290

I find open monitoring meditation based attention and then once a daydream is activated to daydream really soothing and wholesome. The cycle takes about 40-60 minutes to complete a daydream, and then 30-50 minutes, and then 20 minutes, taking breaks in between.
That's all I can say for sure right now, but that's my current plan. "Talk to the voices/images" "Experience an inner world"
It is described that it's a Chinese orient to switch to daydreaming and insights during vipassana. And that it is more ???? to disregard daydreams and focus solely on the body/breath. I practice Zen, and am trying both, but I found a lot of genuine benefits associated with other daydreams. Plus, I get deeper insights into the nature of reality (our meme conscious, with conscious idea for conscious behavior, all by itself the conscious psyche alive, the conscious unconscious what is conscience and the superego or what have you (currently about to finish MDF by Jung so that's influencing my spirituality)). Also, abstaining from cooming may or may not lead to deeper spiritual experiences, but it also is not good for your cognitive power. I.e. sustaining the coom is good for increasing the girth of the outlet, reasoning, deepening, but it's also not necessary and can lead to little available resources or passion and equilibria. In other words, it is good for tranquility or in equal personality, disharmony and disturbance. It could cause an uproar in the unconscious (God), or it could be a blessing to our unity (unconscious coupling). Or anything really. But I know it's an important topic. I found in the beginning it useful to coom a lot and take notes I suppose. And then later to cut it out. Or, just take time, and don't fuck up. Something something uberman power dynamics freud adler, it's all in MDR

>> No.14826299

once the mind has become noisy for awhile you can also try just making it noisier. Then it helps neuroplasticity to use mindful concentration on thinking of thinking. Mindfulness of mind. This increases excitability, and neurogenesis window, by increasing brainwave state. It is a way to get enlightened itself. One way to purposefully make the brain noisy is to repeat words in your mind on the topic of sustained mental imagery. And/or to stream to tongue, with also an option to think of any possible cognition potential and actualize it experiencing anything. You can be quiet and imagine more novel things in other words.
This didactic is for the character who feels they are not playing any longer, having then at one time started the real demons soul's, consequently dying, and now has to face bowser's solid snake in the fight club. This is for really finding the real me. This is for the maximum evolution of humanity through memes, as I muster such surmising. I imagine it spreads to other modes. This vipassanalizing a noisy rhetoric and disposition (as taught in theravada of monkey mind) allows one to narrate a typical thought stream.

>> No.14828044

Can I get a summary

>> No.14829758

That's only because low IQ people drive high IQ people insane, often on purpose.

>> No.14830905

self-Inject squid dna

>> No.14830964

Metaphysics doesnt help when the neighbor tribe come at you with real physics. Miss me with that shit

>> No.14833264

I got it covered by insurance as a treatment for depression, but it has been shown to help increase IQ, memory, reduce anxiety, and increase attention as well.

>> No.14833404

4chan in general is a 'seek and ye shall find' type of thing. You filter out what you don't want to see, if you don't have your mental filters on everything looks like just noise.

/pol/ could be the smartest place if you find the right threads or the dumbest. It's pretty hard to find the good threads on there anymore though.

>> No.14833416

i live in aus
how can i get it done for me

>> No.14833425

>A weird American fetish.
post body rn
>That's not an increase, that's just not fucking up what you already have.
helps you increase, if you have a shit diet and <8 hours of sleep then it becomes harder to learn.
>Then why is ever Buddhist monk country a shithole?
meditation isn't always religious