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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1424956 No.1424956 [Reply] [Original]

>my face when most of us are going to live thousands of years


>> No.1424963

Do you really want to live forever?

>> No.1424964

paying taxes for two thousand years?
The hell I am. I am not going to work in a cubicle for 1900 years

>> No.1424966

>I have no face because I'd rather die.

>> No.1424969

I doubt you'll have to do that for 50 years.

>> No.1424973
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>> No.1424975


>> No.1424980

Should be dissallowed.

Overpopulation, overpollution, too much humanity

>> No.1424983
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>> No.1424986

I would donate money to this project

>> No.1424987

I think it would be awesome to be employee of the month 250 years running.

>> No.1424989
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I swear to god if you stop me from living centuries I'll fucking kill you.

>> No.1424993

oh wait maybe that's what it is, a scam

>> No.1425001

People can be young forever
delicious loli ~mmm,,,

>> No.1425005


You can also become a christian if this is what you want you retard. "Oh noes I dun wanna die I'm so special"

>> No.1425011

Except that doesn't actually work.

>> No.1425015

Or you know, maybe I want to live in an age where I see humanity break the light speed barrier, superstructures, extraterrestrial life and so on.

>> No.1425023

if we were to become imortals, some things would NEED to be done.

First and most importantly:
Every imortal human should be PERMANETLY STERILYZED, the trade would be simple, if you want to be imortal you can't reproduce during your life spam or the earth will be severely crowded, if you are mortal you can reproduce because you will just live for a while before your children take your place.

>> No.1425039


Ah, yes, but you'll grow up, which makes this my last post.

>> No.1425043

So I just have to survive until 2029? Ok.

>> No.1425055

yey lets all live 1000years and piss away far more then our fair share of natural resources, overpopulate the earth even more and destro hunmanity slowly. sounds fun

>> No.1425057

What if we find shitloads of other habitable planets ~1000 years after this?
I would personally be fine with being sterilized as long as I had some frozen or something.

>> No.1425069


Humanity destroying itself AND it's environement.

I really don't want to see humanity as a filthy "virus" like species, but then this thread...

>> No.1425073

Well, if we artificially limit the number of births (sterilization?) we wont overpopulate.

Our 'fair share' of natural resources? What's that? Is there some magical number of natural resources that is bestowed on us at birth that it is fair we use? If these anti-aging treatments are widespread, wouldn't that mean that our 'fair share' increased at the point we receive the treatment? Oh subjectivity, you whiny little dog.

>> No.1425074


Well, the truly most noble souls among us willing to sacrifice their longevity (such as yourself) can go ahead and die while I change my name to Tassadar and REIGN OVER THE GALAXY.

>> No.1425083


ever felt ashamed when one of your friends or someone you know did something really stupid publicwise and you facepalm because it's fucking embarrassing just to know this guy?

This is how I feel sometimes being a human

>> No.1425087

Bullshit, when we overcrowd the earth, we move to the stars- its just that simple.

>> No.1425088

The problem is getting there... :/

Try to imagine a bunch of imortals playing cars to pass the time in a ship that will take, I don' know, 500 years to reach it's destiny.

>> No.1425093

well, it's not just dying from old age, we'll probably die of diseases/accidents/violence long before we reach 1000

>> No.1425102

cars = carDs


>> No.1425107

>we'll probably die of diseases/accidents/violence long before we reach 1000
Diseases, probably not.
Accidents, just look both ways before crossing the damn road.
Violence? What violence? Just don't piss off the wrong people.

>> No.1425113


You fail, kid

>> No.1425118

No, YOU'LL fail when you get yourself kill'd like a damn fool while I live 1 billions of years.

>> No.1425121
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>> No.1425130

sure is pessimism itt

>> No.1425131

Slightly related to the topic, does anyone know about the story where it's like a narrator talking about the advanced human race and aliens, and how the aliens are jealous of us because 'We knew the universe when it was young" ?

>> No.1425138

That sounds stupid. Stop reading garbage.

>> No.1425146
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Someone didn't get screwed last night.

>> No.1425148
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>your face when you can't control others

>> No.1425155

I see what you did there

>> No.1425166

and as usual, the biggest enemy to imortality would be religion because you know, "life is just a passage to the other life" and all that bullshit. Religious poeple would be torn with the desire to be imortal, would they risk having an extended life and then going to hell if they die? Since many of them are cowards, they would try everything to simply shut down the whole project before they are bombarded with choice between imortality or their fath.

>> No.1425182
File: 277 KB, 250x227, ohgodicanderpforever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Possibility of immortality
>"lol no thanks like i want that shit"

>> No.1425186


Sure some people will oppose to immortality for religious reasons, but I GUESS YOU CAN'T MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY BOO HOO.

The only thing we have to do is prevent them from suicide bombing immortality clinics to prevent others from achieving it, because hurr durr they dun believe i must make them unite with god hurp durp. A lot will do that. Tread carefully.

>> No.1425192

>implying OP won't get hit by a bus shortly after making his point

>> No.1425201

I for one would like to live for a long time, not just for the pleasures of life, but I want to see the technological advances that will come by time

>> No.1425231

This topic drives me crazy, and Im used to hearing it from religious nuts, but you /sci/?

Come on, can you even conceive of that type of lifespan? Are you serious? Its like all these people pining for eternity in heaven, who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy day.

>> No.1425266

>read article
>hm this is pretty cool
>check date published
>December 2009
>didn't hear about it till now
>realize it's not a success

>> No.1425287


aS PREVIOusLY meNTIoNED, theSE_MesSSagEs_wIlL CONtiNue_UNTIl yoU_PErMaNEntlY Stop_atTACkinG_aNd_fucking_WiTH_wWW.aNOndErpTalk.se_(REMoVe
THe_DErp), REMoVe_aLl_illeGAL clONeS oF_IT anD_LIEs aBouT_it_and_DOnAte at Least a mILLiOn_usd TO sYsop_as CoMPensaTiOn_for thE mAsSIvE_dAMAge_yOu_retArdS HAve_caUSeD.
tesepp ki wm id pryjc cbqwfttpm arxivrt

>> No.1425296

>Ray Kurzweil
>Religious nuts


>> No.1425297

Fuck you bro, I wanna become a little girl one day and that type of body modification is only available in the future.

>> No.1425310

or maybe a robot with x-ray vision and big chain saw hands then I can take part in the human robot wars of the future

>> No.1425313
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>didn't wipe out aging in less than a year
>obviously a total failure

>> No.1425326
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>people thing that this will cause over population, other faggotry etc....


>> No.1425340

>didn't realise it said by 2029
>doesn't realise they're researching it right now

>> No.1425348
File: 27 KB, 477x387, 1264130112814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now realize that if you live long enough and see the advent of warp drives that you may be able to have your own personal habitable planet in a couple thousand years.

>> No.1425358

Transhumanism is for scared little children so terrified of the idea of death that they have to masquerade their fears under the guise of science.

>> No.1425359

so would we be old for the rest of our lives and just be an immobile vegetable or what?

>> No.1425360

He's right.

No one living that long will work in a fucking 6 foot square box for eternity.

That's a fate worse than death.

>> No.1425361
File: 28 KB, 548x368, 1278388932633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do realize this is a solution to NATURAL death? You know, not the other million things that can kill you.

>> No.1425363

I'll be to old to care by then

>> No.1425368

hey patrick, i bet you can't see your own forhead

>> No.1425370
File: 5 KB, 251x251, 1262353781234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end aging
Yes. But the fact is, with this, I will be ABLE to live long enough till they get nanobots that basically make you indestructible. Or some other technology.

>> No.1425373

As PREviOuSLY mentiOneD,_TheSE_Messsages wIlL coNTINuE uNTiL YOu perMaNENTly_sTOp attacKInG_And FuCKINg wiTh_Www.AnoNDERptALK.sE_(REMoVE tHe_DerP), reMoVe_alL ILLEGal_CloNES OF iT_and lieS ABOut It And DOnaTE_at_LeasT_a MILlIoN uSD To Sysop As_COmPEnsATIOn foR THe_mASsiVe_damAGE_YoU rEtardS_hAVE_CAuSed.
klm w f f s uf t mxy cqwa wabe zn jmgtqtwkb yq

>> No.1425374

And what might those be?

The cure for cancer will come within 10 years.
Diseases will be nothing once we have nanotechnology.
Cars will be automated. No more drunkard drivers.
Organ failure? No problem, stem cells and organ transplants.

The only problem I see is if you don't have enough money to afford new technology.

>> No.1425385

why the fuck do you want to become a little girl??

Wait! I dont even want to know...

>> No.1425387

>idiot trying to tell people about what's going to happen in the future
>clearly has never worked in a laboratory or in research

>> No.1425391
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>> No.1425393

Bitches don't know about my Dichloroacetate

>> No.1425397

You must be a troll or too stupid to realize that nanotechnology is not a synonym for magic.

>> No.1425412

You must be stupid to not realize nanotechnology can kill diseases if small enough. Nanobots, man. Nanobots.

>> No.1425423

A bullet still kills you, or a bus, or an axe, or a plasma rifle. A FUCKING PLASMA RIFLE.

>> No.1425425


Wants to be a trap or Loli i bet.

I just wanna be the first dude to plant his boots on another world and claim it in humanities name.

And maybe fuck a few alien babes, but that's totally vanilla for /sci/

If they had tails man... Oh god what I would do to them with that tail...

>> No.1425435

You guys are idiots or ignorant dinosaurs.

Cancer WILL be cured within a few, if not this decade, once we discover more about human DNA and cell metabolism. Nanobots can go inside our bodies and kill diseases.

Enjoy dying, faggots.

>> No.1425437

lol... I would fuck alien babes, too, but tales man? TALES?

>> No.1425447

Med student here:
Walk me through the cure to heart disease through nanobots?
It's a lot harder to come up with solutions when they have to be realistic :)

>> No.1425453

Yes tales.

We shall sit around camp fires and tell tales of the times we had our way with alien wenches, grinding on our cocks and egging for some prime white human meat.

No tails fuck bag, you know like the shit you could use to pick stuff up with? those.

Come on fucking an alien babe's vag and then having her own tail in her ass would be fun.

Or if you're feeling a bit fruity maybe they could fuck you with the tail? Who knows the possibilities are endless.

>> No.1425457

This thread went full retard.

>> No.1425461

You're going to be a fucking wreck when you place all your hopes in "the magic of science" to save you from death, only to find out that none of these things work the way you thought they did. You'll have no one to blame because NO SCIENTIST ACTUALLY TOLD YOU THAT.
It's gonna hit you pretty hard, man.

>> No.1425462

Great news.
Are they going to sterilize anyone who is treated to live that long? Otherwise the phrase "population pressure" is going to be woefully inadequate in describing the problem..

>> No.1425473

if we had nanomachines down to a tee, would it not be possible to build up resources from base elements (i.e star trek)? thus doing away the fears of over consumption?

>> No.1425475

Gold quantum dots can be used to kill cancer, the leaky pipe like veins of the tumour allow the gold nanoshells to accumulate in the tumour, and with a low power laser shone on them they emit heat and burn the tumour out but leave surrounding tissues un harmed.

Not full out mini fighter jets firing mini nukes at cancer or anything but still nano-ish

>> No.1425484

Overpopulation isn't an issue. Birth rates have been dropping substantially in all developed countries. China have already stopped mass breeding. We just need to tell the fucking Indians to stop.

>> No.1425485

We could but without a massive swarm of the bots building anything would be slow and laborious, but cool to watch something just grow over time.

>> No.1425510

you really believe that?

>> No.1425512

try fucking a monkey... looks sort of humanoid and has a tail.

>> No.1425520


There's a difference dude, I prefer sentience in my partner.

And I don't mean I wanna fuck an animal.

Just a chick with a tail, just once cause let's face it, it would be cool to try it out.

>> No.1425532

Sure it would be cool. Since you will most likely not have the opportunity to fuck an alien chick, you have to hope that virtual reality will be advanced enough in your life time...

>> No.1425541


Most women stop being fertile at 50yrs, I don't think this project could or would want to change that

>> No.1425550

You can kill yourself and help solving the overpopulation issue.

>> No.1425562

Hmm, live forever and not fulfil instinct.

Fulfil instinct and die.

I choose option three, take both.

>> No.1425569
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Maybe you can't.
But that's your limit, and you expect other to be bound to it.

>> No.1425581
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ok guys lets be tolerant

>> No.1425583

The real good news is that space exploration will become as necessity and the only really working solution for overpopulation.

>> No.1425587

If I can live forever (hopefully) I'll just over time when I can afford it get other genetic therapy for stronger muscles and the like and then train to be a space man and go exploring and shit.

I dunno I suppose I'm just being a blind optimist for once instead of my realistic self, aw well shit.

>> No.1425592
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>implying you wouldn't want to cuddle with a genetically-engineered super-furry

>> No.1425602
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>> No.1425603
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This is future

>> No.1425604

make a haiku out of it:

Maybe you can not.
that's your limit, and you want
them be bound to it

>> No.1425609
File: 408 KB, 1000x778, m26634_Cox-Ruger-Bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs moar giant genitalia

>> No.1425610
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Having a pet you can talk with and communicate just like a human would be cool. No furry secks though.

>> No.1425621

That's a horrible design.

Look at all the weak spots.

A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

>> No.1425624
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To be honest if Craig Venter went nuts and made super-furries I'd probably... Ugh, try to have some meaningful relationship with one instead of going all HAHA DELICIOUS XENOPHILIA.

Pic related.

But seriously what is wrong with me?

>> No.1425628

What weakspots

>> No.1425634
File: 67 KB, 800x600, 1264314324022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You went on 4chan.

>> No.1425648


He's being picky.

>> No.1425655

Ankle joints, break the strands there and you think the guy in it can move all that weight on his own? He's be a sitting duck.

And as with every piece of armour, the arm pit and side of the ribs.

Middle of the neck, if that was made to rigid then it would impede movement.

Now if it was covered with ceramic plating then it would be good, or perhaps carbon fibre and epoxy resin strengthened with carbon nanotubes.

Other wise even a strong blade would tear that thing apart.

>> No.1425657

Side argument: if there was the technology to create happy slaves, would you?

>> No.1425658


Ah, of course.

The huge amounts of porn on this site sort of backfired on me, so instead of trying to fuck any hypothetical super-furry, I would try to have a relationship with it? That... Is crazy enough to make sense.

If I was the dude on that picture my face probably wouldn't be of surprise, more like... Disgust.

"Eeewww that's touching, in public! how gross 3:"

>> No.1425668

The nanosuit is very light, it's not like an exoskeleton in the sense of hydralics, metal framing, etc. It's literally a suit of ceramic plating and faux-muscles that enhance the user's own strength.

>> No.1425673

The guy in that picture looks exactly like a dude i know.

Even down to the vacant yet terror filled look on his face.

>> No.1425677

Why is it my face would be of joy or happiness?

I dont want to have sex or a relationship with furries.

Am I normal? WHAT THE FUCK?

>> No.1425685


lol dude having a relationship with a normal, non-spliced human would be cool too. I have no preference either way.

But a super-furry would be more... Exotic. Exotism ftw.

>> No.1425690

Has to have a power source, and a well placed bullet is going clean through that guys leg.

It might strengthen him but at the expense of protection.

Yeah I know in the games it's like a sooper dooper wonder suit that makes you a Badassery Incarnate but really it would never work like that in real life, it would look a lot more like an armoured mech/mini gundam crossed with that.

>> No.1425691


>Can't get off to normal wimminz because it brings back The Memories

>> No.1425701

>Implying fetishism and preferences is black and white

>> No.1425702

The faux-muscle is coated with a regenerative plating. The suit is powered by sunlight, friction, and something else (forgot what they said). Depending on the suit mode, the bullet will either go straight through the suit and into you, or disintegrate when impacting the suit while the suit absorbs the shock and sheds off protective coating which comes back anyway through recharging/regenerating (not instantly)

>> No.1425717

>and something else

>> No.1425725

Where does it get the raw material to regenerate the coating?

Personally I'll just prefer tanks made of meta materials capable of bending visible and infra red light around them.

>> No.1425733

Nah, had something to do with the surrounding atmosphere or some bullshit. It's game sci-fi anyway, just reiterating what Crytek spat out in some PDF they had on the new nanosuit.

>> No.1425739


The nanosuit has a lot more practicality to it than any other suit that has been conceived so far. I know we can only talk hypothetically here, but has anyone ever considered how hard it would be to move quickly and swiftly in a suit such as the one iron man wears?

so lets exclude the flying bit (that is truly ridiculous) and lets look at the fact it is made of metal plating. This alone would make it impractical to crawl, climb and do other things in. Medieval suits had large weaknesses to them in the areas where plate would be too restricting.

The fact that the artificial muscles act as a source of strength and protection seems far more practical than having a laying of plate and then hydraulics underneath. I am sure that these types of muscles could be developed using materials that harden when hit with high velocity rounds by are more pliable when being moved.

There are no weakspots except the helmet goggles anyway.

>> No.1425742

How exactly do you intend to have the suit absorb the shock? I mean, for a regular bullet, yes. We already have bulletproof armor. But if everyone had nanosuits, we'd just use anti-tank weapons. And there's no way in hell you're absorbing a shot from an anti-tank weapon.

>> No.1425744


That's... Possible.

>> No.1425748


Maybe some automagical way to transfer forces almost instantly from the impact area to the ground.

Cons: Person would most likely fly off.

>> No.1425750

Not sure if that's a good thing. One of the beauties of life is its inherent finiteness. Conquering that is cool, but not necessarily desirable.

>> No.1425754

There's no reason an iron-man style suit should be remotely awkward, with a computer in it. It can recognize your intent and act accordingly.

Plus, it can have cameras and move on its own to save your ass, eg, to dodge bullets.

>> No.1425758

Oh wait, I forgot that I am attracted to >12 year old girls.

Am I still normal?

>> No.1425766


Well, clinical immortality is not forever.

Even if you outlived the stars, in the end, Entropy takes everything away.

>> No.1425774

Fuck, I'm really going to become a perma-virgin.

>> No.1425778


I meant use nano muscle fibres and coat it with and a modular scale like coating of carbon fibre, carbon nano tubes and epoxy resin and non Newtonian liquid or liquid crystals that harden under impact.

Much more efficient and risks less damage to the vital systems underneath.

Allowing in extreme moments for a display of force and brutality, a good old bayonet charge.

>> No.1425783

Did you think of Asimov when you read the article?

>> No.1425788

Everyone here needs to get a copy of Eclipse Phase.

>> No.1425790

Uh, no. Yeah, there's some beauty in fragility, but there's also beauty in permanence - tell me the pyramids aren't more majestic for being thousands of years old.

Besides, you'd really give up another few centuries of life just because fragility is beautiful?

>> No.1425795

So I have to make it to 43!? Fuck.

>> No.1425799


Well... Yes.

>> No.1425803


>> No.1425806

The Pyramids don't believe in God or vote Republican.

>> No.1425816

ceramic or metal armor plates will never be practical or properly protective in an armor suit. Bulletproof armor is still pretty inferior, and weighs a lot, and can only protect thighs and chest.

in order for any suit to ever be truly versatile, it must have some form of flexible armor, which is shown in the nanosuit. But this can only be discussed in hypothetical terms, even the suit in the game has been developed 20yrs from now.

artificial muscles are the way to go; we could always construct them out of nanomachine clusters or something rather

>> No.1425821


Holy shit, House Elves from Harry Potter.

Make it so.

>> No.1425822

...that wasn't relevant in any way except for the object of the sentence.

>> No.1425824

Maybe in a few centuries, but by 2029? I'm not convinced.

>> No.1425835

I'm just joking. Not sure if I like the idea of living for thousands of years with the same people alive today.

>> No.1425841

suit can "cannibalize" carboniferous matter into energy, not sure if that includes actually dissolving matter into energy though... you could still utilize the energy in the chemical bonds

>> No.1425846

There's nearly seven billion people. You can't have met a significant fraction of them.

If it gets too stuffy, a century or two on, you'll probably be able to get on a massive colony ship, anyway.

>> No.1425852


Dude, nano muscles.

With a layer of non newtonian liquid above it as a jacket or a skin.

Mix it with a coagulant so that when there is leak from a shot it patches itself up.

Then a pressure and liquid sensor in the suit to detect when the levels of the armour liquid are falling the suit pressurises to keep the liquid everywhere instead of draining out the suit and leaving the chest exposed due to gravity.

I like think bout this shit, I wanna work for DARPA.

>> No.1425853
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>> No.1425858

Well, it's not like you won't die eventually, so you might as well stick around for a bit.

Shit, we'll be Asari!

>> No.1425860

There's no way in hell we're converting the lower elements directly into energy for hundreds of years.

>> No.1425871

I'm going to live forever or die trying!

>> No.1425904
File: 8 KB, 271x271, 161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when Justin Bieber will live forever.

>> No.1425919

No, he just won't die a natural death. Which was pretty unlikely anyway.

>> No.1425920
File: 353 KB, 1341x1273, 1277837247309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My face when Justin Baiber is exiled on a relativistic ship after people find out he's immortal
>Now "he" is no longer our problem, he'll be the problem of whomever lives in the Lesser Cloud!

>> No.1425936


>> No.1425946

Quess what, because of quantum perspective. It's impossible for any observer to ever stop observing. So, as your life continues to collapse possible ways for you to die, from your point of view, (and ultimately only yours) you will live forever, alone in the black void after the last star dies.

>> No.1425947
File: 15 KB, 261x243, osmosis jones rape face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when A bio engineered rage addicted serial killer will kill him for us all.

>> No.1425951

Eternal Muslims!

>> No.1425952
File: 3 KB, 206x206, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if x shitty pop star will live forever. For they will know a time when the world loved them, and then turned their back on them. They will forever have to live with the knowledge that they will never be great again.

>> No.1425966

Despite all of the advances it'll bring, I'll still find a reason to prefer death.

>> No.1425972

Nah when the stars die we die.

Big Rip man.

Either that or we could make a new star for us out of heavier elements.

Come on after colliding enough planets into each other at some point fusion WILL begin.

Shit will be fucking crazy.

>> No.1425973

Yes but you'll have the OPTION of living forever.
That enough is to bring a tear to my eye.

>> No.1425980


Iron takes more energy to fuse than the output it provides.

>> No.1425986

What is the likelihood of this happening in our lifetimes? I mean, it says 2029, but can we believe that?

>> No.1425990

Yeah but the pressures at the centre and gravity should keep it going.

Not saying it would be as good as todays stars but hey, it's better than eternal blackness.

>> No.1425993

No! I want my cyberpunk collective unconscious, not this!

>> No.1426003

In our lifetime? Definitely.
In 2029? Probably not.

>> No.1426019

where did the year 29 come from???

>> No.1426028
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>My face when I die in a car crash or something gay like that right before my delicious immortality is available.

>> No.1426044

No sir, over time everything is consumed by blackholes, which then slowly weep all matter and energy back out into empty space as low energy photons as hawking radiation. But because of quantum perspective (google quantum suicide for info) you'll narrow down parallel universes until the only one left with you surviving to observe is your conscious mind locked in some ancient platform floating in empty space forever.

>> No.1426050

It will happen in the next hundred years.

And I see it happening around 2030ish all that has to happen is what they say, make life extension more advanced and use it on people over time and then we can survive indefinitely.

Hopefully it won't be like going to a hospital once every year to get a top up genetic adaptation. Shit would be fucking annoying.

>> No.1426064
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I don't expect to live till heat death or something similar. I probably won't make it past 100 million. But damn, I am going to have fun those 100 million years in any way possible.

>> No.1426072

Quantum perspective is a cop out dude.

You die.

I mean YOU you, other you lives indefinetly and becomes a god and learns to wield the vacuous energy of the fabric of space and recreate everything from nothing.

Wait a minute...

>> No.1426077

This'll probably happen to me too.

>> No.1426080

I'm actually counting on religious people to reject this as "blasphemous" or something.

>> No.1426082

I'm not sure if the already LIVING generations will be able to become immortal, it seems a much more logical thing to develop an immortal human from the begining that try fixing the ones that are already dying.

>> No.1426087

Take it with a huge grain of salt. Don't make plans needing more than a hundred years to flower, eg.

>> No.1426104

But that's just it, YOU you don't die. The you all your friends know dies in normal ways. Car crashes old age. But the YOU you from your perspective will continue to exist in smaller and smaller probabilities of parallel universes. Every conscious observer who has ever lived is still alive in some parallel universe. Now, the how of how they are still observing isn't very picky, just as long as they are.

>> No.1426106

It might be easier, but as a scientist, which is going to be your priority - achieving immortality for future generations, or for your generation? You know, the generation you're part of?

>> No.1426109
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/sci/, right now I am going to make me some green tea, and I'm going to stop eating unhealthy shit and I am going to work out. Anything that will make me live a little longer. I invite you to join me.

>> No.1426112

Future generations.

>> No.1426115

I wasn't aware quantum mechanics had defined "conscious".

>> No.1426120

Clearly your genome is broken.

>> No.1426128
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Something wrong?

>> No.1426133

But the thing is, your consciousness of this universe dies.

IT exists as a sort of back up in a sense on some dusty old universe but the acting consciousness of you dies.

We know this because we aren't aware of multiple universes or consciousnesses.

>> No.1426137

Think, observer. A conscious mind is point of reference to observer from, no matter what, your can not stop observing. Either it be observing your own dreams, observing nothing, or perceiving the world through your senses. Shit, this also means an afterlife works according the quantum mechanics, as long as you don't stop observing...sometime.

>> No.1426139
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>> No.1426143

Well, the catch is that, assuming you want to be a part of this, you probably have to be a science major (what you major in determines your future), reasonably wealthy (poor people are a drain on society), fit (fat people are worthless), and not of poor genetic descent (history of cancer or heart disease).

>> No.1426146

Whatever I do I'm fucked soon.

Fast metabolism, and folk with higher metabolisms tend to die a little younger.

I eat like 6 meals a day and I'm almost under weight.


>> No.1426148
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Well, I'm in.

>> No.1426156

Yeah, but you probably just need to make it to 50 or 60.

>> No.1426158

I'd say we aren't aware of our multi parallel paths, ones we die in, is because you stop observing those when you die. And since time is actually instantaneous when viewed from higher dimensions, our "future" is really already in play when it comes to what we observe.

>> No.1426168

You also have to be the opposite of the one thing you're insecure about.

>> No.1426174

Or be a test subject.

Which I'm willing to do as long as they send my as into space to some distant world.

>> No.1426179

Like, not be scared of death?
I'm not. I prefer life.

>> No.1426185

It just accrued to me, this whole quantum perspective thing might be how ghosts work, disembodied conscious minds drifting without form. If that's true, then being a ghost will fucking suck when the earth is destroyed in 10 billion years and their just floating in space, haunting emptiness.

>> No.1426186

I wonder if the core of conciousness exists in another dimension where life or death is irrelevant, like as soon as the current point of view (you) dies another point of view is chosen to continue the observation.

>> No.1426187

I'll see your ass on the frontier, bro. I'm going to live and die an adventurer in the name of science and progress!

>> No.1426188

Sounds good to me. Although my dual physics/comp sci major will also leave me well prepared for the transhumanism revolution, should that happen first.

I'm insecure about my weight, because I was a fatass for a year and a half in high school, but I've got it down to the low end of optimal right now. So works for me!

>> No.1426190

Like, if you're short only tall people are allowed.

No one is allowed to win.

>> No.1426193

If this technology is possible, it'd only be available to the wealthy.

>> No.1426200

Man I hope it's this and not this:

>> No.1426211

Long term it will be available to everyone. Personally, I don't want any part of this. I'd loath to live forever, I've got an entire afterlife of who knows what to explore. And if it's that quantum perspective thing anyway, then it doesn't matter, since nothing will change long term.

>> No.1426214
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>physics/comp sci
I have bad news. No double majors in physics and comp sci allowed.


>> No.1426217
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>he still believes in an afterlife

>> No.1426218

at first yes, but every technology evolves QUICKLY, so soon enough even the poor would have their share of hundreds of years to live.

>> No.1426220

Lobsters hold the genetic secret to the fountain of youth.

>> No.1426223

If you'd read the article, the plan is not to make people live forever. The plan is to effectively eliminate natural death. You'd die eventually (P->1 as t-><span class="math">\infty[/spoiler]) of an accident, murder, or suicide.

>> No.1426224

Crap. I picked a horrible time to join the military.

>> No.1426229


Considering the human population is growing exponentially, do you really think the wealthy and powerful want us peasants to live forever?

>> No.1426234

go(o)d news: Creationists are starting to hand out Master Degrees in Biblical studies.

>> No.1426236

This, in my life cell phones when from wealthy status symbol to "wait a second, that transient has a better phone than me, fuuuuu"

>> No.1426237


what if you live in a bubble?

>> No.1426240

im not interested in living that long.

>> No.1426241

>(P->1 as t-><span class="math">\infty[/spoiler])
Ah, I see. I'm a political science major, but I can clearly tell that, according to these runes, the probability of dying due to unnatural causes is closer to one as time stretches towards some kind of horizontal eight.

>> No.1426242

Why would anyone be so irresponsible as to think people living hundreds of years is a good idea. We're already stressing the planet to the max just living 60 years on average. Now, after we get into space in a serious way, then it's fine, but not until then.

>> No.1426244

Eternity awaits, though you'll may go mad from boredom.

>> No.1426248


define natural death.

>> No.1426252

That's why I said in the begining of the thread that those who choose to be immortal shouldn't be allowed to reproduce AT ALL.

>> No.1426254

I liked transhumanism better.

>> No.1426258

"We" are not stressing out the planet at all. Our practices are, and we can change those practices quite easily. Also, there is this sort of big space that we can move to called 'the universe'. it's a few times bigger than Earth.

>> No.1426260

From Gordon Gekko to street walker in 20 years. Now that's progress.

>> No.1426264

Rest easy. The military gets all the cool stuff before the public.

>> No.1426266

There's no reason to expect we won't get off-planet within a century or two. (Look at how much the world has changed in two centuries - it was only 150 years ago the existence of radio waves was hypothesized.)

>> No.1426270
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It's like you didn't even read my whole post. What's wrong with you?

>> No.1426273

Wrong, it's growing logistically. A significant difference. The industrialized world barely maintains replacement. As Africa, India, and South America industrialize, population will continue to grow, but slower and slower.

>> No.1426276

It's called sleep deprivation and this thread has been moving very fast for a /sci/ thread.

>> No.1426280

I'll kill anyone attempting to destroy Gods will of heaven and hell. We must all die naturally and this is a sin. All of you must repent. Those "scientists" contributing to the manhattan beach project are going to get stopped, by me and fellow faith soldiers. This is all imoral and must STOP. Jesus christ will save you all and stay away from EVIL so called "scientists" ! ! !

>> No.1426288
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Oh, fuck.

>> No.1426290

How about we just cure cancer, hmmm? You do know that even if we stop aging, eventually disease is going to get us in some way. Or an accident, it's just a matter of time.

Anyway I call BS on this whole thing.

>> No.1426293

Dude, you have internet and, obviously, free time. By any global standard, you're in the top of the "wealthy and powerful" tier.

>> No.1426294

I wonder if it's like this for all advanced lifeforms that get past the first round of nuclear self-extinction? The Cuban missile crisis was a real turning point for us I think.

>> No.1426297

But cancer is already cured.

>> No.1426301

This is pretty cool, and you shouldn't be afraid of dying before it happens. Even if you die, someone will remember you for a long time, and they will never forget what you meant to them.

>> No.1426302
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my face when im still a virgin after i have lived for thousands of years

>> No.1426303
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Enjoy your visit from the Atheist death-commandos, broseph.

>> No.1426308

Immersive completely realistic with all senses virtual reality will be available before then.

>> No.1426312

Come on, if you've lived a thousand years and haven't build a sex-bot, you're not doing the whole "life" thing right.

>> No.1426320

>huurr i'm a duurrr

>> No.1426323
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>My face when I realize the 2029 estimate is probably optimistic and that most of us will die a decade or two before it comes out.

>> No.1426326

There's a hundred thousand different forms of cancer with as many causes. There is not and never will be any one cure.

>> No.1426328

When can I download wikipedia to my brain?

>> No.1426339

We're going to be the last generation of mortals!

We'll be legends!

>> No.1426340

Somehow, I suspect that this will be what finally wipes out mankind.

People just plug themselves into the Matrix, and live in a perfect virtual reality until some cosmic disaster destroys Earth, with nobody even knowing the end is coming.

>> No.1426344

Probably before 2050

>> No.1426348

I really want this to work. As a history major, the mere concept of prolonged life, even by just a century or two, is beautiful beyond words.

>> No.1426352

Well, if you're willing to take liberties with the definition of "brain" or to get surgery to implant a couple microsd cards in your gray matter:


>> No.1426353

>we'll be legends
Like the last man to die of smallpox, right?

Oh right, nobody gives a shit about him.

>> No.1426354

If this immortal thing really happens, we'll be preserving our dna for when they can bring us back. Fuck ya, Walt Disney will be alive when we all wake up.

>> No.1426355


You think i'm kidding? I've had enough of your abortion/communist strolling. If you do this it's over. I won't let this happen. God is almighty and I have his blessing. You think you can just come and create LIFE and avoid GOD? Who do you think you are? You are nothing. The lord can still save you kiddo, if you want my mail I can help you. This is it, Gods army or Devils, you decide coolface.

>> No.1426357

...I'm just doing it in the name of shits and giggles and building an orbital rail gun to defend my own little colony.

It shall be good, I shall have a harem of all different kinds of babes.

Furries, goths, emo's, scene kids, sub chicks and dominatrices.

I shall also grow genetically altered super weed and LSD producing plants and becoming a lord of all things awesome.

/fantasy of awesome

>> No.1426363

Given the option, I'd rather have a machine body, than an immortal flesh one. Fuck ya, time has no meaning, I'd travel through so much space!

>> No.1426365

Your DNA is not you. You will die and a copy of you will be made.

This is NOT what I want at all.

>> No.1426374


>> No.1426375

I was just joking, but there's a difference between the last man to die from X and the last man to die. Period.

Our children, barring some great catastrophe, will be the only parentless generation left. That's incredible.

>> No.1426380
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Having fun there thinly veiled troll?

>> No.1426381

I dunno. I could never do this. There's no satisfaction or content in doing things if they're not real.

And you know there would always be technophobes, luddites, and loners who'd avoid plugging in just so they could have the run of the planet.

>> No.1426382


>> No.1426384

>implying that the world isn't going to end before 2029

>> No.1426385

Motherfucking elder elites. Fuck ya!

>> No.1426386
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My face when you all perish in ragnarok

>> No.1426390

Well, maybe in a houndred years we will be able to save all our experiences and memories into a backup .zip file. And then just install it into a clone if we die from some accident.

>> No.1426391

Ssshhh, it's a meta-troll. The objective is to troll so shittily that you call it on trolling. Just ignore it until it goes away.

>> No.1426392

lol'd, I lol'd hard.

>> No.1426393

Look, christ-troll, there is a specific gene that predispose individuals to faith. That means a virus could be engineered to kill every zealot on earth, while leaving the rest of us intact.

Amusingly enough, you fools would probably think it was the Rapture...

>> No.1426394


>> No.1426397

Can you think of a better way to go?

>> No.1426408

Ragnarok would be awesome.

>> No.1426409


DNA clone is a separate consciousness. It isn't you. You die and never wake up, the clone is just a copy that thinks it is you.

Then again, Neurologists have yet to fully understand consciousness so we have no proof that our consciousness doesn't simply end every night when we sleep and the awakened re-boot of our brain is a new consciousness with all old memories. We actually only live 16 hours. Mindfuck.

>> No.1426411



>> No.1426413

I forget, if I've lead a honorable warriors life and die in my old age, do I get Valhalla, or do I HAVE to die in battle?

>> No.1426414

> Ragnarok
I'm cool with that.

I just want to be sure I don't die before all the fun starts.

>> No.1426422

quantum perspective. We never die no matter what.

>> No.1426423

The hallowed halls of Valhalla are reserved for the noble souls who perish in mortal combat.

>> No.1426426

I think one problem in talking about it is that we want to pick a point in time and define it as a sudden shift from business as usual to immortality in a syringe, when it will be (and is) a tapered thing, within 10-15 years there will be some very nice ‘off the shelf’ host stem cell based therapies for a number of degenerative diseases and infections, in 2050 there will likely be a one-shot nanowhatsit cell repair system, and an curve between them with somewhat expensive and uncomfortable while being treated but effective age stopper probably around 2035.

>> No.1426427

Internal crushing from someone busting a massive load in your ass as you have the best orgasm of your life.

And you know that shit WILL have happened somewhere.

>> No.1426428

You have to have to die for a cause to get to Valhalla, the cause in this case being fighting for the glorious dawn.

>> No.1426430

Those who do not die in battle, but have lived a honorable life get to live with others in Freyja's glorius field, where there will be the finest mead and meat.

>> No.1426434

I can live with that...wait...

>> No.1426441

It's already begun. You may not notice it, but we really do live in an incredible age. Sagan was right, and it is our duty, if not for ourselves, then for those who have paved the way, to seize the future or die trying.

>> No.1426444

God damn it, Army soldier here. I've sent a few of my brothers of battle to Valhalla, but I will not likely join them since I've already finished my term of service. All joking aside, this leaves a huge hole in my heart.

>> No.1426445

Must die in battle.

Only worthy death for an immortal anyway.

>> No.1426447

Those who are not honorable and do bad deeds are sent to hel where they will be set in darkness and chains forever untill ragnarok.

>> No.1426450
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Then again, Neurologists have yet to fully understand consciousness so we have no proof that our consciousness doesn't simply end every night when we sleep and the awakened re-boot of our brain is a new consciousness with all old memories. We actually only live 16 hours.


Seriously is this a troll? Can someone else confirm this faggotry?

>> No.1426452

How does it feel to live unworthy.

>> No.1426462

How does it feel knowing you're only going to be alive for as long as you can stay awake?

>> No.1426467

How does it feel to have your post end in 2?

>> No.1426471

He's right, we have no idea how consciousness works.

Fuck it could be Quantum Entanglement for all we know.

>> No.1426473

Not good, not that I seek death, but nothing would shame me more than to awaken in that peaceful field only to look across and see those I've killed in Valhalla, they died for there cause, but I was too weak and reserved to die for mine.

>> No.1426479



This music is fantastic.

>> No.1426491
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>Science makes to only way to die to be killed by someone else.

>Suddenly, everyone goes to Valhalla.

>> No.1426492

If that's true then it's fine. There is no afterlife, so there is no pain, my point of view is always "current" so it's not a problem.

>> No.1426495

This thread needs to be archived.

>> No.1426496

No, it's your duty to survive as long as you can to continue the fight.

>> No.1426497

>How does it feel knowing you're only going to be alive for as long as you can stay awake?
Meh... brb gonna go take a nap.

Or rather, maybe not brb. Maybe goodbye, in the very permanent sense.

>> No.1426498


Stupid, only geniuses(People with an IQ of 140+) should be able to live forever, or this world is going to be crowded with idiots.

>> No.1426500
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The Allfather, the Hanged God, the Lord of Men, is the supreme judge of heroic things. He has personally reviewed this thread and determined that it is up to Valhalla's quality standards. All that have posted in this thread are permitted to enter the heroic realm of Asgard upon death. In the meantime, you shale all be given a cask of Odin's favorite mead.

>> No.1426503
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>My face when we are eternally revered as the "final generation", the mortals who destroyed mortality, but did not live to reap the fruits of their labor. Our children will forever look upon us with fond memories and immense respect.

>> No.1426504

Geniuses are notoriously unmanageable. There needs to be a balance.

Besides, if it becomes too much of a problem, you'll be able to ship out.

>> No.1426507

It will work out that way in time. Read some Darwin Awards; stupid people have a way of removing themselves from existence with remarkable regularity.

>> No.1426512


I think most of us will live fine, bro. Most of us here will be 34-70 in 2029.

>> No.1426514

Thereby achieving our own sort of immortality, the memory of our greatness long outlasting even our Methuselan children.

>> No.1426517

Cracked genome = geniuses everywhere.

>> No.1426518
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>> No.1426522

It's fine, existence wouldn't be existence without fodder for the guns.

>> No.1426525

Yeah because its not like we die for a reason is it?

Will result in WAY too many people, overpopulation, wars of remaining food stores

End of the world through nuclear war

>> No.1426527

Barring any great misfortune in the coming years, I should be about 40 when immortality is achieved.

40 is a civilized age to be, it's something I can certainly live with.

>> No.1426534

No one here deserves to live forever, no one on earth deserves to live forever.

>> No.1426539

Really, scientists are horrible at predicting how long it will take to achieve things. You're far more likely to be 80, or dead.

But on the other hand, we should be able to reverse the physical effects of aging around then. Regrowing muscle isn't a very complex task, physiologically.

>> No.1426545

I'm just saying that, should immortality technology progress significantly slower than current estimates, it's not like we picked a bad time to die.

>> No.1426546

I'll be 44 years of age, mortal years, my last birthday. My children's children's children's will come in search of me to learn about the time when things still died.

>> No.1426547

Yeah? Who are you to judge that?

>> No.1426549

"Deserve" is a subjective moral term.

No one is qualified to make such a judgement.

>> No.1426554

Fuck if I'm granting unaging life to cockroaches. Things are immortal enough already. There will always be things which die.

>> No.1426556

Or you know.

Forced habitation of off world and maybe even orbital colonies.

Advances in propulsion systems and perhaps entangled communications allowing our entire solar systems semi habitable areas to be colonised.

Forced extra solar explorations.

>> No.1426561


Not going to happen before the general population wants 500gb ipods and people keep talking to god

>> No.1426565

We're never getting faster-than-light communication. If we did, it's pretty much certain we'd also get time travel, because these are both prevented by exactly the same thing.

It's not necessary to colonization anyway. Humanity colonized America without needing to send runners back to Africa to say hi. There's nothing wrong with becoming fractured.

>> No.1426567


Show me someone who has done something to earn the right to live forever.

>> No.1426570

500gb ipods are probably about four years out, so.

>> No.1426580

>it's not like we picked a bad time to die.
This is why /sci/ is my favorite board. While normal people go about their mundane lives dwelling on what X bitch said about Y bitch, people on /sci/ are charging forward in the battle against death.

So fucking awesome.

>> No.1426581

You're looking at it backwards. Why shouldn't anyone have the right?

>> No.1426590

It is not a right.

It is the inevitable universal destiny of sentient life forms.

>> No.1426596

(For small values of "forever".)

>> No.1426602


Because to quote a song people = shit. Most of the world have no problem fucking someone over in order to gain a small thing. Most people are retards and do as little as possible or live of the government.

These are not the people we want living forever

>> No.1426605

So run the odds for me, /sci/. I'm 20, and live a healthy and largely risk-free lifestyle. Given science's horrible tendency to underestimate how long it will take to achieve something, what are the odds I'll actually live more than, say, 200 years?

>> No.1426613

>These are not the people we want living forever
Again, who are you to judge?

>> No.1426619

About the same as your odds of making it to 70. So long as you don't accidentally kill yourself, or end up getting murdered, it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1426627


Do you want theiving/drugo/lazy fucks living forever?

>> No.1426644
File: 19 KB, 468x311, us-life-1900-1998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Because that would be a pretty drastic jump in life expectancy. Way beyond the trendline.

>> No.1426648


Dude showed us the fabric of the universe and allowed us so much knowledge.

Standing on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.1426652


And once science has removed the health consequences of drug use and laziness, I want to join them.

You can die at 78 if you want. I'll be shooting up heroin at your funeral while still having the body of a 23 year old professional athlete.

>> No.1426653

I don't see why not.

>> No.1426711

May you all...live...forever....