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12696881 No.12696881 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many guys in academia obsessed with Pokemon (at least based on the ones I know)? They understand quantum physics and other complex stuff yet are obsessed with video games for kids.

>> No.12696887

Fuck you for the bait thread OP, but whatever. I recently finished reading On The Origin of Species. Is there any other book/paper you guys would recommend to me?

>> No.12696891

It's not bait. I know many PhD students with an obsession with Pokemon (phone wallpaper and all that).

>> No.12696901

Sorry, I misunderstood your post.

Regarding your question, I have no idea.

>> No.12696970

Probably because of nostalgia.

>> No.12696987

pokemon is the highest grossing franchise of all time. it's not guys in academia it's just everybody

>> No.12697058

Better question: why do 4chan edgelords think they're woke just because they act cynical about pop culture?

Yes, obsession with entertainment is juvenile, but so is reactionary nihilism. This is not some modern "sign of the times", I guarantee that historical people loved sagas and riddles and whatever the fuck else distracted them from thinking about human misery constantly. Without that creativity we would have never invented anything.

>> No.12697071

In this order
>The Selfish Gene
>The Revolutionary Phenotype

>> No.12697102

>The Law of Atraction

>> No.12697105

>selfish gene
too simple brainless model of evolution which is demonstrably wrong

>> No.12697168

Not who you're responding to, but I get what you're saying. The problem is that Pokemon is explicitly marketed to appeal to children, so there is something inherently off putting about meeting twenty something men obsessed with "Muh charizard", as though a dragon that repeats its name constantly and is poorly animated is so many steps removed from my little pony or sonichu in terms of creepy maladaptive childishness. There is plenty of media you can be obsessed with that using creepy or off putting and that avoids seeing of manchildness. I think it seems lazier in some way to be obsessed with children's media as opposed to something difficult and dense to get into, whether its music or history or whatever.

>> No.12697179

Even dudes that served with me in the Army played Pokémon and vidya

>> No.12697231

people who are still into pokemon into their 20s can't let go of their childhood for some reason
I have 8 20-someting relatives and their gfs/bfs, out of which 4 are into pokemon and they do shit like collect plushies, wear cute pajamas, watch cartoons/anime aimed at children, have road map carpet in their home office and they are all into cats
it's kinda jarring now that I think about it

>> No.12697242

>thinks anime is for children.
Clearly hasn't watched the other mature stuff out there.

>> No.12697252

like sailor moon
edgy faggot basement dweller

>> No.12697468

Lol what did you think my post was about?

>> No.12697496

>other mature stuff out there
you mean hentai?

>> No.12697540
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Educated people appreciate glaceon pussy

>> No.12697554
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Wouldn't say its academia in general, just the STEM fields. People in the humanities seem relatively mature as far as their understanding of the non physical processes of the world, and their media consumption.

>> No.12697562

He hasnt said that anime is for children but that his relatives are watching anime aimed at children.

>> No.12697587

People who hate anime are low IQ

>> No.12697588

Pokemon is pretty nerdy and a lot of people interested in STEM are nerds.

>> No.12697595

Video games are fun and make you a quick thinker.

>seethe moar popsci fans

>> No.12697603

I like pokemon and mlp

>> No.12698193

Oliver Sacks:
The man who mistook his wife for a hat

>> No.12698210

Can you at least admit to yourself that something is going wrong upstairs?

>> No.12698271
File: 147 KB, 622x378, Kowtow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

I thought that you were shitposting.

>> No.12698312

Letting labels dictate what you enjoy is complete retardation. Pokemon at its core is a complex strategy game. Thinking you have to distance yourself from fun is the same thinking a 10 year old has who wants to be seen as mature by growing up, which means imitating authority and losing independent thought. It's pathetic and shows submission and a subordination mentality

>> No.12699073


>> No.12699080

Because almost all males in academia are soifaggots

>> No.12699172

This. Who the fuck cares.

>> No.12699216
File: 1.78 MB, 1290x1192, 4F6C76EB-9717-4E29-B4FF-C466DDEFDA14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Isaac Arthur here to tell you that the kind of civilizations that would appear from a Pokémon civilization are based on a series of clarketechs that rely on the idea of pocket wormholes that led to pocket universes where the logistical problems of carrying around creatures the size of dragons and my wife. The pokeball is just a pocket dimension that contrary to the belief of some skeptics does not dematerialize or teleport those captured by it. In fact the pocket dimension is rather accommodating, just like some innards are. The use of evolution in Pokémon does not fully fit in line with Darwinian evolution, in fact it is more on the lines of metamorphosis than evolution as you would know from Mendelian genetics and Lysenko’s experiments. Overall, it is very clear from even a simple look into the hard science of Pokémon that Pokémon is the most realistic sci-fi setting to have existed, period. This has been Isaac Arthur and this post was brought to you by skill share.

>> No.12699240

It's not that they like video games for kids so much as they like pokemon in particular. One of the most boring, inane combat systems ever, holy shit. Also, really boring, unimaginative creature designs for a universe whose central aspect is creature design variety.

>> No.12699251

>science progresses and philosophy doesn't
idk, metamathematics definitely has progressed. Not sure of other fields because they're really uninteresting.

>> No.12699401

Pokémon exist more for the merch than the game these days.

>> No.12702082

any dumb kids game can be as complicated as you want to make it
you can do speed runs, hunt shinies and minmax stats through breeding

>> No.12702089

>The Selfish Gene
No lol

>> No.12702216

Yeah probably but it makes me happy and functional to work on research and study

>> No.12702247

Because it brings them back to the days when they'd wake up, run downstairs, kick open the door to the outside world, and just go play for like 8 hours while their parents had no idea exactly where they were and they didn't care because that's what kids are supposed to do. Now all they're doing is this high-level research that they enjoy but undoubtedly are stressed over, so they put some stickers on their phone that they can glance over to remember the times they used to trade virtual creatures and cards with that random kid across the street they haven't had any contact with in two decades. When they didn't have to pour 80% of their life into work and they could just go outside and do whatever they wanted. For late 90s/early 00s, Pokemon sort of became the symbol of that freedom

>> No.12702252

I love how you bypassed the s o y word filter by spelling s o y as soi

>> No.12702900

Such a dumb word filter. Feel sorry for /ck/, wonder how many recipes got fucked by that word filter.

>> No.12703462

they're being """ironic"""
also 18-19 year olds are basically still highschoolers, you're not really an adult till your late 20's or so

>> No.12703995

Yeah why is s o y changed to onion? It has nothing to do with Japan

>> No.12704087
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because pokemon is based
t. ee phd student

>> No.12704114

people with autism really like it, so there might be some connection.

>> No.12705242

What age?
When I was a kid, i can't even begin to express to you how huge Pokemon was
It was fucking everywhere and it was pretty rad
Could be that it just got burned into the consciousness and carried forward

Also might have some gotta catch em all/autism connection

>> No.12705282

Different subject, but I recently read Factors of Soil Formation, by Hans Jenny. It's reasonably well known amongst soil scientists, and is considered to be the equivalent of On the Origin of Species for pedology

Essentially at the turn of the century soil scientists were obssessed with trying to create universal soil classifications. The book is an intervention by the author to show how a quantitative approach to the *process* of soil formation helps give a practical understanding of the resulting soil than a purely categorizational approach.

Even if you're not interested in pedology I think anyone interested in model building should at least read the first two chapters. They're pretty accessible even if you're not familiar with the topic, and they're such a beautiful articulation of scientific deduction and inference. The subsequent chapters are mostly descriptions of various soil series the author uses to illustrate their point, some of which are out of date. But if you're interested in scientifici philosophy and process I can't recommend it enough

>> No.12705289

Genuine question, what's wrong with the selfish gene? I've heard people talk about how "it's wrong" or been disproven, but the explanations as far as ive understood them sound more like it's a correct but incomplete picture of the process. Can someone explain more?

>> No.12706830

Based post, it has just become a circlejerk of ”ideas”. Anything that is liked by the normies can’t be liked by the spergs

>> No.12707323

Unironically this.

>> No.12708467

It is impossible to build a convincing sophisticated computational circuit using point mutations in any reasonable time scale. This point was made intuitively by Pauli in the 1950s, when it was a response to modern synthesis evolution. It has been made by nonscientists as well, who find it hard to buy the idea of evolution happening by random point mutation. The reality that there is a learning mechanism for modifying the genome is obviously true. It’s a form of intelligent design.

The mutations are controlled by RNA networks, and the result is much closer to intelligent design than to modern synthesis, because the mechanism of rewriting DNA is authorly, proceeding by inserting functional chunks into the genome, not by any random process. The random hypothesis is simply impossible, the IDers are right about this.

>> No.12708473
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1611320199456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists are out of touch with reality.
Keep in mind that their theories are rooted in an imaginary world.
That is exactly why most of them support vaccination and believe in things like Global Warming.

>> No.12709018

I've never heard of this, can you provide more info?

>> No.12709023
File: 7 KB, 300x300, F16FC088-DAB3-4D30-90D5-1D61ADD976A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh they did

>> No.12709029

>Spends actual time making pages and YouTube videos trying to make fan lore for the science behind a shitty sci-fi setting