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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12411120 No.12411120 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn by my own to program. How Can I start?

>> No.12411135

Programming is for pajeets

>> No.12411143

>planes begin to fall from the sky from software errors

>> No.12411159

Try Sololearn, has really good introductory tutorials.

>> No.12411161

Read any book and you're good
The problem is not to learn programming
It's having the balls to start a project and the motivation to finish it

>> No.12411177

Depends on what kind of programming you want to do

Games? AI stuff? websites? look around on Youtube and look for tutorials that gear you towards building something

>> No.12411182

>pajeets are exempt from FAA harassment
haha no

>> No.12411183

Read: How to think like a computer scientist
then start a project.

>> No.12411185

Whatever you do stay away from codecademy. Jesus christ that was infuriating, I started there and was noticing such shitty code even though I knew nothing about programming, like some instructor breaking out of an if statement at the bottom when it's true? It does that automatically! It was just fucking confusing.
But you'll learn most when you just build stuff.

>> No.12411189

i want to start with java,
seems to be a basis for everything in my eyes

>> No.12411203

I want to have a general knowledge, for when I start to thinking on elaborate a project, I already have a base for that

>> No.12411207
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Read a book on C.

>> No.12411213

lol, ok. I tried to start to have a
little knowledge with Khan Academy, and I felt stuck in a topic just

>> No.12411285

First off, don't pay for a coding camp. YouTube, free PDF books, websites and language documentation (which is just the official programming language webpage that contains all the info about the programming language) is available online. There's a shit ton. What do you want to make? Your goal?

If websites:
Learn html, css, JavaScript (jQuery)
[A bunch of YouTube vids on it or w3school is a good website which also includes other programming languages (not used for websites)]

If software engineer:
C++ is a common language used in Google and University computer science major.

If AI:
Python or C++ is common

If games:
Unity or Unreal are major environments, though not quite sure what languages they use. Just Google it.

If apps:
Android studio is a good environment using Java or Kotlin as the programming language.
Not sure about this one. Maybe use Flutter and I think Kotlin can be used as the programming language.

(Note: you can use unity or Unreal to make a game app)

If general programming:
Similar to software engineer, C++ or python.

If computer science knowledge:
Grab a book, geeksforgeeks website has a bunch of topics.
Major topics:
-graph theory and discrete math
- C++ or python (cuz a lot of universities use it)
-algorithms and data structures
-computer organization
-assembly language
-operating systems
-computational theory
-machine learning and ai (not necessary)

I tried putting them in order. You can obviously take 2-3 at a time (eg c++, discrete math and algorithms). For software engineers, algorithms and data structures is very important.

I recommend looking at curriculums of various ivy universities available online. Look at the computer science curriculums and filter out the ones you don't need. There's websites where schools offer programming (and various other subjects) classes for free on Edx.org

>> No.12411302

Me again. While you're learning this, you must build stuff. Think of something you wanna make and Google is your friend as long as you ask the right questions. Actively create programs even if they surpass the current knowledge you have. It's important.

Programming isn't hard. Literally middle school kids learn it. It's just practice!

Pick a language for your purposes. once you learn one, shifting to another is easy cuz they all pretty much work the same.

Forgot to mention, JavaScript can also be used for AI.

>> No.12411313

codecademy is the duolinguo of programming. it's sort of fun to do, but very ineffective and not nearly enough to learn anything useful

>> No.12411325

Easiest way is probably going the python way, just crash through it until you are able to program pythonically, that is just stringing together other people's code. While not glamorous it's the best path for a beginner that will yield results the fastest and teach you the most while also being fun.

Had you asked that question on /g/ they would have told you to study mathematics for five years before even writing a single line of code in assembly

>> No.12411339

thanks, I'll research, and later I'll share the results

>> No.12411343

have a discord profile or something like that?

>> No.12411378

Yeah python is good. It can be used for general programming and ai.

>> No.12411421

Work through the Python documentation. It's a bit boring sometimes, but you'll get ideas for what to do on your own in the way.

>> No.12411423

This is a good starting point, but
Bloated ugly shit, avoid.

>Android studio is a good environment using Java or Kotlin
Always use Kotlin if you must, Java sucks and is on life support already.


I think Rust is worth checking out, but maybe not for a beginner. Other than that I agree with Anon. Especially this:
>don't pay for a coding camp

>> No.12411429

What have you tried?
Theres never been a better time to get into coding. Tons of info online.

>> No.12411431

>having the balls to start
no balls required to start anything
>motivation to finish it
thats where the problem lies

>> No.12411457

i tried to learn a little on Khan Academy, where they're talking about a "processing", but it looked like I wasn't going anywhere.

>> No.12412207

Don't do khan retard.

>> No.12412224


>> No.12412233

Make javascript

>> No.12412260

if you want python try Think Python. Its a neat starter book, has fun excercises and ends up teaching you OOP. After that book you can start doing your own shit. If you want one beyond this theres that book by Mark Lutz with a rat from O'Reilly or you could try Automate The Boring Things which is actually a fantastic book for a beginner and could actually land you a job if you aren't retarded. Why I recommend python is that its easy and gives you the biggest chance of actually sticking with programming.

If you stick with this, eventually you will make your way to /g/, never ever take their shit seriously, their oppinions on programming are easily 95% bait and bullshit, nobody there is a serious developer and what they recommend is actually harmful.

>> No.12412301

>Bloated ugly shit, avoid.
It's still very much necessary un'ress you're using some high level frameworks that replace all it's functions

>> No.12412307

start with console apps, then winforms

>> No.12412356

java is worth getting the basics of for beginners, not to spend a lot of time on though

>> No.12412884 [DELETED] 

If you have to ask you're too fucking stupid to program. Fuck off and die.

>> No.12412888

Good idea if you're a retard who shouldn't be let near even a toaster.

>> No.12414468

Just pick a university course available online and stick with it. Don't worry overmuch about learning the "right" language or whatever, it doesn't matter. Here's a good one:

>> No.12414825


>> No.12415007

Also OP.
Don't listen to the fags like this one.

>> No.12415021

Think of a project or Google some simple projects
Pick a common coding language
Attempt solution (skip on first iteration)
Google solution and figure out why it works
Repeat until you don't need to Google.

>> No.12415026

>Not understanding an and conjunction

>> No.12415100

learn logic. philosophical logic. or at the least figure out how programmers think (early childhood programming experience helps with this), the languages themselves are just a syntax game. Think like a programmer so learning a programming language becomes an aftertought. in other words: Scratch.

>> No.12415338

Feel free to counter-argue anything. I know you can't tho.

>> No.12415415

You had me until you showed the depths of your ignorance by not knowing neuter Latin plurals.