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File: 21 KB, 220x278, 220px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11690327 No.11690327 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are so many mathematicians communist? I met at least 6 or 7 of them in my grad program. Or is this just academia in general?

>> No.11690333

Because if it wasn't for academia they would starve. So of course mathematicians are biased towards big institutions, and the government taking care of everyone.

>> No.11690332

when people who study meme degrees like math realize that will have to work at mcdonals after they finished they become communist.

>> No.11690340

Communism believed in superiority of intellect over nature. Mathematicians like this idea. Also, communism was the only system which allowed them to freely explore ideas and run decades of research with full funding.
Today anything which cannot be patented or ring in donations for the academic establishment - gets the boot.

>> No.11690350

Note: some of you retards might not remember the definition of communism. Since I am a mathematicians and all I REE about are definitions here it is from wikipedia:

Communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal") is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.

Use the same definition or else your shits moot.

>> No.11690364

I believe in kindness. Everyone follows the golden rule, and we don't need all these laws and money and shit. The problem is "kindness" doesn't work in the real world and neither does communism. But you can pretend like people don't understand what communism means.

>> No.11690366

I was thinking the same thinking too, that mathematicians are driven by their ideals of the world. But also because it gives them the freeodom they want. But if I were to counter, I would say the same ideal thinking is the same people who voted from Trump.

>> No.11690379

It's not pretending that people don't know what communism is. It's just that people mix up communism all the time with socialism. And matter of fact, things have definition for a reason so we can make actual real arguments. If you know the definition cool bro nice. If not, dw I gave it to you. And if you are going to post in a thread about communism, I just hope to fucking god you know the definition. Definitions are very technical but are key in defining arguments.

>> No.11690391

A lot of people exposed to communism end up accepting the ideology, specially if they are poor. Turns out that communism a common topic of discussion in academia and grad students are poor.

>> No.11690392

this guy engineers

>> No.11690398

so when do I get converted to capitalism? when I get a real job?

>> No.11690411

it's your default ideology

>> No.11690429

mathematicians tend to be smart

>> No.11690433

«The goal of socialism is communism».
Change my mind.

>> No.11690435

How does being smart come into play with communism? Not trolling im serious

>> No.11690452

Civilization requires unequal power structures. Communism would never work unless all of humanity reverts back to existing as hunter-gatherer tribes

>> No.11690456

I don't get it, that doesn't make any sense to me.


They seem to be different in some key fundamental ways.

>> No.11690460

Civilization requires unequal power structure. Why is this necessary? It is definitely reality that there is a power dynamic to everything. But is it necessary?

>> No.11690461

Communism works if everyone is smart. The problem is that everyone is not smart.

>> No.11690463

nature vs nurture rabbit hole argument, rather not dive into that, got any better arguments?

>> No.11690470

Because they're smart

>> No.11690476


What does communism and smart have in common?

>> No.11690480

Communists put too much faith in the average person's intelligence. It's the reason why socialism was ever only workable in the Nordic countries, where everyone was trustworthy and intelligent. Until recently, that is.

>> No.11690481

at least not with that attitude.

>> No.11690483

"Smart" and "you" have nothing in common. Hope that helps.

>> No.11690487

haha clever i almost forgot to laugh dumb ass.

>> No.11690492

I vibe with this.

>> No.11690494

I'm a bit of a lefty, but I will concede that the reason why academics gravitate towards the far-left is because they have basically no conception of what the average person does for a job. It's easy to believe that full government control over the means of production would be efficient and successful when you're doing a job that you're passionate about and an institution is paying for everything.

>> No.11690511

And selfless.

>> No.11690512

True, definitely understand your argument and perspective. So is it just an academic thing then? I feel like it depends on the department though right? This is just an assumption, but I would say Stanford CS department is more capitalist than their math department.

>> No.11690516

Selflessness is an attribute of an intelligent person.

>> No.11690518

When you say being "smart", is it being smart to realize what? That capitalism isn't going to benefit themselves?

>> No.11690524

But lenin said it.

And the Fabian Society, the archetypal socialists, are quite clear that their goal is to further radical change just slowly enough that people don’t notice.

Posting Wikipedia definitions doesn’t change the fact that actual socialists try to change society towards communism.

>> No.11690529

when you see the tax take and how atrocious the state is at micromangement

>> No.11690532

If it was such a fundamental key way maybe you could explain what that is.

>> No.11690534

diversity hires

>> No.11690536

>people don't notice
What do you want, a French Revolution? What happened after that? Another Napoleon took charge. Nothing changed.

>> No.11690537

works best for robots

>> No.11690543

so it's the dunning krueger effect writ large?

>> No.11690546

>Or is this just academia in general?
Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionary biologist was a marxist.

>> No.11690548

big brain with an engineering degree

>> No.11690549

Prove it. Appearing to be selfless might be an attribute of intelligent people, because they recognize the social benefits of appearing to be altruistic. But I doubt very many intelligent people are selfless in their actual behaviors.

>> No.11690550

In my experience going through engineering school, people had relatively diverse political views (still swung liberal though). I attribute it in part to the fact that engineers usually end up leaving academia.

In other departments like physics and chemistry, loads of completely unironic commies. Also conveniently the disciplines which require lifelong support from institutions to have a career.

>> No.11690552


Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property. equality between genders and all people, international focus. Usually anti-democratic with a 1-party system.


Calculation in kind, Collective ownership, Cooperative common ownership, Economic democracy Economic planning, Equal opportunity, Free association, Industrial democracy, Input–output model, Internationalism, Labour voucher, Material balancing.

>> No.11690553

and he lied about the skull measurements of racial differences in cranial volume

>> No.11690559

Whether or not kindness is genuine or not. The act of being kind happens. Who cares if you have ulterior motives? Me helping you on the side of the road on the off chance I might run into you again and you can do me a favor isn't bad. It's smart, and is still kind.

>> No.11690562
File: 655 KB, 294x214, excellent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>works best for robots

>> No.11690569

Boy this site sure is obsessed with the 200 year old hobo dinosaur

>> No.11690573

what of bakunin?

>> No.11690577

>this site
you need to step outside sometime
your trailer park is not the entire universe

>> No.11690578

What do you think I'm arguing?

>> No.11690579

I'm a nice person, but in my experience intelligent people are not more kind on average. Maybe really dumb people are more likely to be sociopaths because they lack the intelligence to empathize. But beyond average IQ I definitely haven't notice any correlation between intelligence and selflessness in actual behavior.

>> No.11690583

This is a fair point But I'll counter by saying that, just because one person/group says that is the goal, that doesn't define the real meaning. The definition/goal you gave is a perspective by a minority. I prefer my Wikipedia definition because it encompasses a larger scope and is more academic. Definitions seem almost arbitrary on how they are picked, but that is not the case. It is simply the definition that most people agree with. And if it is on Wikipedia, then it seems most people agree with it.

>> No.11690585

>Prove it.
Thanks. I got my laughs in for the rest of the year

>> No.11690587

You mean the racially homogeneous nordic countries which practiced eugenics till the 80’s and fund welfare that all originated as separate charities by heavily taxing their capitalist economies?
Those ones?

>> No.11690591

Being kind is to your benefit. Here's an essay from Paul Graham, one of the cofounders of the famous Y-Combinator.


>> No.11690594

Not really.

>> No.11690596

What is the worst communist pollution event?
Chernobyl? Baltic sea?

>> No.11690597

paul graham is just jesus for tech-bros

>> No.11690598

Is this a math joke? I can’t tell, I don’t have autism about everyday words like “prove”

>> No.11690601

very confused post. communism is the predicted next set of "relations of production" based on the marxist viewpoint which views the "mode of production" as the determining factor deciding the character of the society.
it has no defined characteristics beyond this because working out the details this early is pointless.

socialism is a political project that has little to do with communism.

>> No.11690605

That is a purely dogmatic statement.
If all selfish people were stupid then the world would be led by intelligent kind people.
But we see that evil dictators exist. Rich drug traffickers and pimps.
Like how many exemples of people who are objectively intelligent and obviously selfish do you need to admit that your statement is pure dogmatic drivel?

>> No.11690611

To say that the Fabian Society represents a minority of socialists is just ignorant.

>> No.11690614

Who was better for scientific research? the reich or the ussr?

>> No.11690619


>> No.11690620

the number of psychopaths in upper management positions is way above average

>> No.11690622

I want capitalism.
I want a libertarian constitution with limited democracy, only people who served in the military and pay net positive taxes get to vote.

I’m just pointing out that the most common most powerful socialists are actually trying to implement communism according to their own statements.

>> No.11690624

Sweden was the best example of socialism working. They had a socialist party in charge for 90 years straight. The place was heaven Earth. Everyone wishes their country could be Sweden during these 90 years. You can point to incompetent countries which were incompetent by virtue of being incompetent all you like, but it wasn't communism that made them shit. It was their people. Their people were shit to begin with. The theme of the thread is that socialism can work if YOUR PEOPLE aren't shit to start with.

>> No.11690627

Yeah but even Jesus had some good teachings like don't be a dick. Jesus is over hyped but he had some good words tho

>> No.11690632

Do you mean the nascent caliphate?

>> No.11690636


>Calculation in kind, Collective ownership, Cooperative common ownership, Economic democracy Economic planning, Equal opportunity, Free association, Industrial democracy, Input–output model, Internationalism, Labour voucher, Material balancing.

Free association means I can opt out of aml the commie shit in your list?
And refuse to hire people who don’t?

>> No.11690637
File: 209 KB, 684x684, Anime_girl_with_gun_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that all mathematicians are Marxist, but Western universities are generally run by Marxists. So you either follow their ideology or get kicked out. Many of other fields are the same way, although those that involve a lot of practical problem solving rather than theoretical bullshitting tend to have less Marxists for some reason...

>> No.11690639

Did you ever hear that Jesus is just the greek pronunciation?

>> No.11690644

Like do you realize that the second list contains contradictions that can only resolve by abandoning freedom or being communist?

>> No.11690645

Because capitalism rewards shitty people.

>> No.11690646

Sweden also has the advantage of being small, relatively resource-rich, and having been exempt from the devastation of WWII. Not saying similar systems couldn't work in the US, but the upfront is obviously more challenging for a country with 30x the population.

>> No.11690647

You and I are on the same page. I agree that Socialism and Communism are different. The guy I was replying to was arguing that Lenin said Socialism was a pathway to Communism.

>> No.11690651


>> No.11690652

>It's not that all mathematicians are Marxist, but Western universities are generally run by Marxists. So you either follow their ideology or get kicked out.

this is laughably incorrect. so many of the core administrators of my uni are republican donors

>> No.11690653

Right. So we know that intelligence and selflessness do not at all necessarily come together.

>> No.11690662
File: 60 KB, 600x450, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11690663

Okay, I'll fix my statement you're right. Just because a 7,000 membered organization that is well funded holds this stance. Does not mean everyone who are academic that talk about communism/socialism follows this stance.

>> No.11690664

Lenin did say that. What’s your point?

>> No.11690665

So how do you get your people to not be shit? I suppose it starts in early development. Your brain is most malleable when you're 1 or 2. Everything that happens to you within these two years will shape the rest of your life. This is science fact. What should ostensibly ultra-affluent countries like the United States do to ensure that EVERY child born within its borders gets the BEST conditions for shaping their entire future? This question has never been addressed. What's more important is staving off islamic terrorists and the chinese menace! Ultimately we have to make a choice. Do the people living within our borders warrant our attention? Or should we eternally stave off foreign adversaries? This is a balancing act that no one have ever been able to figure out the best ratio for. Let's hope that our smartest leaders don't lead the rest of us off. cliff.

>> No.11690666

since there's a chance some of you might have an answer to this,
years ago I was talking to someone on some leftypol board and they mentioned the idea of "evolutionary stadia" and some english researcher and a few books, I was going to follow it up but I lost the links
any idea what they could have been?

>> No.11690667

Can you be more specific? I don't see the obvious contradiction you are trying to point out.

>> No.11690670

My point is that Socialism and Communism are different. And even if one is a path to another one. They are still different things. That's all I'm saying. They are not the same and they are different words for a reason.

>> No.11690671

if you improve the capabilities of your people to stave off invasion and better compete surely that's win win?

>> No.11690672

I have no clue. I don't really identify as a leftist. I'm pretty much just an American liberal. There's some socialist ideas that I'm a fan of (like medicare for all), but my general impression of leftists is that they have extremely unrealistic expectations about what Americans are willing to vote for.

>> No.11690673

Communism rewards even shittier people

>> No.11690678

Most people who go into academia are lefties. I thought this was one of the main reasons /pol/ hates academia as a whole

>> No.11690680

That may be but at least there's fewer of them.

>> No.11690682


>> No.11690683

Did not mean to quote you, sorry.

>> No.11690684

Fewer does not mean less damage to your society.

>> No.11690689

>someone who lives in a trailer park in missouri is going to tell me about who is a shittier person than him
yeah, no

>> No.11690690

what is the current commie self inflicted death toll?

>> No.11690712

What sort of bizarro alternate America do you live in?

>> No.11690723
File: 31 KB, 528x543, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, a pinko getting butthurt. What are the odds?

>> No.11690746 [DELETED] 

I bet he'd let me fuck his wife.

>> No.11690749 [DELETED] 

And guess what happens to YOUR PEOPLE if you follow socialist Swedens example and offer generous welfare with open borders

>> No.11690753

I bet he would because he would just go get another one lmao. The guy is Chad as fuck, there's a reason why he is a god for Tech Bros.

>> No.11690759
File: 74 KB, 640x960, massive_head_kissin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume that by "communist" you mean 'leftist'.

I believe its academia in general.

I believe the reason its that wealth and power are really excessively concentrated and that its just 'good sense' that a not so unequal distribution would be better.


Although there were really catastrophic (extremmist) leftist experiments, I don't think that rules out the whole concept. There is a whole spectrum of measures and parameters to try.

>> No.11690762

sex and culture: JD Unwin

>> No.11690763

OP here, cool thanks for the video. But yeah I definitely meant Communist, as in the wikipedia definition of Communist because that's what these guys I talk to reference.

>> No.11690767

this is what happens when you get usury

>> No.11690769

>open borders
That's the capitalists of every western country who did that. They wanted next to free labor. Socialism didn't do that, capitalism did. Now go cry to Trump about it.

>> No.11690774 [DELETED] 

>n-no u-u
lol ok bro socialists never agitated for free movement of people

>> No.11690776

Capitalists did too. You can't just pin the blame on one if both are at fault.

>> No.11690778 [DELETED] 

Reminder Karl Marx never worked a day in his life and let his own children starve to death instead of getting a job. His entire treatise is Cope: the Books. If he was born in the age of NEETbux no-one would have ever heard of him.

>> No.11690783


>> No.11690784 [DELETED] 

I didn't blame anyone I pointed out the Swedish socialist model collapsed because of generous welfare and open borders. You can't tell everyone in Nigeria they can move to Sweden for free money.

>> No.11690786

The mistake the swedes made was not removing the capitalists who kept the borders open.

>> No.11690792 [DELETED] 

Once again anon I'm sure socialists would never agitate for free movement of peopme.

>> No.11690795 [DELETED] 

Shit niggers I concede defeat I hit the m key instead of the l key and hit enter before I noticed.

>> No.11690801

Socialism has the benefit of being intelligent, i.e. it has the ability to amend itself as it goes along. Meanwhile, capitalism is just "what is". Let it all hang out. Whatever happens is fine. No intelligence guiding it at all. It's just what would happen if chimpanzees tried to have a society.

>> No.11690803

>wrote some of the most influential texts ever regardless of field
>many of which are absolutely gargantuan, extremely thorough works
>never worked
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11690810

If you help stupid people have more children then its an uphill struggle though.

>> No.11690821

You have «free association».

And then you have all theses rules about how a business should be run, shared ownership for example.

That is a contradiction. If i can asociale freely, then i can choose to work for a salary and take on no responsibility in the ownership of a business.
If i can associate freely then i can choose to only hire people who are content with salarial compensation and no share of the ownership.

>> No.11690827

>Calculation in kind, Collective ownership, Cooperative common ownership, Economic democracy Economic planning, Equal opportunity, Free association, Industrial democracy, Input–output model, Internationalism, Labour voucher, Material balancing.

Internationalism also is exclusive with free association. What if i want to freely associate with a group and close the border around us?

Economic democracy? What does that mean? That employees all get a say in how a business is run? What if i want to hire someone and just give them money for their sweat and not have to justify every business decision to them? Am I allowed to freely associate like that or not?

>> No.11690833 [DELETED] 

>wrote all his works for free
What do you mean janny?

>> No.11690836 [DELETED] 

That's nice headcanon anon meanwhile socialist Sweden became a 3rd world country inside a generation.

>> No.11690841
File: 55 KB, 577x608, sov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes down to it, the main tenet of socialism is to get rid of the principle of the self-boosting profit-for-more-profit principle. Stuff like a person acquire 10 apartments and then charging other people 500$ per month for little overhead, which ends up in him being able to afford a 11'th house and then a 12'th an so on.
Under capitalism, people work 40h a week or more, and whenever there's an innovation, instead of this innovation leading to a lower workload, it just leads to improved production. So we keep on 40h hours for some rich guy, no matter how humanity advances.

If you have time to think things over, it's easy to get on line with this thought.
The fact that any grouping of people who's powerful enough to change the system corrupts is another story. I'd not blame Marx for human nature.

>> No.11690843

communism is a fringe belief. unless this guy has investigated the political leanings of literally hundreds of mathematicians he's lying with overwhelming probability. skewing left is very different from being a straight up communist. He's probably from leftypol. the fact that this thread gets so many replies taking him seriously just proves this board is full of 16 year olds.

>> No.11690846

Actually he got paid to write most of it.

>> No.11690850 [DELETED] 

>he got a stipend from his friend engels who owned a factory so he could write a book about the evils of factory owners

>> No.11690851

Intelligent people are also a fringe minority. Everyone else is retarded. Including yourself.

>> No.11690858

Why do people act like having a Engel-sugar daddy does discredit Marx from writing economic theory and emancipation of the poor?

>> No.11690869
File: 47 KB, 895x556, GDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweden became a 3rd world country
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11690875

>Why do people act like never working and getting free money discredits Marx from pretending he knew anything about the poor?
Reminder the poor have roundly rejected Communism everytime they have encountered it.

>> No.11690877

Honestly not a single argument was contained within this post.

>> No.11690879
File: 18 KB, 300x225, Sweden-less-developed-ve-developed-countries-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean?

>> No.11690881

>w-w-why won't p-people take the w-w-working class h-hero seriously???
he never worked

>> No.11690884

Worth thinking about which metrics are important for the debate.

Micheal Jorden is a pathetic loser on the pasta cooking scale, imho.

>> No.11690891


>> No.11690892

>>when people who study meme degrees like math realize that will have to work at mcdonals after they finished they become communist.
These people hoped that they would live a holy life of investigating the realm of eternal truth that transcends reality. They get out and found themselves caught in a widespread and systematic ploy to dilute the wages of the professional and educated class and now they have to get code monkey jobs or drive uber while they go to graduate school and hope for that distant prospect of tenure while they massively inflate the next tier of educated professionals.

>> No.11690906

It's the women mate, I'm not being /r9k/ here.
women literally destroy the fundamental underpinnings of a society. too much female freedom and a lack of accountability and everything goes off the rails as they just leech from the system chasing pleaasure and being vile to each other.

>> No.11690913

Janny having great fun deleting things that trigger him. Let people talk you fucking faggot no-one is insulting anyone.

>> No.11690916

I can't ignore all this Marxist shit popping up anymore, it's everywhere. What's the best tldr on this shit?

>> No.11690918

Failures in life want successes to pay for them.

>> No.11690929
File: 89 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1589161679526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the educated are disproportionally marxist
>surely marxism must be dumb
crazy how only brainlets and high school drop outs are againts based marx, what's even funnier is that none of them even know what he actually said, decades of cia propaganda have rotten the average amerimutt brain to the point of no return, gee guys is already bad enough you mixed in with the niggers there's no need to dumb yourselves down more

>> No.11690935
File: 35 KB, 936x545, HDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily for the Swedes, this model isn't accurate and their HDI actually increased and continues to do so, albeit at a slower rate as is the case with all advanced countries.

>> No.11690938

Marx was a decent analyst of the flaws of the system but his proposed solutions sucked.

>> No.11690939

Communism's greatest weakness is its autism. The real world is complex and messy and full of deeply flawed people. Communism attracts strong personalities by giving them a political structure that allows them to use their charisma and ability to make connections to very easily gain power. Some of these people are actually competent-I think Lenin is uniquely one of the communist leaders who did a reasonably good job with maintaining order and tried to be pragmatic in the face of the post-revolutionary hardships when it came to pushing out radical experimental economic changes, although he still made big mistakes and did some very morally questionable things. But the vanguard party system's internal tendency to create these opportunities for sociopathic personalities to accumulate power ultimately poisoned pretty much all communist organizations and led them to adopt bizzare cult of personality deviations.

It's possible a communist movement could avoid this at some point,but the track record is dismal.

>> No.11690940

the internet makes us more connected and the Americans can't keep up their anti-Soviet cardhouse of propaganda

>> No.11690941


>> No.11690942

Good thing he didn't propose any solutions then.

>> No.11690944

oh my god you guys are still on this. GET OVER IT COMMUNISM WON!

>> No.11690945

Didn't Bezos work 100+ hour work weeks during early Amazon? You think any lazy American can do that?

>> No.11690946

>I can't ignore all this Marxist shit popping up anymore, it's everywhere. What's the best tldr on this shit?
Europeans move from serfs, lords, and feudalism into a new system where most people are either own the tools, factories, and land to produce goods and services or they work for the class of owners for wages. This has massive implications on all areas of life, from politics, arts, how people work and live their daily lives, and how they view themselves.

>> No.11690959

>that image
I propose in 2050 we will see a genuinely good left-wing meme.

>> No.11690965

That's a nice completely unsourced graph.

>> No.11690969

So why did Marx even say anything, if everything was fine just the way that it was?

>> No.11690973

He was assmad he wasn't getting free money.

>> No.11690976

Academia is absolutely rife with neo socialists. The campus marxists have done good work to brainwash and coerce everyone into the ideology over the past 50 years.

>> No.11690981
File: 53 KB, 744x417, societal_triad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I formulated a hypothesis a while back of what makes up a society.
I call it the authoritarian triad.
If two things out of these three become unmanageable, democracy fails and it turns into a dictatorship.
What do you guys think?

>> No.11690983

Yes. They are different. Shooting someone and killing someone are different things also.
But just as lenin and the Fabian Society, which really encompasses a pretty broad leftist spectrum m, both agree that socialism leads to communism, most people agree that shooting someone is a bad idea if you don’t want them to die.

>> No.11690984

Politics thread going to get nuked by jannies in 3,2,1

>> No.11690987

Spoken like a true redneck who doesn't know anything.

>> No.11690988
File: 61 KB, 485x601, 508A492F-EF17-42CF-8FD1-8350F550EAD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based.

>> No.11690991

Spoken like a fuming spastic who can't refute a word.

>> No.11690996

>>So why did Marx even say anything, if everything was fine just the way that it was?
I don't think the living and labor conditions of an inner city working class person was very good during the industrial revolution.

>> No.11690998

>Academia is absolutely rife with neo socialists.
Absolutely. I just don't understand what your problem with that is?

>> No.11691001

>Didn't Bezos work 100+ hour work weeks during early Amazon?
and? he still doesn't deserve billions for 100 hours of work, that money should be fo the workers that actually run amazon

>You think any lazy American can do that?
ofcourse not, if you're lazy under socialism you're not getting paid shit either

>> No.11691002

>gets meme degree can’t get job
How would I have known!!

>> No.11691003

Aha. Interesting.
So chimpanzees abolish slavery and create LLCs and create the greatest wealth in known history?
C super cool ton idée!

>> No.11691005

>I don't think
That's not evidence.

>> No.11691008

i've literally never seen a commie doing anything math even if it is shit. maybe some teachers but they weren't preachy so it is hard to tell

i think i only saw a chemist doing some math. besides that they all hated math and thought i was a racist or whatever

>> No.11691009

>Academia is absolutely rife with neo socialists
almost as if high iq and socialism are related

>> No.11691010

>everybody should be paid for one mans idea
no wonder commie shit never goes anywhere

>> No.11691012

Also fucking his maid. Lets not forget that he used his position of power to fuck the maid.

>> No.11691013

>That's not evidence.
Probably not, but it's a question you might have hazard to answer yourself, starting with the assumption that "everything was fine just the way that it was"

>> No.11691014

Which explains Marx. I mean, I was being sarcastic. But I think it's more important that the brainlets of this board understand simple concepts. I'm an educator, almost.

>> No.11691016

Seriously what are all the deleted comments?

>> No.11691017

>high IQ
Mid-level IQ. Midwits (100-120) are just about smart enough to convince themselves Communism is a great idea and that their academic failure is not their own fault.

>> No.11691018
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tiny brain: socialism bad
slightly bigger brain: no socialism good, if we control everything we can make things better
biggest brain: no socialism bad, humans are imperfect actors with the potential to terribly fuck up a society and economy much more than a laissez-faire system that allows market forces to balance and calibrate inefficiences dynamically

>> No.11691021

Democracy allows you to vote to steal other people’s stuff.

>> No.11691022

>probably not
Your thoughts are not evidence of anything.

>> No.11691029

This is good.

>> No.11691030

Instead of giving all your stuff to someone else?

>> No.11691032


Democracy always eats itself alive. Good, fair times are just lightning in a bottle, we're always trending back towards authoritarianism because people are cattle in general. Socialists are just the smartest cow on the farm.

>> No.11691034

Are you trolling?

>> No.11691037

>everybody should be paid for one mans idea
yes, if you work in a company you should own a small share of the company because you mantain it, I never said EVERYBODY gets amazon profits only the people that, you know, make it run, bezos would only get paid less, probably a couple hundred k

>> No.11691043

You guys really ought to watch this. It's a little unnerving.

>> No.11691044


Bezos barely gets paid anything. His wealth is in the shares he's had since the very beginning. You know nothing about business or economics.

>> No.11691045

He doesn’t deserve..
wait what?

You get to decide what people deserve?

Everyone loves amazon. He gets paid proportionally to that .

>> No.11691050 [DELETED] 
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The /sci/ server link is https://discord.gg/uQr9PQ
We will interview Bill Nye this week, join.,,

>> No.11691051
File: 38 KB, 500x396, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope in whatever way you like burger mutt just remember your boss wants you at 7 tomorrow to steal your labor so he can afford to buy another car, lmao pathetic

>> No.11691056

Ill agree that socialists are like the smartest people with Down syndrome, split the difference right?

>> No.11691057


>> No.11691060

And here we see the retardation of a commie shit on full display.

>> No.11691070

why would /sci/ care about some half rate engineer?

>> No.11691073

Strawpoll time

>> No.11691081

we can argue about the liquidity of his assets but that still doesn't solve the problem of how much assets he owns to begin with, yes, I know the difference between net worth and money in the bank thank you

>> No.11691098

can someone explain the chicago school economics to me?

>> No.11691104

property taxes good
other taxes bad
free market good
government bad
universal income maybe but ideally not

>> No.11691130


>> No.11691140

>No U
not an argument

>> No.11691142

what's the thinking on all other tax but property tax bad?

>> No.11691148

I like how nobody dares to challenge the OPs bait question. There is a difference between going full comunism and being against exploitation of poor people.

>> No.11691152

Because it forces people to make productive use of their property.
Also you have to have some kind of tax.

>> No.11691173

his liquidable wealth is easily in the tens of billions, which makes him richer than anyone can sensibly fathom

>> No.11691176

a red state, of which the majority are.

>> No.11691182

when the workers ie YOU and your colleagues get to democratically control the MOP offices, factories,farms
and the levers of the economie are not controlled under a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in order to further their bottom line with no concern over the well being of YOU

under communism not only do you get to experience more control over your life ie what the products of your labour are done with, there is also no other classes of people trying to undermine your well being in every aspect in life

no sane person who understands communism would be against it

>> No.11691187

>ctrl+f "jew"
>0 results


>> No.11691220

I bet you have 100 IQ mid-wit.
Protip: Marx let Engels sleep with his wife for """funding""".

>> No.11691223

>no sane person who understands communism would be against it
>if you give mr. shekelstein everything you own he'll make sure you get a fair share

>> No.11691224

That doesn't work though
There's been land reforms before and whenever they happen the person receiving the farm either ends up selling it or mismanaging it.

>> No.11691229

The penniless interns on this board have a seething mental breakdown if you tell them their high school football team died on a sand dune in the Middle East because it suited Israeli interests.

>> No.11691241


Because different groups that follow a socialist worldview on economics don't automatically agree on immigration. Same with the right, Ronald Reagan on illegal immigrants here. It's it's own complex discussion that crosses political lines from right to left.


>> No.11691244

poltard just read the end then spurged
yea land reforms for profit making not land collectivization

>> No.11691248

Well if people that are given farms won't work the land for profit why would they work the land for free?

>> No.11691249

You don't understand.

>> No.11691271


You could create a collectivized society where private corporations are turned into worker co-ops. Socialism is more a framework that can be attempted in different ways.

Then there is India where they decided the best approach is 'central planning that allows capitalism to exist' may be the best approach, to be honest.

>> No.11691272

>i-if i c-cry about m-muh paul i-it will c-cover everything u-up
Imagine what an obese jealous loser you'd have to be to thinking demanding successful people's property off them is how you'll make you way in life.
Post a timestamp of your gut you failure.

>> No.11691277

You can't refute.

>> No.11691284

Yes the very strict caste system an almost comical incidence of gang rape in a city that throws their dead and shits into the river they drink from is eithout a doubt the perfect starting point for a socialist society.

>> No.11691287
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based anarcho primitivist

>> No.11691295


I was referring to India's policy in regard to central planning only. And I accidentally refereed to that as my favorite instead of the worker co-op one, that was an accident.

>> No.11691300

>if you give mr. shekelstein everything you own he'll make sure you get a fair share
there is no state in commie land dumbass, almost as if you don't even know what communism is, lmao

>> No.11691302

when an ideology wins and becomes the dominant/ruling ideology it is no longer a volunteristic struggle of the partial. ideological pretension acquires a sort of flat positivistic exactitude, it becomes a fact
thats debord in society of the spectacle, think i got most of it right been a while. whatever ideology is dominant where you are its the default and shapes your entire world view

>> No.11691320

oh no

>> No.11691322

Not an argument
Cope more

>> No.11691333

>no timestamp
Ok fatty

>> No.11691336

I'm a Socialist btw.

Sweden is not a socialist country. They follow a similar system to Germany's model called "Rhineland Capitalism" or "social market economy," the 'social' part takes upon a major wealth tax. Which is then used to fund social programs. This is just social democracy being in sync with capitalism. The Nordic model is really good in a humane way, but has its shortcomings here and there.

But however China is a Socialist country and they're doing well economically. As they have 3x times the economic growth than the US and lifted 800+ million people off poverty.

Also during this pandemic who in their right minds wants to be a Libertarian or Ancap?

>> No.11691342


I don't think you do. You act like what he makes takes away from the "earnings" of his underlings but that couldn't be further from the case. He put his whole stock in his company and let that shit appreciate off of the investments of others. They have quite literally given his net worth their vote of confidence, he doesn't siphon money from the actual enterprise (that everybody else entered later).

>> No.11691350

>I'm a Socialist
Get a job you parasite.

>> No.11691352


That isn't the point. He isn't getting paid from Amazon's revenue. A laborer for Amazon does an action and gets paid for that action, in the present day, Bezos, QUITE LITERALLY, gets paid for his initial investment and trust in his company, that NOBODY ELSE had. And I'm sure he would have been happy to pay people in stock back then. Your argument falls hideously flat because Jeff Bezos gets actively paid $80k per year in 2020, his wealth is derived directly from his initial investment and confidence in his company, and then over the years millions of other, willing individuals paid into that fund.

>> No.11691362

Not an argument
Cope more

>> No.11691378

I'm a socialist and the government should pay for everything.
My research is important. I'm getting into my graduate program after the summer break. I wouldn't be able to do this without socialism paying for it. We need more socialism. Denmark btw

>> No.11691397


That isn't for you to decide, fag. Case in point about the major amounts of waste, human governments can't dictate what is actually worth the public investment.

>> No.11691409

Human governments should decide. I vote for the most pro education and pro science party every time. They want to cut taxes on average but they also want to fund education which is in my favour. I suppose I'm not a real socialist but rather a liberal.

>> No.11691410

Yah but not his labour
In order to maintain his wealth he has to steal the surplus value from his employees

>> No.11691418
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It is literally stock... he's had in the company since the day it was founded... just sitting there... appreciating because other, consenting individuals willingly buy into the same pool. And if any of his laborers would like to have a share of that... they can. They can buy as well, they're just pretty fucking late now, right? Twat

If you planted two fruit trees 20 years ago, and tended to them over the years and they were finally fruit bearing after decades, it would be fair to pay people to pick fruit from the tree in kind, but they don't get the tree. Does this register at all with you or are you still insisting anyone can swoop on in anywhere and claim a chunk of a company's legacy because they moved a few boxes back and forth?

>> No.11691440

none of this is relevant to the fact that Bezos is absurdly wealthy and his wealth derives from unpaid wages. obfuscating the issue and changing the subject does not make this any less true

>> No.11691442

>If you planted two fruit trees 20 years ago, and tended to them over the years and they were finally fruit bearing after decades, it would be fair to pay people to pick fruit from the tree in kind, but they don't get the tree.

stock in a corporation does not organically appreciate. the correct analogy here is that you put a seed in the ground, thousands of other people watered it, fertilized it, cared for it for twenty years - and the only person that really gets to collect the fruit is the one who put the seed in the ground

>> No.11691450

>stock in a corporation does not organically appreciate. the correct analogy here is that you put a seed in the ground, thousands of other people watered it, fertilized it, cared for it for twenty years - and the only person that really gets to collect the fruit is the one who put the seed in the ground

No it isn't. Bezos is the original, and the majority, shareholder. He spent a lot of time and money getting this tree planted, watered, and up to speed before other people decided to start investing in the future of it. It's his seed, it's his sapling, it's his tree. That now bears fruit, and people are paid for collecting fruit (laborers) and for having taken their turn watering it (shareholders). But nobody had anything close to the impact the #1 guy did. If you want to whine about anybody whine about parasite CEO's who take over a dying company and rape it before jumping out in a golden parachute.

The chief issue with socialists and communists is how little they understand the important of encouraging investment, entrepreneurship, and that initial risk which is the birth of every great company and enterprise. You think this shit can just be declared by a government and then distributed on a whim... very fucking wrong. People with vision are in short supply and even then many are often very wrong.

>> No.11691458

>No it isn't. Bezos is the original, and the majority, shareholder.
arguing about the terminology of your flawed system doesn't make the system less flawed. I understand why being a majority shareholder can cause your wealth to explode - that's not what we're talking about here. the question is whether any of this is actually a just, useful way to distribute wealth.

>He spent a lot of time and money getting this tree planted, watered, and up to speed before other people decided to start investing in the future of it. It's his seed
no amount of time or effort warrants the concentration of nearly 150 billion USD under a single person's control. if Bezos were to lose 90% of his wealth, his quality of life would be literally unchanged, but a million Americans could have their lives improved substantially. there is no utilitarian perspective where leaving wealth in some shiny fuck's dragon-hoard makes the world a better place

>> No.11691467

>arguing about the terminology of your flawed system doesn't make the system less flawed. I understand why being a majority shareholder can cause your wealth to explode - that's not what we're talking about here. the question is whether any of this is actually a just, useful way to distribute wealth.

The parties involved already decided so. This has nothing to do with you or any other arbitrary outside entity at all. Literally everybody involved in every stage of Amazon's stock growth were consenting individuals who understood the current context, valuation, risk, and reward. It isn't your job to tell them that's wrong and then start taking people's wealth and investment.

>no amount of time or effort warrants the concentration of nearly 150 billion USD under a single person's control. if Bezos were to lose 90% of his wealth, his quality of life would be literally unchanged, but a million Americans could have their lives improved substantially. there is no utilitarian perspective where leaving wealth in some shiny fuck's dragon-hoard makes the world a better place

Again, just arbitrary bullshit. It isn't even liquid. If he sold that all it would be worth way less, and then he would be shattering the wealth of countless other people who saw the share price plummet. This is like saying "Bezos, your trees have gotten too big. Time to cut them down, chop them up, and distribute them out fairly." In a word, you're a cancerously minded individual.

>> No.11691470

>It isn't your job to tell them that's wrong and then start taking people's wealth and investment.
It is wrong, and we should take Bezos' wealth.

>Again, just arbitrary bullshit. It isn't even liquid. If he sold that all it would be worth way less
Alright, how much would it be worth liquid?

>> No.11691474


no one believes this pipe dream, we are stalinists or socialists

>> No.11691475

>and then he would be shattering the wealth of countless other people who saw the share price plummet.
let me say this as clearly as I can: fuck them all. corporate welfare is the cancer killing capitalism.

>> No.11691478


That isn't "corporate welfare." It's every individual with their retirement and life savings invested in Amazon you fucking retard. I'm starting to understand why Pinochet went ahead and threw your kind out of helicopters, you can't be reasoned with, you just want to destroy out of spite.

>> No.11691483

>It's every individual with their retirement and life savings invested in Amazon you fucking retard
oh so it's 'liquid' imaginary wealth when we want to tax Bezos, but suddenly we're ruining innocent 1%'ers lives by tanking the stock price? you can't have it both ways you fucking stoolie

>> No.11691484


>Alright, how much would it be worth liquid?

A fraction, half would be a conservative estimate. It would trigger a shock sell off as others saw the founder and CEO dumping his whole net worth and lead to a huge lack of confidence in their forward prospects.

He's in his 50's, when he dies this is all going to get returned back to the world in various ways. Can you wait until then you little shit or are you that insistent on playing God with people many times your superior?

>> No.11691487

imagine living in a capitalist shithole like america

>> No.11691488


>A fraction, half would be a conservative estimate.
based on what?

>> No.11691491



>> No.11691494

>It would trigger a shock sell off as others saw the founder and CEO dumping his whole net worth and lead to a huge lack of confidence in their forward prospects.
this is entirely bullshit. Gates has liquidated tens of billions of dollars in MS stock and yet it's at a near all-time-high, even in spite of the pandemic

>> No.11691495


Are you going to keep asking basic questions and force me to give you a full lesson on stock market dynamics or are you going to take the time to actually learn about that which you've decided to rail against

>> No.11691496

your hypothetical here is based on a bullshit premise, but no sensible person with a $700k retirement fund would have it entirely invested
in Amazon stock

>> No.11691497


In his retirement, where it has no bearing on his knowledge of the company at all, in chunks, and over a long period of time yes, he has made sales of his stock. He did not dump his whole investment in a year.

>> No.11691500

>force me to give you a full lesson on stock market dynamics
you act like you actually know how any of this works, and that you aren't just some retard regurgitating talking points from PragerU

do you have any business experience whatsoever?

>> No.11691502


Ah, so you concede that it is indeed quite risky to be all in on one company and worth something for doing so? I'm sure Jeff Bezos was curious about his future when he was operating off of the promise of future returns from his all in investment. If you're a coward by heart don't talk about the fortunes of people who actually had the nuts to put their money where their mouth is and build something.

>> No.11691504

>In his retirement
No, in a non-profit fund that disburses tens of billions in philanthropy to the developing world. Your hypothesis that billionaires can't liquidate billions in wealth is complete, provable bullshit.

>> No.11691505

>I'm sure Jeff Bezos was curious about his future when he was operating off of the promise of future returns from his all in investment.
Cool, great bargain. We should still take his wealth because it does him no good and comes at the cost of millions of people's basic welfare. Fuck him to hell - don't care how great he is at business.

>> No.11691508


All I know for certain is that you don't know how any of this works. The way you talk indicates to me that you're at a pre-school level understanding of the stock market and investment. So if I'm at 3rd grade, so be it, still miles ahead of you and facepalming over the fact that you decided to wade authoritatively into an argument over it. This is the fun in arguing with socialists, they go the entire argument with their foot in their mouth but goddamn do they dogmatically take it to the very end, all powered by spite.

>> No.11691515

>All I know for certain is that you don't know how any of this works. The way you talk indicates to me that you're at a pre-school level understanding of the stock market and investment. So if I'm at 3rd grade, so be it, still miles ahead of you and facepalming over the fact that you decided to wade authoritatively into an argument over it.

"I don't know what I'm talking about at all, but you don't know it /even more!/"

pathetic stoolie

>> No.11691518


>No, in a non-profit fund that disburses tens of billions in philanthropy to the developing world. Your hypothesis that billionaires can't liquidate billions in wealth is complete, provable bullshit.

In his fucking retirement. He isn't the CEO of Microsoft anymore retard. And this is over a long period of time. And Bill still has a massive stake in Microsoft to this day. None of these constraints apply to what we're discussing. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.11691519

Studied architecture. Definitely true of that field in academia. Can't say for others but suspect it's just academia

>> No.11691521

>In his fucking retirement. He isn't the CEO of Microsoft anymore retard.
I'm sorry, how is this relevant? Explain it with your non-existent MBA from PragerU to me?

>> No.11691522
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>Cool, great bargain. We should still take his wealth because it does him no good and comes at the cost of millions of people's basic welfare. Fuck him to hell - don't care how great he is at business.

Finally, you've said what you really wanted to say. You hate him. You hate rich and successful people. They wear at your latent, deep insecurity and your only cope is to push for an ideology that might equalize you two and maybe even find you a seat of power for doing nothing but sitting in your big boy chair and doing a big deep think about how the wealth of others "ought to be" taken and handled.

>> No.11691524


>> No.11691525


The CEO has deep, intimate knowledge of the company he's invested in. When a CEO liquidates his stake it's an effective, major vote of "no confidence" that can exacerbate a shock sell off.

Gates selling off some of his stake in his retirement however makes perfect sense. He's retired and he needs to pay for his retirement endeavors now.

>> No.11691531

>You hate rich and successful people.
there are millions of rich and successful people whose net worth is still at least slightly proportional to the effort put into their career

doctors, surgeons, dentists, established scientists, best-selling authors, talented musical performers. they make millions and I don't care.

but when you are worth 150,000 times a millionaire - a person who already has more money than they could spend and enjoy - that's when the system is fucking broken. you are deluded if you believe otherwise

>> No.11691538


Good for you and your arbitrary criteria. I think the lone founder of the nation (and the world's) largest and most influential eCommerce distributor is worth whatever he invested in. It's your pathetic, peanut brained word and judgement vs. the needs and payment of millions and billions of others who've decided Amazon is important to them.

>> No.11691539

>When a CEO liquidates his stake it's an effective, major vote of "no confidence" that can exacerbate a shock sell off.
The ethical thing is to retire and become a philanthropist. People like Gates and Carnegie realized this - whatever product you sell does not possibly do as much good in society as uplifting millions out of poverty and disease. It is ridiculous to suggest that creative control over a shipping company is worth millions living in squalor.

>> No.11691546

>Good for you and your arbitrary criteria.
it's not arbitrary if you have pretty much any respect for human life

>> No.11691549


The funny part is that you're so superficially minded that you've bought Gates' good guy dog and pony show while his wealth has continued to balloon past $95B. Jeff's hobby is trying to get us further into space.

I don't give a shit if a million poor monkeys are living in squalor. Humanity is uplifted by its greatest contributors, not retards who can't figure out how to make anything better than a tent. If your priority is constantly the lowest common denominator you will become a lowest common denominator society... or, socialist. Many such cases!

>> No.11691550


Stage 3 cope: platitudes and pathos. I doubt you'd give up your Western comforts and live like a spartan so that a few poor children in Zambia could be more comfortable. It's all relative, right?

>> No.11691551

There's peer to peer alternatives to amazon.
But getting people to switch is like pulling on a donkey.

>> No.11691555

>you've bought Gates' good guy dog and pony show while his wealth has continued to balloon past $95B
There are firm differences between Gates and Bezos. Gates has donated over $30b to philanthropic causes. Bezos has donated far less than $1b (discounting money that is 'pledged' but not disbursed, at least as of yet).

>Jeff's hobby is trying to get us further into space.
great that his redundant hobby comes at the cost of millions of potential scientists and astronauts

>I don't give a shit if a million poor monkeys are living in squalor. Humanity is uplifted by its greatest contributors, not retards who can't figure out how to make anything better than a tent.
finally you say what you actually mean. you don't care about people - you care about money. if you had just said "fuck the poor" from the start I wouldn't have bothered to engage you like a person that isn't a narcissistic loser.

the sad irony too is that you're probably below average in income. the majority of corporate stoolies aren't successful businessmen - they're poor people in denial about their own poverty. am I hitting in the ballpark here?

>> No.11691559

>I doubt you'd give up your Western comforts and live like a spartan so that a few poor children in Zambia could be more comfortable. It's all relative, right?

the difference between me and Bezos is that $1000 pays a month of my rent, while $1000 has no measurable impact on Bezos' quality of life whatsoever. it's scientific fact that beyond a certain point, additional money doesn't make your life any more enjoyable.

>> No.11691572

Why do smart people like Communism? Idk anon why do smart people tend to like smart ideas? Kek right wingers checkmating themselves like this

>> No.11691576

Except that a large portion of academia, especially that of the last 50 years, comes from lower class. Yet they're still largely in favor of progressive ideas. What gives? Intelligence.

>> No.11691578
File: 21 KB, 554x554, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematics + finance double major
>will work at a bank making money off of other's money
>first year economics professor made fun of communists in class
seethe harder pinko academics.

>> No.11691581

>an actual good post

what the fuck

>> No.11691583

The reason why mathematicians probably like communism is because they'd be happy living in a commie block eating state rice and chicken as long as they were given a pencil, paper and computer to do their maths and not have to teach a classroom full of young adults and whore themselves out for grants maybe.
Whereas normies want nice things like a ranch or a lambo.
If thats the case the solution is pretty simple, just give ubi to phds then they'll stop promoting communism.

>> No.11691587

>Except that a large portion of academia, especially that of the last 50 years, comes from lower class.
that doesn't necessarily mean they understand what life outside academia is like - it just means their parents were poor

which makes sense as a background that promotes progressive ideals - not necessarily intelligence

>> No.11691674

Right, growing up as a poor person in a ghetto, having to work to support your family while studying, etc etc, doesn't necessarily mean you understand life outside of academia. It's not like their whole life has been outside of academia and have just recently entered in it.

Also your claim for intelligence is completely off. If the majority of this "rich" academia who doesn't understand 'muh real life' is communist, but also the poor academia who 'grew up with progressive ideas' but 'not intelligence' is communist, you're just going on circles finding excuses for why each group of intelligent people support communism lmao. Next up middle class academics support communism bcs >insert smthg else related to their hardships here to cope<.

The reason so many scientists, from Einstein to Oppenheimer, support communism, is because smarter people understand it's the smarter choice. Why do you need to cope so hard, mr. Brainlet?

>> No.11691681

Is there ANY degree that isn't a meme degree to you guys or doesn't get shittee on sci?
I am seriously asking because I have yet to see any.

>> No.11691683

I'm not saying they aren't intelligent, just that it's overly simplistic to pretend like that's the only factor here.

Also I wouldn't say that a large portion of academia comes from a lower class. In my own personal experience, I was disappointed in the class diversity of people in my PhD cohort. It's not a good thing, but it is what it is.

>> No.11691689

I thought it was clear by the tone that that was mostly a joke. I don't believe conservatives are all dumb cavemen.

I didn't say it was a majority, I said a large portion, because the comment I replied to made it seem as if all academics are rich delusional nerds. As for the numbers, they are rising. It makes sense why it's harder for poorer people to get into, since Academia is already underfunded as is. But it is improving.

>> No.11691692

The board isn't a monolith anon. Any degree """I""" don't like is a meme, and any degree """You""" don't like is a meme. Collectively all of them are memes yes, because there is somebody who thinks X is a meme. Dumb question.

>> No.11691694

seems like a classic case of Poe's Law

>> No.11691805

When a society produces large surplus (capitalism), there is a problem of who gets what and why. This is not problem with communism, because there is no surplus involved. You own your own value based on your own labor. Communists see surplus as the exploitation of the labor of workers, and that is what Marx hated about capitalism because as a result it created unequal power structures.

>> No.11691826

>doing well economically
balloons look their largest right before they pop
look at the actual quality of their infrastructure that they're overreaching with into half of the world through the BRI, the populations they're constantly trying to repress, the signals of an end to their artificial boom
their current image of hegemony won't last another two decades, fuck our debts and 'economic obligations' to those overconfident bots and see the fall accelerate into the next 6 years

>> No.11691832

>which allowed them to freely explore ideas and run decades of research with full funding
Having shortages of everything for everyone so some dudes can make autistic puzzles with no relevance to anything doesn't seem like a good odea

>> No.11691834

Lol so japan, singapore, South Korea and hong kong weren't artificial growth but china is? I think you're mad that a country that isn't enslaved to the west is developing.

>> No.11691835

If I ask to discuss Harry Potter and we end up discussing the author are we still discussing Harry Potter? Why have the jannies abandoned us.

>> No.11691847

Mathematicians do work that can be of tremendous importance for little to no pay. Meanwhile the door is always open to them to do literally worthless work in a bank or in finance for tremendous value. It is not surprising then, that most of them think capitalism is garbage.

Their gift blinds them to the fact the ordinary person is basically an animal who can only be motivated by basic desires and thus requires his capitalist overlord to abuse him in order for both to survive in this world.

>> No.11691889

Not him but what books do you recommend to learn about the inner mechanisms of capitalism and the stock market? Ive read "Economics in one Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt but thats it.

>> No.11691975

>When a society produces large surplus (capitalism)
In capitalism surplusses are not desired as they reduce profit.

>> No.11691983

>Civilization requires unequal power structures
It's not a requirement, it's more of a result of the fact that not all people are the exqct same. Some are better in certain things than others (for example in math), this leads to them being more successful than other people in a civilization and this in turn creates the unequal power structures. If you think about it, the power structures are fair, an imbecile person should not have the same power as someone successful.

>> No.11691997

it's certainly the major problem with the banks, bad decisions should be punished.

>> No.11692001

Communism is just for edgy adolescents.

>> No.11692007

is that why everything is damned ugly now?

>> No.11692032

I have a huge issue with the orewellian nightmare of spy tech like echo and alexa or how they changed their policy of no censorship of books to purging books that the ADL doesn't like.

>> No.11692034

Zambia is a relatively rich economy in africa, they unlike their neighbour they didn't hunt down and drive off or kill the white farmers

>> No.11692037

convenience and inertia. can you list a few? I've been exploring alternatives to wean myself off.

>> No.11692041

>Smart idea
What is the current communist body count?

>> No.11692049

Thomas Sowell's the myth of trickle down economics, it's fairly short. you can download a pdf for free.

>> No.11692244

you are assuming that
1. everyone is trying to be a leader
2. the most intelligent people become leaders

>> No.11692248

Then the socialist imported millions of somali and arabs.

>> No.11692257

here, frens, the absolute truth

>> No.11692268

Pretty much, the biggest problem with marxism/socialism is that it's a fundamentally authoritarian system with no way to opt out.

Commies love to make analogy about working ants and having to bootlick corporate but under communism you still are a working ant, have to bootlick a bureaucrat to even change your broken fridge and in bonus you can't even decide to opt out since the State rules everything.

They just delude themselves thinking they would be in power while they would just be be the same bottom barrel feeders while Bezos instead of being CEO of Amazon would be member of the Politburo.

>> No.11692310

Just as Jack Ma is a member of the ccp.

communism is really just gangsterism.

>> No.11692657

Surplus of capital, not necessarily goods.

>> No.11692975


>> No.11693509

In the gorillions bro
How many schools got shot up this year? Kek jobbers please, back to serving fries and chicken. Let intellectuals do the thinking

>> No.11693531

>finish PhD
>be NEET
>look at funny formulas all day long
>become Perelman-tier basedgod
Checkmate, engineers

>> No.11693548


>> No.11693831

Almost all serious economists agree that rent-seeking is bad. The very existence of capital (as opposed to wealth) means it is ideally getting reinvested into society and not hoarded like a dragon sitting on his pile of gold. Capitalism becomes unjust when people sit on their wealth and do not use it in some fashion. Proposals similar to land value taxes would probably increase the productivity and efficiency of our society. Many commonly touted flaws of capitalism, like housing shortages and high rent, are in fact the result of government overregulation and NIMBYism.

I'm not a total laissez-faire libertarian by any means. Some vital means of production (water, healthcare, energy, internet) should be regulated by the government to ensure that even the lowest strata of our society can access them. This in turn boosts productivity and overall wealth. The role of government is to guide the market and capitalism so that it results in the highest overall net gains for the populace. I dare say mixed-market economies of post-war western society have spectacularly succeeded in that regard. While wealth inequality in first world countries is on the rise, the absolute poorest are still much richer than they were at any prior point in history.

There will always be unfairness in a capitalist system, but that doesn't mean that we can't all be better off! It just means that the people on top will be obscenely better off at the same time. Criticism of this often boils down to irrational envy, but people have to understand that there will always be an upper class in some form. Even if you got rid of wealth inquality, there'd still be unfair distribution of social status, charisma and the like. To use an example: even in the utopian society of Star Trek's federation, not everyone can be a Captain in the Starfleet.

>> No.11693840

lets talk about the chinese communists and the sparrows

>> No.11693906

Because mathematicians are theoreticians, and communism works IN THEORY.

>> No.11694804

Smart people are more likely to be lefties for some reason. I don't get it though. Rationally, they should know that capitalism is the reason we enjoy modern standards of living in the first place, right?

>> No.11694871

Okay we got a 50/50
Still I see no reasoning on why communism should be implemented other than muh Jeff Bezos.
Which doesn't necessarily imply we need communism either way.

>> No.11694891

The idea that we can have an economic system based solely on theft that won't collapse after the state steals all the rich peoples' money doesn't work in theory or reality.

>> No.11694893

You're almost there anon

>> No.11694899

Pretty stunning to me that people on this board will say "cumminism bad cuz no work!!" when capitalism has literally blown itself up and had to be bailed out by the state three times in the past 20 years

>> No.11694906

There is no state in communism

>> No.11694908
File: 85 KB, 580x563, 1134 - hTRyV42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jeff bezos is 200 million times better than everybody else on the planet

>> No.11694925

See, this is the kind of retarded shit you say when you don't know history

For most of the 19th century, there was no difference between socialism and communism. Socialism was largely used by anti-capitalist christians, and Marx and other scientific materialists preferred to use the term communism, but they were always understood to be referring to the same thing: a stateless society organized around collective ownership of productive property.

In the 20th century, after the russian revolution overthrew the czars there was a split amongst the left in the west. Some considered the eventual state that was formed in the wake of the russian revolution to be a betrayal of Marxism, while others supported the newly formed state.
Those who supported the USSR (and later maoist china) began referring to themselves as communists in order to differentiate themselves from the more liberal leftists of the west, who opposed the authoritarian structures being constructed in these countries.

>> No.11694928

Personally getting a real job made me waaaaaaaaay more commie

>> No.11694931

Even communists acknowledge that. But they usually say it's now time to look for something better.
Smart people are ambitious and want to improve the way things are, which naturally leads them to left wing ideologies which are all about changing up the status quo.

>> No.11695026

>they were always understood to be referring to the same thing: a stateless society organized around collective ownership of productive property.
No, they weren't. Some major players in Socialism at that time, like Lassalle and the SDP, strongly advocated for the presence of the state as an essential element in society. Socialism is a much more dynamic ideology than people give it credit for.

>Those who supported the USSR (and later maoist china) began referring to themselves as communists
Not necessarily. People who called themselves Communist were typically expressing their strong (often orthodox) Marxist beliefs. But those same beliefs could lead a person to easily dismissing both the USSR and PRC as Socialist abortions.

>> No.11695359

Probably because they study math and don’t understand philosophy or economics.

>> No.11695758

So then, national socialism shouldn't be too bad as long as it's not focused on the past?

>> No.11695869

actually that is more a product of banks being too damned big to fail which is a product of state enabled monopolism if the market were freeer it would not have happened, it's an unfortunate product of centralised debt based banking

>> No.11696609

Nice explanation, I used to work as a quant but now I'm doing my msc and totally agree with you.