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File: 102 KB, 1151x656, Inspirational-Quotes-Albert-Einstein-about-Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11594096 No.11594096 [Reply] [Original]

How can a supposedly smart person say this? Or am I not smart enough to understand this quote?

>> No.11594097

the latter, education is for brainlets. learning is for high iqs. that said if you can't get through education you are the smoothest brained of brainlets.

>> No.11594119 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11594148

>is einstein stupid or is it me?

>> No.11594151

Smart people say stupid things sometimes.

>> No.11594152

Einstein was a plagiarist. There are no "smart" scientists. All of them build on ideas of others. All Einstein did, along with plagiarizing, was explain experiments run by others. And that's why Newton was smarter, at least he was humble enough to say that he stood on the shoulders of giants. Frankly, Galileo was the only smart scientist, risking his life against the church for it.

>> No.11594186

everyone is trolling or this is a parade of idiots
only one with a brain is >>11594148

>> No.11595302

What he means is that the stuff you know from 'education' is the stuff that you've practised to the point that the knowledge is automatic and totally internalised.
So once you've left school and forgotten what year the Magna Carta was signed and how an Oxbow lake forms, you're left with the bits you paid attention to and worked at yourself, like the quadratic formula and how to be a sad loser.

>at least he was humble enough to say that he stood on the shoulders of giants
He literally said that to insult the shorter Robert Hooke after the controversy over the inverse square law.

>> No.11595330
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>> No.11595340

Galileo built on the ideas of others, so by your own admission, he was not smart. In fact, according to your ingenious logic, not a single person in the history of mankind can be called smart.

>> No.11595342 [DELETED] 

The connection between Einstein and the Zionists of the day should be obvious.

>> No.11595551

What Einstein meant is that if you forego the principles of science; continuous study, discovery and exploration to broaden knowledge; of exercising critical thinking; of applying scientific methods; etc. all the stuff you actually **learned** at school, then what you're left with are the pre-cooked skills that you were **taught** at school -- which makes you no better than a one-trick pony.

>> No.11596223

Wow, then why do all of his engineers, you know the ones that make all of his crap and that he takes the credit for so people think he's intelligent, have degrees?

>> No.11596224

Really weird how all these zionists are brilliant scientists with lasting, positive contributions to human society. It's almost like Jewish culture has been good for the world.

>> No.11596414 [DELETED] 

It's almost like a group of people who were useless until they leached off of white achievements continued to do so and take credit.

Einstein was vocally anti-zion; take your meds.

>> No.11596427
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>> No.11596478

Because you could bank on Musk hiring you, or you could get the degree and be hire-able everywhere forever.

I don't know about you, but the degree sounds like the better option.

>> No.11596524

I think his point is that the value of education lies not within the knowledge - which we can forget - but in the methods and critical thinking abilities which we have learned in school

>> No.11596558

School is also free and offers many resources. Musk said that his economics degree from Pennsylvania was a waste of time. He's so full of it. Economics is extremely useful when paired with quantitative skills, which he also had via his proficient programming skill and a physics degree. I highly, highly doubt that he did not utilize his knowledge of economics during his early career.

>> No.11596563

Degrees are certificates that show a person is capable. It's just a formalized recommendation, really.

>> No.11596619

He said the degree was a waste of time, not that economics knowledge was useless. Big difference. Degree does not equal knowledge.

Especially today, everything he could want to know about economics he could learn online for free or hire a tutor much cheaper than university.

>> No.11596685

This and you can replace college with an improved Khan academy

>> No.11596689

how many anti-Jewish shills are patrolling this site? Every board I click on has the same ESL /pol/cels repeating the same recycled talking points inorganically. Isn’t marketing against the rules? Why aren’t they all permabanned?

>> No.11596707

Clearly not if he did not feel able to learn about it on his own, even to the point of "I probably shouldn't bother majoring in this and learn on my own". It's an odd thing to say given that he spent 4-5 years taking classes.

>> No.11596740

That was his first degree when he was basically a kid 30 years ago. He clearly learned FROM that experience that it was a waste of time. And it only became more true as information has become more and more available. So it's not odd at all.

>> No.11596778

>first degree
Nothing shows that he first earned an economics degree and then a physics degree.

>> No.11596819

you got it wrong but he was a sperg.
>i don`t like it so i won`t learn it even if i could

>> No.11596828

First or second, it doesn't really make a difference, because they were both before Real World experience, but by the looks of https://www.mercurynews.com/2014/04/10/timeline-elon-musks-accomplishments/ they were at the same time.

>> No.11596844


>> No.11597180

lol galileo stole giordano bruno's work

>> No.11597215

Because what actually matters the most in any job is emotional intelligence and soft skills. If you managed to pull through college, that guarantees a minimal level of those at least. That's why nobody likes self-taught programmers.

>> No.11597240

If that's a genuine quote, it's probably a case of lost-in-translation.

The German term "Erziehung" usually doesn't refer to teaching-at-school, but is about more fundamental stuff taught by parents.

>> No.11597448

lmao brainlet

the word you are looking for is "schooling", not education. einstein isn't saying education is for brainlets. hes saying education is a good thing in this quote. hes saying the same thing as that one mark twain quote.

>> No.11597487

The actual quote, from which he was quoting someone else for an argument of whether or not language/philosophy/science/etc. should be predominant in schooling, was "Education is what remains IF one has forgotten what one has learned in school". He meant that school is primarily for the acquisition of mental faculties and the ability to learn, not necessarily rote knowledge.
Basically, he was a Jew who advocated for brainwashing in schools as opposed to actually learning.

>> No.11597836

This anon is not a faggot. However there are many more excellent scientists you just never heard of them because they aren't (((publicized))) for a reason. Also Tesla makes quackstein look retarded and he also proved newton wrong

>> No.11597875

He did't say that.

>> No.11598009
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What does barnett mean?

>> No.11598027
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