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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 478x354, deleuzeandwhitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10818212 No.10818212 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Whitehead and Deleuze /sci/.

>> No.10818221

whitehead anon, now that you’ve spammed whitehead for like 2 weeks, we know who you are.

whitehead wasn’t that great, sorry. there was a reason he basically survived in academia thanks to being russell’s secretary

>> No.10818248

They got BTFO'd by Gödel

>> No.10818261


>> No.10818263

and Gödel BTFO’d himself by becoming a “science doesn’t real” retard (also he was a one-trick pony)

>> No.10818372


>> No.10819431

Come on wypipo be more creative

>> No.10819443

There's something exceptional about the fact that retards on the internet, like you, can call one of the most exceptional mathematicians of the 20th century a retard. Nevermind that towards the end of his life Einstein himself said that part of the reason he even remained at the Institute for Advanced Study was the pleasure of Gödel's company.