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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9999011 No.9999011 [Reply] [Original]

Im gonna post here since we must also let science take it's precautions that when magic become evidently solid and recognized truly then we have alot more to say then it does today. From ancient times and up until today we heard about magic. But believe it or not. Some things just need hard evidence to get accepted as real. This time i was the observer of something quite new. Please stick around so i can tell you more.

I've tried to give this an logical explanation but i've seem like i don't know the origin and evidently solid proof to reason whereabout to say, begin, start or end where this phenomenon im about to tell you about goes.

>> No.9999013
File: 64 KB, 480x640, FB_IMG_1536812771544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was many years ago here on this board i discovered a thread with drawings of pepetrual motion examples. I saw all of them and no one seemed to work by either the other way. But i found one. Really a kids drawing about an hypotosis on pepetrual motion. I am on it now. I got to try this out i think. So i study the example and move into my bed to think of the problem and find a solution for it. I've always loved the idea of pepetrual motion so even though i would not succeed then i at least found a way that was near to close to make it. I was so on this problem and felt a great need to finish it in my head. I lie down and immidiately i go into a great depth in my mind and start to see this purple glowing matter in my mind. This purple thing shows out to be totally new to me. But it's there and i can move it around on command. So i do so. I use it for this task which worked out good. I could use this purple light and from, bend, simulate this drawing in extraordinary sequenses and motions. I add and remove elements and resimulate it in all kinds of ways. And controll every little detail i can. I have 100 percent controll over it. I simulate for hours and hours until im very close plus it was exiting. It also had the gravity and presure of water, air and matter in it. These were things i understood good back then. But this purple glowing thing in me was totally new. It acted like framwork of ideas i could ceeate in me. It was not really my third eye either it was something else.

>> No.9999015
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I do not succeed in making pepetrual motion. But i tried all sorts of things and the mind play was good so i didn't mind failing.

But here is the real thing i was gonna tell. Few years later im on again i have not used my power more later but i know it's in me and i really must have something worthy to do to let the purple thing in me work properly. I feel and i know i do not waste on this power. It is commited to do things that matter so i don't waste energy.

>> No.9999016
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So a few years passes. And one night when in bed i have a mantra. I use my hand to make various forms and postures infront of me. I've probably made thousand of unique variations now. And theres always a new and i know if i've seen it before. So it's a great mental task to it. So but then I just have my fingers towards eachother and i stretch them apart to see some weird connection between my fingers. It's fun so i do this for awhile. But then eventually i see magic. Between all my fingers comes a more solid form of energy. It is clearly visible and has a purple colour just the same color and glow as the one i have and had in my mind. But now i can see it solid outside my body too. I play with it for awhile between my hands. It is very exciting to do. And it didn't go away either it went on and on and on and on until i layed my hands down. I didn't think of getting a camera so i could film it or take a pic. I were just pleased and satisfied so I went to sleep. It looked like some sort of arcane energy. And i have this extra energy in me always i can physically move it around in my body. Im in total controll of it and i know how to use it. But it is very rare that I do. It's like i need a good reason to do so. And to show it publically is not one of them. It is only me myself on this that know of this phenomenon. I move it around in me, i can see it in my mind and play with it, and i now know i can have it outside my body aswell an play with it. It is some sort of enhanced energy i have naturally in me. I think i also can increase my brainpower with it so i get lightingly intellegent and supreme. I think i have the power of a wizard.

>> No.9999018

real schizo hours

>> No.9999023

how do people read this and not understand that NPCs are real and OP is a good example of one

>> No.9999026

or hella acid

>> No.9999030

Congrats man

>> No.9999148
File: 147 KB, 600x1094, Black Mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear retard. Functionally speaking, if you want to throw fireballs you will have to learn what magic actually is.

It is merely occult science.
Occult means to hide.

You take science. Bash it over the head. Drag it into a dark room where no one can see it but everyone can hear it scream.

(I.E you hide or obscure the principals/machinisations so that to the observer it seems impossible.)

The Black Mage.

>> No.9999159

How to cast eye swap.

How to cast fire.

How to cast ice.

How to cast illiusion.

Remember this. Nothing in life is free. Except yourself.