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9994792 No.9994792 [Reply] [Original]

Do photons really have no mass?

>> No.9994818

Every conceivable experiment says photons have zero mass.

>> No.9994852

fyi there is a cousin of the photon called the Z boson, which is basically a photon that does have mass

>> No.9994861

where can you find some of those Z boson?

>> No.9994863

Photons have mass confirmed

Congrats OP, we’ll email you the Nobel Prize

>> No.9994879

I have a cousin who's a little girl. Is that a good answer to "am I a little girl?"

>> No.9994909

Unstable and decay. If you look quickly during a nuclear decay, it'll be there.

>> No.9995192

If they had rest mass they would be slowed by gravity, which doesn't happen.

They have inertial mass = energy, but that's not what you meant.

>> No.9995226

They have momentum

>> No.9995245

Well, if you try on her clothes and feel more normal, then yes. It looks like you should start thinking about writing a big long rant about the doctor that looked at your genitalia when you were born and decided what gender roles you should play. :^)

>> No.9995655

i know some nigga who can get you some but hes got heat on him so he may not trust a white boy like you with z bosons

>> No.9995862

No, how could gravity bend them then? See, your idea doesn't make sense, even with our limited understand of the atmosphere.

>> No.9995866

fucking smiled

>> No.9995867

because gravity bends space

>> No.9995869


>> No.9995873

((((((no RESTING MASS))))))

>> No.9995881

light travels along geodesics of spacetime, which can be curved in places with a gravitational field

>> No.9995891

Learn some diff geo and learn what curvature means in mathematical sense.

>> No.9996050


>> No.9996061

Please don't post here if you can't into math

>> No.9996094

GR is hard to understand, and maybe some math would help, but it's still tough even then

here's one way to think about it

i forget who said it but some old scientist, lagrange or somebody, said that light always travels the path that takes the least amount of time to get from A to B (assuming some speed of light). so in classical physics, that accurately predicts the trajectories of light paths and reflections and so forth: light travels in a straight line ordinarily, and when light reflects off a mirror, you see it bouncing off the mirror with something like angle of incidence is angle of reflection, which does minimize the path length.

so now in GR, we have the concept of time dilation. if you get closer to the surface of a heavy sphere like a star or something, then in that area, your clocks tick slower. so in order to minimize the time the photon is taking to get from point A to point B, it might be better to dip into the gravitational field to save a little time, analogous to how e.g. airplanes don't fly in a straight line on a flat map of the earth, or how a lifguard running to save a drowning swimmer might not go in a straight line, instead he runs on the beach before starting to swim to the drowning person

you're welcome for nooblet tier explanations. i just hope youre not a flattroll

>> No.9996276


>> No.9996289

they have 0 REST mass

everyone here confusing REST mass with PHYSICAL mass are getting their info from pop sci and no more

in practical terms, they are always associated with mass (because they always carry energy and E = mc^2 (another equation people here will probably use incorrectly as a "conversion" equation because of pop sci))

>> No.9996292

i think the exclamation points means he is understanding

>> No.9996303

>inb4 we dun talk about relativistic mass, only rest mass

yet a hydrogen atom has a different MASS than a separated pair of a proton and electron, even though the parts have the same rest mass

and the 3 quarks that make up the proton have a total mass a fraction that of the proton, while the rest of the proton's mass is...well...?

tl;dr, relativistic effects on mass have real consequences, even if you don't feel like using the term "relativistic mass"

>> No.9996317

it's not "understanding", really, it's just the eureka moment of breaking out from thinking you used to understand everything

understanding comes much later, if ever

>> No.9996327


>> No.9996333


>> No.9996338


>> No.9996551

You want something that'll really make you scratch your noodle, Neutrinos can phase shift their mass as they oscillate between flavors.

>> No.9996645

> doesn't know the difference between relativistic mass and invariant mass

>> No.9996654

They are just waves

>> No.9996826

E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2, thus for photons E = pc. No mass.

Keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9996851

>they always carry energy and E = mc^2 (another equation people here will probably use incorrectly as a "conversion" equation because of pop sci)
"I will attack the stupidity of people who get their knowledge from popsci, but I'm going to make an error because of my popsci understanding of Special Relativity".

>> No.9996952

What you're describing is a completely separate phenomenon from the relativistic mass, relativistic mass is just a lie we tell high schoolers so they can keep using p = mv in relativistic contexts.

>> No.9997099
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Do sounds have mass?

>> No.9997208

>with our limited understand of the atmosphere.

Obviously then we must study the atmosphere more, run more tests, gather more data.

Until then our understanding of the atmosphere will remain at best only a theory.

>> No.9997262
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>> No.9997292

Only one with functioning brain itt.

>> No.9997311

Depends. Sound in materials can be described as phonons, sound particles. In the acoustic (long-wavelength) limit where atomic-scale phenomena are invisible, the sound particles act as if they are massless, and the speed of sound in the material is analogous to the speed of light in the universe (a limit on information propagation).

However, at shorter wavelengths the phonon bands start to curve, which gives the phonons effective mass (inertia).

>> No.9997733

>some old scientist, lagrange or somebody
It's Fermat's principle

>> No.9997737

no, how else would they get caught up in the wake of the pilot wave?

>> No.9997754

I've seen this image a lot, and I think putting Trump at the top of the back end alone is incorrect.
he graduated from the Wharton School with a BS in economics and has managed rental/retail properties his entire life, so he is rather skilled in that specifically. with regards to everything else, he is rather unskilled.
maybe this can be a addition to the dunning-kruger effect (arrogant people adept in one specialized field feel they are very intelligent in all other matters due to their specialized knowledge).

>> No.9997789

What this all boils down to is that things are mathemathical by nature, much more so than we want to imagine.