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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9993506 No.9993506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Took IQ test from IQtest.com
>Score 105
How retarded am I? Is there a cure for my stupidness?

>> No.9993527

Ideas are lighting in a bottle, you can compensate by taking a lot of notes in wathever thing you think is clever for a later hypothesis in your subject of choice. Also philosophy is unironically a great science for dumb people, since is the science of life and choices. Now delete your shit thread and go read "bird by bird".

>> No.9993532

You're above average, retard.

>> No.9993534

Thanks for replying, but can you put your post in simplier words? I'm stuck in,the first few sentences.

>> No.9993550

Good Ideas are lighting in bottles.

Sporadic and unexpected, you need to trap good ideas trough notes before they go. Like trapping fireflies.

You can gain terrain by being organized and good at putting your moments of cleverness in paper.

Most smart people just think of clever shit they never use or talk about later, they just let it wander in the bac of their head thinking they will rediscover that memory later of that clever thing, when truth it, most likely they will never expand or explore that idea.

Second thing, on philosophy, is the anti-bad-life science. As in, is the science of "why do X". So you won't commit glaring mistakes in your every day life, is the dissection of life choices. Is asking."why"

Now go read bird by bird you retard, to understand how to take notes and why

>> No.9993553

>take IQ test
>care about score
How retarded are you? Is there a cure for your stupidness?

>> No.9993564

below 90: Irrelevant brainlets
90-100: Brainlet and doesn't care about intelligence, except when he thinks it gets him a better reputation among his peers.
100-110: Normalfags, their life is defined entirely by fitting in into their surroundings and doing things that they see other "normal" people doing. Are afraid of anyone or anything that doesn't match with what they are used to.
110-120: Pseudo intellectuals who are all talk but actually don't understand shit, "Very Serious People".
120-130: Somewhat intelligent, the average /sci/ shitposter and stemfag. Too smart to be part of the lower tiers, but not smart enough to be exceptional.
130+: Can do actually impressive things (you very likely aren't here if you post on 4chan, these kinds of people want to find more interesting stuff to discuss and don't care about shitposting.)

>> No.9993566


A broken clock is right twice a day, make sure to capture that "twice-a-day-rightness". And philosophy is disecting life so you can make the decisions of a smart person despite being dumb

>> No.9993569

I see now. Thanks anonymous.

>> No.9993572

Only a tiny amount.

>> No.9993577

>you very likely aren’t on 4chan
the avg iq of 4chan users is almost a full SD higher than it is for the general public, and on /sci/ and /lit/ its well over 1SD; if we killed all nonwhites and banned anyone under 21 or who isn’t studying SEM (just lol at comp sci niggers) it’d go up to like 120, if we killed everyone not at a top 20 program or in grad school we’d be at like 130 avg which is probably >20% of the users who’ve ever posted on /sci/; there are a number of exceptionally intelligent people on /sci/ anon they’re just rare compared to the swathe of retarded mayflies who buzz in when /pol/ and reddit (via /lit/ and /r/4chan) leave the windows open. Its not as rare as you’d expect, this site is a healthy (was a healthy medley) of incompetent recalcitrant cum stained autistic NIGGERS and interesting chad-spergs

>> No.9993580

cool post but i have a question for you

What is the actual value of IQ?

I believe that my IQ is not much higher than 100 and that my intelligence is, overall, average among my peers (undergraduate Physics major at a decent, but not top-tier research university). However, whereas most of my peers either study hard or "totally didn't study, brah", I find myself able to get decent (A- to A) grades without poring over the material for hours upon hours per week. Furthermore, I find myself able to visualize and understand the presented material without undue effort (this isn't to say that I grasp everything as it comes, just that it's not a nightmarish slog as I've observed in a few friends of mine from initial exposure to total comprehension).

However, whenever someone posts one of those IQ test snippets, I often find myself unable to come up with a pattern for the seemingly completely unrelated images before I lost interest. I can't calculate the integral of a complex function in my head with any reasonable speed, et cetera. Clearly my IQ can't be much higher than average. Given that fact, should I abandon my studies because I'm too stupid? If the answer to that question is no, what is the actual value (and/or meaning) of IQ?

>> No.9993581


>> No.9993582

>the avg iq of 4chan users is almost a full SD higher than it is for the general public
citation needed

>> No.9993583

But I don't smart scientists say that philosophy, psychology, and other arts are fake sciences.

>> No.9993585

>...brah", and get between a high C and a low B
>lose interest

>> No.9993589

I'm lost, is everyone on this board stupid or just smart enough that i dont know.

>> No.9993591

physics majors have an iq around 127-130 on avg, if you don’t study more than the worst students but get top tier grades (-A-A) without having to kill yourself w/all nighters you are probably ~120 iq. You may however have very poor spatial reasoning skills. what ethnicity are you?

>> No.9993592

Mostly stupid

>> No.9993593

What does race have to do with this, Richard Spencer?

>> No.9993595

google is your friend
smart but not nearly as smart as they think they are, the math and physics generals have the smartest posters. the worst dunning-kruger offenders are comp sci and eng faggots

>> No.9993594

I have good spatial reasoning skills, but an exact definition of "good" and "bad" spatial reasoning skills would be welcomed if you want a more accurate response.

I am an all-white mutt.

>> No.9993600
File: 929 KB, 2000x2000, 1461104114354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google is your friend
It gave me this, and it's fake

>> No.9993604
File: 71 KB, 604x511, 1519064829183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the math and physics generals have the smartest posters. the worst dunning-kruger offenders are comp sci and eng faggots
In other words, you're a LARPing high school student

>> No.9993606

Are you a physicist by any chance?

I wonder why do blackholes disappear? Aren't they basically like a zero you try to divide by but can't get an answer?

>> No.9993609

jews have very poor visuo-spatial reasoning skills but above average mathematical and superb verbal-conceptual skills which is why they dominate whites in law and media, do well in math and are adept in bio and biotech but bad at engineering, chemistry and visual-abstraction oriented mathematics. Its just a norm not a law, Richard Spencer is a parasitical fag
can you map out your city in your head? can you easily rotate objects in your minds eye? can you take apart a machine in your head? can you track movement easily? are you capable of predicting what components in a design, machine assemblage or visual pattern come next with ease? do you do well dealing with visual models and graphs or do your prefer expressions, words, auditory and verbal thinking? do you think with concepts, images or words? which do you favor?

all important but if you have trouble with raven matrices you’re probably a bit impaired in terms of visual reasoning which is fine if you can cut it in a physics program at a good university. You’re just being too hard on yourself and modest, good personality traits but don’t let that hold you back from your vocation anon.

>> No.9993613

The one i saw /lit/ was ~130 iq and /sci/ was like 127 and every other board was really bad. Its still probably true
are you mad, nigger?

>> No.9993616

>every other board was really bad
>the avg iq of 4chan users is almost a full SD higher than it is for the general public
So which one is it

>> No.9993619

I meant they were like 110 which is almot a full SD, anything that abysmal is bad which is why those people end up being white collar workers and low level professionals and PhD’s tend to have 2+SD’s on the whole population.

>> No.9993623

Does SD mean standard distribution anonymous?

>> No.9993639

standard deviation


>> No.9993646

I just did a full IQ test and the raven's matrices seemed perfectly fine except the last 5 (but I have no idea what my actual result was because it was an internet IQ test)

It's all besides the point though. What I mean to say is that IQ, to many people, seems to be something that indicates if you have intellectual aptitude--something that seems ridiculous to me. I do fine and I believe my IQ to be no more than a SD above average, to account for my the very, very slight edge I have in "time required for study" over some of my peers. However, I know many people with extravagantly high IQs from legitimate, psychiatric proctors who don't have nearly the same curiosity or drive to pursue scientific (or generally intellectually challenging concepts).

It just seems to me that the "hard work, effort, and honest interest" meme seems to be more important than IQ. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm asking, in a roundabout way--do you think IQ is the primary determinant of success in any given intellectually challenging field, or does hard work, effort, and genuine intellectual interest have a stronger correlation with understanding and success?

>> No.9993652

You could start by taking a normalized and closer valid test like the Norwegian mensa test. Or just take the WAIS.

>> No.9993731

illusory superiority