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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9987414 No.9987414 [Reply] [Original]

Modern science is still not capable of explaining this phenomena.

How is it possible, that these seemingly mindless creatures align themselves to same formation as galaxies/fibonacci spiral?

>> No.9987427

All animals with brains have minds, except you.

>> No.9987432

feed is spread out into that pattern, next question.

>> No.9987446

chicken-like aliens are sending signals to their friends

>> No.9987452
File: 4 KB, 309x163, Real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking nothing.
Watch THIS.

>> No.9987467

kek the brown chickens are excluding the black chickens


>> No.9987470

Ants do exactly the same thing, it is part of swam behavior.

>> No.9987473

Looks like the darker ones are roosters.

>> No.9987475
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>Dat one brown chicken outside the fence.


>> No.9987476

Those are roosters and the other chickens are their harem you dumb cuck

>> No.9987484


>> No.9987485

i think it's more likely that mindless animals would align themselves the way some inanimate objects do, than mindful ones. No?

>> No.9987488

Is that a chicken pun?

>> No.9987498
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*plugs ears* LALALALALA

i refuse to listen to your arguments because MUH ETHNOSTATE

>> No.9987521
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Wave coherence affects all creatures

>> No.9987528
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>> No.9989271


>> No.9989278

This has unironically blown my mind (assuming feed wasnt laid out in this pattern)

>> No.9989280

Someone probably threw grain on the ground in a spiral pattern.

>> No.9989285

Cut the feed bag, walk in a spiral till it's empty. No throwing required.

>> No.9989288
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They are attempting to achieve flight

>> No.9989306

That clumps it up in a curvilinear pile on the ground. It's better to spread it around, so the chicken won't fight over it. Stressed hens make bad eggs.

>> No.9989329

Are they building a Stargate to summon the Great One?

>> No.9989337

Lazy workers make for lazy work, though.
Many of them have their heads down, and if there's food elsewhere, there's no reason for them to eat neck-and-neck.

>> No.9989404


hurr durr, distribute seeds in spiral pattern, chickens eat seeds, muh aliens!

>> No.9989418

phenomenon, you hick

>> No.9989421
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No, it certainly is phenomena, because chickens are not the only animals who display this behavior, otherwise it would be called "phenomenon"

>> No.9989426

op wrote
>>this phenomena
which is singular, and I assume op can at least handle english basic grammar and tell these and this apart.

>> No.9989447

Yes, animals display this phenomena. Perfectly right usage of grammar

>> No.9989477

>name thread chicken spiral
>post about "these mindless creatures"
I'm pretty sure he was speaking specifically about chickens

>> No.9990080

you can actually see the line of feed in the gap of chickens at the bottom of the pic

>> No.9990121

You gotta be one with the chickens to understand

>> No.9990529

What was first, the chicken or the spiral?

>> No.9990545

>inb4 uzumaki

>> No.9991299
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Chicken just like Debian.

>> No.9991732

Is there some super dense chicken at the center? Have we discovered the Law of Chicken Gravitation?

>> No.9992072

This is exactly how multi cell organisms started. Were witnessing the birth of multi-multicell organisms.

>> No.9992074

the spiral

>> No.9992081


>> No.9992086

there's a spherical cloud of invisible chickens that don't interact with them except by making them do this
problem solved

>> No.9992115

Ok, so what do stars eat?

>> No.9992130

local interaction gives rise to global behavior. Nothing new here, brainlet.

>> No.9992132
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This is american racism in a nutshell

>> No.9992522



>> No.9992558

i made a really funny joke about chicken spirals like two years ago when this was posted but i can't remember what it was and the fact that i remember this makes me want to kms

>> No.9992766

Search it in the archive

>> No.9992773

I was an atheist before I read this thread.

>> No.9992801

Because stars are also mindless, perhaps figure that out first then try to apply it here

>> No.9992853

>the birth of multi-multicell organisms
what!? do you live in antartica?
Aren't there bees os ants where you live??

>> No.9992870
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>> No.9992878

birds and ants dont glomp together into a bigger version of themselves retard.

>> No.9992930

You will shit yourself when you read the cause and method these birds use to make this uniform structure.

>> No.9992952
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>an ancient spiral awakens

>> No.9992959
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>> No.9992962
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>tfw some plebtard says there's no such thing as intelligent design

>> No.9992971

So what do 13 and 21 correspond to on the hand?

>> No.9992980
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>> No.9993821

>This is exactly how multi cell organisms started
that's just a baseless assumption out of necessity to explain a gap in evolution. Emergent complexity doesn't include a mechanism to explain the specialization of cells.

Cell colony density has an inverse relationship to beneficial colony adaptation: the more cells in one spot the less likely they are to succeed individually. Imagine if those birds stayed that closely packed at all times. They'd die unless the interior ones constantly rotated to the exterior to get food/resources.

If an individual colony unit must constantly rotate then there's no way an individual unit could specialize through mutation to solidify a structure within the colony as a whole. Any mutations to form a solid structure (what we'd label a multicellular organism) would automatically put those mutated cells at a disadvantage. They'd be stuck at a relative colony location that gets less resources...

Disadvantaged mutations are not selected for according to evolution hence the concept is self defeating. Basically, the colony-trying-to-become-a-multicellular "organism" can't get one step towards an advantage without taking two steps back and will remain a colony instead of becoming a single structured multicellular organism. It's the same concept as adapting for a smaller appendix: if the appendix mutates and becomes smaller it's more likely to burst, which is a disadvantage, so a smaller apendix is never selected for.

>> No.9994581
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*gets as close as fucking possible to your ear*

"Implying a spiral is "intelligent""

>> No.9994588

Why does this imply intelligent design? Why does it favor intelligent design over evolution?

>> No.9994636

Spiral power.

>> No.9994883
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 49b1a1f5af5d00f71f8a1451fd38f076[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a signature made by a craftsman. Plenty of mammals don't have the golden ratio. There's no mechanics advantage to it, but it keeps reappearing. Everywhere from galaxies to the atomic level. There's no denying it has significance, and it can't be a coincidence that it keeps reappearing, but it has no ostensible purpose other than an aesthetic design choice.

Moreover, you can't say it happened by evolutionary natural selection in life many many times but then say oh what a coincidence it's also found in galaxies and atoms that have absolutely nothing to do with natural selection, it's illogical. Are galaxies formed by natural selection yes or no? What about atoms? Nope. There's zero connection between those concepts but it keeps reappearing.

The golden ratio is ubiquitous in almost all unconnected areas of reality for no known reason. The best fitting description is that it's an intentional signature. That's not a subjective interpretation, that is deductive reasoning. What I'm saying is not proof, but rather favoring one reason the ratio exists over another.

>> No.9994902


>> No.9994903

Craftsmen are typically consistent. Hand to forearm ratios are all over the place and the average isn't phi.

>> No.9994930

>we have 8 fingers in total
Is this meme maker retarded?

>> No.9994963

>What I'm saying is not proof

Then guess what? I can dismiss your post because you're just rambling

>> No.9994964

>he thinks thumbs are fingers
You ever seen a thumb fing?

>> No.9994977

biologically they absolutely are fingers

>> No.9995018

This is going to be more deep /x/ than /sci/, but:
There's a thing known as chicken spirituality. This is the belief that chickens are the original spirits/creatures on Earth (dinosaurs?), and that they operate on an higher plane of existence - specifically, their consciousnesses are interlinked across the universe and in tune with it (chicken spirituality). The belief goes that these chickens are capable of all your typical ESP abilities (extra sensorial perception) such as mind melding, astral projection, spiritual influencing and manipulation, etc and that the lower chicken castes are used merely as spirit-banks ("dormant", so to speak) for the actual chicken spirits/consciousness/practicioners in the universe. Supposedly, they use "monuments" like the pyramids or the moon to increase their psychic powers and as universal beacons to amplify their powers.

All of this is to say that the spirals can be explained as some sort of ritual to quickly make a beacon in an emergency for a chicken spirit/consciousness/practicioners to amplify its powers. So it might not be that "the chickens" THEMSELVES are organising into that pattern, but rather that an invisible force is guiding them (like a magnetic field, but spiritual).

>> No.9995026

this is what i thought of immediately as well

>> No.9995080

There can be mechanical advantages though... Here's a simple example @ 6:20

So it turns out to be the most efficient distribution for the primordia of the sunflower head. It's not really surprising that over millions or billions of years of evolution, nature would often find the most efficient configurations for such things. I expect you'd see this in many biological situations where there's an advantage in efficiently packing a lot of nodes into a given space.

There could be other biological advantages we're not considering too... Perhaps proportional stability and efficiency? If our arms didn't generally follow a golden curve we might end up with unwieldy extremities supported by an anemic upper arm. If our DNA didn't follow it, perhaps it would be more prone to damage (just speculating here).

Spiral galaxies actually follow equiangular spirals, not golden ones.

I suspect the regular appearance of logarithmic spirals has something to do with the four forces (or some of them) and spacetime. In which case there's no coincidence at all, and it's to be expected. Saying it's a signature is a very premature conclusion from less than rigorous reasoning.

>> No.9995404

>typically consistent
An architect doesn't always use his signature design. Even an architect known for using phi would have literally countless trillions upon trillions of examples of ratios not conforming to the golden ratio. It would be described by the formula "[all dimensions ever designed]! "... Even cereal boxes are known to intentionally be designed with the golden ratio but you could find dozens of different ratios on the same box. Phi appears everywhere in reality greater than statistical chance, and that's what matters.

You forgot the other half of that sentence you curated...The question posed was why something favors design over evolution. I did prove it favors design over evolution, but that's not the same as proof one or the other is right or wrong in the absolute sense. So no, you can't dismiss what I said on the grounds of pretending it was ramblings unless you prefer to be ignorant.

>confusing "mechanics" with packing efficiency...
Your video has nothing to do with mechanics. Look up what the word mechanics means. The topic was ratios of arm lengths, not ratio of packing efficiencies. I'm sure the golden ratio does have a plenty of instances where it, ahem, allows for the greatest design in packing efficiencies given a particular unit cell with particular characteristics.

>It's not really surprising that over millions or billions of years of evolution, nature would often find the most efficient
But it is surprising, insanely so. Entropy doesn't lead to better efficiency with the only alleged "exception" being life itself. You only believe so because you are forced to due to your belief system.

>There could be
>we might
>I suspect
>In which case there's no coincidence at all,and it's to be expected

So if your unproven, unsubstantiated, unqualified guesses (all created with the goal of suggesting some concept is true) all turn out to be true then said concept is expected to be true...amazing.

>> No.9995444
File: 2.35 MB, 422x608, turkeys.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's related to turkey circles.

>> No.9995492

It's clearly not you absolute piece of trash

>> No.9996629

Entropy isn't the only consideration in the universe. It'll win out in the end, but forces lead to plenty of interesting matter/energy interactions in the meantime.

You forgot the other propositions you curated. If our arms didn't follow this ratio, would they be as functional and efficient? If we evolved from primates (or even earlier life) that didn't exhibit such proportions, then is it not more likely they emerged as a result of changing pressures, new efficiences?

At least I'm willing to admit speculating and dealing in probability. You act as if your bizarre contentions are virtual certainty. You're barely coherent. Nutter.

>> No.9996708

The absolute state of stemfags. No longer idiot savants, just idiots.

>> No.9996883

jellyfish food is spread out into that pattern, next question.

>> No.9996885

Now this is fucking spooky.

>> No.9996887

What's the animal in the middle that they sacrificed to their turkey god?

>> No.9996990

thats not how birds fly retard

>> No.9997094

Uzmaki when

>> No.9997112

creationists hate this one weird trick

>> No.9997378

>Entropy isn't the only consideration in the universe. It'll win out in the end, but forces lead to plenty of interesting matter/energy interactions in the meantime.

Randomness/entropy/the universe's change of energy states to lower levels has not one other time, ever, produced complexity that went any further than the simple rules of molecular bonding and crystallography except for the alleged exception that randomness/entropy produced the countless, unfathomably complex systems of life. It's an absurdly, outright delusional, exception to the rule that must be ignored due to your personal belief system.

> If our arms didn't follow this ratio, would they be as functional and efficient?
Yes, others have even said the average is not psi. You're not even using these terms correctly anyway. You have this magical idea that there's "efficiency" in a particular arrangement of limb proportions. There isn't. This is not a concept in mechanics which you have clearly not taken. You can't even define the your underlying alleged postulates that, if proven true, would validate your argument. Are 5 fingers on each hand more "efficient" and "functional" in your personal definitions? Think real hard and answer that. Now realize Spider monkeys only have 4 fingers on each hand, yet have 5 toes on each foot, yet live in the exact same environment with many other primates that have 5 fingers, in fact they're the only exception. According to evolution, if they lost a finger it must not have been necessary for their environment. How crazy. "Evolution" chose for 5 fingers on every other primate on the planet, but it's ostensibly not more "functional", or "efficient." It's almost like it was purely a design preference, like choosing a fold out cupholder or a built in cupholder while designing a car.

>> No.9997380

[/sci really needs to warn if you go over comment length]

>If we evolved from primates (or even earlier life) that didn't exhibit such proportions, then is it not more likely they emerged as a result of changing pressures, new efficiences?
"evolving" in this sense means adapting to changing pressures through new efficiencies in the first place. Hence this question is asking if we evolved from primates is it not more likely that evolution is true.... I have no idea why you said this.

>At least I'm willing to admit speculating and dealing in probability. You act as if your bizarre contentions are virtual certainty. You're barely coherent. Nutter.
"nutter"...what a cute ad homimen. Your speculation is worthless as it's specifically tailored to agree with your own preconceived ideologies, ie you think "my belief system must be true therefore if these unfounded and unqualified assumptions turn out to be true then my belief system is true" and you have not even touched probabilities if you're any of the posters above.

>> No.9997412

woah so deep

>> No.9998148

what are companies, governments, gangs, music bands, married people, political parties?

>> No.9998156
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>> No.9999200


>> No.10000565
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Its an emergent property of a system of independent agents following a simple set of rules that creates complex results when scaled up.

Those chickens are not unlike celestial bodies or cellular automata in that they follow a set of rules that govern how they position themselves relative to each other.

Look up agent based modeling and complexity theory and you'll see what I'm talking about.

pic related

>> No.10000616

This is a needlessly restrictive definition

>> No.10000619

modern science cant explain modern science

>> No.10000623

yall niggas need GEB

>> No.10000714


Chickens are pretty smart

>> No.10000721
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, Small-Waterfall-HD-Wallpaper-1080P-hd-wallpaper-1920x1080-0-50613c9c2b4c2-5201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]