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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9990757 No.9990757 [Reply] [Original]

>smoking weed makes you smart

Ok now...where did this bullshit claim come from? I work in academia, and besides the odd autist who reeks of bad body odor and weed from a mile away, practically no one smokes weed to “enhance” their performance. Come to think of it, those people who I used to know who regularly smoked weed, dropped out long ago back in undergrad

>> No.9991026


>> No.9991028

this OP, you have the issue backwards; it retards intellectual development and cog function its just smarter people tend to use psychotropics. Its not a good idea to start consuming thc if you’re younger than like 23 years old. There’s basically indisputible evidence it causes short-mid term iq loss and degrades verbal reasoning

>> No.9991036

If you are smart you'll be drawn to drugs and alcohol

>> No.9991044

With weed, it depends on the activity. With programming, I'm slower, but everything is written cleaner and better commented.

Now if I am tired and get high, I'm pretty much useless. Really with any drugs, proper sleep and diet amplify the positive effects.

Caffeine and Adderall on their own definitely do help with productivity and time sensitive tasks, but weed has a special place in my book.

>> No.9991053

t. addicts and placebo effects

>> No.9991059

Weed doesn't "make you smarter" and nobody says that, but it creates a mental state where loose associations occur, similar to one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia - these are where your thoughts randomly dart around from topic to topic based on loose associations you conceive between them. This can be useful because it makes you more creative, though it also increases the amount of junk that gets through your filter. But that's not a big deal because if you just sit down and write your notes while high, once you're sober again you can go back and curate them and pick out the good parts from the garbage

>> No.9991068

It takes an above average intelligence to be able to see through the propaganda and realize the government is kind of full of shit when it comes to certain drugs.

>> No.9991105

i guarantee you know successful people who smoke weed but they just keep it a secret

>> No.9991121

Agreed. I fell for the weed meme in my early twenties. It's just a drug. It's not going to enhance anything and is probably more harmful than people want to admit

>> No.9991135

jokes on you i'm already schizophrenic

>> No.9991756

True, african americans and their culture are known for their intellectual abilities.

>> No.9991758


that's the sound of the men
licking on the peeenisss head.
That's the sound of the men
licking on the penis head.
All day long they're lickin'
(Hooh aah) (hooh aah) (Hooh aah) (hooh aah)
All day long they lick so hard
Till the sun is goin' down
Licking on the highways and byways
And wearing, wearing a frown
You hear them moanin' their lives away
Then you hear somebody sa-ay
that's the sound of the men
licking on the peeenisss head.
That's the sound of the men
licking on the penis head.

>> No.9991814

Tfw daily large thc doses since 12.5 years old

>> No.9991839

>those people [whom] I used to know

>> No.9992019
File: 78 KB, 850x516, Dinosaur-with-Feathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pop science.

Want to be smart ? Just study. It's not sexy, it's not easy, but it's the only way to succeed.

>> No.9992020

hes fucked

>> No.9992025


>> No.9992026

It came, like all the bullshit health benefit claims, from the wishful thinking and echo chambers of chronic smokers, of course.

>> No.9992032

weed is overrated

>> No.9992087

>measuring rotations around the sun in tenths

>> No.9992530

I smoke cause it feels good

>> No.9992544

>High School dropout in his Mom's basement hitting a fat blunt
"Damn dude I could've been a neuroscientist. Too bad school didn't understand me. Heh jokes on them here's another genius off the market"

>> No.9992546

well I am a neuroscientist and I'm known to roll a fat one. Tried all sorts of psychedelics, why wouldn't I?

>> No.9992551

Conscientiousness has nothing to do with intelligence, in fact they are a bit negatively correlated.

>> No.9992556


top tier:
Straight edge 190IQ right wing high functioning autist (1/10,000,000)

drug using left wing scientist tiers (usually 150iq)

occasional pot smoking normal fags (105 iq, bsc/msc)

drug using laborers (90 iq)

straight edge bsc/msc/phds(85IQ)

pot smoking ma/ba (70 IQ)

straight edge laborers (40IQ)

>> No.9992559
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retard tier:

>> No.9992566

Elon Musk himself said that weed is bad for productivity.

>> No.9992570
File: 84 KB, 231x245, sick storms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleeping is bad for productivity. Going fishing is bad for productivity. Having a girlfriend is bad for productivity

>> No.9992576

99% of rogans userbase are sub 60IQ pot smoking day laborers/truck drivers

elon wants his audience to like him.... good pr etc.

so it was maximally productive, he also bought 500million-1bn dollars worth of free PR with one puff of a joint....

the story is on the cover of every news paper/online outlet in the world.

to buy that outright costs literally billions

>> No.9992580

This constant "every bad move is actuall a 5d chess-good move" is really being annoying. You guys sound more and more like Trumpsters from pol.

>> No.9992586

>can't into contraposition
what are you even doing in /sci/

>> No.9992589

>smoking weed makes you feel smart


>> No.9992595
File: 23 KB, 601x601, 1535729003828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: (missing source lol)
>National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
>20k students
>less than half actually did the followups

It may as well say, "witchcrafttoday."

>> No.9992596

the latter parts are 100% correct, regardless of age. nice thing is that it's a temporary effect. takes months of abstinence to reach a state of normalcy again, though.

>> No.9992603

>being 12.5 π radians old

>> No.9992656

Micrososing shrooms... though

>> No.9992924

It comes from the humanities department.

>> No.9992928

Microdoses of shrooms is weird.
My first time I was a bit wary of the effects and I ended up taking too little.
It was a bit too much to fit the description of "microdose" but still
I also overdid it once and had a genuine "I'm gonna die" experience
Very unusual thing, that psylo

>> No.9992934

It was made up by sub-human graduates trying to make their competition less fast.