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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9985248 No.9985248 [Reply] [Original]

Why are testosterone levels of western men dropping?

>> No.9985255

Because you were born.

>> No.9985257

nice burn

>> No.9985260

Jews introducing estrogen in the water supply.

>> No.9985264

Chemicals in pesticides and beauty products, fluoridization of water and estrogenization of dairy, birth control and countless pharmacrutical byproducts unfilterered in the common water supply, excessive testosterone depletion via semiticsubsidized pornographic consumption, onions and various variations of lecithin ingestion, lack of sunlight and lack of exercise

>> No.9985287
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>> No.9985289

Kill yourself conspiracy theorist.

>> No.9985293

What's your scientifically minded answer?

>> No.9985313

Western men don't exercise or do much physical labor any more.

>> No.9985335

Kill yourself conspiracy theorist.

>> No.9985338
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>> No.9985373

You believe in conspiracy theories. This makes you unintelligent. Stop trying.

>> No.9985378

Are you talking about dropping testosterone levels? That's actually already covered by mainstream news outlets, far from a conspiracy.

>> No.9985383

change in diet

change in environment

>> No.9985389

Nice start

>> No.9985391

is nobody going to call bullshit on op?

>> No.9985394
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Are you, brainlet?

>> No.9985397

I don't know about him, but you most certainly are if you think posting this retarded stale shit gives any weight to your posts or actually makes them funny.

>> No.9985400

What "weight" do my posts need? I asked a question, are you able to put some weight in your replies?

>> No.9985402
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Link us some credible data to support your claim, burden of proof is on you. People will then gladly help you figure out the answer to your question.

Ofcourse, this is just another shitpost so you will either
1) not do anything
2) link some shitty obscure cherrypicked article from 2006

Friendly reminder to put "SAGE" in the options bar

>> No.9985403

It’s a good thing. Testosterone is disgusting.

>> No.9985405

Ok you don't know, maybe someone else does.

>> No.9985407

No, and I don't need to. I just like telling the truth like the fact that your posts are unfunny pieces of drivelous shite. No re

>> No.9985411

Okay, now that we didn't have our laugh, let's go back to focussing on the OP question.

>> No.9985412

do not reply to dumb retards like OP or atleast put sage in the options bar, he baits you into replying so his shitpost gets bumped.

>> No.9985426

Testosterone is unnecessary for modern civilization. Its maladaptive now

>> No.9985429

So there are people who try to deny this is even happening, I thought /sci/ would be past this, it's a bit like denying climate change. Here are some articles from google page 1:
Now please stop embarrassing yourselves. Science isn't only correct when you agree with it. What I asked about wasn't whether you believe this, because it's happening. I asked about possible causes.

>> No.9985441

No, because western test levels are actually dropping. To deny that is the same as denying climate change.

>> No.9985449

dumb frogposter

>> No.9985451
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>> No.9985460

Lack of physical activity, systemic aversion to competition, sensitivity training, a diet full or refined carbohydrates and sugar, lack of social interaction, constant dopamine hits through porn and masturbation, social media causing stress which raises cortisol levels, and an entire consumerist economy based on escapist hobbies like video games(or just straight up watching other people play video games).

Probably other things too but that covers a bit.

>> No.9985502

Good riddance to testosterone. It is harmful.

>> No.9985521
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>> No.9986422


>> No.9986438

Average age

>> No.9987620


Because they are chasing cuteness instead of manly aesthetics under the principal of

"Well, we slaughtered ourselves en-mass during two world wars, might as well nuke ourselves if we get over run. Taking our western science magic with us."

Also, some want eternal youth...and to change their entire gender and worse they don't even study science in pursuit of it.

USELESS. It doesn't matter how many potions and lotions we come up with. If they don't help us with the ACTUAL groundwork to help them we are screwed.

To sum it up:
"Please save us Science-Anon."
"Okay, just give me some cash and a lab."
"No. Too much work. Oops. I'm old now. Time to suicide."
What. The. Fuck.


>> No.9987629

Because traps got sexier.

>> No.9987670
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There is no way that is a guy...

>> No.9987711
File: 75 KB, 1200x815, Cyka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp. Never mind. I was wrong.

Goodbye /sci/.


>> No.9987725

You were masturbating for quite a long time, anon.

>> No.9987730

Well, you're not wrong...

Fuck me...This is like...a revelation.