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9980170 No.9980170 [Reply] [Original]

I just have to post this.
Attending a PhD defence of someone who worked on C. Elegans, when asked what "chaenorhabditis" means, he couldn't answer.


Pic unrelated

>> No.9980348

What the fuck did you expect from a biologist?

>> No.9980379

Yeah and in a year you'll see that same fucker complaining on /sci/ about how he couldn't find a any jobs.

The absolute state of life science grad students.

>> No.9980385

He's working in biology, not latin. That's like asking a physicist what does the name Newton mean

>> No.9980392


And pretty much every physicist would be able to tell you where 'Newton' came from i.e. referring to the famous scientist.

You'd expect someone who'd just devoted several years of their life to have at least some understanding of what the name of the organism they are working on was derived from.

>> No.9980403

Given that's on it's wikipedia page and it took me 5 minutes to look I kind of see your point, but I don't think it's too bad

>> No.9980415

It might be a shit and irrelevant question.

But it just shows the unironic, absolute state of most life science research.

They do not give a fuck about their research at all. They just do what they are told from day one, following instructions set out (often literally in bullet point) by their PI and grinding through lab work. They should not be handing out PhDs so easily, even though the work probably resulted in publications he likely did no contribute anything unique and creative to the field so it should be a Masters degree (actually, it should be a fucking tech degree, but lets not go there).

>> No.9980443

I think that happens everywhere in academia, my teachers and other of my peers are relatively smart (physics), and have some creativity but given that they're expected to be mediocre (top 200 college I think), they never produce anything really original and I pretty much can predict that their students will never produce a top tier physicist, probably including myself. The problems they solve serve mainly for bragging purposes (like solving meme shit) and don't try to build theories with it. The thing is that they usually teach as well and therefore they are paid to do that and perpetuate that mindset. Luckily we live in the 21st century and have internet so we can just decide for ourselves what is worth pursuing

>> No.9980519
File: 581 KB, 1050x1621, SJWbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GEE. I WONDER WHO IS TO BLAME! It are the lesson material Merchants that negotiate with the uni under bribes, to add them to the curriculum. then there are SJWs. Make it ILLEGAL by law for uni's to give material not related to the subject you go there for. Fixed?

>> No.9980536

Why does it matter? Names aren't descriptive, they are merely labels.

What is the etymology of YOUR name? I mean, if you are going to live your whole life with it attached to you, wou should know this right?

>> No.9980538

Please be satire.

>> No.9980540

they only exist because ''Person 1.775.900.124'' is so clunky for conversation.

>> No.9980542

If you believe non-core subjects that don't help you on the job are needed, you are part of the problem and should be enslaved to make reparations.

>> No.9980567

the right can't meme

>> No.9980578

Not right, any Rationalist hates ''tranny acceptance training'' in their academia.

>> No.9980589
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>> No.9980613

It's a mystery how some people manage to slip through the cracks for years. Yesterday I had to deal with a medical student who'd never heard of ligma.

>> No.9980623
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>> No.9980627
File: 27 KB, 488x463, clapjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ligma nutz

>> No.9980632

That means non-retarded in trog speech. Triple digit Iq, which is normal.

>> No.9980648

And a fedora tip to you too, my fellow rationalistist.

>> No.9980691

not sure if friendly jest or snide sarcasm... Hm. I just think we should eliminate the SJW's and curb the aggressive racism of poltards. Poltards, unlike sjws, aren't bad people. Just a bit lost.

>> No.9980795

I didn't explain myself properly. He didn't know what it was. That it is the fully written name of c. elegans

>> No.9980801

Ah now that's a different matter interily.
Now that's embarassing.

>> No.9980812

Exactly, that's why I just had to post it on sci. The entire ails started laughing. In his defense, the professor had a deep voice and thick French accent, and the student was Chinese.

But it really seemed like he didn't know, and not just not understand.

>> No.9980814

The entire aula*

>> No.9981876

If the question was phrased what does the C in C. elegans stand for I think I would be more for you.

But regardless it seems as a gotcha question and does not serve for what the point of a thesis defence, where you probe into whether the candidate understands their own research and later challenge them on their findings rather then semantics - especially for a foreigner.

having said that Chinese academics are robots lol

>> No.9981896

>You'd expect someone who'd just devoted several years of their life to have at least some understanding of what the name of the organism they are working on was derived from.
Time to take the Ted pill anon
Researchers do not care about their field
The person in the OP was probably one of those who breezed through high school and had a self enforcing habit of success, without having to really struggle or think about things. Guaranteed to them their research was like a procedural task and they just finished it out like they would paperwork, just over a much longer time. They got their pats on the back and mental satisfaction, they don't care about anything else.