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File: 72 KB, 1050x700, earth-132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9973662 No.9973662 [Reply] [Original]

Would someone with atmospheric physics knowledge please explain
the band of light high in the atmosphere, visible from ISS on the nightside?
Pic related is at 1:32 in this video :

>> No.9973671


>> No.9973679

Nice CGI.

>> No.9973680

thx Anon

>> No.9973698


>> No.9973723

I personally like the way they use a Delta 2 as an example of "switching from cameras to CGI" when ULA isn't known for employing cameras for public streaming on their rockets (sometimes on the first stages, but not all the time) while some other companies, like SpaceX and Rocketlabs, have public streams right including their second stages and orbital injections.
My only assumption is that those videos "look too real", so if they used them as an example people wouldn't be able to tell when the CGI was taking over, so they needed to use an example which switches to an obvious computer graphic.