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9972194 No.9972194 [Reply] [Original]

The Sun is Fake. Actually consider this for a moment, guys. Do you think so, too? Let this thread be a friendly debate over whether you believe the sun is real or fake.

>> No.9972198

>oh shittt

>> No.9972202

I have studied Astrophysics for many years, and I am in the strong belief that the sun does not exist. Gravitational forces should cause Earth, and all of the other planets and Pluto of The Solar System to come crashing into The Sun, yet even after billions of years, The Earth remains strong, and even in Global Warming, the cause of Global Warming is smoke

Can anybody else add to this argument?

>> No.9972206

I know, right?

They even have these "warnings" that these so-called scientists give that states that you must not look at the sun. It's very strange, isn't it? I mean, I stare at a phone for many hours in a day, yet staring at the sun somehow hurts your eyes?

Why would it hurt your eyes? Or perhaps the bright light is INTENTIONALLY hurting our eyes so we don't get a closer look?

>> No.9972212
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The sun is small and local.

>> No.9972213

I'd like to argue that the sun doesn't argue at all, actually! Mind for a friendly argument on this matter?

>> No.9972218

If the sun is hot, why is space cold?

>> No.9972219

State your case.

>> No.9972220


>> No.9972223

raising some eyebrows

>> No.9972224

A giant sun, of a great, great mass, and a great gravitational force, is in the middle of The Solar System. If a gravitational force is a force that gets stronger by how much mass an object has, and attracts other objects, how do the planets simply orbit the sun instead of go straight for it? Billions of the Earth's existence and yet here we are today, with The Earth still far from the Sun.

Why would The Sun's gravitational force be unable to attract any planets at all? And why doesn't The Sun's gravitational force override The Earth's gravitational force and start sucking up animals and humans, lighter than planets?

>> No.9972226
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>> No.9972227

I agree, which is why the sun is small and local, and circling above the earth (which is infinite).

>> No.9972229

Supposedly, going to space without an astronaut's suit would freeze you to death. Why would it freeze you to death when a giant ball of hot, flaming gas is right there?

Hell, Earth needed an ozone layer for life to thrive on Earth, yet go out of Earth and you freeze to death.

THAT is what's raising my eyebrows

>> No.9972231

Bump, fucking agreed

>> No.9972233

Jfc we need this alive
Go woke anons

>> No.9972235
File: 16 KB, 748x88, 1530526041411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Earth needed the Ozone Layer to stop the UV Rays of the Sun, then why do scientists claim that going to space without a suit will freeze you?

If the sun is burning hot, why do you freeze in space instead of burn your insides?

>> No.9972237

the image is upside down to tell you that everything you've known in your life is wrong!

>> No.9972242

To be honest, the basis and information given in this argument are quite convincing

>> No.9972243

It's so obvious now, how could I not see that nasa was hiding this shit from us, it just makes so much fucking sense

>> No.9972244

what else is the deep state hiding from us??

>> No.9972245

The sun is a fake, guys! The bible never said anything about a ball of gas, just a light in the sky! We put that light there!!

>> No.9972248

Because they're full of shit sun worshippers.

>> No.9972282

If the sun is orange, why is the sky blue?

>> No.9972289

>I have studied Astrophysics for many years, and I am in the strong belief that the sun does not exist. Gravitational forces should cause Earth, and all of the other planets and Pluto of The Solar System to come crashing into The Sun, yet even after billions of years, The Earth remains strong,
"I have studied Astrophysics for many years, and I am in the strong belief that the Earth does not exist. Gravitational forces should cause Moon to come crashing into The Earth, yet even after billions of years, The Moon remains strong"

>how do the planets simply orbit the sun instead of go straight for it?
Conservation of angular momentum.

>> No.9972296
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Go ask /x/.

>> No.9972335

There is a diagram for Gravity involving a piece of cloth. If an object is heavy enough, it will have pushed down on the cloth, creating an inverted cone on the ground, and every object around it is "sucked" in. Sure, centrifugal force will cause Earth to be safe for a while, but after millions, or billions of years? Earth is bound to get closer.

And also, both satellites, "The Sun" and "The Moon" are floating above Earth via magnets, utilizing Earth's magnetic field.

>> No.9972336

Just think about it

If there is no oxygen in space, how can Sun burn? The Sun is just a manmade satellite that's primary purpose is to create light

>> No.9972342

>And also, both satellites, "The Sun" and "The Moon" are floating above Earth via magnets, utilizing Earth's magnetic field.

>> No.9972365

They have created satellites that use Earth's magnetic field, using the same pole in order to be able to seemingly float, since we all know gravity sucks in things, so there should be a force pushing against gravity

There are two satellites, the sun and the moon, the sun being the primary source of light, lighting up half of Earth, the Moon under the guise of a round rock

a round rock, though? It's clearly manmade, as a completely spherical object cannot naturally exist

>> No.9972368
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>It's clearly manmade, as a completely spherical object cannot naturally exist
what abaout these?

>> No.9972372

sorry. my wording was a bit off. I didnt mean manmade, I meant ARTIFICIAL

fruits grow out of plants, and some are perfectly round because the plants ARE organisms, and they CREATE the fruits, the fruits are technically artificial, and thus they are round because a plant with sentience (note that plants have sentience, of course, as roses evolved to grow thorns because of animals eating roses), artificial

Also, imagine you have a match, the matches head represents the sun. It burns just like the sun and it has mass that burns just like the sun. Now if you ignite the match or the sun, it burns out pretty quickly, just like the sun. Its impossible for the sun to burn that long, yet alone 5 million years

and even then, how can something burn in space, where there is no oxygen?

>> No.9972374

ok i see

>and even then, how can something burn in space, where there is no oxygen?
i don't know :c it must go out

>> No.9972376

You mean deep space.

>> No.9972377
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>> No.9972452

>And also, both satellites, "The Sun" and "The Moon" are floating above Earth via magnets, utilizing Earth's magnetic field.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?

>Now if you ignite the match or the sun, it burns out pretty quickly, just like the sun. Its impossible for the sun to burn that long, yet alone 5 million years
Because it's not a chemical reaction but a nuclear reaction.

>> No.9972455

fire needs oxygen to light up, yet the sun is in space

even if oxygen isnt needed, the sun is made of gas, but Saturn is also made of gas, and Saturn is always struck with lightning, yet somehow, Saturn doesn't combust

>> No.9972471

If its a nuclear reaction then why doesnt it happen in Jupiter and it does in some stars that are smaller than jupiter

>> No.9972474

The parker solar probe is a replacement for the current "sun"

>> No.9972475

nuclear fusion retarded faggot
stop cluttering my board

>> No.9972479

>but even if it can sustain itself, somehow, how come if you go into space, you freeze instead of boil?

>> No.9972480

actually each planet in the solar system has their own gravitational force witch goes against the suns gravitational force, allowing the plants to be set in its place.

>> No.9972482
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>sun isn't real because it can't burn in space
You fucking idiot. You dumb fucking moron. You stupid goddamned ape.

Of course things burn in space. The sun is the back wheel of a FLAMING chariot piloted by Helios! You goddamned fucking baffoon. Holy shit man. Did you fall asleep in history class?

>> No.9972485

because the sun is 90 million miles from earth

>> No.9972488

to help you understand, if your mom is cooking you tendies in the kitchen, why aren't you burning alive in your bedroom?

>> No.9972489

the sun is so hot that some parts of earth are blisteringly hot, yet exit earth and you freeze to death, yet being at the same distance from the sun?

a little fishy

>> No.9972490

everyone itt needs to read

>> No.9972492

to help you understand, if you are on Earth during the day, it is ridiculously hot in sometimes, why are you freezing to death when you exit Earth, despite being the same distance to the sun?

>> No.9972493

On saturn, there is gas, the same gas as can be found on Earth, yet Saturn isn't lighting on fire? Saturn is even covered in lightning strikes that slam down on Saturn, yet Saturn doesnt ignite?

>> No.9972495


>> No.9972498

So something must have an atmosphere to be hot, so space is completely cold because heat just isnt registered because of its lack of atmosphere?

If thats the case, the sun doesnt have an atmosphere, yet its damn well hot

>> No.9972502

"Fusion happens in the middle of stars, like the Sun. Hydrogen atoms are fused together to make helium. This releases lots of energy. This energy powers the heat and light of the star"

>> No.9972507

>fire needs oxygen to light up, yet the sun is in space
The sun is NOT made of fire, is hydrogen going through a nuclear reaction that transform it in helium.

>the sun is made of gas, but Saturn is also made of gas, and Saturn is always struck with lightning, yet somehow, Saturn doesn't combust
>On saturn, there is gas, the same gas as can be found on Earth, yet Saturn isn't lighting on fire? Saturn is even covered in lightning strikes that slam down on Saturn, yet Saturn doesnt ignite?
Because it's not massive enough. You need between 5% to 10% of the mass of the sun to get enough temperature in the center to start the fusion reaction.

>If its a nuclear reaction then why doesnt it happen in Jupiter and it does in some stars that are smaller than jupiter
That's totally FALSE The smallest stars we know are around 81 times the mass of Jupiter (VB 10). Even the smallest brown dwarfs (which aren't able to sustain a continuous fusion reaction) are around 15 times the mass of Jupiter.

>> No.9972530

NASA is pushing its sun propaganda so that the populous is pushed away from Geocentricism and into Pagan filth.

Why else would they name the planets after Roman Gods? Subtly twisting our minds over hundreds of years to deify false idols...

>> No.9972558
File: 75 KB, 400x478, i_m_the_trashman__by_lovingtrickstertrash-daloran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ate the bait

>> No.9974002

Its the hydrogen and helium in the sun that stops it crashing into the earth retards, its just antigravity like those blimps the germans used in their kamakazi attacks

>> No.9974088
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No, the only awnser is that THE SUN IS FAKE

>> No.9974103

How can the sun even exist? The giant fireball wouldn't be able to survive without oxygen.

>> No.9974942

>I have studied Astrophysics for many years
Stop lying on the internet. If you knew even basic physics you'd know why the planets don't crash into the Sun

>> No.9974964

I've looked at the sun often, it kinda hurts but I've been able to see long enough to comprehend what I'm seeing. The "sun" looks completely flat to me. Whereas the Moon is clearly a three dimensional structure, the sun looks like a circular cutout with absolutely no depth. How can this be? Isn't the sun supposed to be a sphere?

>> No.9974987

>Ummmm... no thank you.
Guess what, you do the math!

>> No.9975006

He said he studied it, not that he understood it.

>> No.9975215
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>> No.9975254

>If thats the case, the sun doesnt have an atmosphere, yet its damn well hot
>the sun doesnt have an atmosphere
Un, Anon?

>> No.9975286
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>> No.9975291

The word “atmosphere” is difficult to apply to a diffuse object like the Sun imo.

>> No.9975293
File: 32 KB, 596x589, aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a plant no such thing as a sun
Oh fug

>> No.9975296

The Sun isn't diffuse.

>> No.9975304

There is not a clear transition between something like the ground and air here on earth.

>> No.9975310

Yes, there is.
The Sun's atmosphere isn't as immediately obvious as our planet's.

>> No.9975323

>getting baited this easily

>> No.9975324


>> No.9975339

The surface is obvious, we can see part of the atmosphere during solar eclipses.

>> No.9975367

Yes but is that anywhere near as dense as, say, rocks?

>> No.9975379

Does that matter? It is distinctly different from the atmosphere.

>> No.9975390

I thought an atmosphere was defined as matter in a gaseous state on the exterior of celestial objects. I wasn’t aware the sun had any non-gaseous or plasma matter.

>> No.9975438

Hm. Good point.

>> No.9975444

Well there's your non-gaseous matter.

>> No.9975449

>I'm too retarded to understand how gravity works, therefore it's wrong.
Go away brainlet.

>> No.9975942
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