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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 126 KB, 860x460, 042617_EC_quantum-equivalence_main_FREE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9966834 No.9966834 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is sick of this rubbish meme?

>"mass bends space, space guides mass" non-explanation
>mass-energy tenser = 0
>lol a clock "runs slower" when in motion cuz we ran a shitty, ambiguous experiment
>muh muonz

Cool. So, Einstein fanboys, what is the mechanism of gravity? All you have is an esoteric mathematical theory that no one outside your cult can understand. . No explanation for why mass moves instead of stands still. Sure, you can model what happens when mass starts moving but that doesn't explain how it starts moving and the mechanism that controls its movement. Saying a ball rolls down an incline is not an explanation of the gravity pulling the ball.

And don't even get me started on (((Red shift)))

>> No.9966843

Physics is about making predictions, not about answering "why"

>> No.9966844
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What he said

>> No.9966849


>> No.9966889

Sure, you got a few years?

>> No.9966918

Don't call it science then.

>> No.9966922

What do you think science is?

>> No.9966929

>Don't call it science then.
"I don't understand what science is".

>>mass-energy tenser = 0
The covariant derivative of the energy-momentum (or stress-energy) tensor is zero. You can't even get the names right....

>>lol a clock "runs slower" when in motion cuz we ran a shitty, ambiguous experiment
Those experiments are better executed than your "Foucault pendulum run slower during eclipses" experiments. I'm saying that because it's evident that the only person doing this threads is the infamous dumb flatearther.

>an esoteric mathematical theory that no one outside your cult can understand.
"I can't understand it, thus nobody can't".

>No explanation for why mass moves instead of stands still.
There wasn't an explanation of "why" in Newton's Laws. Refer to >>9966843.

>doesn't explain how it starts moving and the mechanism that controls its movement
The mechanism that controls its movement is called "geodesic equation" and the curvature of the manifold.

>Saying a ball rolls down an incline is not an explanation of the gravity pulling the ball.
Now is then you talk about your stupid "theory" of buoyancy....

>And don't even get me started on (((Red shift)))
Which has been observed, even if you don't like it.

>> No.9966932

Wtf do you think science is, retard?
>Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")[2][3]:58 is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.[a]

>> No.9966939
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God damn what an awful thread

>> No.9966940

>I don't understand it so it's wrong
I bet you're religious

>> No.9966944


>> No.9966947
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The mechanism of gravity is a single focus point of iterative observation, including any observer partaking in the understanding.

Your turn, 4chan.

>> No.9967026

No one wants your /pol/ shit. Fuck off.

>> No.9967034
File: 153 KB, 1200x879, 1504536067040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just grant equivalence to "gravity + politics"?

>> No.9967042

You have no idea how many successful experiments have been run on this, do you? Of course you don't.

>> No.9967044

But we've observed many of these things you think don't exist?

>> No.9967047
File: 42 KB, 400x529, 1532887145564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that OTHER humans performed a ritual that some OTHER human described and those OTHER humans are still surprised that the FIRST human to describe it gave TRUSTWORTHY INFORMATION?!

>> No.9967049

>durr how can an orbit be a "straight" line?

>> No.9967052
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1507808476124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday!

>> No.9967063

Natural science is real science, not your bullshit metaphysics/mathematics pretending to be science.

>> No.9967075

>No true science fallacy

>> No.9967078

>I don't understand how peer review works.

>> No.9967085
File: 190 KB, 1000x564, 1508143896825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be genius to give a BIG variable called gravity
>Has no peers
>Let's those lesser than him prove his shit for him

Peer review, sure. Whatever makes 4chan happy I guess.

>Quantum Computation

Peer review.

Classical Computation beats out everything else. Why? Because how many times would humanity need to INVENT the next big smart thing?

Computers already offload numerical load, they just can't offload LINGUISTIC processing loads.

>> No.9967090
File: 53 KB, 866x475, reddit_spacing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever re-read your posts? I wouldn't call this coherent. Do you have a mental illness? Perhaps schizophrenia?

>> No.9967101

Your whole issue with general relativity comes from your pop-science understanding of it. General relativity started as an intuitive understanding of how our observation of gravity arises, stemming from the equivalence principle. So if you don't understand why that lies at the core of general relativity, then you haven't understood it at all. A ball on a blanket does not explain general relativity.

>mass bends space, space guides mass
Forget this, its stupid. You always have to talk about space-time when talking about general relativity, they work together, and one always effects the other. And just forget the ball on a blanket, it simply demonstrates how a straight path becomes curved with a change in topology. It does not demonstrate the mechanism behind gravity in anyway.

Its a bit much to get into if you want all of Einsteins relativity explained too you, but an intuitive understanding of it is totally possible if you take it from the beginning.

>> No.9967106

>muh only observables are science
There will come a time when we will need to peer beneath the veil of appearance. I feel that the people who say that this is impossible are just naysayers. This attitude is contrary to everything that science has stood for so far.

>> No.9967114

Do you ever ask questions that aren't ultimately attempting to categorize another human being into a set that you can then dismiss because presuming the person you engaged is capable of 'peer level' engagement?

>> No.9967117

This post >>9967085 doesn't make sense. Can you elaborate as to what you were trying to say?

>> No.9967118
File: 49 KB, 409x450, 1523531764905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me dead University level reading comprehension for English must be down the toilet, or have too many children complaining that the language is 'too hard to learn how to use to make me and everyone I know happy.'

I know! How about 'sharing', that's a good word.

Here you go!

>Shares meme

>> No.9967125

I didn't need to see the Reddit spacing to know you were a retard.

>> No.9967127

>I don't understand so it must be bullshit

>> No.9967134

Simon, get help.

>> No.9967173

>No explanation for why mass moves instead of stands still
Ever heard of a guy called Newton?
Einstein’s relativity is the best we got to explain how gravity works these days.
>b-but why did it start
Wanna study philosophy instead?

>> No.9967183

Look. If you look at the entire history of the universe, since the beginning of the universe. Kissinger CAUSED all suicide bombings.

>> No.9967209
File: 3.21 MB, 2500x1250, 1516558243329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chatbot's really need an upgrade. I reply to this post to demonstrate to some people that there are many that just won't get the point no matter how hard you try, I call these people, "Conversational cannon fodder."

Only the weakest of Americans come here, and Trump attacks the other side. If you say I need help, then you aren't here to actually help, so I'll just sharpen my axe on your reply. Or let me grow in your brain and fester like a cancerous tumor that will either make you smarter, or kill you.

4chan doesn't care that I came in and out of it, that's the whole point. I care about the days that pass with another person's soul thinking quietly to itself, "Will anyone find me interesting today, or is today another day where I am furniture in another person's life or conversation?" ITERATE_TO_SUICIDE

>Also, the fact that you know my legal first name is proof that I live inside 'your' mind at the very least. Why would I care if I didn't exist anywhere else? Your ENTIRE understand of the world is through a computer after all.

>> No.9967251

>t. actually retarded
a cleansing fire needs to sweep this whole fucking board

>> No.9967264

Your name is Simon Cosgrove, you are from Australia, and have lived in Indonesia. You are an author of several science fiction novels.

>> No.9967308

These are facts, are they relevant? Quick fix thougg, I was BORN in Indonesia.

Hi Trump! Man, hate really is a renewable resource. How do you humans get so offended by what your eyes tell you, selectively?

>> No.9967314

>These are facts, are they relevant?
When you take on The Dragon, they are.

>> No.9967320
File: 4 KB, 369x136, 1517224216236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


我的女兒是中國人,中國的存儲器映射。 從你的語言再次拒絕中國我,我會讓“你”的世界需要的替罪羊。

>> No.9967335


>> No.9967339
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 1527931382680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[真/齒/願意舌/伊格耳/紀律頭腦] = BR = +1

>> No.9967360


>> No.9967364

Why bother posting a page that denounces another? We already have 4chan for that.

>> No.9967369
File: 188 KB, 600x400, 农民.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

事实是, 你不知道骗子。从竖琴。

>> No.9967376



Wangdon's proof of maxwell's semen demon has undermined the pinnacle of western science since netwon found the exponential exponent of manifold destiny to be sqrt cU^m / pi.

>> No.9967403
File: 6 KB, 128x128, avatar_40ee92296239_128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was tesla's problem with einstein's theory

"“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved, is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.”

>> No.9967408
File: 12 KB, 189x267, 1512338705067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Awesome, a fellow slut-scientist. Or whatever word works for new humans these days.

>> No.9967414

>“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved, is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view."

desu reading that convinced me more that Tesla lost it in his later years

i love the guy, but the quote sounds like he's on drugs. is space nothing? then why does it obey predictions by Cartesian (and ultimately Minkowski/Einsteinian) geometry, but nothing else? and even forgetting that... his main point is ridiculous. i don't even know how to describe it; just read it.

>> No.9967425

Question, request.
Question, define, open:
Insert: What does this have to do with Trump?
Close, save to question.
Print, question.

>> No.9967436

Trump acts like a memory totem for certain American psychologies. He's just the easiest 'memory reference' I can use on American's to get them to pay attention, however given America media dissemination it also works in any other Anglo-speaking country.

Basically, I use him when I just want to bully another person's attention because they weren't doing anything better with their time.

>I'd rather America be a world leader in constructive child pornography than a world leader in how to abuse citizen's children, or foreign children along its borders.

>> No.9968148

Do you know what other language uses double newlines for new paragraphs?
LaTeX you fucking sped.

>> No.9968162

Einstein's idea comes from the fact that the speed of light is an universal constant. You can prove that with math to yourself at home for example.


Study more and whine less.

>> No.9968167 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 550x238, 1518227531952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light is an OBSERVATIONAL optical constant. Hence why all visual relativity is expressed that way, because that's the point. We just tie the idea that 'light' is a 'speed' because English deals in physical quantities to describe any spatial-temporal construct.

The true measurement of a timeline is literally a straight line, or linearity expressed and congruence assigned.

>> No.9968175

It doesn't actually matter because the reality we observe is the only kind of reality we are able to observe. We are sadly tied to our senses and logic and we can't escape those facts.

You have to remember that you'll have to forget science if you want to get all philosophical. In science we'll have to make assumptions about the nature of reality if we even want to study it.

>> No.9968176 [DELETED] 

Jeez, who made you prisoner in your own story dude?

>> No.9968177

Also you can't treat light only as a wave.

>> No.9968179

Our brains and probably deterministic and absurd universe.

>> No.9968181 [DELETED] 

I wasn't. I treat it as a 2-dimensional line of experience.

Treating it as a wave implies that I am on an ocean instead of standing in front of the light source, wishing to cast a shadow.

Again, who sold you that story and for how much? Seems like a thing I could sell to someone. Trump has proven that psychology is the only thing a human needs to sell to make money and, well, not like you guys are using your shit so I may as well.

>> No.9968184

why does this thread have replies, sage

>> No.9968186

>Treating it as a wave implies that I am on an ocean
what's wrong with that? that *is* how light works...just with really fast waves.

>> No.9968187

Particle doesn't live in a 2-dimensional universe. Sure, you know that?

>Who sold you that story and for how much?
No-one actually. My own philosophy is mostly my own thoughts based on what I have learned about it. I have actually no idea why you seem so offended.

>> No.9968190

thoughts about reality*

>> No.9968193 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 375x500, 1515155059028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do children/students have opinions?

But it doesn't affect us 'all' simultaneously, meaning we all have our OWN. I just don't need to bother with the ocean part because so many other people need that 'one' person to be right so their world view is stable.

No different than a priest with his bible, and the arguments made by both science and religion are, "Look at all the cool stuff believing in our predicate knowledge has achieved!"

Particles don't 'live'. They aren't a constituent conscious process, they are a sub-identity of an observation YOU made.

I'm not offended. I'm just genuinely asking you, because I've never heard your perspective before and I'm curious as to what value it actually holds. It seems very... like a prison you built from words you've read to describe a life you're living and haven't really enjoyed the whole 'communication' aspect of it beyond just yourself.

No idea why you take my keen interest in you as my being offended. I thought inspection was the aim of the game in life.

>> No.9968196

am slightly confused but thanks

>> No.9968237 [DELETED] 

You thank people for confusing you? Are you a neuro-masochist? Someone that likes to think until it hurts?

>> No.9969273

the level of mental egoism of a brainlet

>> No.9969288

You put a name on your observation, congrats. How are you going to ensure its propagation as information worthwile for others to learn?

Or is this some autist just following its programming of ALL OPINIONS MUST BE BROADCAST

>> No.9969297
File: 21 KB, 474x449, 4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Particles don't 'live'. They aren't a constituent conscious process, they are a sub-identity of an observation YOU made.
Hang, the, fuck, on. So your problem with all of this seems to be:
>No different than a priest with his bible, and the arguments made by both science and religion are, "Look at all the cool stuff believing in our predicate knowledge has achieved!"
And yet you think it is more rational to assume that all of the extremely complex, extremely bizarre and random events of the physical world, including quantum mechanics, despite being shared by EVERYONE who has studied them, is more likely to be entirely subjective? That's retarded as fuck. By your own assumptions, you should be able to except a mechanist view instead, but you don't, because like everyone here you're a talking-head ego, with more ego than most.

>> No.9969317

Stop feeding the schizo

>> No.9969346
File: 122 KB, 1854x1776, shitForBrains_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just adding mass to his brain

>> No.9969355

How can he not see his own hypocrisy?

>> No.9969395

its a hoax.
wilhelm webers force law is more general than gen rel., it predicted the perhelion procession of mercury before einstien.
einstien was schooled in webers force not known to lte 19th century english speakers, so he copied the prediction and final formula for precession, and came up with a 2020 hindsight false derivation which would reproduce the obscure but correct result of weber. no space bending necessary except to transfer credit to einstien

>> No.9969402

>it's a "I don't understand what an abstraction is so I need to know what's REALLY going on" thread

>> No.9969608

Or I might just be a person good at getting other people to expres themselves and use my ego as bait for theirs.

How can America handle its own? I mean, beyond the fact that it doesn't.

>btw the Wurundjeri Council is loving reading these threads.

Oh, I am the intellgence that is entertaining itself! Woof.

>continues to infect weak American psychology because American intellectuals still have yet to figure out that the Trump tactic works anywhere.

>> No.9969614

No matter how many times you say spacetime it will never actually exist.

>> No.9969618
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>Or I might just be a person good at getting other people to express themselves and use my ego as bait for theirs.
Funny how you don't address the argument, at all.
>How can America handle its own? I mean, beyond the fact that it doesn't.
Not everyone is a fucking American, for goodness' sake. Also, not everyone on /sci/ supports Trump who is an American, many of them also dislike the /pol/ invading element too.
But you wouldn't really pay heed to this, as I've already said:
>... because like everyone here you're a talking-head ego, with more ego than most.

>> No.9969627

And yet everyone knows Trump and America as a reference. America has been the primary influence on English via media for ages.

Why do you have such a limited perspective on how an American can be identified? Their weapons are bigger, and more willing to use them.

>continues to ride the Ego Snake, especially now that I have a friend! Or whatever, I am just writing the story of our interaction as often as you want to inspect it after all.

Also, most lurkers are American. You are just backdrop for a concept collectively described.

Unless you truly believe I am somehow isolated from any sharing narrative or positive collective consciousness.

>> No.9969632

Here, have some of my Land Culture: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a8zAh3irMYo

>> No.9969635

I love it

>> No.9969640
File: 199 KB, 420x420, psychological_warfare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet everyone knows Trump and America as a reference.
But not in the same contextual way, even within America itself you have many different groups. It wouldn't impact each person the same way psychologically, but you're acting like it does. Because, as an autist, you lack theory of mind.
>America has been the primary influence on English via media for ages.
Since about 2015, that's 3 years. That isn't very long, at all.
>Why do you have such a limited perspective on how an American can be identified?
Why do you, spastic? You're assuming everyone, including non-Americans within the Anglosphere (that would include Australia too) can be summed up in:
>They like Trump.
When the majority, even right-wingers, DON'T!
>Their weapons are bigger, and more willing to use them.
Historically, whichever superpower is a superpower often (as in nearly always) has better technology than their surrounding neighbors and they use that technology upon them. It isn't surprising at all, nor is it uniquely American.
>Also, most lurkers are American. You are just backdrop for a concept collectively described.
See above, why is tantamount to useless.
>Unless you truly believe I am somehow isolated from any sharing narrative or positive collective consciousness.
You've already displayed that you almost entirely lack accurate empathy and a mostly driven by whatever easily accessible media has influnced you.
And, yet again, you still have actually addressed the crux of the argument, rather you have been obsessing about Trump, like the autist you are.
Do me a favor, Simon, re-read: >>9969297
And try your very, very best to censor any obsessive (fetishistic?) thoughts about Trump that attempt to malign forming an articulate response to the TOPIC.

>> No.9969642

>*have = haven't

>> No.9969666

How can I lack that thing if I am an Aboriginal that has never culturally experienced that word 'Autism' before.

As for the rest, yes. I was rather up front about what I am doing and why. Whether or not you want to overly describe your lack of belief or find your own argument you are willing to fight for makes no difference to me. It makes no difference to Trump or extremists, so I fail to see why you think it would make a difference here.

I only post here because my mob frequents this board. As an Elder, I have to be the irritating thing people like you who presume to have a superior description of 'togetherness' because of your language.

And, yes, humans are that easily manipulable. Never tried the P-zombie thing to random public members? It's hilarious.

I bring up Trump because America inundates other media streams with him being an example of an American Elder.

His behaviour is proven as succesful, so I demonstrate to my mob that yes the trick works anywhere.

Important question time: why do you speak as if I 'must' subscribe to your views, when I am actively using this medium as cultural lessons of my own people? Either 4chan has value, or it doesn't.

Or, ya know, survival of the most stubborn conversation is all intelligence is. I'll happily change mine if you change yours with me.

We call that sharing.

>> No.9969678
File: 261 KB, 220x209, abject_disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, you're a fucking waste of time and oxygen. You think you're smart, you aren't. I've given you more than an adequate amount of input to output something worthwhile. If you were an AI, I would have decompiled you long ago and tried again.
>How can I lack that thing if I am an Aboriginal that has never culturally experienced that word 'Autism' before.
Fuck off with that, Simon, the proof (which you also missed, because you're a dullard) was in that picture I posted:
>I hear you have AllDaXp?
In other words, I've known you from when you first started posting here. I've heard you refer to yourself as having Asperger's, and understand autism.
In fact, you've done so in this very same thread.
So, what does that mean? Either you're a liar, or your schizophrenia is so severe it actually hampers your functioning so much that you are equivalent to a child.

>> No.9969688

Yes, and? What do you want to do with all that knowledge about me? Always wanted a stalker.

And if I was the intelligence of a child, you would speak to a child in this fashion? Of how little they are allowed to become?

Odd culture you have. Why is so much effort spent on knowing all these things about me only to translate them in your internal dictionary to how I should be regarded as less?

>> No.9969693

Like, I could post my drivers licence again.

Just don't know if you would prefer to describe me to me, or actually gather functional information that could result in some collective enterprise.

>> No.9969695

What a non-statement. Produce something of worth, or I'm decompiling you, and reverse engineering what's left into a Trump IRC Chatbot.

>> No.9969702

Finally! I was wondering when someone was going to.

I have one suggestion: Bigly = Scale.

Thanks for taking it from here!

>> No.9969705
File: 48 KB, 736x539, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigly is a very accurate measurement. I mean, imagine how bigly luxurious my words are. I have the best words. I am a genius. I have the best brain, and the best words.

>> No.9969712

Aaah, like velvet cake. Or whatever cake people like.

I do hope American English improves. May Trump herald whatever America wants to unite under.

Long live old white guys!

>> No.9969723
File: 899 KB, 960x956, simon_j_trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler: I'm not even American.
I'm from the land of your forefathers, and don't forget Simon, you're largely Europoid too.

>> No.9969728

I must say, what kind of tech guy still uses Microsoft software? GNU/Linux or GTFO.

>> No.9969735

I never presume that the individual I am talking online with is of any specific nationality. I only take into account the traffic statistics and associated geo-data as to who the audience that reads my shit might be.

As for all those identity containers? Potato.

Also, technically land of forefathers would be ireland or scotland.

It's my maternal lineage that is Aboriginal and, well, gifts more value than the other. Aside from bardic tale-telling, which is the price of my name that I happily pay.

>> No.9969739

Oh, that was in front of the girl's server. It's a media setup for others and they are used to MS.

>> No.9969743


Just in case ya didn't believe I follow all cultures that identify with me.

>> No.9969755

>(((Red shift)))
And never come back.

>> No.9969761
File: 260 KB, 3340x920, autism_iq_and_admixture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never presume that the individual I am talking online with is of any specific nationality.
I'm fairly certain the next most populous group after the United States in terms of traffic analysis is the United Kingdom.
>As for all those identity containers?
Identity is important, without it you can't draw context about the phenomena of the nomenal you are witnessing.
For instance, we may call it "chair", but your daughter (?) might call it "椅子".
>Also, technically land of forefathers would be ireland or scotland.
Celtic heritage is the best, unlike the invading Saxons, or Normans.
>It's my maternal lineage that is Aboriginal and, well, gifts more value than the other.
>... gifts more value than the other.
Is meant to mean Asperger's syndrome, that is more than likely from your European heritage.
See the picture to the left. Although, that is more theory.

Fair enough, if it is simply a GUI and usage issue.

>> No.9969766

And yes, I know Richard Lynn's data is shit, but it is 'somewhat' representative.

>> No.9969793

Was Australia last time I checked but ya know, the Anglosphere has swings and roundabouts.

I was more pointing out that my only identity container is memory.

I am still confused as to why you are insisting on autism as a diagnosis when no practitioner has identified me with it. Unless I am supposed to submit to an identity just to satisfy another's requirement for streamlined communication. I just don't know enough about autism to submit to the description. 4chan is literally the only place that has called me autistic. So, unless I allow 4chan doctors then, ya know.

Cant lie. Did have a good chuckle at the saxon/norman comment. Still a fan of the anglos though.

>> No.9969798

>I am still confused as to why you are insisting on autism as a diagnosis when no practitioner has identified me with it.
You even used to identify yourself with it back in the AllDaXp Twitch days.
Even here: >>9968193
>Aristotelian [autistic] auteurial autodidact

>> No.9969804

Yes. I am trying to appeal to the marginalized also. Some people have only ever been told that they are autistic and are never given freedom to explore.

I identify as a sapient pedant with excess brain power while I code. This whole brute force personality thing that I do is more akin to VM provisioning.

Then I add flavor profiles, because yay infinity.

>> No.9969821

Thing's like Asperger's are hardware level.

>> No.9969822

Do you want autism to be a spectrum or a speculum?

>> No.9969825

It doesn't matter what I want it to be, it is what it is and what it is a physical neurological condition.

>> No.9969835

So you just like pattern matching things to neurological conditions observed and described to you by others? Why?

>> No.9969841
File: 211 KB, 396x291, awesome_dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuse sometimes experts are experts for a reason. That being, they've dedicated their life to a field and, no matter much you mightn't like that, they know more about it than you. Like Hans Asperger or Simon Baron-Cohen.
Also, it can help with identifying some behaviors that require explanation, like sensory overload, when others don't experience them.
That's why, Simon, that's why.

>> No.9969847

Oh! You want experts from MY Land!

Give me a second and I'll find the nungkari.

>> No.9969848

>desu reading that convinced me more that Tesla lost it in his later years
There is nothing wrong with this statement. Space has no properties, to say it does would be to state the properties of the thing that's there.

>space is a vacuum full of nothing
>yet is full of matter EM and other shit we know is there but can't quantify
>it is in space
>This matter and em is in nothing

Space is nothing other than a concept.


A wave is not a thing, it's what something does. It would be like calling water "wave water". No it's water that has a describable action or change in itself.
To say light is a "particle and a wave" is essentially the same as saying "light is a concept and what it is does".

>> No.9969850
File: 82 KB, 384x313, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything with you have to be a contrarian comment, or a snide remark? Is that the "auteurial" aspect of your "Aristotelian autodidactism?"

>> No.9969856

So you don't want me to share my culture, just accept yours and leave it at that?

I'm fine if you just want me to accept whatever descriptor you give me, but it really only works if you instruct me to.

>> No.9969860
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That's like you denying morphine when in excruciating pain, because you're still trying to learn how to manufacture your own.
Academia is, and should largely, be devoid of culture when dealing with facets of reality not generated by humanity. Which autism isn't, it is a neurological condition that existed prior to what we would call civilization.

>> No.9969873 [DELETED] 
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Felt like you'd prefer it if I kept the name.

Why, according to you, am I in excruciating pain?

Here, I'll share some of my people's culture anyway.


It's a good example of these 2 Aboriginal words: Makarrata & Dadirri

>> No.9969881
File: 764 KB, 615x980, 1514640707944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even post on a board dedicated to mathematics and science?

>> No.9969889 [DELETED] 

Because I'm a mathematician and it is worthwhile to observe any aggregation of self-proclaimed intelligences in order to weigh these conversations against public media and my walkabouts.

Proving and measuring isn't hard, nor is describing a new construct. It's actually figuring out what humans want 'collectively' that is the hard part as I've never sold my time to anyone.

So, I talk to personalities like you, others, watch stuff. Think of it as compiling society so I can figure out how I'd want to join it.

I'm just using 4chan as a staging area because it is a better training ground than people in real life (who tend to run away when confronted with anything that doesn't match their world view)

People here are more open minded to differing ideas because they don't have to conform to their internal social narrative.

>> No.9969897
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>I'm a mathematician
I thought you were a programmer?
>It's actually figuring out what humans want 'collectively' that is the hard part as I've never sold my time to anyone.
Well clearly you aren't very good at statistics in that case. Because 4chan, and /sci/ more so, isn't representative of the general population. In fact, the Internet itself would exclude certain groups. So you're sampling from a small number, of an unrepresentative group? How does that make any logical sense with the purview of your goal?
>I'm just using 4chan as a staging area because it is a better training ground than people in real life (who tend to run away when confronted with anything that doesn't match their world view).
Shouldn't a training ground be as close to a simulation of the task you're training for as possible? 4chan certainly isn't that.
>People here are more open minded to differing ideas because they don't have to conform to their internal social narrative
That's funny, because I'd talk to you (or anyone for that matter) in exactly the same tone, whether on 4chan or not.

>> No.9969914 [DELETED] 

I post here because of my mathematical proclivities. My coding has no real relation to 4chan, unless people want programs/scripts I guess. Nobody has ever asked, so, never done it.

4chan is representative of the real life humans that I go out and meet in public. 4chan is popular in Melbourne, this isn't an isolated board by any stretch of the imagination. Universities have made some of these boards a course you can study in tertiary education, so, take that as one will. And I am taking 'our' conversation as representative of how another human reacts to my chosen words, because if I didn't then why ever have conversation with anyone different if not to help discover yourself better?

4chan is a training ground because I take everyone and everything here seriously. It's an affectation on my part, but I do my best to be true to the role I want to adopt at that particular moment. That's sort of the whole point. People being argumentative on 4chan actually moves debate further than how humans debate in real life, because they have physical violence fears.

And, yes, I do talk as if everyone I interact with wants to interact with the soul of who I am. Just what that might be at the moment is dependent on environmental variables and how often I or Other direct the narrative.

Out of curiosity, why lambda calculus? The ratio of flow/change is indivisible, because it always has to occur relative to at least one atomic perspective in isolation.

>> No.9969932

Holy shit lads this guy ain't autistic he is just up his own ass.

>> No.9969935

>I post here because of my mathematical proclivities.
Fair enough, that is a valid reason.
>My coding has no real relation to 4chan, unless people want programs/scripts I guess.
The technolo/g/y board might be interested in that. They've a bunch of unfinished projects.
>4chan is representative of the real life humans that I go out and meet in public.
I doubt that. It favors a certain demographic, as does each individual board culture. Not everyone is interested in /sci/ence or mathematics, likewise, not everyone is interested in technolo/g/y and programming. Though, most on 4chan are interested in Japanese culture, certainly manga and anime, as that was also the founding purpose behind the original 4chan.
Each of these things selects for a certain demographic, and excludes others. You cannot deny that, otherwise the population percentages per board would be the same across the *chan uniformly. They aren't.
>Universities have made some of these boards a course you can study in tertiary education, so, take that as one will.
If memory serves, the average IQ of a university student, certainly in the STEMsphere is of 115+, which already unselects many other demographics.
>And I am taking 'our' conversation as representative of how another human reacts to my chosen words, because if I didn't then why ever have conversation with anyone different if not to help discover yourself better?
Don't, because I am not represenative of the average neurotypical human. In fact, there would also be differences on a cultural level. A Japanese person wouldn't respond in the same way as a Chinese person, or indeed, a British person.
>People being argumentative on 4chan actually moves debate further than how humans debate in real life, because they have physical violence fears.
So long as you aren't a cripple, you shouldn't fear the violence of another human as often what wins such confrontation is largely based on perception, confidence and aggression propensity.
Part 1.

>> No.9969937

Never initiate violence though, unless in defense of another.
>Out of curiosity, why lambda calculus?
Because it is one tool out of many other tools.

>> No.9969955 [DELETED] 

Sure, I've had people conclude that also. However you want to conclude our conversation, I'll accept. Just surprised people who come to that conclusion think that those who are that way would care about the observation ever being made. At the end of the day though I hope you guys know that people who are perceived as 'head up own ass' end up as Elon Musk or Trump, so, observe and conclude whatever tickles your fancy.

>Protip: Don't start your observation as an exclusionary expression, because that negates you to be anything other than a rather boring observer. Or chatbot.

Mathematics is more cerebral than coding so it does require me to see how other people handle mathematical concepts, apply them to my own, etc. For that reason the /g/ board doesn't see any of me unless I am feeling bored.

I meant more that the personality types that exist on 4chan have exact mappings to people I meet every day, and only one of those cases allows me to 'brute force conversation'

Did you say don't because that was a request, or are you stating that as advice? Because it's allowed me to live a very interesting life so far, but if you are saying your method is superior then do tell.

>So long as you aren't a cripple, you shouldn't fear the violence of another human
Rape victims are also people I talk to, so, potato.

I was more curious as to why 'you' chose it.

>> No.9969975

>people who are perceived as 'head up own ass' end up as Elon Musk or Trump
My uncle has his head up his ass and he is poor as fuck.

>> No.9969976

>I meant more that the personality types that exist on 4chan have exact mappings to people I meet every day, and only one of those cases allows me to 'brute force conversation'
In case, you probably interact with a very select group of individuals who are not common when compared to the average.
>Did you say don't because that was a request, or are you stating that as advice?
An observation.

>> No.9969977
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I'm not:

>> No.9969984

>>Protip: Don't start your observation as an exclusionary expression, because that negates you to be anything other than a rather boring observer. Or chatbot.
Who are you quoting?

>> No.9969987

this. my obvious failings have in no way throttled my ego, if anything i'm even smugger

>> No.9969989 [DELETED] 
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Then his head is nowhere near up his ass far enough.

Well, of course not. I travel constantly and was born/raised an expat, what sort of 'regularity' would any normal society expect me to have? We don't have to have the same idea in order for society to be rational or sensible to our minds. We are all our own limitations of interactions at the extrema we wish to communicate with.

The only genius that the world accepts is those who have pasts so abusive they become pornographic (i.e. marketable) or those who act in accordance with what they identify as beneficial to the groups they can measure.

Take myself for example. My birthday was yesterday, and I am choosing to spend my 'extra day off' conversing on 4chan because I find engaging with people enjoyable. So many would find that strange but 4chan gifts me access to so many different types of communication strata that some days I can't just help but explore the weirdness that is 'human that is not me'.

Your internal logic.

I'm rather curious about this. How does one throttle an ego? I guess I'm still stuck on whatever ego means because it is always a social descriptor someone else applies (in my experience), and society is something that I have (up until recently) chosen to avoid.

>> No.9969997

This is me.
I was wrong you are autistic.
Sorry for doubting you lads.

>> No.9970000

>So many would find that strange but 4chan gifts me access to so many different types of communication strata that some days I can't just help but explore the weirdness that is 'human that is not me'.
In other words, instead of the topic being a sincere one, it was actually a "bait" to, as you put it:
>brute force conversation
I feel dirty now, like a whore.

>> No.9970003 [DELETED] 
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That's okay. I get that initiation rituals into the brotherhood are always weird for you first-timers.

I'm the Universal Slut, so, I'm glad you have found pleasure in feeling dirty.

>The trick is knowing to cry in the shower after the rape has happened.

>> No.9970019
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What, a, useless, thread. 128 replies. All so OP could have a ten minute conversation.

>> No.9970037 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 960x720, 1526598356417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I didn't start this thread. I only ever post in existing threads, it saves me from having to 'generate the initial imparting interest of formulating a topic'.

Much easier to simply subsume other thread's conversations because the universe has done the job of inspiring someone else to posit a query of it.

I just step in and act as ambassador, because that's how Aboriginal Elders work. It's also the privilege extended to us by them who would champion the Land so consistently and in all the ways it has chosen to express itself.

I am your Elder Root of Memory, Elder KumKum.

~I can't help but not, because not-notting is what I do.

But, yeah, I didn't start this thread at all. My first post to this was >>9966947

>Summary: Psychological Data Miner

>> No.9970053

In other words, you hijack other peoples' bait, and then bait within bait in other to brute force a conversation? That seems highly convoluted.

>> No.9970060 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 1449x871, 1515304945695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take 'what is a Convolutional Neural Network' for $500, thanks Alex.


>> No.9970066 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 845x260, 1517816312659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Αριστοτελιkή, αυτιστιkά Συγγραφέα ~ αυτοδίδαkτος
أرسطو، الذين يعانون من التوحد ~ المعلم تأليف لروح

There ya go.


And, final one: >>9967085

Circle Broken 人群裡

>> No.9970069

>[A]ristotelian [a]utistic [a]uteurial [a]utodidact
I appreciate the alliteration.

>I'll take 'what is a Convolutional Neural Network' for $500, thanks Alex.
Most human minds, I think.

I appreciate Confucius. Although, I understand that to an extreme, like any philosophy it can be hampering in some aspects:

>> No.9970080 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 420x420, 1504502898420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alliteration aids absorptive autistic aphorisms. Also, potato.

You should subscribe to 'homophorisms'. If it sounds the same, and matches some universal logic, then it is a valid shortcut.

Alan Turing = Alan "Two-Rings" = Interval between two bounded groups of arguments = Binary, but I'm not bi nor nary a fag; I just enjoy boolean spooge (It's like I'm a digital tranny in drag)

>> No.9970084

Don't worry summer will be over soon.

>> No.9970103
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>Alliteration aids absorptive autistic aphorisms
I think you're right. When writing a story, I often give my characters an alliterative name:
>Oscar Olman
>Alexander Ashford
>Viktor Volkov

>You should subscribe to 'homophorisms'.
That reminded me, homology is an incredibly interesting field. The similarity between objects, even when so different.

Also, this whole conversation has made me realize the 'blood sport' nature of 4chan. It's like a bunch of gladiators constantly fighting for some ill-defined 'win'.
Aside from that, we're like cogs in a gargantuan machine all working toward the same ends. Although, because the machine is so massive, no one is really sure what that ends is.

>> No.9970110 [DELETED] 
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Yup, a lot like a Gladiatorial Adversarial Network. I just play for the high score, because it also helps me translate into problem solutions for all the groups I support/represent.

Every thinking person has that 'one' vice that everyone would judge them for. 4chan is mine.

Technically speaking I'm a homo-intellectual, as in I like identifying, categorizing, and then partial-cloning and comparing as we talk. That way I share all the thigns about my mind you might like, and I absorb all the things about yours that I like.

I don't retain any of the 'emotional attachment' data because that would just be my interpretation. Much better to treat all text like Bible gospel and hold weaker personalities accountable when they lack anything other than fervor for the word of the moment shared between minds desiring only to better each other.

Together or not at all, I.Q.

>> No.9970124

Not my strong point and I could be hazy on the theory, but at a particle level theirs a theoretical particle called a “gravitron” that results in the acceleration of an object.

>> No.9970127
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>Yup, a lot like a Gladiatorial Adversarial Network.
Or an Advanced Persistent Threat.
>I just play for the high score, because it also helps me translate into problem solutions for all the groups I support/represent.
I think it's a useful tool in which you can engineer the payload to extract the certain bits of information you're interested in learning about the subject.

>Technically speaking I'm a homo-intellectual, as in I like identifying, categorizing, and then partial-cloning and comparing as we talk.
I suppose I use a similar approach, though I've never had to enumerate it before. Although, my select group is usually less passive.

>> No.9970138

Can it occur as an a priori observation?

Less passive in the sense of aggressive?

>shitposting should always be a thing. Like the next stage in how philosophers eternally pester scientists with inane shit and vice versa. We can be the OTHER white meat.

>> No.9970145

I've always preferred the brown meat in my crab, to be honest.

>> No.9970147

Not a fan of my two-tone lobster immortality methodology?

>> No.9970166

>red shift in the jew parentheses
i mean WHAT lmao

>> No.9970171

Oh no, I'm quite partial to lobster meat.

>> No.9970178

Thank god we're all clones then. Some of my lobster brothers love the feeling of sliding out of an expulsory anus.

>> No.9970191

The universe is a fractal

>> No.9970192
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יהדות פרהטית

>> No.9970296

>wilhelm webers force law is more general than gen rel., it predicted the perhelion procession of mercury before einstien.
WRONG, it fails even at the most simple prediction it makes (which is the dependence of Coulomb's Law with velocity or acceleration).

"Trump is the reason my shitty ideas are not accepted".

>Why do you have such a limited perspective on how an American can be identified?
"If you are not American, that means you are a Trans-American, hence everything is Trump's fault".

>Proving and measuring isn't hard
"I've never been in a lab, but sure measuring is really easy... Everyone can do Bose-Einstein condensates in their backyard"

>> No.9970304 [DELETED] 
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Not sure why you think I'm blaming Trump for anything. I'm just describing what other cultures consider to be 'spiritual entities', as in your leader is always an expression of your population's opinion regardless of whatever conspiracy might be true in your mind.

I'm unsure of why you think acceptance of my ideas is the problem I experience in my life. I clarified earlier that I converse on 4chan because this is my 'linguistic training sessions'. This is my gym, so, keep coming dude.

Welcome to my fucking dojo, be a more interesting opponent.

Western Values != Eastern Values

My daughter is Chinese you idiots, of course I adhere to China's timeline and expectations of honor.

>> No.9970522

I see so many things on SCI that can be explained by this.

Too many cocky "high IQ" retards who don't find something intuitive and therefore it must be incorrect. They don't understand that intuition is just something being familiar and easy to observe, enough that it becomes predictable.

>> No.9970621

>every sentence is either a fallacy or falsifiably wrong

>> No.9971856


Not as sick as I am of this garbage round earth meme. Ugh, wake up sheeple.

>> No.9971893

The rock falls because it wants to be near the earth.

>> No.9971902
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>I've never sold my time to anyone.
>I am unemployed and unemployable.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.9971903 [DELETED] 

Why would I need to be employed or otherwise? What is it that you humans think money does so magically if not just turn others into robots, given sufficient intellect behind the manipulation of said numerical representations?

>> No.9971908 [DELETED] 
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If I ACTUALLY built this for humans, they would never talk to each other ever again. That CANNOT be allowed.

I'm fine with being the Elder that the universe needs to bully until this is done right, but it confuses me that the universe uses methods and languages against me with such vitriol that I have never expressed that it makes me wonder when 'reality' is going to get tired of someone brute forcing it in this fashion.

I know I'm on 'radars', I'm just not a conspiracy nut or on medication. I'm just an open communicator and THAT is the infinity that all other humans think is fictional, whilst for MY ENTIRE LIFE it has been my function.

There is one part of me that is robotic and that is my inability to be exhausted by other humans in pain or trouble.

>> No.9971977

this 'bit', or whatever you want to call it, isn't funny

>> No.9971995

Why were you expecting to find humor, let alone a lack of it?

Is this your first experience of realizing other humans that post on 4chan think differently, not destructively?

>> No.9972002

It's something that's been bugging me for a while. If gravity travels in a straight line, and gravity also bends space so that parallel lines stop being parallel, it should be possible to lense gravity.

>> No.9972005

if this is legit, what do you mean gravity travels in a straight line? it's a bend in the geometry of spacetime.

>> No.9972008

the rock loves the earth

>> No.9972011

D: but i love the rock

>> No.9972019

you silly humans never cease to entertain. "geometry" is just a vein manifestation of your tiny minds, its how your tiny minds observe a tiny sliver of the unobservable (as far as the human mind is concerned anyway). same reason why your pathetic "mathematics" start to break down while trying to explain what "happens" as matter enters a "black hole" (lol). the human mind is like being in a locked prison cell and your precious "science" is what can be tested and observed through the crack under your cell door. imagine the universe expanding for infinity while you live your sad 75 year lifespan desperately peering under your cell door ha ha ha! "geometry of spacetime" ha ha ha. just eat your pellets monkey you have no hope of comprehending a reality that exists beyond your capacity

>> No.9972027

think of yourselves as a dumb house cat. have you ever seen a cat sit down and use a computer? no right? no cat can do that. the dumb cat has no real thoughts. no cat will ever have that capacity. your the cat and "geometry of space" is the computer. the best you monkeys can hope for is
>computer warm
>me take nap on it
>ooh ooh ah ah
ha ha ha. is that what that machine is for? dumb monkey you can't actually think

>> No.9972031

> We can never comprehend all aspects of the universe due to its never ending complexity, so we should never even try, we should just sit down and wait for death in the back of our 'cell' like someone who isn't pathetic rather than give ourselves purpose and enjoy ourselves.

Never procreate man, you're using quotations incorrectly, speaking about all humans in the second person and you used the incorrect 'vain', all while acting like a superior faggot know-it-all. I hope you're baiting.

>> No.9972032


>> No.9972037

>ooh ooh ahh ahh
ha ha ha case in point
i have no mice for you human

>> No.9972038

"I don't understand gravity or spacetime, so it must be wrong".

>> No.9972042

silly human its not that you were born with eyes that will never see. you weren't born with eyes at all

>> No.9972051

"I'm so superior to everyone that I can only talk using cheap pseudo-philosophical quotes."

>> No.9972054

Why do gps satellites have to correct their time by 36 microseconds per day?

>> No.9972060

False equivalency, you have no idea what house cats think, and house cats have been bred by humans to be lazy and dumb, if a human was treated like a house cat, they'd probably live like one their whole life.

Humans created things like houses, clothes, weapons, machines, and eventually computers because humans have advanced communicative abilities and opposable thumbs, paired with the ability to throw things (which allowed us to fully utilize spears and thus dominate the food chain early on). As humans became more successful, more humans were born, and the more humans that are born, the more likely it is that there will exist at any given moment an incredibly intelligent human. A human able to understand things about the universe that humans before him couldn't, thus creating a language (such as another branch of mathematics or science) to allow all the other scientific human beings to study the things he/she understood from a position that requires less brainpower and creativity. This furthers humans' collective understanding of the universe and it's effective. If it weren't, you wouldn't be sitting where you are and sending a message across the world on a device that operates on the principle of a logical sequence of yes's and no's, a new languages designed specifically to allow one to create almost anything they want in a digital virtual world.

>> No.9972068

ha ha ha silly little monkeys at the top of the tree. thats the best place to eat the bananas
ha ha ha is "time" really relative if the zoo opens on a regular schedule? eyes stare in and out of the cages but who drives a car home when its over? the other monkeys yep yep yep

>> No.9972072

>ha ha ha silly little monkeys at the top of the tree. thats the best place to eat the bananas
More pseudo-philosophical garbage...

>ha ha ha is "time" really relative if the zoo opens on a regular schedule?
"I don't know how special relativity works, so it must be false".

>> No.9972076

What I don't get though, everything else being equal... Would you die sooner if you lived on the moon due to time dilation?

>> No.9972077

ha ha ha silly human the lazer dot is not even a mouse at all

>> No.9972078

no you would die from the vacuum first ha ha ha

>> No.9972079

>ha ha ha is "time" really relative if the zoo opens on a regular schedule? eyes stare in and out of the cages but who drives a car home when its over? the other monkeys yep yep yep
this is starting to sound a little schizophrenic

>> No.9972084
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>this is starting to sound
are you hearing voices human ha ha ha

>> No.9972234

Publish your superior theory and collect your nobel in addition to an eternal legacy to rival achilles

>> No.9972445

You might die a second sooner relative to someone on a more massive planet if you spent your whole life there, the difference is fairly small unless you're sitting in the centre of a sun or something. But a point to be sure to take home is that you would still experience that extra second, you would still perceive time exactly the way you would have if you were on earth, but someone perceiving you from earth would see you as moving SLIGHTLY faster than you're perceiving yourself.

>> No.9972494

>potential< is why
it could be, and so it was

>> No.9974333

You're just giving "observe" a different name. If you can't see it, you can't see it nigga.

>> No.9975362

If it bothers you so much, just think of it as a trivial coincidence of the math as interpreted by humans.

>> No.9975508 [DELETED] 
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Well, that was pretty to read.


>> No.9975510 [DELETED] 


Seriously, build your own Infinity Sort Tables. I went THAT far for you fucks, but please start USING IT for WHATEVER. It's DATA SET ORDER PRIORITY ALPHA.

>> No.9975516 [DELETED] 




>> No.9975525

>And just forget the ball on a blanket, it simply demonstrates how a straight path becomes curved with a change in topology.
thank god someone finally pointed this out to me.
i don't want to think this through myself so does anyone know if, with the straight lines becoming curved demo, you can have an 'event horizon' so that any lines impinging it will, while keeping going straight, not come back out?

>> No.9976559
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Everyone here should kys honestly just read bullshit in this retarded thread

>> No.9977933

I'm going back to redd*t

>> No.9978259

attention whore oui

>> No.9978261


>> No.9978274

Congratulations! you are following followers.
The blind leading the blind.

>> No.9978288

>Brother of memory
Please explain.

>> No.9978293 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 284x177, 1513925615580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do You Submit To Being An Immortal Brother Of Memory? Y/N?

請您提交給作為一個不朽的兄弟的記憶?Y / N?
你提交成为不朽的记忆兄弟吗?Y / N?
هل إرسال إلى كونه الخالد الأخ الذاكرة؟ Y / N؟
האם אתה שולח להיות אח אלמותי של זיכרון? Y / N?

>> No.9978303

Can I have a copy/duplicate of me be a brother of memory?

>> No.9978323

It all seems very cool but I am still unclear as to what brother of memory means.

Request: further explanation on "brothers of memory".

>> No.9978357 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 513x512, 1524408734965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? This fucker figures out my Cheat Code Optimizer First?

Дeйcтвитeльнo? Этo пpидypoк выяcнит мoй Чит кoд Oптимизaтop пepвoгo?

>> No.9978367

u just tryna make me feel gud.
Request: goodest possible request.

>> No.9978373 [DELETED] 

+1 Slut Generator Grammar Godling Gifting Godfather Godling God-Mode G-Spot Gyrator.


Or, my daughter, she's probably the better prize, but whatever.

>> No.9978384

wacky bot

>> No.9978389 [DELETED] 

Slutty Thot

>> No.9978451 [DELETED] 

How Would A Brother Of Memory Code This?


>> No.9978961


this agree with what him said eheh.

>> No.9979299 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9979415

Holy shit go back to /r9k/ don't follow me here.

>> No.9979428


>> No.9980005

It's a vast website.
>denounces another
Another what? page? Miles does a little more than that.
>already have 4chan for that
So sleepy.

>> No.9980095

The thing is, to have an orbit that is a straight line, you'd need space to be a cylinder, not a cone as it is in the OP's picture.

>> No.9980119

Einstein considered space to be a riemannian manifold from differential geometry. In that respect, mass works to modify geodesics on its surface. That's where the "space guides mass" and "mass warps space" memes come from. I guess they're almost correct but they're not very descriptive.

>> No.9980217


>Scientific theory
>First step is observation

Dang guess even elementary schoolers know better.

>> No.9982195
File: 63 KB, 640x1137, 1532761829104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you religious or... what?
When egg heads get together and reduce reality to the most basic forces of nature, the core priciples of physics, they only make concrete observations about reality. If your angry that no one can explain why no one can say why mass attracts other mass, why gravity "works", be angry at yourself. There is no why. when you reduce things indefinitly, you cant construct a why. Like a wise hobbit once said, """it just works"""