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9968668 No.9968668 [Reply] [Original]

Does the current media witch hunt againsg Elon Musk indicate some new phase of Anti-Intellectualism in the West?

>> No.9968675

>Has-been tries to get back into the spotlight by making fun of a more famous, actually-talented businessman
Yeah what a witch hunt

>> No.9968791


I hate the guy too, but his companies are doing fantastic

>> No.9968796

>new phase of Anti-Intellectualism in the West

dude its not new. The anti-intellectualism is real and everywhere.

>> No.9968797

Musk: If that guy I called a pedo isn't a pedo, then why didn't he sue me for libel?
>guy sues him for libel

>> No.9968801

The day Elon stops taking subsidies is the day he deserves any respect given to him. Until then he can continue to be whipping boy just like the government pays him to be.

>> No.9968802

>pointing out someone's flaws is a witch hunt
lol no

>> No.9968804

What has Elon Musk ever done to classify him as an 'intellectual'?

He had one successful company, but his others would have failed completely without government subsidies. He has also turned Tesla into a complete cult of personality. He's a gobshite who just makes a load of vague predictions about the future for Redditors to cream their panties over.

>> No.9968808
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Such an interesting and excessively used phrase in the past 3 month, I wonder if you started using it on your own accord instead of jumping on (((some bandwagon))).

>> No.9968814

"would have failed without government subsidies" you say, but if there weren't the government subsidies he wouldn't have operated his company the way he has. He would have gotten other investors in other ways and used different methods, so just imagining what the company would look like exactly as it is now but just subtracting the government funding is not realistic.

>> No.9968816

Elon is the anti-intellectualism. He is selfish,a pro-money, pro-Trump, anti-human

>> No.9968825

Cant blame the diver dude, hes basically set for life with that law suit. I wish Elon would insult me on twitter.

>> No.9968830

>he's not a real chad, he only gets to fuck my wife because I'm a cuck.

>> No.9968836

>if a word that describes a cultural stigma well comes into recent use it must mean the word is just jew propoganda

>> No.9968850

"would have failed without government subsidies" you say, but if there weren't the government subsidies he wouldn't have operated his company the way he has.

No fucking shit.
>Get free money
>From entity with near infinite money
>I uhh, well you see we neeeeeeed more money for this one thiiiiing.
>okay here's more money
>can you throw an extra million in there for me? We are launching your spy tech and whatnot...I mean I have been keeping preeeeetty quite about all that guys..
>Okay here's 3 million because we can

he would have gotten other investors in other ways and used different methods, so just imagining what the company would look like exactly as it is now but just subtracting the government funding is not realistic.
>okay mr. Goldberg Shekelstein, I need some startup money for a few awesome ideas that would be a great investment for you!
>Okay, here's the first idea. You know how they have gasoline powered cars? Well lets make them powered by coal, and twice as expensive?
>Not intriguing enough mr. Shekelstein? Okay. How about an aftermarket propane brush burner that looks like a sci-fi weapon that we'll market to the kids as a "flame thrower"! We'll even mark up the price like $500 per unit!
>Trust me I ran a monopoly credit card paying service that was the best in the business, despite the fact that many don't like it's policies and it was pretty much the ONLY secure one.

Only someone on Jameson of in a fucking psychosis would take Elon as a serious business partner.

>> No.9968855

>comes into recent use
>because media brings it to peoples attention
>who is run mainly by...

>>>/deductive reasoning/

>> No.9968858
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Okay, this is epic.

>> No.9968865

I didn't read the thread yet, but the claim that tech rich guys aren't behaving like grown ups isn't all too far fetched, I'd say. And Elon clearly doesn't have himself together, is that debatable? I mean of course he's in an odd position and I don't blame him, but he keeps misstepping.

>> No.9968996

I said the mornons who are against learning new things are not a recent development.

They killed the guy who proved the earth wasnt the center of the universe and believing the earth isnt round is still something mongoloids like yourself do.

>> No.9969009


>> No.9969062


>> No.9969080

>What you gonna do, faggot? Sue me?

>> No.9969125

>said the mornons who are against learning new things are not a recent development.
Normal people who live in the real world already have a term for these people. "Stupid people", "dumbasses", "ignorant", "idiot", "moron" suffices without the need to dive into Rolland-Barthes type of mythology surrounding word usage. Of all the descriptors for stupid people that are out there, you for some reason chose "Anti-Intellectualism".
Really if you want to go in depth, you're actually using the word completely incorrect. See the devils in the details, the "ism" at the end implies that it's some sort of belief system. That there's actually some group out there practicing and studying the art of being stupid. People preaching and believing in the hatred of knowledge. There are only a few secularized groups (ex. Amish) who actively do this. The rest are just plain stupid people who don't know shit from shinola, or opinions that you and people who throw that word around don't agree with.
>somehow jumps to flat earth discussion and provides a false equivalency argument when discussing the choice of words with more or less the same meaning.
slow down

>> No.9969307
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>> No.9969311

twitter was a mistake

anyone who isnt stupid would stay the hell away from that platform

>> No.9969315


You a billionaire? You a President?

But you think they're the idiots?

>> No.9969325

why neither of them has a public relations team in control of their twitter accounts is curious. Seems to be doing both of them more harm than good, frankly.

>> No.9969328

Elon is anti-intellectual, the dangerous anti-intellectual is not the flat earth, evolution denying fundamentalist anymore. It's the pop sci scientism humanist pandering anti intellectual that cares more about the romantic idea of humanity, the idea of technology and science, etc. than reality.

>> No.9969340
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>he doesn't know the west is in a time period analogue with Rome before Caesar
>he doesn't know cultures only live for 1000 - 1500 years and that Western culture started 1000 years ago
>he doesn't know that the age of scientific discoveries is over and most scientific experiments (80% of them) are not falsifiable
>he doesn't know that we're going back to second-religiousness
Cringe and bluepilled, watch the video

>> No.9969344
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> most scientific experiments (80% of them) are not falsifiable
Nice LARP, but you have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.9969352

Little triggered redditard.

>> No.9969354

The age of scientific discoveries is over. If you want to see some some new breakthrough of thought, you better find a way to travel 1000 years into the future, because we won't have any until that time comes

>> No.9969384

He hasn't sued him. At least not yet.
And he would be stupid to actually sue Musk. Just imagine the hell Musk could unleash on the guy by hiring a team of private investigators to dig up whatever dirt they could find on him. Not to mention that whatever lawyer the diver guy could hire with what little money he makes from professional diving will be no match to Musk's legal team.

>> No.9969418


"Phase" alliterates to a significant change in organization. Does the media hype and focus around one guy mean there has been significant change the organization of "Anti-Intellectualism in the West"?

No, nothing is different

>> No.9969424

It's almost entirely shills. No real person gives a fuck that spacex and tesla get subsidies because so does every other fucking car and aerospace industry, the difference is that spacex and tesla are actually pushing and proving new technologies unlike the other fatcats who would be happy to sit on expendable solid fuel rockets and gasoline cars for another century.

>> No.9969426

Theyre more then likely from a media post farm. 60-75% of the replies on this board now are from people assigned to degrade the quality of discussion and shit on anyone who represents /pol/s values.

It was never like this before we started regularly making global headlines.

>> No.9969451

People are finally waking up to the fucking fact that Elon is actually a fucking sham. He's a good salesman and hype driver, admirable qualities, but he's a fucking retard when it comes to the actual business of running a business. The fool has been selling high end sports cars at a fucking loss for years and riding on a wave of cheap hype money driven mostly by upward stock and bond momentum in order to keep his sham business afloat. But people kept throwing money at him because he dressed the part of a world changing billionaire maverick well, and believed his promises of "profits tomorrow, if we take losses today." Then when the first real test of his company actually going mainstream comes around (which by the way still has him selling cars at a fucking loss) and ends up being a complete and abject fucking failure where he has to construct a fucking tent outdoors to hook together spare parts to "manufacture" dangerously shoddy vehicles to meet an artificially self imposed deadline in order to keep stock prices afloat, or else the only thing keeping his company solvent, hype, might collapse and drive him into bankruptcy. The fact of the matter is subsidy or no subsidy, Elon still makes 0 fucking money on Tesla, and not only do they make zero fucking money, they don't make even make REVENUE. He's a fucking moron, and should have hired someone competent to execute the money side of the business and made himself the shiny poster boy.

>> No.9969472

Why would any neutral player be motivated to write this. (thats rhetorical son)

>> No.9969490

Sucks about your attempted short huh?

>> No.9969519

Ebin comebacks bros. Tell me in what universe where constantly selling everything at a massive loss is somehow a business. If Elon billed Tesla as some sort of quasi charity case to spread the Gospel of renewable energies fair enough, but he bills it as a business. And as a shareholder in the business a person must always ask, wheres the fucking money Elon.

>> No.9969529

I guess thats why the stock shot up 11% a few hours after he posted his earnings report, even though he posted significant loss's. Its because hes dumb, ugly and nobody even likes him.

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.9969536

Thunderf00t pls go and stay go

>> No.9969537

>unlike the other fatcats who would be happy to sit on expendable solid fuel rockets

What... do you think Spacex uses?

>> No.9969545

>amish are anti-knowlege
You're a fucking ignorant retard on a level that makes the flat earthers look clever

>> No.9969548

Obviously thorium fucking spacecraft!

>> No.9969573

>expendable solid fuel rockets
Reusable rockets.

>> No.9969578

Nuclear powered rockets and aircraft are 1950's tech.

>> No.9969587

>modern world uses electricity and motors which in turn make life more simple. These are also things that you need a brain in order to use.
>group of overall wearing straw hats disregards 200 years of technological advancements over some secularized belief that it is evil
>Somehow you believe that this does not make them "anti-intellectual" despite the fact that their very way of life has been stagnant and continues to breed the same people with the same stubborn belief.

And it is a belief so that makes the "ism" applicable to them. They are are nothing other than a group of people who literally believe technological advancement(the key work being advancement) should not be used or limited for secularized reason that they adopted from their already christian beliefs. They are the tryhards of anti-intellectualism, who despite knowing full well of electricity and other advancements of the world choose to purposefully not use them or promote them. All because they are as stubborn as the stumps on their glorified homesteading communities. They've provided nothing to those outside their own community, they have served in no war that aided my country and their beliefs would have use stuck in the dark ages. Fuck them and fuck their unwarranted pride.
And the most ironic part about it all is that their main shtick is "humility" and rejection of pride, yet they exercise through tradition and shunning those who don't abide by their way. They are so prideful in their way of life which is the very reason why they are still around.

>You're a fucking ignorant retard on a level that makes the flat earthers look clever
See? You don't need to use "Anti-intellectual" after all!.

>> No.9970541
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>> No.9970557


>The day Elon stops taking subsidies is the day he deserves any respect given to him.

Nothing wrong with taking subsidies when your companies are pushing the boundaries of technology. It is some of the best spent taxpayer money ever.

>> No.9970559

>when your companies are pushing the boundaries of technology.
But his companies aren't "pushing the boundaries of technology".

The companies he buys up are. In his own companies he underpays the shit out of engineers who in turn deliver shit work. That's why he has to keep buying tech from others (which is then tragically under-utilized at his companies).

Why not just give more subsidies to the companies that are actually pushing the boundaries and, in addition, are actually achieving results without underpaying their staff?

I'll tell you why it's because they haven't mastered the scummy lobbying game that Elon has.

>> No.9970560

what subsidies?

>> No.9970565


>Why not just give more subsidies to the companies that are actually pushing the boundaries

Which ones? ULA? NASA and its corrupt contractors? Dont make me laugh. We would wait for another century until reusable rocketry from those crackpots.

>> No.9970620
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>they haven't mastered the scummy lobbying game that Elon has

nailed it

just like how the retards will tell you NASA is bad because its wrong for us to pay for things directly. The corrupt sellout of America already happened and we are all in a shittier world for that fact.

>> No.9970730

Its the battle between STEM and the (((humanities))). All Math, Physics, Engineering, and Science people need to unite against the Humanities who wish to destroy society.

>> No.9970734

>replication crisis
literally only applies to fake sciences aka social sciences.

>> No.9970738

He's literally trying to monetize on space which according to the UN belongs to everyone.

I'm not sure if witch hunting is all he should get.

>> No.9970740

>current media witch hunt againsg Elon Musk
It started with his journalist rating site tweet

>> No.9970744

>According to the UN belongs to everyone
The same people who made fucking Saudi Arabia in charge of the human rights council?

>> No.9970747

>implying the auto and fossil industry doesn't get even greatet subsidies

>> No.9970756

There are on this board rn people that unironically believe this rich car salesman/con artist is some sorta intellectual because he sprinkles a bit of nerd culture garbage like Rick and Morty and space opera trash on his turds

>> No.9970758

>PhD in Physics
>pretending to be some sorta intellectual

>> No.9970760


>He's literally trying to monetize on space which according to the UN belongs to everyone.

With such a cancerous attitude as the UN, it will belong to noone because we lack the technology to colonize it. Private spaceflight it the best thing to happen in aerospace since 1969.

>> No.9970761

>people on /sci/ actually like Elon Musk
brainlet board

>> No.9970763

>PhD in Physics

>> No.9970769


yes, we are a brainlet board unworthy of your presence

now fuck off back to the intellectuals at /pol/ or reddit or where the hell you anti-Musk shills crawl from

>> No.9970785

yep, they literally couldn't stop sucking his cock for a decade until that

>> No.9970786

>its not new

We Real Intellectuals (tm) know that "it's" is a contraction of "it is" and has that apostrophe in the middle there.

>> No.9970787


He’s an investor with enough savvy to know which engineers and scientists to hire for the job. Sure he’s smart enough that his eyes don’t glaze over when they talk him, but he’s not the brains of the effort anyways.

>> No.9970791

>if there weren't the government subsidies he wouldn't have operated his company the way he has.

Less successfully?

>He would have gotten other investors in other ways

He might have. Or he might not have been able to. Real investors due a little more due diligence than government is search of an agenda-driven fantasy, because governments don't have to care if the money is wasted, they can always get more just by demanding it.

>> No.9970793

>They killed the guy who proved the earth wasnt the center of the universe

To whom are you referring here?

>> No.9970798

I'd agree in Musk's case -- Trump seems to be doing fine with it -- it reinforces those who dislike him, but also reinforces those who love him.

I'd argue he'd be better served by allowing some of the folks who are n-on the fence about him, or dislike him but are not rabid about it, to get on board with him, but that's a seperate discussion from whether he's doing what he wants with Twitter. And is getting far afield from /sci/, so I'll hush now.

>> No.9970800

Brilliant rebuttal, I see you have a strong grasp of science and debate skills.

>> No.9970802

There will be no suit, Musk will quietly settle. Don't you guys know how the legal system works?

>> No.9970811
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" He began a Ph.D. in applied physics and material sciences at Stanford University in 1995 but dropped out after two days to pursue an entrepreneurial career. "

He is two days closer to a PhD in Physics than I am.

>> No.9970814

>believing the earth isnt round is still something mongoloids like yourself do.
You'll be eating your words sooner or later.

>> No.9970887

>m for mobile
The absolute state of /pol/ holy shit

>> No.9970890

Is there any proof of this actually being true?

>> No.9970891

>He’s an investor with enough savvy to know which engineers and scientists to hire for the job.
if only he had enough savvy to make a company that didn't drive those same engineers away after a few years

>> No.9970895

What would you accept as proof?

have you proof that it is not true?

>> No.9970911

Look who's talking

>> No.9970973

>Nothing wrong with taking subsidies when your companies are pushing the boundaries of technology.
>enhanced bottle rocket technology, under powered brush burners and cars that would rival a 1997 Honda Del Sol are the peak of this mans technological achievements
>It is some of the best spent taxpayer money ever.
>Implying most of mans technology didn't directly come from war efforts. Would have been better just doing that. Literally the vulcanization and processing of rubber from the congo is better than anything this man has come up with.
>Now that "space force" has government defense funding watch as spaceX becomes a thing of the past in a few short years.


>lets subsidize something that every person in our country uses in order to transport themselves to work and buy food/necessities in order to make money for the country. They in turn can even use this substance to drive to the tax collection office.
>lets subsidize another space company even though we already have one in hopes of taking even more money and materials and throwing it onto some barren wasteland rock in space even though our entire country is polarized and our education and healthcare system is in shambles. We will spend billions in order to save millions just so we can reuse the same bottle rocket technology from the 60's. Because we'll be using bottle rockets forever after all! They are the absolute greatest for space travel and will let us explore the galaxy at an unprecedented rate.

>> No.9970979

Tesla is not doing fantastic, stop this fucking retarded myth. SpaceX is really the only company of his that makes any sense because it has a proper business model and actually has a set of good executives running it (as in, SpaceX has a COO, Tesla does not). Musk is a dipshit whose only real ability is marketing and market timing.

>> No.9971066

/pol/ is pro musk, we want to into space juat as much as you do

>> No.9971212


>> No.9971215

Lol these shills are so transparent, you guys really need some new talking points and stop making all your posts read like copies of each other.

>Muh welfare queen
>Promptly ignores the nigtrillion other companies taking subsidies

>Muh fraud
>Ignores the fact his companies are actually delivering usable products that no one else does

>Muh no new technologies
>Demonstrably false to anyone with a pair of eyes

>> No.9971221

I don't what is the worst on /sci/ : trump thread or Musk thread

>> No.9971276
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Notice how all this is coming out right after Musk expressed support for Universal Healthcare and UBI.
Challenge the system even a little bit and it will eat you alive.

>> No.9971327

He is a techno-socialist because the only way your shitty system works is the other side of post scarcity.

>> No.9971703

Go back to wherever you came from, you don't and have never belonged here

>> No.9972183

Electionfags have no self-awareness.

>> No.9972324


>> No.9972367

What exactly is his power level?

>> No.9972371

I bet Musk was so angry at all the dumb questions the soibois asked him at the Mexico IAC that he decided to reveal his autism just so they'd fuck off, leaving only the more discerning fans here at /sci/

>> No.9972373
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>> No.9972375
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>> No.9972394

tesla never had a profitable year
literally putting laptop batteries and ipads in electric cars and marketing it as "technological advancement"

too many boomers in my department follow his "antics" and actually care what the does

i guess spacex is kinda cool

>> No.9972671
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>> No.9972713

Reminder to not give shills (You)s, it makes them so mad
Like this soiboi here 9972394

>> No.9972904

Yeah that was pretty bad

>Be Elon Musk
>Reveal new rocket that can open up space and the solar system for pennies and how it is all going to work
>Finish, hype as fuck, pulled off a smooth presentation
>Alright time for questions
>Um excuse me why are you not hiring more brown people?
>Hey Elon I'm going to advertise my comic real quick
>Can I come give you a kiss? tee hee
>Ayo muhfugga I'm smart af give me a job at Tesla
>Hurr what about taking a shit on Mars?

Kek he probably wanted to gas that whole room after that.

>> No.9972915

>He's literally trying to monetize on space which according to the UN belongs to everyone.

good thing SpaceX is an American company and doesn't have to listen to the UN

>> No.9972918


>> No.9972942

>business magnate, investor, engineer
the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.9972952

Treating Elon Musk like he was the next Einstein IS the anti-intellectualism. Instead of praising the huge efforts by hundreds of researchers at scores of universities worldwide, the public prefers to believe in the myth of the solitary genius that did it all by himself, just through sheer will power.

>> No.9973063

>>lets subsidize something that every person in our country uses
>let's subsidize something that's already an extremely profitable business

>> No.9973076


It has always been harder to scrutinize your ideas and dig for new information than to just repeat whatever retarded shit comforted you once and take it as a personal attack if anyone asks any better of you.

>> No.9973078

Like anyone listens to the UN, what are they going to do? Write a strongly worded letter?

>> No.9974183

Most people have always been anti-intellectual.

You might not believe this, because it isn't really taught anymore, but what came to be known as the Christian church was originally the product of the philosophical tradition dating back to Socrates. Both egalitarianism, and much of the recognition of prestige in being learned is of that line.

The Church, however, like every institution ever, was riddled with anti-intellectual fucktards who peddled the notion that Christ represented the last word, the end of philosophy.

Point is, again, that this shit is inescapable. Dumb people constitute the majority and will always inadvertently proceed to actively degenerate anything built by wiser men.

>> No.9974200

I think it's more that people see lots of billionaires doing nothing much with their money other than buying yachts or islands, whereas we have this one guy dedicating it to keeping the dream of a Mars rocket alive, and has risked losing it all in the process (i.e. the Falcon 1 days), and is continuing to engage in that risk with trying to make Tesla work. BUt yes, if anyone thinks he is a solitary genius behind everything SpaceX does, they're retarded. He's intelligent and engaged with his companies on a very technical level, but it's mainly that he has an idea, the money and the ability to motivate that is worthy of respect.

>> No.9974205

Brainlet here - didn’t spacex lose some expensive payloads from Facebook etc?

How is it ever going to reach profitability now if no one trusts it?

>> No.9974222


>Instead of praising the huge efforts by hundreds of researchers at scores of universities worldwide

These existed before Musk came along, yet it takes Musk to finally invent cheap reusable rocketry. Without Musk there would be no reusable rockets, and so he deserves the credit.

>> No.9974224

that payload wasn't just for facebook, although facebook did have a small part in it (to provide facebook for Africans or something). It's the nature of the business; the satellite will have been insured, but the loss is not ideal. There are still plenty of other satellite operators who are very enthusiastic about the lower launch prices (Iridium and SES being a couple of the main ones, and obviously NASA is still supporting them by giving them resupply missions, not to mention the air force still trusts them to launch payloads which are an order of magnitude more expensive).

>> No.9974225

SpaceX has plenty of launches on the manifest, one launch wont cause loss of trust if another few dozen are successfull.

>> No.9974227

>calling each other man child
What's the point even? People call other manchildren just because someone prefer to play video games instead of watching Netflix. It's meaningless, it carries no actual argument.

>> No.9974228


>Because we'll be using bottle rockets forever

We will be using bottle rockets indeed. Reality is not Star Trek, my brainlet friend, we aint warping to the stars ever. Reusable bottle rockets are good enough to colonize the solar system.

And to leave the system we have to transcend biology.

>> No.9974232

>Without Musk there would be no reusable rockets

>> No.9974237

Musk is CEO. He is the executive, it's literally his role to take all the praise and risk. Sure, he couldn't do anything without his workers, but that's just like Gates, Gaben or any CEO. But they represent the whole company, the workers agree to be represented by them by working there and getting paid for it.

>> No.9974911

SpaceX remains the only company with reusable rockets, BO shill
Tell your boss he needs to catch up or he'll fail

>> No.9975488
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>We will be using bottle rockets indeed.
As long as we're under the psychosis of GR and QM, sure.

>Reality is not Star Trek, my brainlet friend, we aint warping to the stars ever.

No shit. That fucking show has poisoned the brains of those inspired by it with notions that everything is a fucking particle/pseudo science made up "thing". "Oh uh we need more dilithium crystals captain because we need them for warp...because tachyons and shit".


>only when you look at the stock value of the company
>and not the actual real world companies which are failing miserably
>doesn't even publish profits of space X
>neglecting the fact that a stock is not a profit. It is an investment, a promise of a return or gain of said investment.

So please tell me one government subsidized company of his that has turned a profit. How much and what is the 5 year outlook?

>> No.9975492

reading comprehension you deranged retard. His companies are doing fantastic.

>> No.9975497

Bottle rockets are shit tier, only good for getting out of the atmosphere and inner system travel. We already have the technology in the form of lasers and sails to push a craft to whatever percentage of c we want. If someone can make an FTL drive then great, but idk, looking at the proposed theories, the energy/exotic mass requirements are pretty ridiculous.

>> No.9975562
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>We already have the technology in the form of lasers and sails to push a craft to whatever percentage of c we want.
First of all, no we don't and second of all.
>Faster than "Light"
>Faster than a non moving rate of induction of electricity and magnetism

Startrek poisoning and quantum glue huffing is bad for your health.

>> No.9975602

>he's so obsessed with huffing his own farts that he can't even read a post

>> No.9976349

>Is so obsessed with giving generic responses that he doesn't even fact check the responses he gives.

Light doesn't travel and we don't have fucking solar sails. You live in the remnants of atomistic psychosis. If you think that that is hubristic of me to say then go ahead and please provide proof of these extraordinary claims.

>> No.9976501

>>Light doesn't travel

>> No.9976534

>As long as we're under the psychosis of GR and QM, sure.

Fuck off, pseud. /x/ is that way

>> No.9976535

dude... hes like...s mart and stuff...... Rofl

>> No.9976541

Uh Whut? Something composed of two things that have no speed limit somehow has a speed limit? How can this be?

what way?