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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9966971 No.9966971 [Reply] [Original]

Why do engineers think their courses are hard? Do they not realize they essentially have a math degree thats been watered down and stripped of all the rigor and proofs?

>> No.9966975

That's not true, they learn about physics as well

>> No.9966976
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>an engineering degree is like a math degree

>> No.9966978

It's not, it's far easier than a math degree

>> No.9967003

It’s difficult because of work volume. The time it takes to run a simulation or build something is the same regardless of how smart you are.

>> No.9967007

>work volume
Please stop this meme you pseudo intellectual cuck
Engineers are just flat out retards

>> No.9967013

A combination of:
believing Working Hard = Working Smart,
And being too brainlet to even realize how little they know.

>> No.9967016

Yeah everyone knows engineering degrees are just chadley business degrees in disguise. I’m ok with it.

>> No.9967019

Why not just double major in physics and mathematics?

>> No.9967025

Because they want to become engineers

>> No.9967030

Why would anyone want to do that? Making shitty products for shitty people, instead of understanding and pushing the understanding of, the universe?

>> No.9967045

engineering courses are not hard, but doing the job is. it's basically guessing and thats kinda harder than calculating that same thing

>> No.9967056

t. Shitty person posting from his shitty product

>> No.9967058

>math is calculating things
I guess I can't blame engineers for thinking this, considering they think Calc II and linear algebra is hard "math"

>> No.9967059

A think you'll find this shitty product is due to computer ->SCIENCE<-.

>> No.9967068

>math is calculating things
yes, that is what i said, you're not putting words in my mouth at all. you are not missing the point at all

>> No.9967083

How is taking 7 math courses equivalent to a math degree?

>> No.9967094

You realize 3rd and 4th year math students don't use calculators right?

>> No.9967099

watered down math courses
Look at linear algebra for math students and then look at linear algebra for engineering students.

Universities assume their engineering students are walking retards.

>> No.9967105

Math students don't ever use calculators

>> No.9967115

What if they take a statistics course

>> No.9967116

never have i ever even mentioned a single math student in my post. also why do you have to try to be autistic and interpret the term "calculate" literally. Is it because autism would give you higher rank in science department? is your idol sheldon cooper?

>> No.9967121

Not math

>> No.9967129

epic and cool!

>> No.9967131


>> No.9967136

hmmm not sure you know what that word you used means. but on the other hand you don't seem to know much about mathematics too

>> No.9967137

>projecting this much
Some degrees are harder than others. You don't need to get your panties knotted up when someone says this

>> No.9967140

You are so dumb. Don't ever reply to me again

>> No.9967142

No reading comprehension at all.

>> No.9967146

firstly, >>9967140 is not me, i'm >>9967116
i never said engineering degree is harder than maths degree, in fact i explicitly said engineering degree is easy here >>9967045
i said working in real day to day projects is harder as an engineer. not smarter, not more complex, but harder.

>> No.9967152

Yes, the math and physics theory is severely watered down, but that's not what they care about. Engineers do a lot applied things because that's what they are doing, applying science to do things. This comes in the form of labs and projects. I hate this type of shit so I left engineering and now I'm in a math PhD.

>> No.9967177

>taking an elective means you're no longer a student of whatever your major is

>> No.9967197

Job outside Academia

>> No.9967206

At my uni, the course titled "geometry" that math majors have to take has the exact same syllabus (+conic sections) as the "applied linear algebra" course that engineers take. Not trying to prove anything. Just something that makes me chuckle.

>> No.9967210

And far more useful. We're not here to go through the gauntlet to see if we can. We're here to make the world a better place, and make some cash doing it too.

>> No.9967213

But that isn't comfy? Who doesn't want to become a tenured alcoholic with a comfy office?

>> No.9967214

Cause more people drop out of engineering into a different course than drop into it from a different course. Objectively that means we're over the hill in terms of how hard it is.

Huh, guess I needed an Applied math and science degree to figure that out, rather than just sit and wonder about it philosophically.

>> No.9967217

you can be doing that in industry as an engineer after only a few years and be making %30 more money. call the engineering profession brainlet, watered down, whatever... but it is objectively the most reward for the least amount of effort.

>> No.9967219

brainlet idiot undergrad detected

>> No.9967222

really depends on the branch and subbranch and geographic area and a lot of things

>> No.9967225

What's the matter anyway OP, your girl leave you for an engineer? Or did you not come up with a witty comeback im front of the party?
If you were truelly superior in intelligence you wouldn't be needlessly worrying about what lesser people think. Youd have important things to worry about.
But what would you know of importance? There's nothing pressing or concerning if you mess up, just money lost. But if an engineer messes up, that's people's electricity or running water or steering wheel that gets fucked with. Oh the stress free life of a research assistant...

>> No.9967232 [DELETED] 

Lots of undergrads drop out from engineering & computer science into Arts, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences.

I never heard of someone who dropped out from Arts into STEM

By /sci/ logic if Engineering and Computer Science are watered down courses from Brainlets,
then Arts & Humanities majors must are Brain dead utter retards from a /sci/ viewpoint.

>> No.9967233

You could say that for anything. Overall, it's the most pay and most fun for least effort. Boy you'd have to be a dense retard to wanna get into that, huh?

>> No.9967238

Lots of undergrads drop out from engineering & computer science into Arts, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences.

I never heard of someone who dropped out from Arts into STEM

By /sci/ logic if Engineering and Computer Science are watered down courses from Brainlets,
then Arts & Humanities majors must be Brain dead utter retards from a /sci/ viewpoint.

>> No.9967239

>then Arts & Humanities majors must are Brain dead utter retards from a /sci/ viewpoint.
This is true

>> No.9967243

You'd never drive a car if you knew how many times an engineer said "meh, it'll hold"

>> No.9967247

Biologists are brainlets too.

Biology is way easier than Computer Science or any Engineering (except Environmental)

>> No.9967248

So, your argument is:
>Be a brainlet, because you get paid more.
Wouldn't it be better to be fulfilled in your work?

>> No.9967249

once you get your PE you're a made guy. $100 an hour for doing stupid shit like designing backflow preventers or residential roof trusses. thats after only 4-5 years. at that point, you're still sucking your PI's cock for research opportunities if you're an academic.

>> No.9967252


>> No.9967253

>Wouldn't it be better to be fulfilled in your work?
i don't want to work. i do it because i get paid. thats why they call it work and not happy fuck fuck time.

>> No.9967259

>sucking PI's cock

Also PostDocs & positions for pure sciences are increasingly competitive & hard to get into.

I feel bad for Astronomy PostDocs from Europe & USA.
The few jobs available for Astronomers are found only in very far away isolated remote locations such as Chile's Atacama desert or Australian outback.

>> No.9967265
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>i don't want to work.
Wajecuck Wojack

>> No.9967275

>Overall, it's the most pay and most fun for least effort.
yeah, I've finished my structural engineering degree and got a job where i had to work 60 hour weeks for less than 400$ (not in US, but here the average pay is around 900$). It was a construction site, I was supposed to be a main site engineers helper (whatever that's called in english). Turns out because our country is shit and there's a lack of people i had to do the actual main site engineers job (i was alone on the site, there was another guy on paper with me, not in reality). It's an awful job, very stressful. I quit and went to a structural eng company (one of the best in country). same pay as on the field, a bit less hours, but still way over 40 hours a week. Had to sign things without really calculating (i couldn't sign but boss had no time to check my calculations and i had so much work i had to just guess half the things). Extreme stress, i felt like half my structures will colapse any minute. At last, a place at uni opened and I got it as a research assistant. 40 hour weeks, 950$ per month, no stress, haven't done a thing in a year.

>> No.9967277
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>i don't want to work
Automation will kill most jobs so your desire might come true after all...

Even mathematicians aren't safe from automation:

>> No.9967280

i am an engineer so i know. but i also know that the bridge that fell in italy not long ago was also a "meh, it'll hold". You need to be very stupid or have nerves of steel to be able to do that

>> No.9967283

i'm engineer and an academic. it's nowhere near that bad in shithole countries. uni has no money so they don't even expect you to do any real work.

>> No.9967286

>40 hour weeks, 950$ per month
jesus christ, tell me where you live so i can retire there and be a king. i make more than that just off my VA gibs.

>> No.9967294
File: 19 KB, 620x576, I-Know-That-Feel-Bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stressful narrow deadlines.
>Harsh work environment at main site
>Fear that structure would collapse killing people.
>Long work hours for (relatively) Low Wages.

I know that feel bro. I worked as CAD monkey for a small Shoring company, drafting scaffolding & temporary structures.

But then huge economic crisis hit hard the Construction industry my country.
I and most of colleagues in my office were laid off.

Now I'm not a CAD monkey anymore, I became another type of Monkey ... a Code monkey.

>> No.9967296

you should learn to read. that's nice in my country, especially for a starting sallary ( i don't think anyone has higher starting salary). not all can be born in the land of the free. If i were living in USA, i'd gladly work as an engineer