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996349 No.996349 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a book that argues that gender, IQ, etc. are biologically determined. I asked the literature board, but they got angry when I asked them this question.

>> No.996354

Just get back there and tell em they're dumb and that books and culture don't replace intelligence

>> No.996396
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>they don't read books

>> No.996415

Protip: all penises started out as a clitoris

>> No.996425

They really don't. I couldn't get them to name a single book that says gender is biologically determined. One would think they kept up with the literature on gender, being mostly English majors.

>> No.996433

Look into Biological positivism/Psychological positivism.

I can't really give any specific author but I'm sure you could find some on Wiki.

>> No.996442

Gender and sex are not the same thing. Sex is biologically determined, gender is not. Gender is an identity.

>> No.996444

thank you.

>> No.996453

Gender isn't biologically determined, bro.
If it's hot during early childhood the baby becomes a boy, if it's cold the baby becomes a girl.

>> No.996457

You see, that's neither an argument or a book. I'm looking for a BOOK that ARGUES gender is biologically determined.

>> No.996481

I'm just asking for a book title. That's all.

>> No.996532

It doesn't even have to be a book now. It can be anything, like an article.

>> No.996569

OP still doesn't understand that by definition what he's asking for is impossible.

>> No.996582

How is it impossible?

>> No.996583

has nobody on /lit/ ever heard of chromosomes?

>> No.996588
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>> No.996592

Gender is not sex.

>> No.996597
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wtf are you guys trolling
gender is determined by whether the embryo has xx or xy chromosomes, which is determined by which sperm enters the egg?

and iq is obviously cultural

@op: wtf for?

>> No.996599

It's not biologically determined. Sharing the same gender identity with your sex is a pretty strong predisposition, though.

>> No.996600

I'm asking for a book that argues the opposite though.

>> No.996603


>> No.996604
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>> No.996606


>> No.996609

I like reading books.

>> No.996614

Mental issues.

>> No.996611

If that were true why are there people spending thousands of dollars to cut up their genitals?

>> No.996620

Gender is a grammar construct. You mean sex bro. Unless you think biology determines linguistics, in which case interesting study.

Also you won't find anything that argues anything is genetic any more since it's all hippy trippy "everyone has an equal chance to do whatever they want" bullshit. Face facts people some people are born better than others and will have natural aptitude in certain areas. Others won't.

>> No.996629


Gender is only a grammatic construct like cleave only means to join together. Some words have multiple meanings.

>> No.996632

I think Chomsky argued that.

>> No.996633

I'm looking for a book that agues that ellipses are circles.

>> No.996635

Okay, so gender IS an identity if having mental problems changes it.

>> No.996652

I found a book once that psychoanalysed Euclidean geometry. It's called Euclid's Outline of Sex.

Don't worry. It's an old parody.

>> No.996655

try a textbook. just make sure it's nothing printed after this year, because it'll just say you were made that way because god said so

>> No.996682

I am a transfag. It is definitely a social thing. I wasn't always like this.

>> No.996687

But don't you see, this is not what OP wants.

>> No.996692

I don't think you're very impartial. It's like a Christian arguing against natural selection being the main driving force behind evolution.

>> No.996701

Yeah, I'm looking for a book. I don't want any fighting going on like in the last thread. I just want a book title so that I can go Amazon it.

>> No.996720
File: 138 KB, 566x728, sideshow_mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Blank Slate, by Steve Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard

The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature

For IQ, you probably won't do better than "The G Factor", by Arthur Jensen. It's the canonical book for the curious layman. Also "The G Factor" by Chris Brand is a pretty terse and easy read, and can be found online to boot.

>> No.996721

go ask /New/

>> No.996726

What. Don't trans people usually argue that they were "born" trans? I am just saying that my insecurities with my gender were something I developed later on in life so it has to at least be partially a social thing.

>> No.996727


>> No.996735

this, they can probably also give you some books on race and IQ

>> No.996741

but they'll all have to do with are nigger iqs

>> No.996782

The entire definition of gender is that it's socially determined. Someone's gender is what they identify themselves as. There are obviously biological predispositions towards sex and genders matching, but the definition of the word prohibits it from being biological. Even if you are the craziest of crazies, if you really believe your gender is something, it is.

>> No.996807
