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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9959278 No.9959278 [Reply] [Original]

Hey so Im taking calculus 3 using "Stewart Caculus". Heres the course description:

"Math 263 is the third of a three-course sequence in calculus. Topics include vectors and the geometry of space, vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus"

the class had a professor who I knew was good, but they fucking changed it last second. Theres no other option for me other than to drop the class, which is my last resort.

I was able to get an A in both Calc 1 and Calc 2 but that was due to easy grading, I'm more of a 85% student because I make a lot of stupid/careless mistakes.

Do you guys think I will be able to get an A in the class? Is it harder than the previous ones?

pls I feel scared, I need some reassurance. If I don't get an A i'm fucked.

>> No.9959280

pic not related btw.

>> No.9959296

Easier and more interesting than calc ii desu

>> No.9959297

Just practice. calculus is easy. Shitty brainlets can easily get straight A's but just putting in a minor amount of work.

>> No.9959309
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Just make a calc table.

The equations just appear scary to most people because the instructors don't step people through instructional minima and instead give long, drawn out examples without focusing on what is fundamentally just an exchange of 'indivisible measurements'.

Which is a thing you really shouldn't have a hard time getting across if you are a PROFESSOR.

None of you can ever know if your professor is any good, unless you subscribe to 'intellectual tribalism' and not 'classical autodidactic instruction'

Seriously, why are you humans so fucking scared about being able to replicate what SOME OTHER human, ages ago, wrote down?

You do all know that if books spontaneously exploded you guys would just have to learn how to actually, I dunno, be a cohesive social experience.

>> No.9959321

Does it use a lot of the integration tecniques from calc 2? I don't remember trig substitution very well.

yeah, but I make shitty mistakes and this guy doesn't give extra credit.

whats a calc table?

No I understand the equations, I just worried that he'll make the test really hard and be really hard on the grading,
Sort out Cal1, 2 and 3 in order of difficulty

>> No.9959331

>Does it use a lot of the integration tecniques from calc 2? I don't remember trig substitution very well

>> No.9959333
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Blows my mind that education still has assholes like this. Makes the test really hard? What for? His fucking ego? He doesn't know how to just share his learning?

A calc table is essentially a replacement-layout function table where for any given function you simply plot 'variables in transit' outside the table, but aligned linearly to whatever function ruleset you are behaving with.

This works both for English grammar and mathematical strata.

>Attached is Excel calculus expressions

>> No.9959354

ah, good. How often do these come up later in math? Should I relearn them more in depth?

I'm okay with hard exams, but don't fucking give me 0 points because my 1 looks like a 7 and everything else is correct.

thanks both of you. So,,, calc 1,2,3, in order of difficulty?

>> No.9959365


Calc3 is more like Calc1 in that the course is more about establishing important concepts (like calc1) rather than teaching techniques for the concepts (like calc2). That doesn't mean there won't be equations you will have to learn and understand, but it does mean that as long as you understand the concepts you should fare relatively well. As for small mistakes, a lot of stewart really boils down to application of concepts anyway, so you can easily train this with a lot of practice (which is easily found with the fuckton of practice problems at the end of each chapter).

>> No.9959401

I see, that makes sense.

so will I be alright?

>> No.9959420 [DELETED] 
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>'variables in transit'
>English grammar

>> No.9959494

Just finished a summer Calc 3 course with the Stewart book. Let me know if I can help you with anything.

>> No.9959630
File: 9 KB, 213x92, 1535024603375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example: We are all nouns transiting adjectives and verbs to achieve a calculi

>image attached

>> No.9959635
File: 10 KB, 213x96, 1524875300820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is some pi length line

Also, pretty sure you've been waiting this to satisfy your 'sin/cosine' limit thing: The Lord.


>> No.9959642
File: 70 KB, 1634x548, 1515211829626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! I GET IT! The arguments of value and weight rage within, and nowhere else! More people NEED TO LEARN THIS REVELATION!

w = weight!

Make my OWN arguments light enough to sexually stimulate EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE!

>> No.9959660

This seems like a good place to ask. I transferred into a cs program and everyone is acting like discrete math is a weedout class. I did well in calc2/3 so i'm not that worried, should I be?

>> No.9959799

this thread is stupid. learn to deal with adversity. i had the same exact thing happen to me for calc 3 and the prof was awful, but i mastered the material better than anyone who takes that class at that school because i cared and i put in the effort to supplement my learning in lieu of his disastrous anxiety and disorganization.
"i make lots of stupid mistakes, i'm a stupid mistake person"
this is not a fact about you, this is you being lazy. if you actually go over your work at the end of exams carefully and completely, you will never make a single stupid mistake. every stupid mistake i've ever made was a product of negligence on my part. and i don't make them anymore. take some fucking initiative.

discrete is a weedout class for cs majors because cs majors are fucking idiots who have no ability to reason
discrete is literally just baby learns to prove simple middle school math facts, nothing more, nothing less

>> No.9959801

space/vector are babby tier; I've no clue why its even included in Calc classes, shits Trig level

partial derivatives are stupidly easy; you just take the derivative of a function a single variable at a time and pretend the other ones are just constants

multiple integrals is the reverse, you just do one integral at a time; hardest part is grasping domain and ranges

vector calculus is literally just calculus over a line, hardest part is if the guy gets particular about Stokes proofs

best advice I can give you is to get handy with visualizing shadows of 3D objects onto a 2D plane, and 2D objects onto a 1D plane; then realize that all applies to 4D objects as well

and get real handy with matrices, because lord almighty are you gonna have to get intimate with grads

>> No.9959806
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yep; half the class was boring as shit to me because I'd already learned boolean logic from vidyagaems; and set theory isn't that hard honestly

I got a B despite a summer class + being blitzed off my ass half the time

>> No.9959809
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I got the highest score out of a class of 300 (a perfect 100) and developed a relationship with the professor, with whom I've continued coursework and research.
But I'm not a worthless filthy druggie, so I guess your B is impressive too.

>> No.9959814

I took it undergrad at a comm college before I actually started caring desu

>alcohol is druggy
whatever you say mr mormon

>> No.9959817
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i was trying to get a rise out of you and you didn't bite
sorry anon, i'm bored tonight

>> No.9959823
File: 80 KB, 1018x784, yots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit an actual admission of wrongdoing and regret on the internet
fuck what do I do, capitalize on your weakness?
god dammit I've forgotten how to socialize normally

>> No.9959830
File: 19 KB, 330x189, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would it make you feel more comfortable if i pretend to be all knowing and infallible again, while posting smug reaction images?

>> No.9959831

>belittles thread
>demands another human to learn through adversary
>acts adverserial

>> No.9959833

Why would anyone want to be infalliable? How would you ever learn to be different if what you were was absolute?

>> No.9959834

why would I ever want to be different if I were already infallible?

kek, totally unintentional. my first post was completely sincere.

>> No.9959855
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I just find it pleasing to factorize expressed language. Neurologically speaking a 'joke' is a neuron that misfired as either a similar pattern or some nearest-k neighbor.

Being able to redigest another person's 'unintentionals' into 4 lines is kinda like a haiku.

However it usually only has value if the person who responds to them is insightful enough to understand that we are 'all' teachers of our own moments and how easy it is for us to generate trust-trees with intellectual qualia.

>> No.9959857
File: 416 KB, 1024x768, 1522956416114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 'could' you be different if you were infallible? To what knowledge or wisdom would you be 'found' if it wasn't ultimately for you to tell them that they are wrong, if but only once?

>> No.9959867
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, sleeptight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first i was like damn anon but now i'm like thats gonna have to be a yikes from me dawg
i'll give you one of these as a parting gift >>>/lit/

>> No.9960004

desu I still don't understand the Jacobian

>> No.9960241

my beautiful thread! it got derailed!

>> No.9960610
File: 186 KB, 319x776, qing flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol how big do little squares get
why is this difficult

>> No.9960631

It's literally just change of variables. you already know that the functions behave linearly locally you might need to look at some of the theorems related to determinates

>> No.9961805

so the intuitive explanation for the 3D (2 variable) case is reasonably easy. but to jump to higher dimensions requires an understanding that most calc 3 students do not have. many people take calc 3 before ever studying linear algebra.