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9958478 No.9958478 [Reply] [Original]

>that boomer tech illiterate professor who never puts any material online, never answer emails and uses the chalkboard for everything instead of slides
Just die already you old farts

>> No.9958533

Not studying Computer Science,
taught by tech literate professors.

That's your problem.

>> No.9958605

Oh nooo people dont use screens to teach me stuff, i cant stand the smell of chalk, reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9958625

it doesn't matter what medium the information is presented in, go to the lectures and take notes by hand.

>> No.9958627

you are literally the cancer that killed academia

>> No.9958635

Normally I hate old people as much as the next guy but academia is the one place where the 60 year old dudes are pretty based.
Decades of not giving a fuck tends to make people pretty cool.

>> No.9958661

>ugh I hate having easily accessible reading materials

>> No.9958676

I am, actually. Its the boomers in the math department that does this kind of shit.

>go to the lectures and take notes by hand
What, like a caveman?

Nah, if they don't make a minimal effort to organize their material/schedule/etc, then they shouldn't be teaching.

>> No.9958681

As far as the chalkboard complaint goes, a lot of times it's more dynamic and more comfortable to draw things the old fashion way instead of preparing slides in advance.
That being said, the truly great method is slides projected over a whiteboard.

>> No.9958682


If I had my way, classrooms would be cold and dank and everyone forced to scribble with charcoal on stone tablets. If you can't handle it, get the fuck out

>> No.9958690

Sorry if I go to the university to learn in the most efficient way possible instead of larping as a 20 century scholar

>> No.9958694
File: 70 KB, 569x450, grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>go to the lectures and take notes by hand
>What, like a caveman?
Grug paint hand on class.
then Grug paint wall at cave.

Grug is Geologist
Grug study Rocks

Oooga Booga.

>> No.9958757

>smell of chalk

>> No.9959247

They (usually) aren't tech-illiterate. They just aren't interested in doing what you want them to. The only thing in your list that would be an actual problem is never answering emails. And the last two times I heard someone bitching about -that-, they turned out to be sending them to the wrong address.

>> No.9959619


>> No.9959649

Taking notes by hand increases your ability to recall information. Typing isn't as effective.

At times I like comparing myself to the 20th century scholars due to all the discoveries they were able to make with the technologies of their days. If their studying methods worked back then, they should work now.

>> No.9959671

The ideal are slides that are also available online, so no need to keep distracting yourself taking notes

>> No.9959686

What's the problem? Is it really that bad? All you have to do is pay attention in class, faggot

>> No.9959690

>he actually relies solely on the professors shitty teaching to learn something
lmaoing at ur life