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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 1010x944, DlI6EwuXsAA6ueM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9952572 No.9952572 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts? I mean how could you not know the boss of the company you applied as a intern for lmfao

>> No.9952573

Furry is retarded
Boomer has a stick up his ass
This thread is a shit repost which adds no value to /sci/

>> No.9952582

>a intern
English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!

>> No.9952590

Furries should be kept out of normal society.

>> No.9952596


>> No.9952598

>furshit avatar
Got hired as a graphic artist? I doubt they know shit about aerodynamics, rocketry, mechatronics, mathematics or anything meaningful.

nvm, she's a furshit progressive engineer who has suspended her (male) account out of shame :)

>> No.9952601

>I mean how could you not know the boss of the company you applied as a intern for
Animals can't read.

>> No.9952699

Based boomer, I hope he got that freak fired.

>> No.9952715
File: 141 KB, 800x701, 5a233afb703b217f18965f5030ffa644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread number three (3) defending some dumb furry faggot who clearly deserved it
Why do you keep making the same thread over and over, OP? Hmmmmmm............

>> No.9952729

Fuck I didn't even realize these were new threads, I just kept scrolling past it thinking the previous one had been bumped. This is now even more pathetic than it originally was.

>> No.9952731


Op, you are a retard. Remember to sage in all fields kids.

>> No.9952732
File: 439 KB, 680x939, 660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I saw one on /tv/ too and wouldn't be surprised if other boards got some posts. Yikes!

>> No.9952760 [DELETED] 

>plot twist: OP is the furfag from twitter

>> No.9952766

Plot twist: the furfag is OP

>> No.9952770

Meta-plot twist: OP has MPD and doesn't realize they are arguing with themself
Netflix, make the miniseries: Anon(s)

>> No.9952793

>I doubt they know shit about aerodynamics, rocketry, mechatronics, mathematics or anything meaningful.
That's ok, neither do american "engineers"

>> No.9952866

After getting fired Hickam decided to bring her back and try to find a better position than the one she was fired from.
Seems no one read the article about it.

>> No.9952868
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>> No.9952880
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>being good at math is mutually exclusive with deviant sexual preferences!!
if you get hired at NASA you get hired because you're good at what you do you fucking rock head. color me triggered. i entered law over stem because faggots like you give me brain damage, and i hate her likewise all the same.

>> No.9952883 [DELETED] 
File: 799 KB, 473x478, bbefa5022eb768bc94a58e7808fe096a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you don't realize is we actually dominate the field ;^)
Ahahahaha dumb weeb

>> No.9952887

i know buzz presto irl and he has bad breath

>> No.9952898

do people really think interning at NASA is a big deal?

I interned there this summer and theres like 300 interns and most of them are fucking retards

an internship at a company like spacex or blue origin is much more impressive

>> No.9952919

>furry tranny
nothing of value was lost

>> No.9952928


It's big deal when it's the federal government and you can utilize that on your resume to be more noticeable in the sea of thousands of other resumes you send to any one job.

>> No.9952932

yeah but if you're a trans furry faggot loser it won't matter

there was a trans "girl" this summer at my shit. I referred to him with male pronouns to his face for epic LULZZ

>> No.9952976
File: 467 KB, 500x560, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/trash/ was a mistake.

Burned fur aside, i know that mental deviation correlates strongly with sexual deviation, but that does not excuse surrounding your life in shit like that. If she's genuinely good at what she does, then i don't care if she's a pedophilic necrozoophile so long as she doesn't bring that shit into the workplace, but with otakus and furniggers, that shit always ends up in the workplace. At least cocksuckers have the decency to do that outside of the workplace and hold some demeanour of professionalism, you shits are stuck on the internet because you fuck dolls more than you fucking study. You niggers probably can't even tell what i'm attracted to because i'm not spending every waking moment of my existence showing it to the world.

>> No.9952990

There it is folks. Degenerate behavior and intellectual/skilled capability are not mutually exclusive, but for some reason degenerates are the best ones at bringing them together.

Stay classy, San Diego

>> No.9953000

They also have a strong correlation to introversion within those groups.
correlation != causation, anon.

The reason deviants are often found in intellectual roles/positions, is because they are outcast from the normal social clique, and thus spend most of their time honing skills or getting involved in things like programming, d&d, etc. Because of that they end up in these fields. NOT because being a deviant makes you better at STEM, but because STEM is a haven for deviants.

>> No.9953006

No, no, I didn't say deviancy makes them better at STEM, I'm saying I have nothing wrong with the furs and weebs overloading STEM, but why do they need to bring those facets of their personality to their work? It's not relevent. There are some things that I may or may not partake in and enjoy heavily (heavily... ouf) But I won't fucking let you know it on my (various social media platforms), work, school, etc. That's the point

>> No.9953020

Will a non-memer tell me if this is fake?

>> No.9953022

I wonder the same thing for any identity.

I mean, I guess it's useful for trans and other groups to fight discrimination.

And sometimes it can be a decent indentifier.

But most of the time, it seems like it's an egoistic cult ritual

>> No.9953038
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Dodged a bullet with this one

>> No.9953042

>I mean, I guess it's useful for trans and other groups to fight discrimination.
fursecution happened because furries kept shoving their degeneracy in everyone's faces.


>> No.9953055
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>an egoistic cult ritual
Welcome to Society

>> No.9953064
File: 139 KB, 1200x801, Professionalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't care if she's a pedophilic necrozoophile so long as she doesn't bring that shit into the workplace
If they were an underground research facility that no one ever heard of, maybe.

NASA, on the other hand, is a public organization with PR to be considered, as they are entirely dependent on government funding. Thus they must require their employees at least *appear* professional. (And, under this administration at least, don't want to be seen as favoring "deviants".)

Being a sexual deviant, publicly, narrows your employment opportunities, as only those who don't have PR concerns are going to hire you. (Or, in this case, keep you on when you make a spectacle of yourself.)

In the case of a company like NASA, just being rude publicly is enough lack of professionalism to get a new hire canned. (Let alone publicly presenting as a fury.) Maybe you can get away with it, once you have enough seniority - though even there, a sex scandal or the like often gets even the highest ranking members of NASA canned.

>> No.9953987
File: 236 KB, 1080x1690, 1535000563439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furries are cancer

>> No.9954287

The irony here is that Hickam is well over 6ft and has a decent frame, and there's a 99% chance that faggot wouldn't have the guts to say that to his face

>> No.9954296

So this is the power of mental illness

>> No.9955035

someone needs to take some pointers from Jay and Silent Bob

>> No.9955042


>> No.9955055

you entered law over stem because you're probably a dull unoriginal person who wants money. at least you're above business bros

>> No.9955060

I love seeing people not realize the divide between the internet and real life, holy shit. Hope people like this get these comments tied to their very identity for the rest of their lives lel

>> No.9955061

How is this warranted? What in the hot fuck is wrong with this person

>> No.9955170

yeah this is why i don’t have social media accounts lol

>> No.9955191

Most lawyers don't make much money per hour unless you go to a tier 1 school and work in a lucrative specialty like IP desu

>> No.9955219

>paid by the hour
Something went horribly wrong.

>> No.9955258

Shitposter at-large

>> No.9955398

fucking idiot furfag

>> No.9955421

I mean when you break it down per hour of work it probably isn't insane considering "billable hours" basically means working shitty hours where the pay to time shrinks.

>> No.9955568
File: 39 KB, 577x373, Screenshot_2018-08-24 rebecca roache on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 spread love guys <3

this is one example how women ruined science

>> No.9955574

its ok, Hickam personally got her an even better position

>> No.9955584


>> No.9955591

Yep. Insult your boss, and get a promotion. Amazing company. I can't wait until they're dead and buried.

>> No.9955669

DESU furries should be fired for being furries in the first place.

>> No.9955670

lol college kids have to be told not to scream SUCK MY DICK AND BALLS to strangers.

And apparently, teaching them by letting them wreck themselves is bad.

>> No.9955699

Im so confused? The one shouting suck my dick is a woman? She probably lost the internship for gender appropriation, not the swearing.

>> No.9955950
File: 29 KB, 657x527, IMG_1071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. What center? Surprised to see that most of the interns were non engineering majors desu

>> No.9955953

Can you describe what did you do there? Was it difficult? How are the people working there?

>> No.9955961

>do people really think interning at NASA is a big deal?

Tens of thousands of people apply for just a few places, so yeah its a pretty big fucking deal.

>> No.9956098

I'd like to point out it was reported that hickam did not fire her and did not complain about it to nasa.
The report goes on to say that hes trying to get that furry a better job.

>> No.9956109

It looks like Hickam deactivated his Twitter and deleted his blog defending the intern after a harassment campaign by the flurries.

>> No.9956207

wait what. why?

>> No.9956238

He didn't fire her, he ignored it. Other NASA officials monitoring the hashtag saw her and fired her. That guy made sure the firing didn't end up as a black mark in their records.

>> No.9956255
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topkek, I'd love to see them say shit like this IRL face to face.

>> No.9956267

Man, don't mess with furries. There's a reason NASA fears them.

>> No.9956283

>if you get hired at NASA you get hired because you're good at what you do you
No, it's a cesspit of diversity hiring. NASA is entirely about appearances. That's why they're so inefficient.

>> No.9956383
File: 86 KB, 716x591, DlJpWHIXsAc3Qc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9956391

poltards & salty millennials btfo
truly a god forgotten generation

>> No.9956582

Why above business?