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File: 348 KB, 791x953, nasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9950706 No.9950706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this a really petty and honestly disgusting reason to fire an employee that you recruited because you needed their skills?

>> No.9950709

It's an intern with already culturally deviant behavior, which they can replace in a heartbeat and they cussed out a superior what can you expect.

>> No.9950716

An intern at NASA told Homer Hickam to suck their dick and balls. Of course they got fired you absolute fucking mong.

>> No.9950719

The upsetting part of this story is that this degenerate furfag is still alive.

>> No.9950721

>telling Homer Hickam to suck your balls
kek. this cant be real

>> No.9950722

yeah no value was lost here.

>> No.9950731
File: 84 KB, 1125x477, nasa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very real, and a promising young scientist has had their career ruined

>> No.9950735

Being a furry should have automatically disqualified it. The fact that it even got the internship shows how low NASAs standards have fallen.

>> No.9950744


So NASA control rooms aren't like TV control rooms?

>> No.9950745

I mean this terribly unfunny culture of being edgy for the sake of edginess is a cancer that should be excised. Everyone talks like they're still children in high school. It's pretty sad what's happened.

>> No.9950747

You seem to be framing this like the intern was some kind of victim. They aren't a victim. They did this to themselves by telling an executive to suck their dick and balls. How fucking stupid can you be.

>> No.9950755

Isn't that the October Sky guy lmao

>> No.9950760

She hadn't even started her internship yet, why do you feel the need to discipline someone publicly on twitter? Just reach out to them privately and direct them to NASA's code of conduct

>> No.9950769 [DELETED] 

Everyone in the thread is against you. You lost this debate.

If someone can't control themselves enough to control their tongue, can they really be trusted to control themselves enough to show up to work on time? Maybe. But they have to take that chance on you when there are other candidates who are more professional.

>> No.9950770

Again, they told an exec to suck their dick and balls. Professionalism is out the window at that point. Who fucking cares how they got fired. You can't seriously be defending this idiot right now.

>> No.9950771

Everyone in the thread is against you. You lost this debate.

If someone can't control themselves enough to control their tongue, can they really be trusted to control themselves enough to show up to work on time? Maybe. But they don't have to take that chance on you when there are other candidates who are more professional.

>> No.9950772

So if you had landed the job of your dreams and went on social media to celebrate you wouldn't be provoked by some random old guy tone policing you in your own comment section?

>> No.9950773

Because a publicly funded entity has additional responsibilities to the public including promoting the notion of common courtesy. I know that notion profoundly bothers the edgelords that post here which makes it even better.

>> No.9950776

>i lack professionalism, rationality, and have no clue what politeness or courtesy is - the fucking post
shut the fuck up retard

>> No.9950778

I do not have a single sentence in my social media that is disrespectful just for the sake of being an edgy faggot, so no.

>> No.9950781

Instead of throwing a temper tantrum like the children they are, this should rather be a teachable moment for all you edgy faggots out there. You want a good career? Then grow the fuck up.

>> No.9950790

Her initial post was not disrespectful. Hickam initiated the conflict for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.9950793

OMG guys. You won't believe what happened. A week ago I got a call from FUCKING SPACEX offering to interview me for a paid internship. Everything when great and once I was out in the parking lot I couldn't contain my exciment and shouted "FUCK YEAH" than this fucking basedboy approached me and told me to keep it quiet so I told him to suck my dick and balls to which he replied "well, I'm Elon Musk and you're fired". Can you believe it?! I wasn't even IN the building. I can say whatever I want!

>> No.9950794

I dunno about you guys, but I ially go to the profile of unfamiliar people who comment on my tweets to gain some context before replying

>> No.9950798

*but I usually
I hate phoneposting

>> No.9950799

Hickam might have initiated a "conflict" if you want to call it so, but the person who escalated it in an unreasonable way and beyond the norms of common decency was that roastie

>> No.9950802

>b-but he started it
You're a child.

>> No.9950803

Whatever. You're just making yourself sound like a big loser.
>Disney: ok
>w- wait. No, what we really wanted was for her to be rehired because m- muh freedums of speach!
too late get used to it

>> No.9950804

furry mtf tranny*

>> No.9950809
File: 1.82 MB, 390x220, tumblr_ou5g0oyam91tqgjq4o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hate to break it to you, but furries run STEM

>> No.9950816

> promising young scientist
There are thousands of other young scientists who arent socially retarded and risk besmirching NASA with their inability to function as a polite human being.
No because A) I dont use social media B) even if I did I wouldnt go around telling people I dont know to "suck my dick and balls"

>> No.9950823

I thought it was a roastie using dick and balls figuratively

>> No.9950828

i'm conflicted, he's a fag for saying that, but she also totally deserves what came to her desu

>> No.9950829

> discipline
She was never employed so it isnt discipline, its choosing not to associate with someone because of their actions.

>> No.9950847

>didn't get an internship
>career ruined
lol no

also it's pretty reasonable she got fired imo

>> No.9950851


Why does everyone in this thread have a stick up their ass?

From the guy:

>> No.9950863

This doesn't change anything does it. Xe was still fired for xer language

>> No.9950866

Doesn't change a thing.

>> No.9950867

Because they're freightened and bitter little boys.
She should never have lost her internship because of losing her temper on social media

>> No.9950870


>> No.9950877

Social media is a cesspool that should not exist

>> No.9950879

It was probably and affirmative action hire in the first place

>> No.9950881


Right, but it wasn't Homer Hickam who notified NASA. It was the fact that NASA was monitoring the hashtag and her friends drew attention to the confrontation with that.

Do you really think that my employer should be able to monitor my social media and fire me every time I say fuck?

>> No.9950888

Fuck off /tv/

>> No.9950889

Your employer should be able to do anything as long as it abides by the contract it signed with you. Public employers should be held to an even higher standard.

>> No.9950893

There was nothing wrong with firing her IMO, but this is pretty based. Hickam going out of his way and helping out a young scientist.

>> No.9950895

Pretty much this.

>> No.9950896

lol. 2nd thoughts on their diversity hire? long gone are the days of "putting a man on the moon" I suppose...

>> No.9950897

This thread reminds me how many high schoolers there are on this board who have never had a real job.

>> No.9950905

Perhaps it should remind you of the 200 or so more competent people that were overlooked in favor of a quota hire

>> No.9950908
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Bahahaha absolutely deserved

>> No.9950909
File: 49 KB, 254x362, 20180818_225559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an obnoxious faggot. He deserved getting fired desu.
This is the real redpill

>> No.9950913

>telling your boss's boss's boss's boss's boss to suck your cock dude
>firing someone over retarded social media posts
>being an autistic furry
>being a no-fun-allowed boomer who can't handle bad words
>having your real life identity connected to your gay furry twitter account
the more you look at it the stupider it gets

>> No.9950922

Yes, when you essentially said it to said employer's face and there are standards to keep.

>> No.9950925

Stop trying to make it sound like she's a victim. She's not. She publicly soiled the image of a government-funded company and then insulted an executive of said company. It's all her fault. Nobody was monitoring her social media, NASA was monitoring its own public image (i.e. the word NASA). And yes, your employer should be able to fire you every time you directly insult a superior.

>> No.9950927

>employee that you recruited because you needed their skills?
An "intern" with "mediocre experience" because NASA needed their "diversity".
There isn't a shortage of people wanting to become interns at NASA.
If the person is just going to state their affiliation with NASA and say "suck my dick and balls" to a superior in one tweet, it makes NASA look bad and leaves all of the people that weren't accepted as interns wondering how such a goober got accepted.
NASA has a reputation/image to uphold in the eyes of both the public and business partners.
This "child" failed before the first day by making such a rookie mistake.
It's not the first time someone got fired by being an edgy sperglord on social media.
This one isn't ready for the real world yet.

>> No.9950933
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1149, insanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Furries ... truly sick sad people!

>> No.9950936

>Isn't this a really petty and honestly disgusting reason to fire an employee that you recruited because you needed their skills?

Possibly but you also have to remember said potential employee will also be handling sensitive information eventually. Not only do you want someone with the necessary skills to the job but also the necessary discretion to prevent the integrity of information being damage.

Outburst on social media like that can ultimately lead up to accidental breach information or compromise of the company. Unlike Trump not everyone involved in government affairs can be undisciplined loudmouths who spout whatever they want.

>> No.9950938


What an idiot, this is why you dont make diversity hires. Nasa sucks ass anyway

>> No.9950941

this is one of the funniest images i've ever seen

>> No.9950946

In this day and age, diversity (what people look like) is the reason people are hired, and social media (what people say) is the reason they are fired. It seems like people are no longer hired and fired based on talent, skill, natural interest, etc. Perhaps there is actually merit to the "its not what you know, its who you know" system of the past.

>> No.9950947

It's a fucking intern, there are no "skills" that nasa needed.
autistic fucks, why do you hate social skills so much?
>i went into work and gave my boss the middle finger on the first day, why did they fire me? can't even handle a hand gesture!
to be quite honest, it shows a lack of judgment, i'd fire his ass too

>> No.9950950

>why was NASA was monitoring #NASA?
The world may never know.

>> No.9950954

lol. no shit. probably the top brass literally spends their whole day doing this.

>> No.9950974

>every time i say fuck
your boss tells you "stop swearing"
you turn to him and say "suck my dick and balls"
are you autistic?

>> No.9950986

>Telling the guy from October Sky to suck your dick and balls
>Being an intern at NASA and not knowing who Homer Hickman is
I'm all for the boomer hate but I'm glad that affirmative action piece of garbage got fired

>> No.9950987
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>> No.9950994

t. the retard furry that got blasted here

>> No.9950997

>...because this is 2018

How in the fuck does that follow?

>> No.9951001

>Everyone in the thread is against you.
They're clearly being ironic.

>> No.9951006

I think she's pointing out that people just 15 years ago or so would've a hard time believing that you would choose to have a furry avatar on an unanonymous account connected to your work and using that account to tell your employer to suck your balls

>> No.9951028
File: 9 KB, 57x78, _____.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just 15 years ago or so

>> No.9951081

>Be a total idiot.
>Get what idiots get.
>Act surprised on 4chan

Nothing to see here.

>needed their skills

Pick one.

>> No.9951087

>Dick and balls

Something is out of whack here...

>> No.9951106

Don't diss femcock
but yeah the intern deserved it.

>> No.9951115
File: 61 KB, 394x473, 1498901355736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promising people know when to keep their piehole shut

>> No.9951118

I liked that one too. Anyone in this thread who equated being an intern to "having valuable skills that NASA requires" is a fucking joke, interns are literally the most replaceable part of any institution since there's always a surplus.

>> No.9951122

>flagrantly disrespect senior member of NASA
>get fired
>he dindu nuffin
typical shart

>> No.9951127

Is she autistic or something, how can someone be this braindead?

>> No.9951142

It ruined its own career.

>> No.9951192

Probably watched too much TBBT and fell for the i am so special meme. This young people need to realize that they are human resources in the industry, they are not indispensable and can be changed. Deserved specially for bragging

>> No.9951205

talking like that he was probably nigger soo this >>9950722

>> No.9951207

>being an intern
>mouthing off to your boss's boss
talk about having a complete lack of common sense, absolutely deserved to be "fired" if you can even call it that.

>> No.9951215
File: 326 KB, 1021x441, H9b9Of1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making excuses for an idiot

>> No.9951230

Another woman oppressed by a white male. Fuck the patriarchy!

>> No.9951235

every time one of these people undeservedly is given a 2nd chance, someone else never gets their first chance.

>> No.9951251
File: 84 KB, 763x868, TheEndofTheWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Furries" are in fact morons. You can see it in her comportment. A scientist furry can barely keep itself in check. They are lower life forms. Not even human.

(Lol in all seriousness, why be a furry in physics? If you want to transfur (pun fucking intended) your brain into an anthropomorphic creatures body you must do it through bio technology.)

I cannot wait for humanity to schism into a new species. It will be like Warhammer 40k come to life. Abhumans.
All we need is for one mad bastard among us to make...


>> No.9951253

this is a low quality post

>> No.9951267

her initial post started with "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP I WORK FOR NASA" and that tweet is what ended up getting her fired in the end, retard. Hickam confirmed that in a blog post. NASA didn't even know until "her" friends started tweeting at NASA and they found out what she initially posted. If she would have just deleted her tweet and listened to him she'd still have an internship today.

>> No.9951297

That comic is good, not even a furry

>> No.9951344

Yet another pointed lesson on why you should never touch any social media of any form with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.9951462
File: 126 KB, 800x621, 93ce3a2174d58b8338b3b50d0b3b0be3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
