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9948146 No.9948146 [Reply] [Original]

Psycho/sociopaths are a superior form of human being
Prove me wrong

>> No.9948148
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>> No.9948149

Superior to what? According to whom? Where have you derived these objective notions of superiority from?

>> No.9948155

The ones that turn to crime usually get caught. One reason is they take greater risks to sustain the adrenaline rush. Another reason is they have a desire for infamy, so their criminal activities become increasingly sloppy.

What we have here, then, is substance dependency and narcissism.

Such self-sabotaging behavior is hardly the hallmark of a superior form of human being.

>> No.9948156

Actually they're a human missing functionality, namely, the functionality we generally identify as core to a human. They're more like robots or animals.

>> No.9948158

Ghosts are real, prove me wrong.

>> No.9948190

Considering they all have delusions of grandeur, no.

>> No.9948191

That functionality is useless. Empathy only holds science back.
Cloning, for example, is held back by moralfags who think "playing god" will ruin humanity or some shit like that.

>> No.9948193

Cloning is only held back by the fact cloning is fucking science fiction you turboshitter autist.

>> No.9948216

Are you retarded?

>> No.9948217

>That functionality is useless
Without that functionality humanity would never archive modern civilization.

>> No.9948220
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>i'm believem cloning possible cause i heared it was

>> No.9948245

Nor would it sustain it

>> No.9948247
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Is it possible to get brain surgery to become a psychopath?

>> No.9948258

Yep. Get rid of the anterior cingulate and ventromedial sectors of the prefrontal cortex

>> No.9948262

What about the amygdala?

>> No.9948372
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>> No.9948717

Most psycho/sociopaths have a lower IQ than the average population.

>> No.9948761

This. Being a sociopath only works if it's a very small amount of the population.

>> No.9948767

Is this b8

>> No.9948782

they're often geniuses in a specific skill or area, so if they manage to find an environment hey thrive in they can benefit society significantly
schools should make more of an effort to nurture this imo

>> No.9948798

You're thinking of autism.

>> No.9948805

not necessarily, for example schizos can be great artists

>> No.9948828

Psycho/sociopaths still have fears and anxiety, as far as I know. The amygdala is responsible for that.

>> No.9948849
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>> No.9948850
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No. Because skills are superior to having traits of antisocial. Sosiopaths lack alot of feelings normal people have. Very few sosiopaths are brilliant. Sub humans if you ask me.

>> No.9948856

A society composed exclusively of you would fall apart and revert back to the stone age.

>> No.9948923

no. You're just a gullible popsci consumer with an extremely unsupported faith in the ramblings of those hiding behind the facade of science.

I would wager my life that most of the discoveries and assumptions claimed by scientists are completely false if for no greater purpose than selling snakeoil, cause I already know most of the big ones are just lies.

Science has only gotten to this point. Look around you. Virtually nothing which has the capacity to impact your life today, in any way whatsoever, relies on any scientific endeavor or theory proposed after 1930, with the largest "advances" in the recent 2 decades being explicitly based on trying to functionally recreate the brainlet imaginary delusions of science fiction authors. How the fuck do you think touchscreens became so popular, for example?
faggoty science fiction. The shit is unwieldly and a step backwards by all accounts, but it was in a futuristic sci fi movie so durrrrrrrrr guess we better do it!!

atomic clocks aren't real, providing no true evidence for time dilation or einstein's works.
light streak cameras aren't real, providing no true evidence for the speed of light having ever been measured much less by some retard from hundreds of years ago miscalculating jupiter's orbit.
Gene sequencing isn't real, providing no true evidence for the understanding of life, nor evidence CRISPR or DNA analysis is real.
The pharmaceutical industry does not solve real problems with medication, providing no true evidence that illness isn't caused by anything less than ideas in your head.

You're surrounded by a web of lies that earns large corporations a lot of money and demands you pay into it by threat of insulting your intelligence against a made-up status quo, or worse yet threatening your life with "or else" clauses.
But they're ultimately just empty threats, as empty as their theories and products.

>> No.9948925

After WW2, it became normalized as acceptable to fabricate things, and now society exists in a completely fabricated capitalist hellhole lacking real ingenuity while having reached the limit for how much bullshit can be spun.

Is the lie that germany was in the wrong? That 6 million jews were eradicated?
Or is the lie something greater, like an invasion.

>> No.9948926

Yup, it's b8

>> No.9948928
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No, you're just retarded.

>> No.9948932


Poppycock, what makes you say that?

>> No.9948933
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No u

>> No.9948941

>No. Because skills are superior to having traits of antisocial.
Antisocial is not synonymous with sociopathy, you can be a sociopath with morals.

>Sosiopaths lack alot of feelings normal people have.
Do you not see the value in that? There are some real hard decisions that need to be made in life that aren't going to be made by people who are hung up on compassion.

> Very few sosiopaths are brilliant.
Very few people at all are brilliant.

>> No.9948943

Why work when you could just steal? Why better humanity when you could just get what you need? Why work together to build something better when you can get what you want by killing and cheating?
This attitude is not sustainable for the society we live in.

>> No.9948949

>This attitude is not sustainable for the society we live in.
No it is not, but you are describing criminals. Being a sociopath does not make you a criminal, committing a crime does.

>Why work when you could just steal?
Because working is a lot easier, has no legal repercussions, and is a less threatening experience.

>Why better humanity when you could just get what you need?
Because humanity needs to better itself. You are responsible for you. I am responsible for me. You got a problem with that? If you do, it's probably because you don't want to take responsibility for yourself.

>Why work together to build something better when you can get what you want by killing and cheating?
Because working together to build something better provides much more desireable outcomes/results than killing and cheating.

>> No.9948958

>working together to build something better provides much more desirable outcomes/results than killing and cheating
what if a situation came up where it didn't? what if a situation came up where you could cheat or steal to better your situation significantly? your argument rides the assumption that that won't happen

>> No.9948963

a lack of empathy causes people to not act charasmatic. to act like they car wabout anyone else means there lying and not many people can lie well.

>> No.9948973

A psychiatric paper a read said they are generally much less happy than the general population, have poor relationships, and high rates of substance abuse. Hardly the superior being.

>> No.9948983

all those same things are also generally true for great scientists and artists

>> No.9948994

Straight from Hollywood

>> No.9949043

Grug have pig. I have chicken. I want Grug pig. Grug say I can have pig, but he keep chicken for month for egg. I just kill Grug and take pig. More better.
What if Grug had the same attitude? How can a society function without at least some trust and care for each other?

>> No.9949046

>I am responsible for me. You are responsible for you.
What's it like it not using roads? Hospitals? Clothes you didn't make yourself? Parents that raised you? Literally everything?
Besides, I doubt you'd be saying that when you get hit by a car and someone comes to help you.

>> No.9949051

I have been called a psychopath a couple of times just because I'm usually too shy to act naturally. It sucks.

>> No.9949055

Psychopaths are literally like Neanderthals, anti-social and intelligent.
We literally out-bred them a long time ago.

>> No.9949058

Grug no had access to nuke. Nuke wipe clean social gruglings.

>> No.9949060
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>Such self-sabotaging behavior is hardly the hallmark of a superior form of human being.
An argument can be made...

>> No.9949077

> what if a situation came up where you could cheat or steal to better your situation significantly?
This depends on the capability of foresight for each individual sociopath. This sort of behavior brings along enduring variables that will constantly have to be tended to in order to maintain power. It is stressful. It is not sustainable. It is not desireable in the long run.

Except it's 20 fucking 18, this example is hundreds of thousands of years outdated.

>> No.9949086


I don't understand what you're getting at, all of those things are worth working with others to achieve.

>Besides, I doubt you'd be saying that when you get hit by a car and someone comes to help you.

They don't have to, and i don't expect them to. I accept whatever the world throws at me and deal with it as best i can. Whether or not i would lend a helping hand i'm not sure. It really doesn't take much and to be honest, i enjoy being around reality. I'd be more than willing to help someone broken and bleeding for no other reason than it excites me.

>> No.9949093

>Prove me wrong
What is freely asserted is freely dismissed.

>> No.9949095

Absolutely not outdated, you have to start somewhere right? Using a current day example would assume thousands of years of positive social human development and then boom overnight everyone is a psychopath. You can t reap the benefits of social cooperation and then use that as a foundation for psychopathy being superior.

>> No.9949133

Nope unlike normal people who feel empathy they will tear you apart at any chance they get just because they felt like it or they'll just blow small problems out of proportion because they jump at any chance they get to torture you.

You've either never met one of these people or you're just a sociopathic narcissist yourself.

If people created concentration camps for them I would be so happy, nothing of value would ever be lost.

>> No.9949150

They're just very good at hiding it, figuring out how you process information and manipulating that, so they can come off as smart or endearing. They're people who cannot function as a normal person so they get really good at lying I think a lot of them are autists who lost their empathy thanks to bullying or shitty events in their lives.

>> No.9949175

you're saying there's never a situation where an entirely self centered person should logically cheat or steal?

>> No.9949182


Honestly, no. This is something not only for sociopath's to learn: The best thing you can do for yourself is serve others. Just don't do it mindlessly. Figure out how to serve others in ways that also benefit you greatly.

I'm not saying psychopathy or sociopathy is superior, i'm saying it isn't synonymous with pure evil.

>> No.9949190

You talk like a materialist but deep down you want to be like Jesus.

>> No.9949213


Interesting. I don't think I can argue against this statement anon.

>> No.9949225


Sorry, I just realized you might be mistaking me with OP. I'm just a faggot that came into the thread.

>> No.9949254

You are full of shit psycho, your entire kind needs to be exterminated.

>> No.9949260


lololololol if this isn't a joke, the irony is priceless

>> No.9949290

>concentration camps for sociopaths

They exist and they're called prison. Estimates vary, but I've heard as much as half of the prison population can be classed as sociopathic.

>> No.9949293

>display genocidal tendencies
>everyone else is wrong
Yeah, whatever Hitler.

>> No.9949493

Grug has job. Company hires another man who has almost the same position as Grug.
Grug fears for his job and poisons the other man's food with something that will kill him after a few days.
Repeat 20 times, then Grug is found out and removed from society.

>> No.9949602


Yes, that is a possible sequence of events that could potentially play out in life. Good job man.

>> No.9949785

>claims not to be a sociopath
>would be happy if people were put in concentration camps

>> No.9949822

They generally have lower levels of fear/anxiety.

>> No.9949832

Get a load of the sociopath acting like it has morals. You are no benefit to us just parasites that take advantage of our empathy to fuck us over.

>> No.9949833

Schizos aren't psychopathic or sociopathic

>> No.9949895

Wrong. Your progress doctrine is empty and retarded. And I said they're missing functionality core to being human. Meaning they're undeveloped and low-quality in every area. It's not 'useless' it's the main driver of your development and existence. Without it, you are a robot, an animal, or more accurately: a child.

>> No.9949898

Except psycho/sociopaths always have to hide because the rest of society will shun them for who they truly are inside.

If you're a psycho/sociopath, nobody likes the real you. Everybody would loathe the real you and would fare better off without psycho/sociopaths. You will die truly alone.

>> No.9950044

Are there any neurosurgeons that would be willing to actually do this?

>> No.9950048

why on earth would you think this? most of the great men of history weren't psychopaths.

>> No.9950079

You on the other hand are just autistic and edgy and not a sociopath

>> No.9950136

Psycho/sociopaths are faggots
therefore, they are an inferior form of being

>> No.9950182

Get a load of the whiny little bitch trying to take the moral high ground. What benefit do you think your whining has to peoples' empathy?

Also, here's a tip: it'd be a lot harder to fuck people like you over if you weren't so weak and stupid.

>> No.9950196

>Meaning they're undeveloped and low-quality in every area
They excel in high stress situations where as little pussies like you crumble.

> It's not 'useless' it's the main driver of your development and existence. Without it, you are a robot, an animal, or more accurately: a child.
I don't know if you noticed, but children tend to have a more powerful/reasonable moral structure, considering they haven't been tainted by the bullshit of the world yet.

>> No.9950204

Meh, this one is tough to argue. But a good sociopath understands and accepts this and continues on in spite of this. We are undesirable, but we are more capable than anyone else. We have more potential than anyone else. We're not evil.

>> No.9950208

Some were.

>> No.9950231

>Sabotaging their fellow humans for the good of themselves instead of the good of the species
Op, you are a brainet.

>> No.9950260

It’s not more potential, but a disease of the mind. Lack of empathy gives psychopaths an advantageous flaw. Empathy is crucial for human survival and psychopaths are utterly useless in that sense.

>> No.9950310

Pretty accurate, I'm everyone's friend, but they would stop talking to me if they knew what I did to the cat.

>> No.9950317

>Empathy is crucial for human survival
So is grit.

> Lack of empathy gives psychopaths an advantageous flaw
Isn't that evolution in a nutshell?

>It’s not more potential, but a disease of the mind
Now you're just giving psychopaths/sociopaths an excuse to not take responsibility for themselves. That is a very bad road to go down.

>> No.9950335

They’ll be judged by their actions, not by thought police.

>> No.9950340

They are abominations and should have their intestines removed by construction equipment.

>> No.9950342

You are evil and deserve an incredibly painful and slow death.

>> No.9950346

>we have
>we are
>we we we
You wish you were a psychopath you fucking pseud edgeteen, quit roleplaying

>> No.9950406


It's one of the things I can be. I'm a lot of things rolled into 1 being. I just like feeling like i'm a part of something.

>> No.9950408

>Also, here's a tip: it'd be a lot harder to fuck people like you over if you weren't so weak and stupid.
>Its not my fault Im an evil predator!

Fucking psychos.

>> No.9950412

>We're not evil.
Why is the most common kind of thinking among your kind sadism then?

>> No.9950413


Are you gonna be the one to give me that incredibly painful and slow death? No. Because you're a little faggotboy that sits back spewing nonsense in the hope that someone else will do the work you wish to see done. Fuck you.

>> No.9950421


I'm not an evil predator. But I am a predator. Weak and stupid people can be as weak and stupid as they want, it makes no difference to me if people don't want to better themselves.

>> No.9950424

Because sadism is a tool to get shit done. Once upon a time, society didn't exist. It was kill or be killed. Wanna know how to be good at killing? The same way you get good at anything. You enjoy doing it.

>> No.9950448

Yes you are evil.
>you enjoy doing it
This is why these things need to be exterminated, the big difference between us and you is we dont enjoy killing we only do it when necessary you wild animals murder for fun which is sick.

>> No.9950451


>you wild animals murder for fun
Not all of us murder.

And no, i am not evil. Evil is a black and white concept conjured up to make it easy to differentiate between "good" and "bad". Reality is much more complex than that.

>> No.9950456

Yes you are evil because you get pleasure from suffering of any kind that is evil by definition.

>> No.9950458

Lol, you are a sperg, you got the short end of the genetic stick, and now you larp as a sociopath.
>not all of us murder.
lol pussy

>> No.9950464

I "can" get pleasure from suffering of any kind. I don't the majority of the time. I enjoy comfort and peace of mind more than anything. And once again, reality is much more complicated than "good" or "evil". If black and white works for you, don't let me trample over your perception.

Too obvious, try harder.

>> No.9950469

Shut up, your mind games wont work on me psycho. You are evil who and love to watch people in pain you sick fuck. You are not even human because you cannot love anyone.

>> No.9950471


Honestly man, keep that mindset. It will keep you safe. I'm an anomaly. Just keep in mind that it isn't just psycho's and socio's you should be weary of. It's everyone and everything. This universe is supposed to do everything it can to eat us alive, and we're supposed to do everything we can to stop it.

>> No.9950497

when and how you found out you were an anomaly?

>> No.9950501

>this thread

>> No.9950521


I was miserable as fuck growing up. I think i was relatively normal until i was about 11. Something inside my head just changed, and i became enveloped by existential dread. I have not been in control of this existence, i've just been along for the ride trying my hardest to keep myself from dying or going to jail. I've spent the majority of my life alone because of what i am. I spend a good amount of time craving death, but i spend just as much time cowering in fear of death.

>> No.9950524

psychopaths definitely are, sociopaths are just damaged autists.

>> No.9950525

I was raised catholic, and I had faith until that trigger point. After I started to notice how fucked up reality is, I started hating god. To the point of constantly challenging him to take me. And he never has.

My gripe is with god. I want to hurt him. I want to make him feel what I feel. I want to make him fucking pay for making all of this. God is the target of my sadism.

>> No.9950542

So it's more that your environment shaped your view of reality, I'm more less the opposite except I also felt that something changing, good luck anon

>> No.9950549


Thanks /b/ro, good luck to you too.

>> No.9950569
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Tfw just started university and got very drunk and made bad jokes then got very confronted by the "staff" older students on a party-ish thing
Everything was very dramatic in the sense that it was me against the world and that they had already decided to hate me
I still think they had a huge overreaction and treated me badly in an unjustified way but I'm also sad to have let out my spaghetti so early and let them humiliate me
My values and humor are just too different to fare well with so many different strangers at once, especially when I say exactly what's on my mind when I'm way too drunk
Gone through rage and bad thoughts aimed at them and many stages of emotion and meditated and chilled it away over the course of these last 18 hours
I just wish I had a normal charismatic brain so I wouldn't keep falling out with different minded people

>> No.9950574

>roleplaying edgelords: the thread

>> No.9950576

>I still think they had a huge overreaction and treated me badly
>I say exactly what's on my mind when I'm way too drunk
These two statements conflict poorly with your overall point. You can't simultaneously hold animosity towards them but also acknowledge that you went too far, because that would require concluding that you don't deserve to be held accountable for going too far. Just something to think about. In the future, if you can focus on these feelings in a positive way during new social interactions then you should have an easier time not falling out with people you have just met because you can draw on similar situations in which saying certain things went badly. Also realize that boundaries are thinner with people you don't know well. Hope things go better for you in the future.

>> No.9950603

It was a long night with very many details, so summing it up some things will be unclear. We were at a cabin circa 200 people and walking around doing activities int he woods, drinking more at every activity. My thoughts are, that I deserve some type of consequence for my bad behavior, but not a witch hunt. It was way out of proportion, and I communicated that to them directly. I told them that my jokes might have made those peoples days 10% worse, but what those people were exposing me to made my day 2000% worse.

My jokes, I actually asked out loud who had gotten hurt (full spaghetti mode) and first two then four people had their hands raised once I insisted, I think it was three jokes, and minor quips here and there. First one was anti-veganism, second one just happened to be a joke that a girl had heard too many times and she commented on that she didn't like it (a guy whiteknighted for her too, said I didn't have a sparkle in my eye when I said it which is a meme here). Third joke I was super drunk and sort of talking to myself, I commented that a circular glowstick hanging on a tree was almost wide enough for my dick to fit. (tasteful joke implying my dick is very thick).

Dick joke wasn't a good one obviously, I was grabbed sort of immediately by two staff women next to me but they refused to tell me their issue with me. Refused to communicate, which isn't very productive. They wanted to go away from the people in the woods but I was very physically comfortable where I was standing leaned up against a small tree. I probably spent 3 hours anxiously defending myself under high pressure with rational arguments that no one would listen to, they have already decided I'm the villain and feel very justified in their position, and while I sort of am the villain they processed everything I did with a large coefficient, which wasn't just. The thing I wanted the most was to just take walks on my own and cool off on my own, but they wouldn't let that happen

>> No.9950604

Nice try psychos with the sob story in an attempt to make us feel sorry for you so you can manipulate us you human shit.

>> No.9950616


>> No.9950618

One guy, this Victor guy, was probably more narcissistic than me. You have me with the wounded ego, desperately clambering for justifications for why my behaviour wasnt that bad, just trying to get away and continue the night and forget about drama shit, and then this guy with the power and authority really enjoying robbing my freedom. So I can't go for a walk which is really the thing I know always works in cooling me off, and this guy is going off on tangents about his authority over me and literally acknowledges that he's like a dictator when I comment that. So he gives me an ultimatum but doesn't have the balls to enforce it when I go on my walk anyway. Talking really aggressively with me, not to defuse but so he can power trip.

And this Ellen girl forcefully restrained me and wouldn't say a thing about what she was thinking (but it wasn't hard to know what she was thinking). It wasn't necessary to constantly handle me physically, since I had only "acted out" in short verbal quips spread out every now and then. Shoving her away forcefully and doing my thing obviously wouldn't have helped my case despite maybe being justified since it was illegal to forcefully restrain me like that. So I just tried to navigate by talking despite the girls refusal to talk much.

Then when I thought it was over and I'm sneaking away to take a piss this guy comes up and stares at me while I'm pissing then talks roughly wth me for a very long time. Not even then could I go for a walk, the night was an endless circle of getting very angry internally and wanting to go on walks so I don't have to vent my anger in other ways, and then escaping on walks with flashligths looking for me, and then having to talk and get angry again to want go go on more walks and chill more.

>> No.9950625

Cue going home in the middle of today because I couldn't focus at all, too much clutter in my mind and thinking about crushing their skulls. Deep breathing, classical music, reading about anger and narcissism for selfanalysis, warm long bath and a nap. Now writing this shit sort of for myself so I can move past this shitty day. Told the staff people that might only know minor stuff about what went on that I'm going home because I'm tired in the brain, and that I probably won't come to the rest of the introduction weeks (voluntary to be there) because I "honestly realized I'm not having that much fun". Entire way home I thought about thai boxing and punching bags and shit, maybe some sport like that could be outlets for my anger in the future. On the surface I am always very calm and collected but I can be in turmoil on the inside you know, in the wrong circumstances like having ten people talking against me at once, you really feel useless and hopeless and disgraced when so many people voice a dissatisfaction

>> No.9950631

And it didn't help that in the first hour and a half of defending myself I was hammered, hard to collect reasonable thoughts

I'll stop flooding this with unrelated coping crap now didn't really realize I'm blogging

>> No.9950701


keep goin /b/ro, the thread has run it's course.

>> No.9950730

Probably in places like russia or china

>> No.9950733

lmao this is the most over-the-top edginess Ive seen in weeks

>> No.9950736

if you aren't on the edge you're taking up too much room

>> No.9951143

these jokes are very tame jesus