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9939252 No.9939252 [Reply] [Original]

Start eating mushrooms

>> No.9939271

I'm planning on it

>> No.9939272

If mushrooms made him so smart why’s he not smart enough to lose the hat

>> No.9939316

are portobellos ok?

>> No.9939318
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4-AcO-DMT is basically shrooms

>> No.9939325

I want to, but I'm scared.
Or, maybe I've just built it up too much over the years.

>> No.9939347

Start small, familiar environment, have a good friend with you who is not currently partaking.

The only reasons people have bad trips:

Too emotionally distressed to be doing drugs
Not doing it for the right reasons (ex. tryna git fucked)
Everyone is high, no one is in a good state of mind to help
Doing it in the middle of a forest for some hippie shit (trying to get in tune with nature (???))
And finally best of all
>it's been like 30 minutes and I'm still not feeling anything I think I'm gonna do more because I'm an impatient 13 year old

>> No.9939475

What are the right reasons?

>> No.9939481

Doing it in the middle of a forest is the most guaranteed way to have a great time.

>> No.9939617

That hat is made of mushroom

>> No.9939625

Get into a different state of mind and enjoy the experience. This is entirely different from the way people party and get fucked up. If you can't figure out the difference then you're probably not ready.

>> No.9939638

even with these proportions you cannot guarantee a good trip.

>> No.9939642

Doing my first grow rn, mycelium is colonizing. Just a few more weeks then it's fruiting chamber time.

>> No.9939644

What is the point of getting into a different state of mind besides enjoyment of the experience?

>> No.9939649


Have an escape room -- a safe place you can go to when you feel scared with familiar music and maybe a show you like to watch (spongebob or family guy or something).

It also helps to carry some Ativan or Valium with you when you go on trips in strange places. I call these "emergency brakes--" they won't stop the trip, but they'll make you feel a lot more passive about the stimuli your brain is internally generating...

As other anons have said, set and setting is key: make sure you're with people you know actually care about you and in a mindset that isn't too bad. Taking mushrooms after a really bad breakup is usually not a good idea unless you're with a really good friend, for instance.

>> No.9939669


Where is the evidence that 4-AcO-DMT is converted to psilocin in man?

>> No.9939672


Meaning it is nothing like it.

>> No.9940537

Any long term negative effects?

>> No.9940567

>Start eating mushrooms

I like mushrooms, not even the psychedelic ones. Fungi are amazing organisms.

>> No.9940570
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also mushrooms are the closest thing to a meat substitute imo,you have texture, moisture.

We should all grow and eat fungi

>> No.9941490
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>> No.9941518

It isn't but it is structurally similar and probably wiggles your neurons in a similar way.

You'll be less of a loser

>> No.9941526

>He can't think of a good reason to do shrooms
Curiosity about the experience is a good reason for a first trip. Once you're familiar with the headspace using it to review or gain insight on creative or intellectual endeavours can be interesting and rewarding.

An anime masturbation marathon, trying to rape Jesus , or trying to read your parent's minds at a family dinner, are bad reasons.

>> No.9941530

Bad (solo) trips can be among the best for personal development. Social psych use is overrated, they mostly end up with 3 people having 3 completely different trips confusing each other when trying to explain what's going on. I think it's more fun to be the sober friend.

>> No.9941619

>Doing it in the middle of a forest for some hippie shit (trying to get in tune with nature
Stop. Just stop.
Eating shrooms in a safe place in nature is the preferred method of doing it.

>> No.9941675

>too emotionally distressed to be doing drugs
>tfw BPD

I want the psychedelic experience so bad but i feel like ill never get to have it without bad times basically being assured :(

>> No.9941716
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This. You should be familiar with the area, though. And it should probably be somewhat isolated, imo.

Also true. That said, it takes a bit of experience to ride out a bad trip somewhat comfortably. My first trip was bad and it would have gone way better with an experienced sitter. Once you get a bit more 'in tune' with yourself and your mind, you can take the good and the bad as it comes and learn from it. It's really cathartic to let accept the bad things and then accept them and *let it go* during the trip. These kinds of experiences have had lasting effects on me. For example, I quit smoking cigarettes after a bad trip.

Fun fact: members of the psilocybe genus likely cause neurogenesis in the hippocampus, among other positive benefits.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23727882

>> No.9941722
File: 92 KB, 675x1000, Marisa (Touhou) + Shroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrooms grow easily in moist greenhouses, require little sun light to grow, and grow fast.

Edible shrooms are a helthy meal that can solve "hunger in World", "hunger in Africa", etc.

Vegans also aprove it, since Shrooms aren't Animals.

Edible Shroom can also be grown on Mars or space missions as food for astronauts.

>> No.9941725
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>> No.9941732

You probably think Terrence McKenna is deep. Mushrooms have rotted your brain.

>> No.9941743 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1200x800, it's magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MAaaaGIC SHROooooOMS aRe SO TRipPing


>> No.9941748
File: 451 KB, 1036x1035, iq and race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, grandpa.

>> No.9941759

>promoting 60 year old pseudoscience while calling others grandpa

>> No.9941761

Convincing yourself that trippy visuals are deep, it's super great, makes you feel really superior to these unfashionable old people that don't even do drugs.

>> No.9941766
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>muh pseudoscience
Okay, gramps. Any evidence to back up your claim that Psilocybe mushrooms cause brain-rot, or are you just talking out your ass?

>> No.9941770

Yes, the fact that those who promote mushrooms are uniformly retarded. Take Terrence McKenna. Everything that comes out of his mouth is pure crap.

>> No.9941774

I think you need to speak with more sophisticated proponent for Psilocybe mushrooms, friendo. Terence McKenna speaking about machine elves is not the only relevant voice on the matter. For example, his brother, Dennis, is much more sophisticated and in-touch with the chemical processes underpinning the entire experience.

>> No.9941815

>An anime masturbation marathon
Can confirm that this is definitly a right reason.

An orgasm will literally blow you outta this universe.

>> No.9941826

I want to but i have no time, i have tried psyhodelic before, specificly, LSD.

>> No.9941848

I tried psilocybin mushrooms last year and it was wonderful. I had a great experience and it was very fun. I want to do them again before this year is over.
However, I've noticed that almost every person who promotes them is a loony hippie and they bring up silly supernatural shit about them. I've noticed on YouTube videos, on online forums, and in real life that "shroomers" or "psychonauts" are believers and promoters of pseudoscience. They're usually the kind who believe crystals have energies, and spirits are real, and 420 every day, and they're all about "being woke”, blah blah…
Let’s be honest here. Having a psychedelic experience means seeing pretty colors, feeling happy, and time stopping and looping. That’s it. There's nothing life changing or "deep" about it. It's what you make of it. If you believe they change your life for the better then that's great. The psychedelic drug itself is not what's making you realize you should quit smoking, or go back to taking classes or whatever. IT’s something that was already inside you to begin with. In other words, our brains cannot think of something we don't already know about. We can't create a color we've never seen. We can't imagine a face we've never seen. Does this make sense?

>> No.9942041

>meat substitute

Mushroom per 100g:
22 kcal
0,3g fat
3,1g protein

Beef per 100g:
250 kcal
15g fat
26g protein

>> No.9942060

>we can't imagine a face we've never seen
I think you may unironically have autism

>> No.9942065

>among other positive benifits
Interested, what else you got? And keep the sauces coming too

>> No.9942066

Of course if you just start googling any topic online you’re going to find a bunch of dumbfucks. Whether it’s physics, mushrooms or the stock market. The babble doesn’t detract from the inherent value of the experience.

>> No.9942071

He's based near UW, right?

Are any of his talks worth going to? The ones I saw on youtube seemed oriented towards the layman.

>> No.9942083

Fantastic, now again where is the link connecting race and iq? Where the is evidence that race is a valuable or even useful biological categorization tool of humans? Where is the evidence that race is even considered a legitimate and genetically grounded idea in biology?

>> No.9942107
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Still disgusting as food except when eaten like this.

>> No.9942630

I am currently unable to post anything of substance right now due to the fact that the mongrel who coded the spam-detection bot for this website is incompetent.

Here are the titles of the studies I wanted to discuss:
>Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: fMRI-measured brain mechanisms (Nature)
>Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized double-blind trial (Journal of Psychopharmacology)

>> No.9942638

Yeah, taking mushrooms as a meat substitute is retarded. Pretty sure beans/legumes are the only *actual* meat substitute, meaning that you are getting a comparable amount of the same nutrients meat would offer. That said, mushrooms are a great source for many micronutrients.

>> No.9942644

Would that be a mushroom cap?