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File: 22 KB, 412x550, mark-jones-waved-albatross-pair-bonding-espanola-island-galapagos_a-l-3508119-4989915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9938392 No.9938392 [Reply] [Original]

How much time can an individual run his life in absence of pairbonding love or sex without being damaged in functioning?

>> No.9938404

(Guys , forever) (girls , 25)

>> No.9938406

Is there a scientific research about that?

>> No.9938522

Well, I'm up to 33 years.

>> No.9938990

25 reporting in, kissless too.

>> No.9938991

Same stats here.

>> No.9939006

Tesla, Pitagora, Newton, Bill Cunningham, list goes on.

>> No.9939022

>consider themselves "smart"
>not smart enough nor has the angency to overcom fears and learn how to find a mate, or at least expeience a female

>> No.9939047

>intelligence lead to you to sexual success

In what world do you live in? Intelligence itself these days is barely something that makes you attractive, only if combined with other qualities it can lead you to attract people. Life is complex and relationships do not work for anyone.

Sexual success is something that always the most instinctive people succeed to, it's not a case that the majority of people I know that continuously get laid are the most brainlet clueless one.

How much get laid do you think someone who studies quantum physics, or electroacoustic composition, does normally?

>> No.9939100

All i see is excuses and justification.

you think you actually need to be exception to get laid? Dude go outside, there are 5/10 idiots with gf and who have no problem getting relationships because they actually attempt to court females.

meanwile you obsess overit while beliving yourself too superior to even try. do you not see the disconnect?

>> No.9939111

I'm not interested in casual sex and I personally seek some kind of connection with the person, that what turns me off, the incapacity of finding someone really worthwhile for me. But even If would go for the random sexual partner, I'm a manlet and everything is settled down to my league I guess, I cannot have normal stress-free social interaction and catching someone in this context is hard and stressful.

>> No.9939129

do you have autism?
no offence but the way you type and what how you're saying this point to some mental illness/ irrelugalrity. whatsstressful about talking to girls?

Do you have a normal social life?

>> No.9939135

>>intelligence lead to you to sexual success
Well yes. If you applied your intelligence to dating you would succeed. You could examine evidence and adjust your behaviour accordingly to maximise success like a good scientist.

>> No.9939138

>engaging in foreign social interactions is never stressful
Sorry bub but this is patently false
This took 15 seconds to google.

>> No.9939141

>I cannot have normal stress-free social interaction and catching someone in this context is hard and stressful.
Everything is hard and stressful. Social skills are skills like any other and can be learned and practiced like learning calculus or playing the piano. When you say you find social interaction difficult, what you are really saying is 'I haven't made the effort to improve these skills'

>> No.9939142

Guys can do it forever. If a girl was a virgin at 30 she's clearly disabled or will kill herself soon.

>> No.9939149

Are you retard? It's more likely that you are not understanding what I'm saying. It's not stressful talking to girls, it's stressful trying to have a so called social life in general when you're 5'5 and the interactions with people are harder for you.

Also as I said, I feel unattracted most of the times to girls who are concrete brainlets, that's why I'm not interested in casual sex, and I think that's good afterall.

>> No.9939165

Scientists normally match with other scientists or researchers and not with random roasties though.

>> No.9939172

Good for them, who needs random roasties when you can cultivate relationships with your intellectual and professional peers.

>> No.9939179

less than you did, apparently

>> No.9939183

Wow so witty I'm impressed

>> No.9939286

I girl i know is 30 and virgin, she's very cute and shy and probably fucked up a little bit, what should I do?

>> No.9939309

Woo her

>> No.9939322
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Oxytocin redpills

>> No.9939328

>every rebuttal is just an excuse
>virgins must just not attempt courting and I cannot imagine circumstances under which males would just be rejected.


>> No.9939339

>I can't get laid because of the jews

>> No.9939398

Sex without the intent of reproduction is degenerate.

>> No.9939510


>> No.9939515

All I see in this posts are bullshit justifications for the current state of things. The nerdy guy who studies quantum physics is superior to the high school football captain with a business degree when it comes to providing utility to the future of humanity, yet girls prefer the high school football captain loser.

Ever considered that maybe female sexual selection was sculpted by evolution and is out of date because it doesn't keep up with society?

>> No.9939528

Perhaps prolong judgement, give people the benefit of the doubt, be charitable. You will never know the truth about someone if you preemptively judge them and think you have it all figured out. Everywhere in life involves risk, you need to risk them turning out to be extremely stupid to appreciate the moments wrhen you begin to like them and, perhaps eventually love them.

>sharing your pp with someone is worth the riskgggggg

>> No.9939621

Ever consider that what you consider superior is not necessarily so?
Why should women choose based on your dubious notions of value? The sportsman can't fail but be a kinder more pleasant person than a bitter resentful and judgemental person like you.

>> No.9939870


>> No.9939991

>Ever considered that maybe female sexual selection was sculpted by evolution and is out of date because it doesn't keep up with society?
Ever consider that there is literally nothing you or society can do about this and that you need to adapt to reality?

>> No.9940265

Ever considered that humanity is fundamentally worthless and we're just a plague for this planet and for other living beings?

>> No.9940341

Snap! Yep, this one is going in my ...

>> No.9940365

this shit makes me seethe so hard and I dont even know why. just this stupid ass nihilism makes me furious I cant stand it. honestly the worst worldview i've ever heard of or seen in my life.

Since 'humanity' is fundamentally worthless and we're a 'plague', by default everything else is as well. Elsewise, this statement would be implying that humans are special in the fact that they are the only ones consuming resources and are worthless. Animals and plants also use resources just like people, its just that we have gained an intelligence and know how to proceed forward. Humans, just like other animals, are doing what they choose to have a comfortable life and thrive, and if any other animals had that chance or intellect they would too.

also way to chance the fucking topic like jeez >haha nihilism is cool

>> No.9940371

Do you think any other sexually reproductive species on this earth is even aware that sex makes babies?

>> No.9940379

>All I see in this posts are bullshit justifications for the current state of things. The nerdy guy who studies quantum physics is superior to the high school football captain with a business degree when it comes to providing utility to the future of humanity, yet girls prefer the high school football captain loser

You're such a joke, because despite the fact that you've convinced yourself that you are above or dislike the roasties, they are clearly the ones you're pining after. How do I know this? Because never in my life have I seen a nerdy girl dating the football captain, or an emo girl, or a girl much removed from the jock/party subculture.

I'm in a stem PhD program and --much to your surprise-- lots of people have significant others, and the girls are not out dating that menacing, terrifying football Chad that haunts your nightmares. What's really going on is you're a maladjusted, shallow little cunt who pretends that his problem is his brain is just too big for women.

>> No.9940390

The real question is, how long can someone be involved in a long term relationship without being damaged in functioning?

>> No.9940391

Dont bring your height into this mate. I've seen plenty of 5"4 5"5 guys with 7/10s

>> No.9940393

When you're trying to overcome someone else your intelligence can be quite useful.

When you're trying to overcome yourself it doesn't matter because your opponent is just as smart as you.

>> No.9940429

125 years

>> No.9940440

>and for other living beings?
fuck other living beings too, life itself is abhorrent

>> No.9940686


Getting a bit /r/antinatalism in this thread

>> No.9940833

I hardly have seen that honestly, my friends who are manlet are with the same little girl which they have the luck to have found in the first grade, and they're still with her until today. I'm not saying as a manlet I cannot attract girls but It would be unreal to say that have the same life possibilities and freedom of choice of a normal man.

>> No.9940846

Are you truly implying that animals and plants make sex for pleasure?

>> No.9941156

: )

>> No.9942000

In nature never, in society probably after 30.

>> No.9942023

>girl above 12
Unless you're her gynecologist and you checked it yourself she probably lied to you. That or she is severely handicapped.

>> No.9942028


>> No.9942030

Top kek

>> No.9942058

You know, not every girl is a fucking roastie, stop with this meme that women fuck no stop by the age of 12 and stuff.

>> No.9942081

Define "damaged in functioning".

>> No.9942089

>sexual selection was sculpted by evolution and is out of date because it doesn't keep up with society
Agreed. We need better children, not many children.

>> No.9942103

humans don't normally have many children, we're like dolphins

>> No.9942146

>Define "damaged in functioning".
Not OP, but mine is: sexless marriage, since kid, wife fucking nuts, vicious, my stress level is going off the scale after years of this, don't want to pay for sex, just want simple human contact; can't sleep, putting on weight, snappy, low-level angry most of the time. Starting to make bad choices. Starting to not care about things I should care about. Have stopped myself saying inappropriate things on a couple of occasions. Stopped as had atrial fibrillation episode.

Is that enough to be getting on with?

>> No.9943174


>> No.9943721


>> No.9945145

>(girls , 25)
Then what? Do they spontaneously combust?

>> No.9945158


>> No.9945249

I'm 38 and I've never had any sexual relationships in my life, and I'm completely fine :)

>> No.9945269
File: 384 KB, 468x468, ae05a3af5b0b09fdbc8933da340f6a5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls become catladies aka witches
guys become wizards

>> No.9945387

Try tilting your head upward for eye contact. LOLOLOLOL WHY DIDNT YOU EAT YOUR VEGETABLES ANON?!

>> No.9946295

A better question would be, what is the effect of a near complete lack of positive social experiences through the entirety of adolescence?

>> No.9946312

>cultural marxism

>> No.9946316

"Cultural Marxism" just like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" don't have to be authentic to be true you weak faggot c u c k boi

>> No.9946371

Speaking from experience: lack of self esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts and crushing loneliness.

>> No.9946402

>How much time can an individual run his life in absence of pairbonding love or sex without being damaged in functioning?

trying to develop a new warfare strategy, are ya?

>> No.9946414

I was bullied and denigrated in high school and I rarely have experienced true meaningful and positive experiences during those periods. I began developing depression at 17 and finding equilibre in solitude away from others, now I almost live as a recluse and I'm 25 khv.

>> No.9946430
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>past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing

>> No.9946436

If you have a hard time socialising the problem is you. It's your responsibility to make yourself affable and popular and if you don't manage it, that's on you.
You had these experiences because you're an asshole. You would have been depressed and lonely and reclusive anyway. Being forced to meet other people at school just made the process more apparent

>> No.9946446
File: 54 KB, 462x488, 1531151884961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most retarded thing I've read here in quite a long time.
Seriously, stop coming here, you incel brainlet.
Spewing retarded shit like this and wondering why you can't get a girl. Gee I wonder.

>> No.9946447
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The only intelligent post in this thread.

>> No.9946448
File: 23 KB, 242x206, 1534442663076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope with your slave morality faggot, it's not like anything you say matters.

>> No.9946449

Either great success or failure; more often than not it's failure.

>> No.9946454

Not him but try to be a lanklet uggo with no sense of aesthetic and a short penis and see if your "intelligence" and ability of calculus matter to women.

>> No.9946455

It's difficult when you're really ugly.

>> No.9946465

>If you have a hard time socialising the problem is you.

I've always been a very affordable and interesting person, I'm a composer, I literally never had time to be an asshole. I had a hard time socializing because of the people who were horrible, uninteresting and insufferable in my personal experience, you're wrong.

>> No.9946468

>no actual argument
>use the word incel

You're not bringing anything to the table anon.

>> No.9946469
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>Implying most STEM-fags aren't ugly outcasts who went for sci/eng/maths to compensate for their unattractiveness.
>Implying the high-school football captain won't be directing whatever organization the researchers end up work for. Maybe not lower-middle class jocks, but upper class jocks definitely do.
>Implying the sophisticated ability of the brain that evolved over millions of years to visually and olfactorily detect even the slightest indicator of bad health, deficiency and genetic faultiness and allow for recognition of high-quality partners is somehow "outdated".

>> No.9946471


i bet chad is always more intelligent than us

>> No.9946482


>> No.9946497
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t. weak ugly faggot

>> No.9946561

I have a hypersensitive phimotic micropenis and I'm a manlet, but let me guess, my intelligence will lead me to conquer women nonetheless!

>> No.9946565

funny, 10 years ago as an edgy teen i would've laughed at this. but now days, i think unless i am fucking to make some kids, why not just masturbate? who the fuck cares about sex itself

>> No.9946567

>Since 'humanity' is fundamentally worthless and we're a 'plague', by default everything else is as well.
>x, therefore y
errr, no. nice try though

>> No.9946579

not to say your first points aren't valid, but school itself is an exit scam with no discernible positive benefit, which is a result of the industrial revolution, which is itself a result of the worst event in human history, the agricultural revolution, so we can therefore disregard the goings on within the school system as an aberration of human behavior which does not reflect reality

>> No.9946709

I have sex from time to time, but i hate living with a female, it just doesn't give me anything. Can't talk to them because they are too stupid, can't do shit with them because they are too lame, can't do stuff on my own because of jealousy.

I get more shit done on my own while just having casual sex. Women is a pain in the ass.

>> No.9946718

>Can't talk to them because they are too stupid
go tip your fedora on reddit or something

>> No.9946723

Nobody wants to have babies with me because they are either chasing their career dream or too busy catering to their own ego to even want children.

They all end up the same way though, bitter, old and alone. Slowly dying as they realise their own people, the ones they grew up with are being steadily replaced with something which is alien to them. Their only respite is the eroded names on rocks in some forgotten overgrown cemetery. A memory of better times.

>> No.9946726
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>not every girl is

>> No.9946727

Have you ever tried discussing anything remotely technical with a woman? It's like trying to explain the intricacies of molecular science to a sheep.

>> No.9946730

Yes, that is exactly what they do. The brain literally just tries to trigger dopamine shots. Animals are driven to sex by instinct and reward.

>> No.9946733

You mean the cancerous hive of turbo conformist betas you just crawled out of?

>> No.9946736

I have talked to a lot of guys who knew less

and this casual incel sexism is not turbo conformist how?

>> No.9946750

Literally no one on this thread is in-topic and even trying to argue about the main question of OP.

>> No.9946752

I don't have fears, I can talk with girls just like I talk with males.
It's just not worth it. Love is nice and all but then comes everyday live and they are no longer that sweet and nice. I got played with my emotions like this and it was just waste of time. 3D is just PD, they just might hide it.

The most absurd thing is that the only (2) girls who confessed to develop strong feelings towards me had a boyfriend/husband at the same time. One even felt very guilty but after a while, she still insists on hanging out with me. And the guy don't even care if she cheats on him emotionally like this. Holy shit people are so disgusting.

>> No.9946755

>and this casual incel sexism is not turbo conformist how?
Go to reddit and make an incel comment, see how many upboats it gets you. I cringe at middle of the road spineless betas with literally only mainstream tastes like you thinking you're some sort of counterculture.

You're the greyest everyman. You would be a devoted communist in the USSR and an upstanding Nazi in Hitler's Germany. Nothing you think or say matters.

>> No.9946759

Because the answer is obvious, humans don't need pair bonding companionship and do just fine without it. Only the losers who have never experienced it assume it would somehow improve their lives, when the problem is really just that they're losers.

>> No.9946766

Define being a "loser" please.

>> No.9946768
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Intelligent people are less promiscuous. Thinking with your dick/cunt is literally a brainlet thing.

>> No.9946770

Being bad at life.

>> No.9946771

it is not my fault you only spoke to like 1 person and they were not too bright and you decided all girls were like that and never again

>> No.9946773

I'm not even the guy you replied to originally. Learn to keep track of debates, my reddit friend. Getting lost and confusing posters with each other is a dead giveaway of newnigger status.

>> No.9946806

>had a hard time socializing because of the people who were horrible, uninteresting and insufferable
You don't get it. The horrible, uninteresting, insufferable person is you. If one person doesn't like you, maybe they're a jerk. If nobody like you, it's because you're the jerk

>> No.9946819

You're missing the whole point trying to bring on your theory of "no you're the one who is bad". You do not know my life and who I am, yours are only hypotesis. I'm enough of a well aware person to know how am I, therefore there are people who often ask about me and why they don't see around them anymore, it's the exact contrary, I'm voluntarily detached because I don't enjoy their presence. Again I'm no jerk, also I'm a very busy person and focused on my studies.

>> No.9946873
File: 2.11 MB, 400x225, Well-the-Jerk-Store-called-and-theyre-running-out-of-you..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again I'm no jerk, also I'm a very busy person and focused on my studies.

>> No.9947254


>> No.9947258

Great success ? How so ?

>> No.9947282

while that is more than likely the case, it is also possible to be surrounded by shit people especially if you live in a poor/working poor environment.

>> No.9947299

>surrounded by shit people especially if you live in a poor/working poor environment.
Oh you're definitely the jerk

>> No.9947411

Who is Hitler, Napoleon for 400$, Alex?

>> No.9947414

You're trolling at this point got it.

>> No.9947423

Really depends on the culture, in our hedonist monkey land West its about 20.

>> No.9947433

>calls me a troll
>thinks poor people are lesser

>> No.9947434

I literally still hadn't a concrete sexual drive at 20, only some years after I began developing the ability to be horny and watching girls with the intent of fucking them. Fuck, are everyone so desperately horny on this planet?

>> No.9947470

>tfw ugly girl, as in literally disfigured
>all I want is to have someone who will hold me close
>any guy I try to talk to won't talk to me again after, no matter how nice they seem
This stuff didn't even cross my mind until I hit 23 or so. I miss the days before I realized growing up alone might not be so great.

>> No.9947483

>Thinks other people are lesser beings than him
>They're the jerks, not me

>> No.9947485

Thanks. Your post has benefitted a fellow white man.

>> No.9947554
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Imagine being such a brainlet that you believe that anxiety and depression don't exist, but you believe in free will.

>> No.9947558

How disfigured are we talking here?

>> No.9947578

We used to have loads of kids, not all survived to adulthood however.

>> No.9947623

Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.9947820

>If you have a hard time socialising the problem is you.
Is this what normies tell themselves?
You never had to work to be a social person, I guarantee it. So, why pretend to be proud of it?

>> No.9947908

Very good post

>> No.9947914

look at these well thought out criticisms.

>> No.9948009
File: 852 KB, 1009x6647, A65E277F-C425-4828-887E-DD267707C67B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember anon, it’s always your fault

>> No.9948026
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>liek when I filmed thme inserting typoes into to my posts and then I stopped making an efforts to have typo free posts?

>> No.9948147

>You never had to work to be a social person, I guarantee it
Yes I did. Social skills are skills like any other and can be improved with practice and dedication. Why do you think talking to people is different from playing piano or mastering calculus?
>going on r9k
>taking r9k seriously
>actually saving screenshots of r9k
It's not too late to change anon

>> No.9948195

The /r9k/ posts are true though.
And I say it as someone who "rides on high wave of self-confidence and social skills".

When I talk to friends face to face they all agree that eg. incels shouldn't be hatred and should be helped to get more social for sake of everyone. Yet no one will ever do anything about it because they have their own insecurities, it requires effort, etc it's just easier to say shit about them and increase the problem. They don't want to feel responsible either, it feels much better to just shit on people you don't understand and move on. When I was at HS I already knew normies are boring as fuck so on start I reached out to two outcasts and we formed a group that gave me best time of my life, playing vidya, discussing science and lurking 4chan.

What these losers do wrong is that they care way too much. They see social interactions, getting girlfriend etc as some goal in life even though they don't like it that much. You have to find yourself things you like and just do it without caring about what other think. That's what I did, and I was bullied at primary school, and ignored at middle school and then respected at HS and then admired in adult life. People just tell me they like how I just don't give a fuck, have strong passions, how I am good at what I do etc.

>> No.9948209

>The /r9k/ posts are true though.
Stopped reading there

>> No.9948212

Ignorance is a bliss.

>> No.9948218


Not him but the problem with incels is that most of them actually can get girls but those girls aren't the 9/10s they dream of having. Instead they're more like 4/10 or 5/10s girls. Average low to middle class females with imperfections that no one will get jealous of, will not catch your eye in a big crowd and don't require nearly as much competency in social skills to get with.

But naturally since they don't want that (to which I don't entirely blame them for) they insist that they are being treated unfairly when in truth they either don't want to work harder for the higher grade women or are just to picky. Either way I don't buy the shit incels are trying to pull in the public eye.

>> No.9948263

No, the problem is that they care too much about getting a girlfriend. Life isn't about sex, yet they create their own identity based on being virgins, which they hate. For me there is probably no living women who could keep up with my standards created by all these romantic anime. But this is no reason to waste your life, there is so much other things to do.

>they insist that they are being treated unfairly when in truth they either don't want to work harder for the higher grade women or are just to picky
That's true, but it also true that they are treated unfairly. That's simply because life isn't fair, if they were born with better genes and better childhood they could easily get what incels consider 10/10.
People are shit, they like to bully the weak, they are unfaithful and they are degenerated(in sexual/romantic context).
But wallowing in self pity is not going to change that. This is their problem. They should abandon hope for justice and equality and go look for things that brings joy to their life.

>> No.9948272

>I don't always listen to people's opinions on sex, relationships and general socialising, but when I do I listen to a group of angry mentally ill virgins on the internet

>> No.9948277

Nice strawman.

I listen to everyone's opinion, that's how I build my own world view. Discarding someone's opinion just because you don't like them or group their identify with is literally ignorance.

>> No.9948280

Anyone else getting a real fucking smell of fish in this thread or is just me?

>> No.9948296


There are people better than others, it's a fact, some are good some are bad, good luck finding the right ones. Stop trying to be a fake moralist, it seems like you don't know what it means being around bad self-indulgent people and how negatively can affect you.

>> No.9948304

>Was 18
>frequent r9k goer
>Blamed world/upbringing/women for all my problems
>Depression etc.
>5 years pass
>Finally realize that I'm my own problem and the world doesn't care about me. It's up to me to find meaning in my life and everyone is in the same boat no matter their looks colour or creed.
>Changed the way I socialized around people, didn't start lifting, didn't change my looks, just changed my behavior.
>Finally lost my virginity at 23 and now have big milkers mommy gf that I cum in daily.

Sorry for the shitpost. But I can't help feel cathartic when I see posts I would have written only a few years ago before I finally escaped my cycle of self delusion.

I fear that some people will never escape the cycle. I had a friend similar to myself, once I escaped I tried to help him see the world from a new point of view, but he didn't listen. He continued to blame society for his own failings and this manifested with poor behavior towards his friends. As such people slowly faded away from him, because who wants to be friends with someone that only ever sucks the energy out of you?

He tried to get me to break up with my gf and punched one of my newer friends so I'm also letting him fade now. I'm sure in his head I'm the bad guy and just another person that was a fake or whatever and left him behind. I tried to help him and failed, I only hope that one day he can view life from a different perspective.

Apologies for the rant

>> No.9948324

You do you dude, but listening to r9k on these issues is like listening to /pol/ on jews

>> No.9948327
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>There are people better than others
Each of us is unique and special anon, and we all have something to offer. There's nobody quite like you

>> No.9948334

Are you going to deny over representation of jews as CEOs just because /pol/ claim it?

The thing with places like /pol/ and /r9k/ is that usually they observations are correct, they just make wrong assumptions and came up with wrong conclusions.

>> No.9948337

26 and never had any contact with a female in my life, not even a real conversation outside of formal occasions. Women have literally disappeared from my life since I've entered uni.

>> No.9948352

Nah, the kind of women who posts on 4chan and /sci/ of all places is probably pretty understanding of the kind of man in STEM since she's probably around them constantly. This guy's just a shitposter that knows he'll get free (you)s with these posts.

>> No.9948387

Post gf for proof, particularly the milkers

>> No.9948414
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>The thing with places like /pol/ and /r9k/ is that usually they observations are correct

>> No.9948427
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>> No.9948491

it's like my dick.

>> No.9948493

Must be it dude. Why else would anyone challenge the adolescent self involvement on display in this thread?

>> No.9948513

>Finally lost my virginity at 23
you make it sound you had a long long life and finally came to some magical conclusion when in reality you were a normalfag all long just a little late

>> No.9948527

I relate to this.

>> No.9948541

Did Steven Hawking have a sexual life somehow?

>> No.9948550
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>all the cope mechanisms in the replies

>> No.9948558

Ironic how these people, the "muh society causes my problems" types are extremely close in thinking to your classic sjw tier women, yet they both hate each other with all their being, and will never, ever get together

>> No.9948562

I did use my intelligence to get my girlfriend time ago, but after a while I discovered she had cucked me with chad but still claimed "to love me", and I left her

>> No.9948567

>things that never happened: the post
Prove any and all of what you said

>> No.9948571

Guess where all those cat ladies come from?

>> No.9948580

>Women have literally disappeared from my life since I've entered uni.
You make it sound like this was something that just happened, outside of your control, rather than a life you've deliberately chosen.

>> No.9948605

Maybe, but since I began uni I'm honest if i say I did not see a single girl in my classes, we literally are all males. Living in a horrid hole like Naples (south Italy) I can assure you is a nightmare; the presence of females in engineering universities is minimum, everyone seem subhuman, I'm saying this because south Italy environment is almost like favela-like.

People need some connection to meet, to know each others in some way, I'm having hard trouble to find some. And definitely I'm not the type of man who picks up girl at the bar or club since I never had a great sex drive afterall.

>> No.9948831

I went to Nap less and it was pretty nice. Not sure considering everyone subhuman is the best way to make friends senpai

>> No.9948940

It's a nice city considering the sea side and its cultural historical places, but the people in the suburban areas are filled with provincialism and traditionalism to really deprived levels, outside rich zones there's poverty and misery. Also don't forget Naples is a place where camorra and degrade reigns. You cannot know since you don't live here.

>> No.9949141

39 wizard reporting in.

>> No.9949162

Could be worse. You could be from Calcutta or something really bad

>> No.9949208

t. Poet

>> No.9949236

There's tons of lonely people who lived long lives. You only feel like you're dying. [larger, slightly faded, italicized text:] you only feel like you're dying. [/lsfit]

>> No.9949250
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>the adolescent self involvement

>> No.9949253

>Finally realize that I'm my own problem and the world doesn't care about me.
literally everybody on /r9k/ realizes this you dumb cunt
> everyone is in the same boat no matter their looks colour or creed
Yes, rich trust fund kiddies are totally in the same boat as poor starving niglets, amirite?

>> No.9949319

Can somehow imagine your situation, south Italy is like the sud America of Europe in a certain sense.

>> No.9949423
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>> No.9949752

>there is literally nothing you or society can do about this

Society has controlled female mate selection for all but the last 100 years of civilization's history.

I.e. Arranged marriages. Or more recently, in the 50s, the white dad doesn't let his daughter fuck the darkie. Etc.

>> No.9949757

Fun fact:
The leaders of the ww2 jap military believed the protocols to be authentic, and planned and engaged in activity in accordance to the protocols.

Now are the ww2 jap military elite just that stupid and gullible?
Or are the protocols authentic?

>> No.9949759

Did you really call him an asshole?
Is this bait?

>> No.9949762


quality post, serious
Especially the last part

>> No.9949829
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>that pic
>read too much pua idiocy
>take it seriously
>start to follow the advice
>act like a creepy weirdo
>freak everybody out
>act like you did nothing wrong
>be genuinely confused as to why you aren't succeeding with women
>decide society is the problem not your own weird shit

>> No.9949831

>ww2 jap military elite just that stupid and gullible?
I'm going with this. We're talking about a bunch who thought they could defeat the USA in a naval war, thought they could invade China and win, thought they could defeat the British Empire at the same time as doing those two things, then decided suicide missions were an option, then refused to surrender whem their navy and airforce had been destroyed and they were getting bombed out of their cities, then refused to surrender after being nuked, then refused to surrender again after being nuked again and had to be overruled by the emperor, and even then still held out on islands for decades after the war. If the Japanese military is your standard for cool logical thinking I pity you

>> No.9949852

>The thing with places like /pol/ and /r9k/ is that usually they observations are correct, they just make wrong assumptions and came up with wrong conclusions.
I actually really agree with this.

>> No.9949888

That guy almost certainly is an asshole, as are all the lonely stemfags in this thread. They think they're unpopular because they are too intelligent for a world of idiot plebs. That's not true. They are unpopular because they think being good at math makes them better than other people, and everyone can smell that arrogance a mile off. You go to music college, and the guy who's really good at the oboe doesn't think he's some superior being to the non-oboe playing masses. A history graduate doesnt think he's better than you because he know a lot about the thirty years war. But pass a couple of math exams and suddenly people start thinking they're better than everyone else. And then they get butthurt when their non-existent superiority is not recognised by others, who rightly consider this guy a stuck up asshole. And so the stemfag retreats to his bunker pretending the world is the problem not himself.

>> No.9949894


>> No.9949998

>They think they're unpopular because they are too intelligent for a world of idiot plebs. That's not true. They are unpopular because they think being good at math makes them better than other people, and everyone can smell that arrogance a mile off. You go to music college, and the guy who's really good at the oboe doesn't think he's some superior being to the non-oboe playing masses. A history graduate doesnt think he's better than you because he know a lot about the thirty years war. But pass a couple of math exams and suddenly people start thinking they're better than everyone else. And then they get butthurt when their non-existent superiority is not recognised by others, who rightly consider this guy a stuck up asshole.
Literally no one said that.

Also, people at school don't bully arrogant kids. I was arrogant as fuck at high school and even now at work, super confident, but I withheld from socializing with people who are not like-minded and I didn't refuse to help others when they ask. Yet people openly admired and respected me.
Kids doesn't bully confident people, it's the opposite. It's when you are not confident, you try hard to fit in and you make fool of yourself, potentially annoying others. Kids love to exploit your vulnerabilities, and it's easy to expose them when you try to fit in.

>> No.9950016

>Literally no one said that.
This entire thread is full of people complaining that they are surrounded by idiots who don't appreciate them. Muh roasties prefer Chad etc.
Also the self absorbed narcissism on display in this thread is not the same thing as actual confidence. You knew that though.

>> No.9950068
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>Muh Roasties prefer Chad

No matter how hard you try this the only thing you cannot argue against.

>> No.9950074

When you define Chad as 'any man who's been with a woman' and roastie as 'any woman who's been with a man' it can seem that way yes.

>> No.9950091

Chad is a self-actualised man who does not give a single shit what a woman says or thinks.

>> No.9950106

>This entire thread is full of people complaining that they are surrounded by idiots who don't appreciate them.
Where? Where are these narcissism people claiming to be surrounded by idiots? Where are people calling girls roasties and whining about Chads?

All I see is people saying they are lonely and that they have no contact with females at all.

You are retarded. No one thinks Chad and roastie is just anyone with a partner.

>> No.9950114


>> No.9950117

Here's enough roastie/chad/normie rage for you
If you want to pretend this thread is full of gentlemen scholars discussing relationships in a mature manner then feel free. I see a lot of angry, bitter self absorption

>> No.9950131

I (>>9949852) got nothing to do with the bitterness of this discussion. I agree that if people don't have social relationships, only they are at fault for not starting conversations with strangers and making new acquaintances of them. And they are also at fault if they don't have girlfriends (you won't see someone you might be interested in look for you, especially since women, as a general rule, don't start the conversation). I don't have a girlfriend, but not because I don't talk to girls, but because half of them already are in a relationship and I'm not interested in other people's gfs. And I'm not interested in the second half (I have my own standards).

>> No.9950157

How can you be so naive? How can you know those people are not genuinely experiencing negative social circumstances despite their own trying? Seems like you live in an utopia life where everything is just fine, but that's not reality and you seem to spontaneously lack harsh bad experiences that make you rethink otherwise.

I'm a professor of algorithmic music composition, you do not know how much difficulty and egoistical people I had to go through to get at my position now, it has been like going through a swamp for the whole time, filled with persons filled with jealousy who try to obstacle you from your goal. I'm very realized now but the social pressure and its obstacles, especially during the study path, has been really awful.

>> No.9950186

Alright, let's see which of these posts contains people claiming to be "intelligent for a world of idiot plebs"/"surrounded by idiots"(A), "roasties prefer Chad"(B)

>>9950068 B
>>9949852 None
>>9949423 None - he just posted posts of someone describing his failed attempts at picking up girls
>>9948940 None
>>9948605 None - he just said there is no girls in his class
>>9948562 None
>>9948513 None - he literally makes fun of other anon who thinks sex is such a big deal
>>9948334 None
>>9948296 None - he just gives a warning that there are bad people in this world and you should not trust everyone
>>9948195 None - I just gave advice to incels to not care about virginity so much and stop believing that life is fair
>>9948009 tl;dr, possibly A and B
>>9947820 None
>>9947282 None
>>9946819 None
>>9946727 None
>>9946709 None
>>9946465 A
>>9940365 None - anon just have existential crysis
>>9940265 None - as above
>>9939515 B
>>9939322 tl;dr, possibly A and B
>>9939165 None - that's literally how it works
>>9939149 None
>>9939047 None

>entire thread is full of people complaining that they are surrounded by idiots who don't appreciate them. Muh roasties prefer Chad etc

>> No.9950225

'normies are boring', 'everybody seems subhuman', women are like sheep; /pol/ is right, /r9k/ is right, humanity is worthless etc etc. If you don't see the misogyny and narcissism here you are blind.
Don't know why you're so invested in defending this. Have I struck a nerve?

>> No.9950233

I started dating quite young. By 16, I've had 3 girlfriends. At 16, I met a new girl that I would spend the next 5,5 years of my life with. She turned out to be bipolar. She sincerely fucked up my views of what a relationship should be like and gave me a drinking problem at the same time. We had lots of beautiful, but also extremely horrible moments (suicide attempts, psychosis, emotional manipulation). Eventually, we came to the conclusion that this wouldn't work, and she needed something 'new'. I was glad the ride was over, but was neasuous for a good two years after. After we split, she became addicted to drugs, went partying constantly and tried to 'live' her life. She lost everything and everyone arround her except her parents, and after 7 years of counselling and constant medication is in the track for euthanesia. Luckily, I managed to find a incredible new girl that is slowly breaking down the hostile attitude I had developed over the years towards women. However, I know her bipolar shit has left a scar in me that will probably never heal and I'm still struggling with alcohol because of it.

TL;DR pairbonding can damage your functioning just as much as the absence of it. Although in general, it's probably best for human individuals to find a mate sooner than later.

>> No.9950257

>after 7 years of counselling and constant medication is in the track for euthanesia
Wait what

>> No.9950308

If you have said that this thread is full of people who are lonely and antisocial, you would be right. But you've claimed people here are assholes who think they are more intelligent than everyone around and call girls roasties etc. which is clearly not the case.
Yeah, just because you say normal people are boring doesn't mean you think you are surrounded by idiots. No one even said that /pol/ and /r9k/ is right, they make fun of them. I (>>9948334) just said that they make valid observations but they make wrong conclusions. This does not mean they are right, it's the opposite.
Narcissism? Maybe. But there is little to none misogyny here. Unless you count things like stating: "in general girls care more about look then intelligence" or that they are hypergamous is misogyny.
>Don't know why you're so invested in defending this. Have I struck a nerve?
No, I'm just lazy so I prefer to argue with strangers on the internet than be actually productive.

>> No.9950327

>Unless you count things like stating: "in general girls care more about look then intelligence" or that they are hypergamous
That is misogyny, yes. You're learning

>> No.9950390

>wever, I know her bipolar shit has left a scar in me that will probably never heal and I'm still struggling with alcohol because of it.

scars are actually healed wounds

>> No.9950425

You are the reason why misogyny is still a problem now, even though everyone have equal rights.
You call hate speech anything that doesn't imply males and females have no differences.

Do you think there is anything wrong with saying: "Males are less empathic than females"?

>> No.9950449

>Do you think there is anything wrong with saying: "Males are less empathic than females"?
No necessarily. It depends on why you think this is the case, and what you mean by less empathic. If you feel patriarchy and other social structures have made men less able to express their empathy then you might have a point, if you think it's something inherent in maleness to have less empathy then you are part of the problem.

>> No.9950465
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>It depends on why you think this is the case, and what you mean by less empathic. If you feel patriarchy and other social structures have made men less able to express their empathy then you might have a point
So observations became hateful depending on how someone feels? You can't make this shit up.

>if you think it's something inherent in maleness to have less empathy then you are part of the problem.
So you assume women and man have no differences?

>> No.9950536


>> No.9950585

It's not misogyny, it's biology.

>> No.9950703

Everything we know about sexual selection both in theory and experimental results disagrees with you. You need to get banned from this board.

>> No.9950713

>if you think it's something inherent in maleness to have less empathy then you are part of the problem.
You are advocating disregarding solid science in favour of your ideology. You are everything that is wrong with modern western society.

>> No.9950818

plis give pusy...

>> No.9950824

about 16 years any later later than that and it's starts becoming detrimental
living the normie life is actually ideal for your mental well being

>> No.9950841

>16 years

Do you realize that there are people who genuinely still have no sex drive at that age and develope it later?

>> No.9950843

well you don't have to have sex but if you can't get a girl to like you by then it's (slightly) too late

>> No.9950880

The irony wants that I had a girl who liked me very much at that age, a 10/10 stacy who now looks like a literal pornstar. She was already sexually active and did even an abortion as she told me. I've been with her multiple times, I was without any sex drive (and probably due to my phimosis that I didn't even know what it was). I totally ignored her signals, even when we were alone, she then loosed interests in me.

Life is beautiful and today I'm a 25 khv.

>> No.9950902
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>all the seething incels itt who seem to think female companionship is somehow owed to them because they're male
Pic very related

>> No.9950920

Literally no one ever said that here.

>> No.9950948

To be fair, it's hard not to end up with that belief when the most sexually successful people right up to and through university are typically the worst people. It's bound to leave any involuntary celibate with a bitter sense of entitlement.

>> No.9950965


>involuntary celibate

There's that term again, not that anon but that's kinda bullshit honestly. There is nothing stopping these people from going to a different city, state, region or country to get the sex/ companionship they need. Just like getting a job/ career you have to move around sometimes to get one. Mates are no different and in nature it is an extremely common occurrence.

The fact these people can even understand this is the most concerning part. It's almost as if them and to a greater extant that migration for a better "life" has been utilized for hundreds of thousands of years.

>> No.9951385
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Phimosis ruined my life anon, i can understand you.

>> No.9951391

>Actually referring to someone as an involuntary celibate
l m a o
Stop validating their existence and refer to them properly as the fucking losers they are

>> No.9951532

Good to hear you still used your intelligence.

>> No.9951561

I'm 25, and despite living a miserable life of torture and constant suffering, I'm still functioning. No friends, most of my family is dead. Chronic pain. Can't eat, can't sleep, can't think half the time, can't handle basic stress. I see myself as a low functioning, hollowed out broken husk of a man, but overall it could be said I'm comparatively high functioning. I'dve been better served dying a long time ago. I doubt anything will ever change. My health never improves for long and is on a downward trend. I've wished I could just descend into madness and use up whatever is left of me. I want to be done.

I've found the most crippling aspect is dissociative patterns developed to stop feeling desire, being able to judge positive from negative, conceive of possible positive outcomes, and directly experience and admit genuine, actual desire. To desire anything from life at all. My mind functions in a stripped down state, an automaton that some superstructure or background thing programs and prods about. In truth I realize finally that I'm afraid, all the time. I'm afraid of other people. I'm afraid of desire. I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid of connecting and wanting to connect, and forming lasting connections. I'm afraid of plans and obligations and any of the dynamics that exist when you're not by yourself. My poor health is mostly invisible, I'm very good at hiding things, I learned not to plan. I had to do a lot of things.

Fortunately I won't live just to stay alive. I used to think I could go on forever, warp myself in whatever way was necessary. But I'm exhausted. Functional deficits are of course dependent on your metric. People are capable of continuing almost indefinitely with nothing and no one. How it plays out is individual to a degree. I don't have much of any hard need socially, or as far as a sense of place, but I think I do need something romantically and sexually.

>> No.9951585

1 week

>> No.9952046

Add phimosis to all of this and that's also me.

>> No.9952067

>blah blah blah
>If the Japanese military is your standard for cool logical thinking I pity you

Were the jap suicide bombers not effective?
Were the japs not a formidable military force?
How is the suicidal and destructive mindset(and its effect on the goal of jap war) of a jap dictator(and his fellows) evidence of strategic incompetence? Regarding the japs biting off more than they can swallow, according to you, when engaging different nations in war.

>> No.9952068

And yet you were arrogant enough to type all that and expect someone to read it. Why are you burdening us with your bullshit solipsism. Have some humility, stop taking up space in the conversation unecessarily

>> No.9952072

You must really hate nerds or something.
You are making a lot of assumptions about this guy. And you seem to hate him.

>> No.9952078

>Were the jap suicide bombers not effective?
>Were the japs not a formidable military force?
>How is the suicidal and destructive mindset(and its effect on the goal of jap war) of a jap dictator(and his fellows) evidence of strategic incompetence?
No. Suicide attacks achieved nothing but destroyed planes and fuel the Japanese could not afford to lose.
At first they were effective, before the US and the Brits and the Chinese were prepared and adapted to conditions. Then they got their shit shoved in. In 1944 in Burma, against the worst performing land army the allies had (the brits) they suffered 10/1 casualties. Their entire airforce and navy was destroyed by the Americans. Apart fron the initial attacks, the Japanese were not very good in WW2.
>strategic incompetence
Declaring war simultaneously on three great powers who could each beat you individually is not the mark of strategic competence. It's hubris and lunacy. Hitler did the same thing as is rightly regarded as a madman. If anything the Japanese were even more incompetent than Hitler who at least didn't invade Russia and declare war on America at the same time he attacked France and Britain

>> No.9952081

I read it and you are genuinely a really nasty person. Maybe rethink your priorities in life if you get your jollies nipping at people who are down like some little scavenger chihuahua.

>> No.9952085
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>why are you blogposing about your miserable life in a thread where everyone blogpost about their miserable lifes
What is your problem?

>> No.9952090

>poor me, poor me, I'm a man and the world is being thrown at my feet, but sometimes I'm sad blah blah blah

>> No.9952094


>> No.9952114


Wow we have a legitimate female in this thread, didn't expect that.

>> No.9952117

Forever, though it helps if you've had a really close long term partner at some point in your life cause that will help you understand and define your emotions and life goals.

Meme arrows for emphasis:
>If you can't get into a relationship then you probably have far bigger problems than not being able to get into a relationship. This is especially true of people who have never had a relationship.
>People aren't as simple as saying or doing the right thing at the right time. You can't engineer a relationship with someone who just isn't into you. Throughout your life you will commonly be attracted to (even on an emotional level) people who will never be attracted to you and people who will not like being in an actual relationship with you.
>Attraction isn't as simple as intelligence or being in shape or being a good person. Don't focus on some trait and feel entitled to a relationship. It is not society's fault you have no relationship.
>Take charge of your life but don't let your relationship (or lack thereof) define it. Why would anyone want to be with someone who's most interesting thing about them is their relationship?

>> No.9952180

t.bluepilled normie chad

>> No.9952356
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i want love

i think soon i'll kill myself

>> No.9952543

>ugh just shut up
Behold the eternal cunt

>> No.9952656


>> No.9952661

There's something deeply unattractive to me about mirror selfies in which the person CANNOT stop looking at themselves in their phone for half a goddamn second in order to take the picture.
With eye contact 9/10
No eye contact you drop to literally a 1.5 fucking greasehole

>> No.9952680

Woman are pieces of shit these days anyway; I couldn't be happier.

>> No.9952717

"Muh soggy knee"
Off yourself

>> No.9952719
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What's the worst thing about being a virgin?

>> No.9952721

You are a fucking braintlet who either types the bloody obvious or asserts something that is incoherent. Both of which are irrelevant.

>> No.9952724

Putting sex up on a pedestal, not realizing that it's actually quite insignificant and is certainly no reason to develop a sense of loathing for everyone (both men and women) and then blame society for your problems which ultimately leads to a special loathing for women in particular, resulting in the development of a highly abrasive personality caused by your own perception of sex and not the lack of sex itself, which in turn works to ensure you will not have sex for as long as possible.

>> No.9952752

Truth has spoken.

>> No.9952794

if you believe this shit you definitelly are dumber thn chad. That is not a real chad

>> No.9952812

>not chad

Explain please, also that story is not so surreal, shit like that happens.

>> No.9952995

>It's hubris and lunacy. Hitler did the same thing [and] is rightly regarded as a madman.

That was my point. Lunacy in one regard isn't evidence of incompetence in another regard.
Hitler(and the nazi military) was certainly competent is some regards. He was also a lunatic.

You seem to be more knowledgeable about ww2 than I am.
Can you tell me why the japs believed the protocols to be authentic? Is the explanation lunacy? They actually sheltered the jews, even when they were axis members, so I don't think anti semetism is the reason.

>> No.9953053

>Can you tell me why the japs believed the protocols to be authentic?
The answer is they didn't. A few individual Japs might have read them and maybe taken them at face value, but anti-semitism wasn't really a thing in Japan, and it was not a state policy of Imperial Japan, much to Hitler's chagrin. You can't hate people you've never met and Japan had a small to non-existent Jewish community.
Tbh, 'the japanese believed the protocols to be authentic' sounds like a stormfront meme. There's never been a point where they weren't known as an antisemitic hoax

>> No.9953057

Stop, you're totally off-topic.

>> No.9953061

I was typing the obvious because this thread looks like it's full of utter fucking brainlets.

>> No.9953238

Your grandma that everytime sees you ask you where is your girlfriend.

>> No.9953378
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>> No.9953424

Those guys who can live alone forever will assuredly feel extreme loneliness from time to time, to the point of it being emotionally crippling.

also, a hearty kek at all the dry dicked faggots posting in this thread. You aint got no game son.

>> No.9953435

Go to a rub and tug once in a while you stupid fuck, that should at least relieve you mentally, while reprogramming you to not be a neckbearded tryhard dipshit about relationships.

>> No.9953559

>The answer is they didn't.

They did.
>a Japanese translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion led some Japanese authorities to grossly overestimate the economic and political powers of the Jewish people, and their interconnectedness across the world

And it is certainly not a "stormfront meme".

Are you the same guy I've been talking to this whole time?
If so, you should have just mentioned you didn't believe me in the first place. We could have saved a lot of time.

>> No.9953685

This lol
just jerk off and your need of loving disappears for the next 24 hours unless you have some hormonal dysfunctions
idk about women tho

>> No.9953702

I've noted that intelligent people are ostracized by most social groups and that you need a hive mentality to fit in, its like as people with own personalities are seem as dangerous because they don't obey to animal pack rules (follow alpha, obedience etc)
And women behave much more as herd animal as we do

>> No.9953787

They don't know about your dick until you've already courted them far enough. Stop posting about something you have no experience with, for your own sake.

>> No.9953848

>be hopelessly gay
>parents are important to me and dont want to disappoint them so i just ignore it and pretend someday I'll meet a girl who I like enough as a person to force myself to love romantically
Probably never gonna happen. Oh well.

>> No.9953851

>some Japanese authorities
Never official policy, was never taken seriously outside a fringe. Sorry my /pol/ack friend, but the Protocols have always been known as a hoax.

>> No.9953852

>so traumatized by experiences in adolescence that any any kindness shown to me by anyone causes me to fall into a deep depression and serious substance abuse
is there hope for me

>> No.9953857

What does this say? I'm a mobilefag right now and can't read any of it.

>> No.9953957

Exactly this.

Have some of you read korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han? His book "The expulsion of the other" is a lucid, precise and in-depth analysis about this aspect of society. t puts into words and very well written phrases the why and how behind a world where we all seem to continually attract and be attracted to those who look and think like us, rather than finding and celebrating Others.

>> No.9953958

What about being a manlet instead?

>> No.9953966

Never heard of him before. Just looked him up and saw his areas of interest and am really liking it.

>> No.9953992

My sister is lesbian and didn't give a shit about this. She's 30 and and she even lived for 6 years with his girlfriend in our house with us.

>> No.9954219

Just be yourself.

>> No.9954233

I crave soft feminine touch.

>> No.9954245

Some of us will never have that. Meanwhile there are people in this world hardcore loving each others to the point of being involved in bestial performances like sucking, deepthroating, cumming onto others, rimming, threesomes and any other kind of sexual behaviours, all while being completely socially functional and wealthy. On the other side of existence, some men on this earth are simply destined to not experience even a genuine hug and to drift away into the void until death or madness consume them.

>> No.9954291

This thread is like a Bible. Really long but no matter where you glance it's some dumb funny bs.

The nerd is not the only person not getting laid just so you know. There are soooo many people not getting laid lol. There are even fewer people getting love.

Shit is just always greener. Soon as you get laid you don't give a fuck and why would you you have what you want of course, but you really just don't even value it that much. IDK being in a relationship makes you just want to go full STEM

>> No.9954330

Yes, but usually nice things turn boring when you make a hobby into profession.

>> No.9954338

This is very true

>> No.9954345

It's really not that hard you justbhave to be ok with putting yourself out there and settling for what you get.

>> No.9954347

Those behaviours exist also outside of porn you know.

>> No.9954357

So this is what they mean when they say people have bad reading comprehension.

>> No.9954368

Yep. This one is going into my...

Is this actually a real subreddit?

>> No.9954372

You’re a homo tho

>> No.9954378

I think you should explain better your statement in relation to that post.

>> No.9954387

That’s not a c u c kboy

>> No.9954400

You’re just a low T s o y

>> No.9954405

And that's completely fine for me.

>> No.9954469

what a fucking blackpill

>> No.9954752


>> No.9954775

Political bait posts belong to >>>/pol/

>> No.9954804

Helped? Incels are a result of natural selection. They can't be helped, because they weren't wronged.

But I do agree that people care way too much about this shit. That's a one of the downsides of our sexually free culture. Positive obssession with sex.

>> No.9954808


You sire made my day. It's a pitty that we're anon. I would like to invite your for a drink.


>> No.9954818

>mfw all the /sci/ board have responded in this thread

>> No.9954850
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1523156002985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ people being bestial
>somewhat it is a great experience

>> No.9954864

Why do you assume that only "low IQ" people enjoy doing dirty things? Don't you know that also intellectuals often enjoy doing lewd things? It may be liberating regardless your supposed intelligence.

>> No.9954874

>rubbing your sexual organs in another person's body is a remarkable transcendental experience
t. bonobo

>> No.9954918

fuggg I know that feel bro, I went through pretty much the same situation, and still drink like a fish. I never developed a negative attitude towards women in general, just her personally. In my situation, she was borderline rather than bipolar, although there isn't a huge difference IMO.

That being said, I still haven't seriously dated much since then, minus hooking up with a few girls, and I'm definitely hesitant to get in a long term relationship unless the girl I meet is a saint. I'm sure she's out there, but I'm not worried about it, I've been busy with university and improving myself.

>> No.9954927

you sound like a real genuine piece of work

>> No.9954934

the 2 of you should have a piece of work party together

fuck man, this board is a good reminder that there are lots of serious sickos out there....

>> No.9954960
File: 136 KB, 2048x1586, DontDumbHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>focusing on my studies
>trying to accomplish things
>not caring about not having a gf or actively trying to get laid
>get laid anyways because IDGAF

anon plz

>> No.9954982

find a disfigured guy
no? too good for that? you're just the exact same as all the 'incels' then. BBAAWWW WHERES MY VICTORICAS SECRET GIRLFRIEND

>> No.9955005


>Never official policy, was never taken seriously outside a fringe.

Did you not read the link?
>In June and July 1939, the memoranda "Concrete Measures to be Employed to Turn Friendly to Japan the Public Opinion Far East Diplomatic Policy Close Circle of President of USA by Manipulating Influential Jews in China" and "The Study and Analysis of Introducing Jewish Capital" came to be reviewed and approved by the top Japanese officials

>my /pol/ack friend

I'm not a /pol/ack. I'm part black.
And I'm guessing you're jewish?

>> No.9955018


>celebrating Others
Let's celebrate our differences!!!! XdddddddDddddDddd

>> No.9955028

Have you actually read some of his books or are you just trying to be a random edgy tryhard?

>> No.9955045

>I read philosophy

>> No.9955067

t. geeky nerd who only thinks about calculus

>> No.9955087

I didn't know retards like you were allowed to post on this board.
Fuckoff back to /fa/ or something.
You are ruining the thread.

>> No.9955120

Not butthurt enough.

>> No.9955268

you’re an actual Schizoid. get a psychiatric screening ASAP just to be sure.

>> No.9955377


>> No.9955557


>> No.9955948


>> No.9955959

Philosophy is an essential part of human life, you cannot understand universe while not understanding human condition, don't know why you're bragging like a 12yo about it.

>> No.9956023

Most normies can obtain great pleasure and ecstasy from doing things like that, but no one claimed it's a "transcendental experience". It's a part of human nature, and humans retrieve beneficial status from doing liberating, obscene things that are generally repressed.

But yes, doing algebra and math is always better than cumming inside a girl's mouth.

>> No.9956232

Theoretically forever, for our society past 23 you're abnormal and unacceptable.

>> No.9956692
File: 52 KB, 687x499, 15087298261131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le nature argument

>> No.9956761

Holy shit you're an insufferable virgin

>> No.9956809

Looks like I win.
See >>9955005
Still no reply.

I'm right.
The ww2 jap military believed the
protocols of zion
to be authentic.

Don't let this stupid jew convince you otherwise.
First, he starts by saying the japs were stupid and crazy, so they are not qualified to evaluate its authenticity.
Then he moves the goal posts and says that the japs never even believed it was authentic in the first place.
Then he gets btfo and ceases to argue.

>> No.9957825

this thread is not going to die

>> No.9957906

>Why don't you stop your self pitying and actually try to get girls
>lol no i won't tell you how, just b urself
>you deserve everything you got because you tried wrong
literally can not win

>> No.9957948


>> No.9958035

41 grand wizard reporting in, going strong still.

>> No.9958047


pair bonding doesn't work the same for humans. A human can live alone indefinitely. It might be painful for a few years, but they can get over it.

>> No.9958052


>> No.9959078

>not smart enough nor has the angency to overcom fears and learn how to find a mate,
Not much to do about being smart, more about money or lack of it. I did a few years as a post doc. You have to do 2 - 4 periods, each 2 - 3 years long and you have to move for each new contract. For this you are paid not much at all. Women will not accept this and in any case around here it is not uncommon for girls to check up the financial standing after a date. So you get tenure when you are about 35, at which point the selection available is a collection of disasters.

>or at least expeience a female
So you accept paying for it?

>> No.9960163

Why do people who like math have such bad social skills?

>> No.9960191

They get into math because they like intellectual stimulation more. They are more concerned with ideas and problems than other people, which might concern people who care more about their behavior than what the other person is actually saying. Everyone needs someone like minded to relate to them, and people who like math are less common than average normalfag.