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9937538 No.9937538 [Reply] [Original]

How did jews get blonde hair and blue eyes? Are jews european?

>> No.9937548


You could easily google this.

>> No.9937552

there are so many (((lies))) tough

>> No.9937554

We kidnapped goys and extracted their eyeballs to implant into our own skulls so that we could more easily infiltrate white society and cause its collapse.

t. jew

>> No.9937575

the skin and eye color just depends on their host, they are disguised space lizards

>> No.9937578
File: 107 KB, 1018x1024, varg nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizos back to >>>/pol/

>> No.9937581
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Could it be that certain white people would have wanted to convert to Judaism?

>> No.9937589

OP here, the only schizo here is most likely you, post your face, I bet you won't, faggot.

>> No.9937605

>be pol-turd with entire belief system built on lies
>complains about the occasional lie elsewhere on the internet
what do they mean by this

>> No.9937606

I'm giving the orders here. Go back to >>>/pol/ you stupid muh-fragile-european-phenotype schizo.

>> No.9937609

remove yourself, poltard

>> No.9937610

Fuck off.

>> No.9937691

I was mostly joking, but it's hard to find genuine information, everything is so politicised, t. studied into European culture.

Post face

>> No.9937698

Fuck off poltard

>> No.9937719
File: 61 KB, 350x391, 1534070224100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I mostly browse /lit/fit/sci/out but asking a genuine question about genetics get's me shade from autists.

Lmao, post face.

>> No.9937888

>mixed race nigger at the bottom
Also when has anybody ever said brown hair and brown eyes is not white? Most Nazis were brown haired, retard. Varg is a meme.

Do you unironically believe that the Nazis only thought blonde haired and blue eyed people were white?

>> No.9937896

It's a /pol/ faggot trolling to try and make non-/pol/ people look crazier than /pol/. It's a deep level of autism.

>> No.9937906

New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. Scientists have tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6,000-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye color of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today.


In theory, any human regardless of their race background can get the blue eye gene.

>> No.9937911 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 801x801, 1533463183347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because they've been in Europe for so long that even though their religion is made so they DON'T mix it's impossible for 2 groups to live together for 2000+ years and not mix with each other. I mean, just think about the shiksas Jews would've raped, the jewesses the goys would've raped, the goyim who converted to Judaism to become a part of the "successful tribe" (especially the women), etc. As for why the jews in the middle east a lot of them mixed with the white slaves that the arabs brought but so did the sandniggerrs but jews did a little more because both were bottom of the barrel just like the negros in the US mixed with the Irish.

>> No.9937926
File: 30 KB, 712x649, 1393256255540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because they've been in Europe for so long that even though their religion is made so they DON'T mix it's impossible for 2 groups to live together for 2000+ years and not mix with each other.

I mean just think about all the shiksas the Jews would've raped, the Jewesses the goys would've raped, the goyim who converted to Judaism to become a part of the "successful tribe" (especially the women), etc. As for why the jews in the middle east did, a lot of them mixed with the white slaves that the Arabs brought and so did the sandniggerrs but jews did a little more because both were considered bottom of the barrel, just like how the negros in the US mixed with the Irish.

>> No.9937990

damn really? Glad I'm not that much of a loser Jesus Christ lmao

Saw an asian baby with blue eyes recently, well it was a third generation hapa, but still.

Is there good literature on this?

>> No.9937998

Generations and generations of jewesses breeding with europeans. That's pretty much it.

>> No.9938005

What did an original jew look like? They were Semitic peoples after all.

>> No.9938018
File: 42 KB, 583x384, DC0Iab-XsAA7Gzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown skin, curly hair, big nose. Just like your average sandnigger today who didn't have any black or white slave ancestors. probably Saudi Arabians are a good example but a lot of them had slave ancestors as well.

pic related. compare this guy to Ron Jeremy.

>> No.9938026

>Brown skin, curly hair, big nose
Also black eyes and black hair like sandniggers.

>> No.9938037
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pic related. pure jew on the left and jew after several generations of mixing with whites on the right

>> No.9938049

>Is there good literature on this?
Read all of Kevin B. MacDonald's books, especially Culture of Critique.

>> No.9938092

>Good literature
Gee I wonder what other boards you frequent

>> No.9938098
File: 2.47 MB, 1180x1636, j58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the guy on the left?


Do jewish people know about this? I wonder. Have a cutie.

>> No.9938120

>when you leak from /pol/ before even lurking it

>> No.9938166

What even is an "Anti-Semite"? Does a man just wake up one day and decide to start hating the Jews? Of course not, you read about what these people have done and you see what these people are doing and gradually you start to hate them. If you can read all of Dr. Macdonald's books that all provide incontrovertible documented evidence btw and still not hate the Jews then you are either a Jew yourself or some kind of mentally ill leftist scum.

>> No.9938173

>can't answer the question
sasuga /r/science

>> No.9938184
File: 1.44 MB, 5052x2526, 153346365699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's the guy on the left?
MBS, Crown Prince of KSA.
>Do Jewish people know about this?
No, they are white when it's convenient and they want to show off how privileged they are (pic related) and they are Jewish when they are lumped with whites for anything bad that happens. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRnTovm26I4

>> No.9938190

>If you can read all of Dr. Macdonald's books that all provide incontrovertible documented evidence
I haven't read them, luckily a number of psychologists and academics have and it seems as though his work isn't exactly accepted as fact.

> Sander Gilman describes MacDonald's argument about a Jewish group evolutionary strategy as a "bizarre" one which "recasts all of the hoary old myths about Jewish psychological difference and its presumed link to Jewish superior intelligence in contemporary sociobiological garb."

>Eugen Schoenfeld states the book contains "sloppy scholarship" and that MacDonald's comparison of Jewish collectivism during the biblical period with 18th- and 19th-century English individualism "indicates a total ignorance of the impact of industrialization on Western societies."

>John Hartung, reviewing A People That Shall Dwell Alone, considered that MacDonald had done "very good work indeed" because he was helping to counter a Jewish effort to "systematically purloin the land and property of people who were not [Holocaust] victims' persecutors". This review caused controversy. Hartung was later quoted describing A Culture of Critique as "quite disturbing, seriously misinformed about evolutionary genetics, and suffering from a huge blind spot about the nature of Christianity."

>John Tooby, the founder of MacDonald's field of evolutionary psychology, criticized MacDonald in an article for Salon in 2000. He wrote, "MacDonald's ideas—not just on Jews—violate fundamental principles of the field." Tooby posits that MacDonald is not an evolutionary psychologist, and advocates models incorporating group-selection theory, a view of natural selection whose importance is disputed.

I'm not an expert in psychology so I'll treat it the same way I treat every other field, I'll trust the experts. They don't back you.

>> No.9938209

Thank you for outing yourself.

>> No.9938215
File: 92 KB, 700x525, Aeluo3V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well all those statements talk about how Dr MacDonald's methods as an EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGIST suck i.e they are talking about all his books but The Culture of Critique which is about the Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-century Intellectual and Political Movements which don't have much to do with evolutionary psychology, they simply talks about what they say which are facts that you can verify with a single Google search through multiple sources.

Those psychologists and academics commented about how he sucks as an evolutionary psychologist (which he could even though he was a professor of the subject at a great university before he wrote those books, I don't know) and not about the the Jewish involvement in our politics since the 20th century.

>> No.9938238

It's true that we became paler during our stay in Europe, but we are levantines originally, and levantines are not as brown as arabs. Look at the lebanese christians, the group least raped by the arab conquerors ; they have green eyes and pale skin, and a lot of them could pass as european. In Israel green eyes are stereotypically associated with the sefardic jews, who never lived in a cold climate.

>> No.9938244

on the other hand, the typical jewish nose is clearly an eastern feature. Just look at the arabs or the greeks.

>> No.9938248

Then again Haaretz had an article that showed that many of their readers do not like the blonde hair blue eyed models used in so many ads.

>> No.9938260

>twitter screencaps
How to know someone is both literally retarded and either a neo-nazi or SJW in one step

You hate Jews for 2 reasons:
>You have well below average intelligence
>You have been brainwashed by far right internet cultists

>> No.9938271

Retard. You realize that the Mediterranean only became brown after Arab invasions? The people that lived on the Middle Eastern side of the Mediterranean looked like modern day Greeks and Italians before the Arab invasions.

>> No.9938274

sure but we didn't have blue eyes before we came to Europe, dude

>> No.9938288

>Green eyes associated with Sephardic
>Because they never lived in a cold climate

How does this make sense?

>> No.9938290
File: 1.61 MB, 1176x1200, 1513644711754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha you fucking Jew. I just posted that screenshot for no particular reason. Why didn't you try to disprove anything in that post?
>You hate Jews for 2 reasons:
>>You have well below average intelligence
>>You have been brainwashed by far right internet cultists

>> No.9938296

Disprove what? You're just speaking in vague generalities like all racist tards, astrologers, conspiracy theorists, etc. do. Claiming Jews are bad because they're involved in politics (like literally everyone else) is just hilarious and stupidity that can only be found in brainless circle like pol.

>> No.9938310 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 600x761, 1505604699849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is just hilarious
Just fuck off and read the book you retarded kike. It will answer all your questions.

>> No.9938311

Why did you add the 'because'? I meant that they have clear eyes despite never having never mingled with europeans, ie they had them to begin with

>> No.9938322

Roman soldiers.

>> No.9938340

The mizrachi jews never encountered the romans (they remained in Babylon during the Yehud medinata & Hasmonean kingdoms period, and the subsequent Roman occupation).

>> No.9938342

was meant for >>9938322

>> No.9938356

>anime imageboard

>> No.9938361

Nah, because they are heavily overrepresented in leftist political movements.

>> No.9938368

this is not due to any national character, but to the set of circumstance in which they find themselves. It's natural for people who are historically foreign and have been persecuted to feel this way (they are not persecuted anymore, but 70 years ago Jews couldn't go to country clubs or Columbia U. Would you be a right winger in their stead?) Put them in their country, where they feel they belong, and they'll be as right wing as any sane European. Case in point: Israel.

>> No.9938384

You forgot to mention that The Culture of Critique only talks about the Jewish role in American politics. If people want to really learn about how wicked and vile these heebs truly are they should read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together, Hitler's rise to power in Germany through The Greatest Story Never Told and the history of the Bank of England.

>> No.9938391


>> No.9938396


>> No.9938418
File: 967 KB, 270x252, 1391151172701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two Hundred Years Together
>The Greatest Story Never Told
>the history of the Bank of England
Now we're talking.

>> No.9938435


>> No.9938439

Jews are not persecuted in modern Europe or America. Yet they are heavily overrepresented in leftist movements.
No shit they'd be right wing ethnonationalists in what they percieve to be their homeland.

>> No.9938486

Yes but they have been (not 'persecuted' per se, but discriminated against), and the present situation is a result of this fact. It would've been the same for any other people.

>> No.9938765

I know this is stupid /pol level bantz but they do have the same nose and I Iost it after realizing that.

>> No.9938766

It's the phenotype ASHKENAZI men crave.

>> No.9938777

There's like a billion people with that nose shape

>> No.9938815

Interesting, Syrians look pretty caucasian to, as do coptic egyptians.

Also OP here, kinda funny I was unironically called a Poltard yet look at what this thread became, lmao.

>> No.9938821

Can confirm I love me some goyfus

>> No.9938825
File: 44 KB, 610x408, mizrahi-jews-e8c50490-0981-4969-a3b2-bc28fe90b46-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sephardic jews are europeans though, they were originally roman spaniards and lived in spain. They only lived in North Africa in the past few hundred years because they got kicked out during the reconquista.

Mizrahi jews are the original levantine jews and they are very swarthy.

>> No.9938873

Is blond hair and blue eyes the PHENOTYPE ASHKENAZI women crave?

>> No.9938887

Blonde hair and blue eyes is universally the phenotype humanity craves. Browns just don't admit it. At least in women.

>> No.9938890

As a bright blond man with blue eyes ive noticed darker women are super into me, that true. Personally I don't think bright blond look too great on a man, dirty blonde males are probably the best.

>> No.9938895
File: 10 KB, 416x349, khazaria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashek NAZI jews are dirty khazars who converted to Judaism and arent even real jews.

Now you know the secret, the lizard people will be coming for you

>> No.9938896

>ive noticed darker women
are you talking about gooks?

>> No.9938897

Gooks, jungle people, African women, Hispanics and everything in between.

>> No.9938906

So they were never brown to begin with?

>> No.9938907


Med here, yeah blue eyes and blonde hair is a good look only when a man is buff, if you're a twig it's not a good look. Green eyes + dark hair, that's the stuff right there.

>> No.9938910


Arab slaves killed the black women and preferred the white women. Israel supermodels are all blue eyed European looking women, in the US minorities tell themselves it's cultural, reality is humans are generally attracted to the same things.

>> No.9938994

You'd have to be very stupid to claim the opposite. In the old testament, 'black' is an insult.

>> No.9938997

This is fallacious, if the sefardic and ashkenazy mingled with the local where they resided, then the mizrachim did too. Only the yemeni jews are as brown as this in general, Iraqi, Persian and Syrian jews don't.

>> No.9939081

>or some kind of mentally ill leftist scum.

Why do you have to make it about politics, specially when it is the right and the (((alt right))) who are pro-zionism and those leftist you despise the ones who denounce Israel human right violations?

>> No.9939580

okay, most of Saudis have racemixed with africans just in the last century, and please don't call us sandn**** , Arabs are olive skinned, and not all of them have large noses, and not all of them have curly hair

>> No.9939604

Are Arabs olive skinned because of the extreme sun or because that is their genetics? Genuine question.

>> No.9939609

>jews have been discriminated against
Not in America where they enjoy a great amount of privilege. You have no idea what you are talking about. Trump is very zionist.

>> No.9939695

personally and most of my friends I know, in winter when there's no sun the skin is pale-yellowish and some friends are pale-reddish, but in summer when it's very sunny I tend to get lots of tan, my skin can literally turn extreme dark if I spend the summer outside you wouldn't even recognize me

>> No.9939939

What the fuck are you talking about? You know the world didn't start in 2016 you fucking mongrel?

>> No.9941537

They have a european maternal line and a semitic paternal line.
You could easily get this awnser by googling.