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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 704x526, libgen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9937664 No.9937664 [Reply] [Original]

Now what do we do?

>> No.9937708

Use a vpn so you can access it while feigning to be an American?

>> No.9937796

If only they had a .onion to use..., guess all the books are lost now.

>> No.9937802

>germans can't use it
Just drive like 20 minutes into a nearby country and download the books you need using someone's free wifi.

>> No.9937817

how do we stop this form happening in the US?

>> No.9937822

this is why I hoard data like a motherfucker.
Anything I'm even remotely interested in goes in the drive.

>> No.9938552

>unlawful content consumption
Publishers bought and paid for those laws to protect their obscene profiteering.

>> No.9938846

Exactly, they bought and paid for those laws fair and square, and now you want them to basically loose all that money so you can get free shit? are you a communist by any chance?

>> No.9938850

Free knowledge is crime now lmao

>> No.9938853

You're a smart guy

>> No.9938889

NordVPN, VPNHub....

That's what VPN are for.

>> No.9938977

Isn't it DNS filtering again? Just change your DNS server to something else and that's it.

>> No.9938989
File: 215 KB, 325x298, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to come around to this. The only problem being I'm broke and I need back-ups on the most reliable HDD, or SSD if that's better.

I can never seem to get a straight answer.
>"muh 2TB Seagate exploded"
>"muh 2 TB Seagate has lasted a decade"

>> No.9938999
File: 25 KB, 380x317, 1520606660791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>libgen.pw still works here

>> No.9940627

I'm a taxpayer who helped finance that research,
and I want to read the results without having to
pay (((them))) some additional large amount.
Is that "communist" to you, boy?

>> No.9940638

society wont work without cycle of production and consumption

it is held in place by property rights (e.g. copyrights) and ability for everyone to produce and consume however way they want

and the system will evolve because of competition and scarcity (there's not enough for everyone so humans will get a different treatment): producers compete against each other, and consumers (should) compete against each other

maybe you /engineer/-memes should take economics101 ?

>> No.9940701

>I work at mcdonals and help prepare the food, all I want is to eat all the food they make without having to pay (((them))), is that "Communist"?

>> No.9940715

no hard drive lasts forever. buy them with the expectation that if it goes kaput your data is safe in atleast one place and that you get to buy a new hard drive now

>> No.9940722

missed the "helped finance" part, retard

>> No.9940732

Drives are expendables, and some will last longer than others. With a proper setup and well organised backup system, you can be immune to drive failures and still keep all your stuff.

>> No.9940736

I don't usually make backups because I'm afraid that /g/ will bully me about it. Like "oh my god you don't seriously think that making a duplicate of your data in a separate physical location is a BACKUP, do you? Christ" Like it seems to be some sort of dark art to making a real backup and I'm afraid to start.

>> No.9940749

If you're serious about data hoarding, invest in a magnetic tape drive (yeah, magnetic tape is still around). It can be slow as shit, and the initial investment is a bitch, but as a normal consumer you can get about 100GB uncompressed per USD with LTO-7 tapes, and it's even cheaper if you go with LTO-6, but they don't hold as much. The powers that be seriously want to shut down open access sites like libgen and sci-hub, and not just for monetary reasons. There will be a serious crackdown soon, so save shit while you still can.
>inb4 schizo

Elsevier shill detected. Next time try to make your analogy actually analogous.

>> No.9940785


Slightly off topic but how much does an annual subscription to one of these journals cost to a private citizen? I haven’t been able to find prices online

>> No.9940838

about $1k-5k depending on he journal.

>> No.9940858

>inb4 breakaway civilization ...

>> No.9941703

>>"muh 2TB Seagate exploded"
>>"muh 2 TB Seagate has lasted a decade"
seagate in a nutshell

>> No.9941771

I see your point but your post also implies that websites need to have .onion versions in order to be accessible over Tor, when in fact you can use Tor to view any clearnet website in addition to the .onion sites (unless they're blocking connections coming from known exit nodes).

>> No.9941796

>literally risking your data just to avoid being called names by people on an anonymous imageboard
Jesus Christ just get an external drive and start periodically rsyncing your data already.

>> No.9943006

kek, external drive wont help shit. anything that happens where the external survives can be recovered from and anything that cant be recovered from will cause you to also loose the external.

>> No.9943061

>anything that cant be recovered from will cause you to also loose the external
Yeah like when your internal drive decides to just absolutely shit the bed like all drives eventually do which somehow magically causes the external drive to become fucked too. I wonder what a brainlet like you would find an acceptable backup strategy.

>> No.9943095

hard drives literally never shit the bed for no reason, its either seagate manufacturing defects (whole batches of disks would randomly lock up which is why you should avoid seagate, or research the specific batch to make sure there arnt problems with it), or most likely (always if its a non seagate) unstable power, improper use (like if you use windows >= 7 and don't tune it currently), or shit like surges, floods, theft , fire. All of these things effect the external just as much as the internal disks. You could plug the external in just long enough to do the backup then store it somewhere fire proof, in a Faraday cage and locked up, but are you realy going to go through that every time? and you still expose it to the same dangerous during the backup. Backups should always be off site, a private network is preferred but if you dont have one using the internet is a good second choice if you make sure to do it securely. Never backup over a naked wire, always use at least 2 VPNs, and if you use a company instead of a private server to do it encript everything before backup, dont trust them to not fuck with your shit. use at least 2 different companies (or private server locations on different sides of the planet to minimize the risks of shit from space like radiation effecting both. This coveres the basics but there's a lot more you really need to be aware of to make proper backups,

>> No.9943190


>> No.9943195

I'm with you on the resilience of hard drives but they all eventually break. HDDs have moving parts and ANYTHING with a moving part will break after a certain number of acutations.

>> No.9943295

>while feigning to be American
No feigning needed, everyone is trying to be American.

>> No.9943305

>libgen is dead
Hans, I would worry about you country outlasting libgen.

>> No.9944082

/g/ here

Use a Private tracker you plebs

>> No.9944266

You seem to be confusing two concepts.
1. RAID is not a backup
You're supposed to take this phrase at face value. A RAID array, on the same device as your main machine, is not a backup.
A RAID array, on a different device from the machine you regularly access data from, is a backup.
The semantics is in the location and access patterns. Nothing more.
Don't get your noodle brain in a twist about it.

>> No.9944272

This analogy is retarded

>> No.9944368

Going there via direct ip still works. I guess it is a DNS ban.

>> No.9944375

what do you mean

>> No.9944380

you are truly retarded

>> No.9944514

>A RAID array, on a different device from the machine you regularly access data from
how do you do this?

>> No.9944745
File: 173 KB, 404x300, 1534448573867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

Holy shit, I am so sorry, anon.

>> No.9944759
File: 12 KB, 600x314, raid_levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several types of RAID

In an array where 10 drives all contain the same data, you do in fact have 9 backups. This configuration is for critical data, with 10x speed accessing the data. Hot swapping failed drives without interrupting running programs, etc.
RAID is indeed a backup.

>> No.9944793

No you still don't have backups. You have redundancy of storage drives in one system. If a software or a user error happens and a command to delete something you don't want gets passed, you still fuck up. Techlets reeeee.

Best backup is off-site, so at very least it should be disconnected from the main system and probably also powered down. If you are going to take backups often, then you also want differential backups (just record the changes) to shrink sizes and wait times.

>> No.9944813
File: 55 KB, 770x418, chakl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9944818

you forgot your smug anime face.jpg

you have a different machine with data on it
that machine happens to be using a RAID array. It's not complicated.

The backup is the ~other machine~

>> No.9944833

Array of

A raid can be configured to use sets of drives on monday, tuesday... giving you daily backups, limited only by the number of drives you have.

Another common misconception about raid arrays, is that they have to be in one location.
As the name states "Independent drives" can be located in an infinite number of buildings, world-wide. And for those that believe in global warming, we can even add satellite based independent drives in low earth, or geosynchronous orbit around the planet, and have plans to offer moon storage capabilities in the near future.

>> No.9944834

The fuck is this even supposed to mean. Are you drunk?

>> No.9944839

>Another common misconception about raid arrays, is that they have to be in one location.
words have meanings, and you can just change them any way you like. No one uses, or has ever used, RAID to mean a normal synced drive, it means something very specific and being in one location is one of the things.

>> No.9944840

Are you stupid?
How can a backup be so hard to understand?
It's just a different fucking machine. It has a copy of your data on it. RAID has nothing to do with it.

>> No.9944852
File: 374 KB, 1024x768, looksouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The term "array" existed long before the invention of hard drives. I radio telescope array, can consist of antenna located across the country.
Array means: an ordered series or arrangement
limited only by the smallness of your mind.

>> No.9944854

Jesus you are retarded.

>> No.9944863
File: 25 KB, 470x249, emc-durham-racks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus you are retarded.
that's why the church pays me the medium bucks

>> No.9944896
File: 13 KB, 400x300, 3M-Imation-DC600A-60MB-Data-Tape-Cartridge-Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you that guy who sells tape backup drives on ebay?

>> No.9945196


Help me with some topics to explore and download before the Elsevier empire finally takes them down.Ive explored and hoarded everything pertinent to my own interests already but I want to get as much as possible out of them before they go.

>> No.9945202

look into manuals on hathitrust that are published by the military.
There is some amazing reference material.
Use Hathi Download Helper to rip them.

>> No.9945206

>calling Jesus retarded
you're going to Hell

>> No.9945210


switch your ISP. vodafone is cucked to globalists and patentfags.

>> No.9945214


>on a science board

>> No.9946848

The people who write and review papers are not paid by publishers. In many cases, they even do their own typesetting. Removing publishers’ profits does not change their incentives.

Perhaps you should study economics, or in the likeliest case, stop wasting the time of people who are at least potentially productive with your irrelevant, misguided and unoriginal criticisms.

>> No.9946881

>property rights (e.g. copyrights)
Pick one. Let's suppose that you apply conditions to the initial purchase contract of the book. I can only buy your book if I agree not to reproduce it. Ok. Now supposing I simply leave it on a park bench and someone picks it up and reproduces it? On what grounds can you claim that this guy is somehow bound by a contract he was never party to? He doesn't know you, and you don't know him. A contract cannot be imposed by an inanimate object, and merely writing "you are bound by X contract if you so much as look at this object" is laughable.

>> No.9946901


I don't want excuses I want explications

>> No.9946910

100GB per USD? I can't find anything close to that. Can you provide a link?

>> No.9946931

what should I search for to find the military manuals?

>> No.9946935


>> No.9946945

are there any in particular you would like to share?

>> No.9946954

Elsevier can go fuck themselves.

>> No.9947677

I lost the PIN number for my
Redundant RAID Array of Independent Disks,
may it RIP in peace.

>> No.9948246

LTO-7 tapes have a capacity of 6TB, and typically sell for ~$60-$70 per cartridge. Occasionally Newegg or some other site will have a massive price drop on older inventory and you can pick them up for ~$40 apiece. Keep in mind that the 6TB capacity is uncompressed, so you could actually fit over double that onto the tape (depending on what you're putting on it).

It's been quite a while since I actually bought any tapes, but some quick googling brings up this: w w w dot backupworks dot com (slash) Fujifilm-LTO-7-tape-media-16456574.aspx

>> No.9948326

Holy shit the server is down !

Is this related to >>9937664
or simple technical problems ?

(still more related than a discussion about HDD though)

>> No.9948413

use a proxy, genius.


i weep...

>> No.9948453

Sorry. I have too much self-respect to go around kissing asses for an invite.

>> No.9948523

They are not losing it because probably the peopls who pirate something arent going to buy it anyway. Copyright infringement and piracy isnt stealing, is copying

>> No.9948615

So it will be completely fine with you if I break into your house and eat the leftovers you "probably arnt going to eat anyway"? You'll happily replace the lock I broke on my way in, and clean the dishes I used afterwards?

>> No.9948647

The difference, of course, being that theft results in a material loss to the owner. If you steal my leftovers, I will no longer physically own those leftovers.

If you go on the internet and discover the exact leftovers I have in my fridge, as released for public consumption on my blog, and then manufacture your own copy of those leftovers using that information, you have not "stolen" anything from me. I am in exactly the same state after your actions as I was before. Neither have you broken any locks or dirtied any dishes, because I intentionally made the data concerning my leftovers public. You never had to enter my house at all.

tl;dr your analogy is dogshit

>> No.9948786


shut the fuck up, this has barely any effect on the populace.

>> No.9948889


>> No.9949119


Any anons know where I can cop this shit free? Not on libgen.